Seeing me wake up, the old man looked at me kindly and said, "You woke up again, what do you want to know now? You can ask me as much as you want."

I looked at him in confusion and said: I have many questions, "Who are you? Why was my previous life Chi You? What is my relationship with you? Where are my companions?"

The old man smiled slightly, and then said to me: "It doesn't matter who I am. If you must know who I am, I can tell you that the world calls me the "Sun God". And you are you, and your previous life was Chi You. But you are not him, and you are not from our world. As for your companions, you need to find them yourself, and I can tell you that they are in this "sun realm."

After finishing speaking, he said to me: "Follow me." Then he turned and walked towards the small stream on our left.

I felt dumbfounded and walked behind him silently without thinking at all.

When we reached the edge of the stream, the old man stroked his right hand lightly on the surface of the stream, then turned to me and said, "Come and have a look."

I looked up at him, then walked to the edge of the stream and looked at the surface of the water. I was surprised to find that a picture appeared on the surface of the water like a mirror.

I first saw the water instructor, Jiao Yiming, Lu Yisong and others forming a circle, with weapons in their hands, and countless strange things with wings that seemed to be insects were flying in the sky.

Those flying insects are round, the size of a soup bowl, and the wings on their backs are as transparent as the wings of a cicada. The eyes are very large, accounting for more than half of the head, and the mouth is like a straw, about the same size as its body. same length.

These things hovered around the water instructors, looking for their gaps, and then swooped down, piercing and piercing with their straw-like mouths.The water instructor and the others kept waving their daggers, military shovels and other things to slap them.

Underground, there are already many corpses of these insects, but there are still many of the same kind in the air, circling, flying and swooping non-stop.

I felt the sweat on my head drop by drop into the stream, I turned anxiously to look at the old man and asked, "Where are they now? What kind of insects are they? Will their lives be in danger?"

The old man smiled and shook his head and said: "You need to find them yourself. These insects, including all the animals and plants you see in this world, belong to our world. This kind of insect is called "mosquito cicada". Don't you know it?" Is this thing like the mosquitoes in your world and the cicadas in your world? You can rest assured that they are all here with you, so none of them will be life-threatening."

I looked at the old man suspiciously and asked again: " said them, what do you mean they came with me?"

The old man smiled unpredictablely and said: "Because you have to come to this Sun Realm at this time to untie Chi You's knots, so I said they came with you. Many things in the world are predestined, and there is no way around it." Changed. Do you understand?"

Hearing the old man's words, I felt as if I had realized something in my heart, but it seemed too unbelievable.

At this time, the old man said to me: "You look down."

I hurriedly lowered my head and continued to look at the water surface of the stream. The mirror surface on the water surface suddenly rippled and then returned to normal. This time I saw Xiaowenshu and Zhang Li. In the white, fluffy bird's nest, there are several small and fluffy "birdmen" who are as small as babies.

At this time, Zhang Li and Xiaowenshu were leaning against each other, their backs pressed against the side wall of the bird's nest, holding some bones of animals that seemed to have died for a long time in their hands, and they were desperately resisting the mouths and attacks of those little "birdmen". paw.

Not far from this huge white egg-shaped bird's nest, there are several such nests.I also saw many "birdmen" as big as the "birdman" I met flying around in the air, and some were standing on the huge treetops, looking at Zhang Li and Xiaoliu coldly. The document was fighting with the nest of little "birdmen".

Looking at this scene, although the old man said that their lives would not be in danger, I still felt anxious.

Just as I was anxiously thinking about how to get the old man to tell me how to find them and rescue them, suddenly there was a ripple on the surface of the water, and the whole picture disappeared, turning into clear flowing water and dissipating.

The old man behind me said to me: "Child, you have seen it all. They are all safe and sound now, but you need to find them. Come with me. I have something to say to you."

After speaking, he turned and led me to the hut made of branches and thatch.

I followed behind him in a daze, with questions and anxieties all over my head.

Entering the old man's thatched hut, I saw nothing inside except a stone bed made of reed mats and a very simple black incense burner.

For some reason, the black censer made of material is emitting blue smoke, a refreshing fragrance that refreshes my nervous brain a lot.

The old man pointed to the stone bed made of reed mats, smiled and said to me, "Son, sit down."

I sat down as promised, and then quietly looked at the old man.

The old man came to my side, looked at me with a smile and sat down beside me.Then he said, "I'm going to solve all the doubts in your heart now. You have to listen carefully."

I looked at him blankly and nodded.

The old man continued: "The place you have come to is called the "Sun Realm". It is actually a passage connecting the earth with different time and space, and the Qichongdilongxue is a path to open this passage. In fact, there are many This kind of channel exists, but it’s just that I don’t have contact with the people on earth like me. The different time and space are also called “fairyland” by the humans on your earth. In fact, the people in my world and I are just from another time and space. "Human beings". Our world was produced millions of years before the earth. In your myths and legends, Pangu and Nuwa are all people from our world. They came to the earth and created all creatures on the earth, that is, Say, you are all our children."

I looked at the old man in astonishment, and the shock in my heart was no less than hearing the news that the earth would explode in a few minutes.

I shook my head in disbelief and said, "I don't believe it, I don't even believe what you say!"

The old man kept his smile and looked at me and said, "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, the important thing is that I let you know the answer."

The old man went on to say: "Why are there so many mysterious characters and creatures in your ancient legends, such as: the characters include the Emperor of Heaven, Xuannv, Gonggong...the creatures include dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, etc., that is because human beings on the earth When we first started cultivating and developing this planet, people and creatures in our world participated in it, and then it was recorded by human beings and became a legend."

I opened my mouth wide and stared blankly at this mysterious old man. I kept struggling and struggling in my heart. I told myself in my heart: All these are illusions and falsehoods. . .

The old man seemed to see through my mind. He looked at me with wise eyes, slightly pursed his mouth, and then continued to say to me: "I know you can't accept the reality that human beings are created by highly intelligent creatures from different time and space. Let's not talk about this anymore." Now Chi You has let go of his stubbornness and resentment, as well as the idea of ​​rebirth, and left this time and space that belongs to you. My mission on this earth has finally been completed. The "Sun Realm" will no longer exist, and so will you. Leave this place smoothly, of course, your companions will rely on you to take them away."

I suppressed the overwhelming shock in my heart, raised my head and asked the old man: "How do we get out of here? How can I rescue them from those strange creatures?"

The old man smiled mysteriously, and then said: "You can do everything by yourself. I believe you can do it yourself. I can tell you where they are. If you go up the stream, you will first meet the "mosquito cicada". Trapped companions, and then go straight and you will find your other two companions."

I stood up in a daze, and said to the old man, "Then I can go?"

The old man nodded slightly, then looked into my eyes and said, "Can you keep our conversation a secret?"

I smiled wryly and said, "Of course I won't tell others these things. If I tell them, not only will others not believe me, but they will even treat me like a lunatic."

The old man laughed, then took out a small snow-white round jade from his arms, and handed it to me, motioning for me to take it. I reached out to take it in a daze, not knowing what the old man meant.

The old man said to me: "Child, you hold this jade card, and it will play a great role in your future life. We two are destined, and this jade card has many functions. How to use it depends on you to realize it." The time and space I live in is also very chaotic now, just like what you humans on earth say, there are good and evil. Therefore, there are many supernatural beings on the earth now, and there are also evil and good among them. It's time for you to be careful."

I nodded, looked at the round jade in my hand, and said to the old man: "Then can I go now?"

The old man looked at me kindly and said, "Go, child. You will encounter many strange events in the future, and you will grow up slowly. Maybe we will meet again in the future."

I fixedly looked at the old man, then turned around and pushed open the wooden door made of twigs to prepare to leave here.

Suddenly, I thought of a question, I turned around and faced the old man again and asked, "Is that long black column behind Shenxiao the dragon vein that the Yellow Emperor used to keep Chiyou forever and prevent him from being reborn?"

The old man nodded and said: "That is what you humans think of as the dragon vein, and it is also a fulcrum on which the earth depends."

I nodded, calmed down the emotions in my heart, and stepped out of this small thatched hut.

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