Top Secret Army - Memories of a Secret Army Veteran

Chapter 6 The mission starts from the Zhuang cottage

In the early morning of the second day, the sky was bright, and a group of 9 of us embarked on the itinerary of the mission.What kind of car is our car?Military Jeep!It was still the military jeep we took when we came to the ghost training camp. I remembered the magical or weird phenomena we discovered when we first arrived in the ghost training valley.How did our car get into Ghost Training Valley without any roads?How did it suddenly disappear from my sight and leave the Valley of Ghost Training?My heart was full of doubts and puzzles.The driver is still the bald driver.The water instructor still wore his mask and gloves and sat in the co-pilot.Me, Pang Xiaotai, Xiaowenshu and the big man sat in the back row of the driver's seat, while the short, ordinary-looking young man and a pair of purple-clothed soldiers sat in the back row.They were the two people that the general said were still in attendance.

Last night, after three nightmarish battles against the wolf mastiff, African ghost otter, and waking corpse, the water instructor took us to a room behind the main hall, and let us introduce ourselves to each other and exchanged ideas about each other. Condition.Then, the water instructor brought two more purple-clothed warriors, and they were not masked this time.The water instructor told us that they were the participants and survivors of the mission to capture the "corpse wolf" in Nanjing. I looked at them carefully, and they were also two young people in their 20s, so I didn't see anything special about them.In this room, I knew that the burly man was Meng Xingliang, from Hebei, and Xiaowenshu was a fellow villager.With his introduction, Xiaowenshu was so happy. As the saying goes, when a fellow villager sees a fellow villager, his eyes are full of tears.The two started talking.It seemed that the cruel ghost training was over and everyone relaxed a lot.The short man's name is Jiao Yiming, and he is from Sichuan.That very ordinary young man is Wu Fei, from Tianjin.As for the two purple-clothed warriors, one is taller and fairer called Zhang Heng, and the other is called Ji Haifei.The two of them only stayed in Unit 7171 for nearly half a year, and only cooperated with the national security agencies to carry out armed arrests a few times.According to them, the time they dealt with the "corpse wolf" was the first time they really fought against a master, and the result was heavy losses. Thinking of that roundup, it was like a battle between man and devil!The two of them watched countless comrades fall under the claws of corpses recruited by the corpse wolf, and it was horrible.For many reasons, they did not dare to say more.Alas, I know that the mission so far is bound to injure or even kill someone.But I hope everyone is blessed!

The car is always driving on a steep mountain road, and there are always high cliffs and dense trees on both sides.I discovered one thing, that is, whether we were on the way to the ghost training camp or now on the way to Guangxi, it was the same mountain road, and we did not meet a single person or creature.Not even a sound came.The sky outside the window is always foggy, and the light is always blurred.Neither the sun nor other light sources can be seen.This is really weird!Could it be that. . .We have been walking a road that does not exist in the world?Or is this road a special, secret, dedicated passage protected by the military?I could not understand.Before leaving, the water instructor said that our trip would take 12-3 hours.Anyway, I couldn't figure it out, just like Pang Xiaotai, I also closed my eyes, leaned on the back seat, and began to close my eyes and meditate.However, my mind was always spinning, thinking about some chaotic problems.

Arrived at the room behind the main hall last night, before everyone scattered back to rest.The water instructor asked us to write down the things each of us needed on a piece of paper, and then arranged for people to prepare them that night. He said: "Everyone has their own abilities, and they all need their own weapons and equipment. The task is very difficult, and I hope you all show your true abilities, so as long as you write down the items, equipment and weapons you need, I will let people prepare them for you. For example, Jiao Yiming must have some restraint Items of foreign matter. Then, you write it."

After driving this morning, I didn't see what we needed. Is it in the trunk?Maybe, of course, maybe the people who meet at the destination in Guangxi will prepare it in advance.I was thinking, what I wrote at the time was: one ak47, some bullets, one powerful military flashlight, one of the best military boots, and one of the best military daggers. . .To be honest, I don't have any special skills, so I try my best to choose the items and weapons I need for my own life protection.Of course, I also wrote one thing, here, let’s make a joke first, readers and friends will know later.I hope that what I want will come to my hands as promised.

All the way without words. . .

As a violent bump woke me up from my sleepy sleep, I looked out the car window, huh?Where is this?I saw the sun!Saw the creek and the woods flashing past our car window.It seems that we have walked out of that weird mountain road and finally arrived at what I think is the world!In an instant, the car stopped bumping.Very stable driving on a wide dirt road.However, you can still see the surrounding mountains in the distance.

The car finally stopped.The water instructor turned around and said, "Everyone get out of the car!" We all got out of the car one by one.When I stepped off the jeep, I saw the beauty of nature. This is Guangxi, Guangxi known as "One Hundred Thousand Mountains"?The place where we parked is a beautiful hillside, with not too steep and far-reaching cliff slopes on both sides, and we can see the forest, forest and sea below.The trees are lush and lush, and the sound of running water can be heard.On the west side of the hillside, there is a round of fiery red sun, and in the distance is a stretch of green hills, it is really beautiful in the world!In front of our car is a large building like a stockade surrounded by a wooden fence.The water instructor waved and motioned us all to follow him.I took a few steps forward, and suddenly thought of looking back. When I looked back, it was strange!Sure enough, our jeep and the bald driver disappeared!This time I didn't even hear the sound of the car's engine, and a long dirt road stretched far away.I shook my head and strode forward.

When I approached the gate of the village, I saw a plaque hanging on the gate of the village. There were a few words written on it, but I didn't recognize it. It seemed to be English and Latin, not Chinese characters.The water instructor standing at the front said: "This is the writing of the Zhuang nationality. Before the liberation of China, the Zhuang nationality had only its own language but no writing. After liberation, they created the Zhuang nationality writing with the original pinyin and Latin of the Zhuang nationality. The name of this village It is called "Qingshui Village" because there is a spring of clear water at the bottom of the village, which nourishes the people of the village, so it got its name." It's amazing!I thought to myself, the writing of the Zhuang nationality is actually a combination of Pinyin and Latin!This is really unheard of before.

Walking into the Zhaimen, it is another magical world.The stockade was actually built on several winding earth slopes or hills. The wooden buildings of different sizes are uneven due to the height of the terrain, but they are scattered in order.Most of them are three-storey small buildings. The whole building is made of wood. The roof is the same as our Han bungalows with dripping cornices at the front and back. Of course, the roof is not tiles but thick thatch and mud. of.And every floor is hung with red lanterns on the cornices.From the back of the small building, one can see the terraced fields layer by layer on the slopes or hills.Simply beautiful!Many men, women and children of the Zhuang nationality wore exotic clothes, oh, it should be the traditional costumes of the Zhuang nationality walking around on the street, or doing something in front of their own buildings.

The water instructor led us to walk along a stone road paved with bluestones. I followed quickly in confusion, and asked the water instructor: "Report to the instructor, I want to ask you a question." The water instructor turned his head to look at me, Looking at his eyes from behind his mask, it's still the same as when I saw him for the first time. The pupils of the eyes are very deep and very clear, as if made of water.He said: "You ask!" I said: "Instructor, you are wearing a mask and gloves and walking in the real crowd. Aren't you afraid that others will look at you or frighten others? How do you know the Zhuang language?"

The water instructor stopped, looked at me again, did not speak, and continued to move forward. I followed him with question marks on my forehead and continued to move forward. Seeing that he didn't answer, I didn't dare to ask any more.After walking for about ten minutes, we arrived outside a small building. The water instructor stopped and silently looked at a Zhuang woman who was pounding rice with a stone mortar downstairs. We didn't know what was going on, so we all stopped silently. , looking at the water instructor with a puzzled look on his face.

After a while, the Zhuang woman stood up, probably about to go into the house. Suddenly, she saw a group of people standing in front of her small building and looking at her. When I touched the water instructor, tears began to pour out of his eyes, and I walked slowly towards the water instructor step by step. I happened to be standing on the left side of the water instructor, and I saw that there seemed to be tears in his eyes.The Zhuang woman walked forward quickly, hugged the water instructor in her arms, sobbed and shed tears, and spoke some languages ​​that we could not understand.The water instructor also gently embraced the woman, and kept calling two notes in a low voice. We now understand that the two are relatives!Maybe they haven't seen each other for a long time, so she is his mother?Or wife?Instructor Shui didn't know how old she was, but she had been wearing a mask so she couldn't tell. This Zhuang woman looked about 40 years old.When I was thinking wildly, the water instructor let go of the Zhuang woman and said a few words in the Zhuang language. The woman pointed to a small road behind her small village and muttered something.Then, the water instructor gave the woman a big hug, waved his hand, and beckoned us to follow him.Then walk forward along the path on the left side of the small building.We also looked at each other and walked forward.I walked a few steps and couldn't help looking back at the Zhuang woman, only to see her standing there blankly, looking at the back of Shui instructor from a distance, with tears in her eyes, I suddenly felt very sad!How are you, mother far away?He sighed in his heart, turned his face and walked forward hastily.

Turning around the small building, there is an open terraced field behind, and a large dirt slope turns and extends far away.In front of it is a continuous line of mounds and mounds.We turned around the big slope, and there was a row of houses in front of us. They were houses with our Han characteristics, and there were about a dozen of them.In front of the door of a house in the middle is a sign with Chinese characters "Qingshuizhai Government Working Group, Guiping City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region" written on it.There are two PLA soldiers standing guard in front of the gate.Just when we were about to reach the door, a person walked out, quickly stepped forward and held the hand of instructor Shui and said, "Shui Rouqing? I'm Cen Mingsheng. I've been waiting for you this morning, and I finally let you all wait." We are here." This woman is about 10 years old, very strong, with strong arms, and looks like a soldier.The water instructor let go of his hand and said: "Please call me water instructor, are our things ready? Have you figured out the general location of the corpse wolf?" Cen Mingsheng looked at the water instructor strangely and said: "Don't worry, Water Instructor, I have already distributed the things you want overnight, and they were all ready before nine o'clock this morning, and the specific location of the corpse wolf has been found out, and it is active near Siling Mountain in the west. Our scouts said that they didn't seem to be running away, but they seemed to be looking for something." The water instructor shouted: "What are you talking about? What are they looking for?? Not good!".Cen Mingsheng looked at Instructor Shui in surprise, and said, "What's the matter?" Instructor Shui was silent for a while and said, "Let's go, let's get the things we prepared first." Cen Mingsheng said "Oh", "Please follow me Come." All of us followed this man named Cen Mingsheng into the gate of the working group, turned left and walked into a relatively spacious room with more than a dozen bunk beds. A place to rest on duty.There are some military backpacks on the two beds on the right hand side of the door, each with words on it.The water instructor turned around and found a backpack to carry on his body, then turned to us and said: "Everyone finds their own backpacks according to their surnames. Things have changed. We don't have much time to rest. Put your backpacks on your back. Follow me to stock up on some food and then go!" We all froze for a moment, then rummaged through our backpacks, looking for the one with our surname on it.After a while, they all found their own, and the water instructor said to Cen Mingsheng: "Cen Mingsheng... Big Brother, please hurry up and prepare a meal for your aunt called Fan, we will leave immediately after eating." Cen Mingsheng looked at it in amazement He glanced at him and said, "Why? Didn't you mean to rest for one night and go to Xishan tomorrow morning?" Instructor Shui walked forward without saying a word.I thought to myself: This Cen Mingsheng must know Shui Instructor and his name, so he must belong to this village.But the name of Shui instructor is very strange, what is Shui Rouqing?Like a woman's name?While walking and thinking, we followed Cen Mingshan out of the duty lounge and came to a small courtyard behind the main house.There are several large stone tables and some long wooden benches in the courtyard. The water instructor said to us: "Everyone sit down and rest for a while, and the food will be served in a while. I believe you have done a dozen hours of driving , I ate a few compressed biscuits in the middle, I must be hungry now, everyone will eat more later, and then we will all bring some dried meat and bread, and we will set off."

I thought to myself, well, it's not easy being a soldier, and it's even more difficult being a secret soldier!But until now, there is no other way!An aunt of the Zhuang nationality came out with some black pottery bowls and a large kettle, and first poured a bowl of water for each of us.All of us were indeed thirsty, so we all picked up our bowls and drank in big gulps.Then Cen Mingsheng was standing with the water instructor, talking to the water instructor in a language we couldn't understand.The water instructor has been silent.After listening for a while, he seemed impatient, so he walked away and sat next to us, picked up a bowl of water and drank it.Cen Mingsheng looked helpless, sighed, and walked out.

The water instructor drank a bowl of water, walked up to me, and said to me: "Chu Yunlong, didn't you ask me why I wear a mask to see people, and how do I know the characters of the Zhuang nationality? Now let me tell you, I am Zhuang people, I was born in this village, and the Zhuang woman I met just now is my mother. Why do I wear a mask, and why no one is afraid when they see me wearing a mask? It is because the Zhuang people have a custom. I am because of this A custom mask. But you don't have to know what the custom is. Do you understand?" Then I walked away regardless of my shocked expression.

After sitting for about ten minutes, the aunt brought out some meals, most of which were dried animal meat and bread, and only a few vegetables. Grab it and eat it.Everyone is probably thinking that we will go to Siling Mountain in the west to perform a mission in a while. The opponent is a superhuman corpse wolf. We don't know what the result will be. Can we come back alive? Let's have a full meal first!While eating, I peeked at the water instructor, and saw that he picked up a piece of meat pie and noodle cake, ate a little, and then put it down again.Stand up and watch us eat.I quickly lowered my head and ate again.After about ten minutes, the problem of food and clothing was solved, and the water instructor said: "Everyone put the leftover dried meat and bread into your backpack as much as possible. I don't know how many days it will take us to go up the mountain this time. Try to store as much food as possible. .” When we heard this, we stopped being polite, grabbed the jerky and bread and put them in our backpacks.Been busy for a few minutes.The water instructor said: "Okay, let's go!" and took us out of the working group and out of the cottage. The strange thing is that we didn't see Cen Mingsheng again, and we didn't see him when we walked past the small building where the water instructor's mother lived. The presence of his mother.

After leaving the cottage, the water instructor turned around, stopped and said to us: "Soldiers,

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