Entering the dense forest, the light suddenly dimmed a lot, the air became humid, and the temperature became humid and sultry.The unknown and weird journey began the prelude to unfolding.Perhaps at this moment, each of us is full of anxiety about the hardships and dangers ahead, especially those of us soldiers except Shui instructor and Zhang Li.But it is undeniable that each of us is also filled with the desire and excitement for the adventure ahead and the battle.

After entering the woods for about a few hundred meters, the water instructor turned around and whispered to everyone: "Soldiers, please be careful not to talk casually from now on, make as little noise as possible, and especially pay attention not to step on things that are easy to make noise. According to the wire report , the enemy's active area should cover this range. Everyone should also be more vigilant!"

"Yes!" We agreed in low voices at the same time, and at the same time clenched the various guns in our hands.Began to walk forward cautiously.After walking for another 200 meters, the density of trees began to increase greatly, and the paths often walked by nearby mountain people almost disappeared.And the terrain began to extend upwards.The water instructor made a gesture and stopped.Listen to something.Then turn around and tell us in a low voice that we have entered the west mountain, which is the foot of Siling Mountain.This is the westernmost foot of Xishan Mountain. The water instructor said that this is the most magical direction of Xishan Mountain. Many strange events have happened, and the local people also said that many strange phenomena have happened.The nearby mountain people generally turn to the north or south at about 500 meters after entering the jungle where we are now, and enter the western mountain range to hunt or pick things.And here is the place where the mountain people are very awed.The specific reason may be due to time constraints. The water instructor did not say, and none of us asked.

We sat down and rested for about 15 minutes and drank some water.It was already around five o'clock in the afternoon, and it was already very dark in the woods.The water instructor asked us to wait for her, then got up and rushed into the dense forest ahead, I think she should go to find the way by herself first.Sure enough, within a few minutes, she came back.Then she beckoned everyone to follow her.So, we started moving forward again.It is estimated that after walking less than 200 meters this time, the woods began to become sparse, the feet became hard to step on, and uneven stones began to be seen around.This indicates that we have really entered the West Mountain.

The water instructor walked in front, and we all followed one by one.This is a restricted area for the mountain people, there is no road at all.But it seems that the water instructor has been here before, and it seems very familiar.I saw her walking lightly in front, so we all didn't feel very strenuous.The mountains are getting steeper and the temperature has changed from the sultry jungle to the very cool mountain climate.Suddenly, the water instructor stopped and motioned everyone to bend down and squat down.I saw her pick up a piece of dead wood from the ground, and poke the grass covered under a boulder. I saw her pick up some black powdery things, put them under her nose, sniff them, and then meditate.Everyone knelt on one leg, bent over and looked around vigilantly.I was right behind the water instructor, and I couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Shui instructor, what's the matter?".She looked at me sideways, and said softly: "This is something after the vegetation has been burned. According to my judgment, it has been extinguished for about three or four hours. I don't think there will be tourists or mountain people coming here. If I guess wrong That’s right, this is left by the Corpse Wolf and the others!” After speaking, he stood up, let out a sigh of relief, and said to everyone: “It’s okay, everyone can stand up now.” I thought to myself, don’t you feel anxious? ?Didn't it mean that he was afraid of being killed by a wolf and entered some mysterious place first, and found something important?

Instructor Shui walked to Zhang Li's side, took Zhang Li's hand lightly and said, "Use your ability to see if you can find the approximate location of Corpse Wolf and the others." I was taken aback!The other fighters were also stunned.What ability does a little girl have to predict or find out the specific location of a person within a few kilometers or even ten kilometers away!This is amazing too!Our eyes widened to see what this amazing little girl would do.

Zhang Li looked at our pig-like appearance and smiled, then sat cross-legged on a stone, crossed her hands, and placed her palms on her shoulders.Then I closed my eyes and muttered something in my mouth. In just a few seconds, I saw an incredible thing!Between Zhang Li's eyebrows, a bright spot appeared.Red sparkling highlights.At this moment, I heard Jiao Yiming cry out: "Oh my god! It's the eyes of the sky!" I looked at this magical girl blankly, and suddenly felt that there are countless magical people and events in this world.

After about seven or eight minutes, the red spot between Zhang Li's eyebrows slowly disappeared. She stood up, her face lost its rosiness, as if she had used a lot of energy.She turned to the water instructor and said: "Sister Shui, I saw them at the bottom of a very high cliff, next to a large pool, and there were five of them. But it seems that one of them can sense that I am peeping at them. I I heard someone say something, and then my eyes blurred a lot." Shui instructor thought for a while, and then said: "It's okay, I think the corpse wolf should know that our people are looking for him, it doesn't matter. From what you can see, I know where they are. It's about 8 meters away from us at the foot of Qingling Cliff, next to Black Snake Tan. Everyone cheer up, we're going to speed up!" After speaking, he took the lead and moved forward go.I walked quickly to Zhang Li and asked softly, "Looking at your face, are you tired? Can you persevere?" Zhang Li smiled at me and said, "It's okay! I can do it."

A group of ten of us walked quickly to the Black Snake Tan in Qingling Cliff that the instructor Shui had mentioned.

After about a few hundred meters, a small river or stream appeared in front of it. The color of the water looked a little dark blue in the dark, and some small fish or something in the water occasionally floated on the surface of the water, flashing out. A little bit of faint light looks very strange.The water instructor said: "This stream is called "Little Styx River" in the local legend. It is said that it leads to the underworld. This stream flows to Qingling Cliff where we are going, and then passes through the Black Snake Tan. Drilled into a karst cave at the bottom of Qingling Cliff, and fell into a bottomless underground river that is said to be called the real "Great Styx River." I couldn't help but shudder, it was terrifying!The water instructor went on to say: "Now let's go forward along this stream. We may encounter some strange things or strange creatures on the way. Everyone should be vigilant. Don't fall behind or act at will. Follow my command."

Everyone was nervous when they heard this.Then I continued walking silently. I didn't know why at the time, but I deliberately got close to the stream, wanting to see how terrifying this small river, which the local mountain people regard as the "Little Styx River", would be.At this time, the water instructor discovered my intentions, and shouted to me in a low voice: "Stay away from the Styx!" But before the words fell, I suddenly felt dizzy, as if something in the water was attracting me, and I went to the water all of a sudden. Fall into the river.It was too late to say it, but the water instructor suddenly threw out a green belt, wrapped it around my waist and pulled me back.The dizziness disappeared immediately, and my underwear was soaked in cold sweat.The water instructor walked up to me, looked at me with angry eyes through the mask, and said, "You want to seek death! The creatures in the Styx River are all the souls of people and animals who died unjustly or violently! How dare you go to the riverside?" ?!", I quickly lowered my head and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, instructor. I know I was wrong." The water instructor gave me a hard look, turned and walked away. I touched the cold sweat on my head and saw other Everyone looked at me with strange eyes, but Zhang Li covered her mouth with her hand and laughed at me.Bad!How fucking bad!I sighed secretly, obediently followed the large army and walked forward.

Just now I stood by the "Little Styx River". To be honest, the scene I saw was really weird.The river flows very slowly, and the dark blue water seems to be very viscous.There was still a faint black mist.I also vaguely felt that there were many eyes looking at me inside, as if saying to me: "Come down..." My heart was pounding, and cold sweat was still streaming down.This place is really as scary as the local mountain people said.

In the night, I saw a few tall trees in front of me, and I suddenly thought of something. I walked all the way, since I left the jungle, it seems that I have never heard the sound of any animals or insects, and I feel dead. , it seems that this place is a forbidden area for creatures.Thinking of this, I felt an indescribable, maddening and unbearable atmosphere suddenly suppressed between heaven and earth.I shook my head quickly, trying to get rid of this suffocating feeling.Suddenly, we all heard a high-pitched laugh from a tree in front of us.Definitely not the sound of creatures known to man.The water instructor immediately signaled us to stop, and I saw her body tense up, and a dagger-like thing about [-] centimeters long appeared in her hand as if by magic, which showed a light blue light under the dark moonlight .He looked nervously at a very tall and dense tree in front of him.We all immediately separated into a fan shape and clenched the guns in our hands.Look at the big tree that the water instructor is looking at.

Suddenly there was another sharp laughter that made our hearts tremble, tearing through the night sky, the crown of the big tree suddenly slammed, and a bird-like thing that was estimated to be the size of a millstone flew down from above and rushed towards us.When there was a distance of two meters between us, under the dim moonlight, I saw its appearance. Its shape and appearance were about the same as the owls we had seen, but it was huge in size, and the biggest thing that made me shudder was that it The head is. . .The shape of a woman's head, with loose black long hair.I exclaimed in my heart: My God!What's this?The water instructor shouted: "Everyone, don't shoot, I'll deal with it!" As he spoke, the dagger in his hand shook, and he jumped up to meet the strange bird. Zizi's long wings spread and enveloped the water instructor, everyone exclaimed, and in the water surrounded by calcium carbide flames, the monster bird soared into the sky with a miserable cry, and flew away into the night sky.The water instructor fell to the ground, motionless, with some red blood stains on the dagger that was shining blue in his hand.Everyone hurried forward, and the water instructor said lightly: "I'm fine, everyone keep going."

Later, after this mission was over, I heard Zhang Li tell me that this kind of monster bird is called "Human Face Owl" in the legend. The creature itself doesn't have much attack power, but ordinary people will be terrified by its sharp laugh, and will not move immediately when they see it again, and then it will scratch through the heart with its sharp claws and die.It became its delicacy.

Everyone continued to move forward. With the "human-faced owl" incident just now, we were all a lot nervous, and my palms holding the gun were sweating.What the hell is going on with this place?Will there be any strange things or evil things ahead?My heart kept beating the drums.Dear readers, don't laugh at me for being cowardly when you see this. I believe that anyone would be afraid of the environment and events at that time.

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