Chapter 120 Jealous
The word "heartbeat" made Fang Juexia's eyes widen again, so she is the one who likes to confess to her.

But her situation was different from Jiang Qingmo's.

Dr. Xiao did not say that he liked her. If Jiang Qingmo made a mistake, wouldn't it be embarrassing to ask rashly.

Fang Juexia shook his head twice with a headache, and did not dial out immediately after saving the number in the address book.

When he raised his head again, the person who was talking to him just now had already said hello and strode away.

Leaving the training ground, Jiang Qingmo went straight to the dance studio that Yan Hezhi had contacted her before, and met the teacher who taught her ballroom dancing.

The teacher's surname is Su, he is not very old, but he looks very beautiful.

This beauty does not mean how good-looking the facial features are, but the extremely beautiful bones. Xu Shi dances all the year round, with a light figure and a soft body.

If you don't speak, you won't think he is a boy at all.

But as soon as he opened his mouth—a rough voice reverberated around the dance room from time to time, and then slowly gathered from the four corners, spread to the ear, and exploded.

"Yan Hezhi!!!" Don't worry, Sheng Yu, who sneaked over, grabbed Yan Hezhi's skirt tightly, wishing he could pull his ears off, "This is the dance teacher you are looking for for Momo!"

"Yeah, this one's level is quite high."

Sheng Yu turned around and glared at him angrily, now he just wanted to lift him up and throw him into the dance room.

If it was a woman, he would have tolerated it, but now, it is clearly a man!
How could Momo's waist be touched by other men.

Seeing that he was impatiently preparing to rush in, Yan Hezhi hurriedly stopped him, and said quietly: "Don't forget, you came here secretly."

Who doesn't wish they had a little personal space?His behavior will only make Mo Mo feel more disgusted.


"Oh, don't worry, it's fine."

Sheng Yu glanced at him sideways, and was so annoyed by his attitude, "You don't have to worry, but if Xu Yanxi is replaced by today's matter, I see if you are in a hurry."

Yan Hezhi pursed his lips, spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders, "Then I'm not worried, that Teacher Su is not interested in women."

That's why he hurriedly stopped Sheng Yu who wanted to rush in. If he went in, Teacher Su might not be sure who he liked.


"In this way, you should feel at ease." Yan Hezhiyuan just wanted to make him suffer in his own hands, and didn't really intend to find him a rival in love.

Seeing that he was so anxious that he almost stabbed someone with a knife, he just vomited up.

"You are really good." Sheng Yu gritted his teeth, and when he said that, he immediately dismissed the idea of ​​going in, holding his breath and striding away.

"The one your boyfriend, right?"

When Sheng Yu left, Teacher Su accidentally glanced out of the glass window, and happened to see a tall man turn around and leave.

The well-tailored suit, with its wide shoulders and narrow waist, was even more eye-catching, and he couldn't help but take a second look.

Jiang Qingmo followed his gaze, and the scene that happened in the parking lot before occupied his whole brain in an instant.

With heat on his face, he shook his head again and again.

"Really." The music paused, Teacher Su let go of his hand, leaned against a corner, and took a sip of coffee, "Such a good man, if you don't strike first, someone else will snatch him away."

Jiang Qingmo:? ? ?

He just glanced at Sheng Yu through the window, how could he be sure that he was a good man?
"I, I have traveled a lot more than you." Teacher Su put down his coffee cup and poked her face with a vague smile.

In this way, Jiang Qingmo still conducts daily training at the training ground during the day, and has an extra task of learning ballroom dancing at night.

Sheng Yu didn't say anything, but every day he would go to the dance room and wait until she finished dancing and was about to leave, and then went back before her.

"You're a quick learner. You must have some basic knowledge of dancing before." In just a week, Jiang Qingmo learned ballroom dancing. Even the teacher was amazed at the speed at which she learned it.

Jiang Qingmo didn't intend to hide it, and nodded along with his words, "Professional needs, I have practiced."

My aunt was a famous ballet dancer when she was young, and my uncle specially built a dance room for her at home for her dancing.

When she was young, her eldest aunt would often take her to the dance room, which is considered to have laid some foundations.

"No wonder...the waist is very soft." Teacher Su glanced out of the window from the corner of his eye, and said faintly.

As soon as it reached her waist, the door of the dance studio was broken open from the outside by a person who could no longer hold back.

Sheng Yu strode over with a dark face, and when he grabbed Jiang Qingmo, his tone was not very good: "It's time for practice, let's go."

Whether it's a man or a woman, this person just took the opportunity of dancing to eat Momo tofu.

"Sheng Yu?" Jiang Qingmo was dragged away before he even had time to react, and turned around to say sorry to the teacher, but before he could speak, his face was turned away.

It was the first time she saw Sheng Yu getting so angry.

After coming out of the dance studio, he dragged her all the way without stopping until he got to the parking lot, and stuffed her into the car directly.

"What's wrong with you?" She didn't understand, what kind of stimulation he had received, so he insisted on dragging her out.

Sheng Yu turned sideways with a dark face, and with a snap, he put his hand on the window of the co-pilot, obviously very angry at her who hadn't figured out the situation, holding back his anger, and asked restrainedly: "Ballroom dancing, have you learned it?" .”

Jiang Qingmo glanced down at the hand lying in front of her eyes, and nodded.

"Then why does he still hug your waist?" Sheng Yu never believed Yan Hezhi's nonsense from the beginning to the end.

If that dance teacher was really not interested in women, why did he put his hand on her waist?

"that is because……"

"Your waist can only be held by me." Without waiting for Jiang Qingmo to explain, the warm breath slowly approached, close to the neck.

She was startled, and hurriedly pushed the man away, her lowered eyes were full of entanglement and struggle.

"Sheng Yu, I, we can't..."

Before he finished speaking, Sheng Yu withdrew his hand that was on the window, and then held her wrist, "No one is so magnanimous that other men are not jealous when they touch the person they like, and they can still keep calm .”

If it wasn't for Yan Hezhi's impromptu act, he should be the one teaching her how to dance, not some dance teacher!

Sheng Yu leaned closer, and the lingering breath rushed towards his face.

Such a tough attitude immediately reminded Jiang Qingmo of what happened last time when Yan Hezhi came to visit his doctor.

"Sheng Yu, calm down..."

There was a sudden heat on his lips, and he nibbled twice with a bit of punishment.

Sheng Yu couldn't calm down at all, especially after the first time, he would think of the second, third... or even more.

He has long been tired of the previous way of boiling frogs in warm water. Now that he made the confession, it is impossible to go back to the past.

However this time.

The sudden vibrating cell phone in his pocket instantly broke the beauty in the car, and made him regain a sense of sobriety for a short time.

I took out my phone and saw that it was my mother who called!
(End of this chapter)

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