Chapter 125 Pulled his tie

"Feng, Mr. Feng, I really don't know how to dance." Jiang Qingmo always felt awkward with the sudden hand placed on his waist, so he deliberately danced to the wrong time, apologized in a low voice, and then walked away quickly.

Feng Yuxiu's hand stopped suddenly in mid-air, staring at the fleeing figure, and slowly lowered his eyes.

"...Obviously she danced very well at the beginning."

Jiang Qingmo walked out of the banquet hall quickly and came to the open-air balcony. He was relieved that no one was chasing him.

But before she could let out the breath, a black shadow quietly approached behind her, grabbed her hand and brought it into her arms.

She was about to make a catch, but when she turned around, she found that it was Sheng Yu.

"Lipstick, are you done?"

Only then did Jiang Qingmo remember the excuse he used to leave, pursed his lips, avoided his gaze, and nodded calmly.

"Why are your hands blue?"

He wanted to ask her why she wanted to dance with Feng Yuxiu just now, but he accidentally glanced at the hand he was grasping, and found bruises on the back of the hand with sharp eyes, which made him forget for a moment what he was about to ask.

"Maybe... I was hit by something, it's okay, it doesn't hurt."

Jiang Qingmo shook her head again and again, trying to withdraw her hand but found that she couldn't do so. When she raised her head again, she met a pair of worrying eyes that were only a little bruised on her hands.

The corner of his mouth squirmed, his confidence was obviously lacking, "I will definitely pay attention next time."

"Want to have a next time?" Sheng Yu bent his middle finger and thumb against it, and lightly flicked her forehead as punishment.

Thinking about the person who was pulling her to dance, the feeling of unrest in her heart suddenly surged up again.

"I agreed to dance only with me before..."

"Feng Yuxiu forced me to go." Jiang Qingmo hurriedly explained, and felt something was wrong after speaking.

What is she doing in such a hurry.

"It's not an example."

Jiang Qingmo was thinking about why he had to explain so quickly, before he finished listening to what he said, he nodded along.

Turning his eyes slightly, he missed him out of the corner of his eye, and saw Bai Zhi who had been paying attention to this side.

Thinking of the strangeness he noticed before, Jiang Qingmo didn't know what was wrong with him.

After letting go of his hand, he pulled off his tie and quietly stood on tiptoe.

The moon is in the sky.

The illuminated open-air balcony is as bright as day.

In the banquet hall, there was constant laughter and chatter, and there were endless exchanges of toasts and chips.

Jiang Qingmo couldn't hear anything, her heart was beating faster and faster, as if she was about to jump out.

"Mo Mo..."

Jiang Qingmo immediately let go of his hands and took a step back. Before his toes hit the ground, someone who reacted held him against his back.

"Did Momo tease me just now?"

Jiang Qingmo glanced behind him, pursed the corners of her lips, nodded with a blushing face, then shook her head again and again, poking her neck and said, "What? You are only allowed to tease me, I am not allowed... to tease you?"

"Of course not, you can still tease me a little more."

Sheng Yu's breathing became heavier, and for her convenience, he deliberately lowered his head, implying her to do it again.

"I...I changed my mind, I don't want to..." Before she could finish speaking, her lips felt hot again.

Sheng Yu put one hand on her back and the other on the back of her head, completely denying her any chance to escape.

There is a transparent glass door behind it, no matter who it is, they can see what happened here at a glance.

But he could only see the tall Sheng Yu, and he couldn't even notice the person he hugged and kissed wantonly, at most he could only see the hands holding his suit jacket.

Others couldn't see it, but Bai Zhi saw it clearly, or Jiang Qingmo deliberately let her see it clearly.

If it was a fair competition, she would accompany her at any time. In terms of tricks, Jiang Qingmo's skills were no worse than others.

"It's rare for Mo Mo to be so active. He must be trying to annoy someone." Sheng Yu restrained and restrained him from letting go, and then bit her earlobe, biting gently.

From the moment she took the initiative to kiss herself, she knew that her purpose of doing so should be to anger the person who was peeking at them at this moment.

"You know!" Jiang Qingmo shrugged her shoulders, and quickly turned her blushing face away.

Since he knew, why wasn't he angry?

In any case, her actions are the same as Bai Zhi's, they are all using him to create illusions for the other party.

"Of course I know, but I'm very happy." No matter what the reason was, she took the initiative once, which also showed that she was slowly liking herself.

That being the case, why is he unhappy.

"It's cold at night, let's go in first." Sheng Yu reluctantly let go of her earlobe, smiled and took her hand and turned around.

Looking back, she saw Bai Zhi biting her lip, looking like she was about to cry at any time.

Sheng Yu immediately withdrew his gaze and lowered his eyes, "Is she the one Mo Mo wants to be angry with?"

"Yes." Jiang Qingmo nodded very honestly, "She likes you."

"But I don't like her."

"I know."

It was precisely because she knew that he didn't mean anything to Bai Zhi that she resorted to the bad move just now, just to let Bai Zhi see his attitude clearly and give up voluntarily.

Sheng Yu let out a meaningful sigh, and interpreted her behavior well as seeing that she was jealous when she saw what she had just said to Bai Zhi, so she couldn't wait to declare her sovereignty.

He bent his eyes happily, leaned close to her ear again, and whispered softly: "Would you like to... annoy her again."

Jiang Qingmo looked up suspiciously, and a large shadow was cast on his face.

This time it was facing the direction of the banquet hall.

If Jiang Qingmo only wanted to show Bai Zhi alone, then Sheng Yu's behavior clearly meant to show everyone, especially Feng Yuxiu who dragged Jiang Qingmo to dance but was rejected when he was not paying attention.

"Sheng Yu!" Jiang Qingmo immediately pushed the man away angrily, and hugged his increasingly hot face.

Even if the light outside is dim, you can't do this, in case someone sees you again...

In this scene, not only Bai Zhi, Feng Yuxiu also saw it clearly, seeing Sheng Yu raised the corner of his mouth and looked at him with a smile, a wave of overwhelming anger instantly filled his chest, causing him to take aim at the girls he wanted to approach Son, there was an inexplicable chill behind him, and he didn't dare to come closer.

"It seems that you don't want to see this scene either."

Bai Zhi didn't know, Sheng Yu turned around on purpose to show him, and quickly turned his head away, only to find that the man who was dragging Jiang Qingmo to dance just now was looking out of the glass window fiercely.

My thoughts turned slightly, and I took the initiative to look forward.

Feng Yuxiu didn't even look at her, his eyes were still on the person who was kissed by Sheng Yu and blushed away.

It was him, who showed up too late.

Seeing that he ignored him, Bai Zhi didn't get angry, instead she stood beside him and continued to sigh: "I'm so surprised, obviously I couldn't hate him before, but in just a few months, why did I fall in love with him who was almost so close to me at the beginning?" The person who killed her?"

"What did you say!"

Hearing this, Feng Yuxiu finally came back to his senses, and pressed his teeth against his teeth secretly to be ruthless.

Sheng Yu almost killed Mo Mo!
"You don't know?"

Bai Zhi couldn't help being suspicious. Unexpectedly, this person didn't know about the case that caused a sensation in Tongjiang City five years ago.


This gave her a good chance.

(End of this chapter)

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