Chapter 130 New Development

"Uncle Sheng, why isn't my mother's name on it?" Her mother turned into an unnamed tombstone, and she couldn't even engrave her name on it openly, let alone be buried with her father.

"My dear Mo Mo, as long as you know that she is your mother, that's enough." The man in a neat military uniform squatted down, held her cold little hand, wet his fingertips, and solemnly wrote his mother's name on the tombstone. name.

But after a while, the water stains dried up and the name disappeared.

Jiang Qingmo slapped the glass window with her palm and gritted her teeth secretly. There is no doubt that the other party must have killed her because of her father or mother.

Since, mother's last wish is to hope that she can live well, then no third person should know this secret!
A few days later, Jiang Qingmo specially set aside an afternoon to go to the detention center with Luo Jin.

When they reached the door, Luo Jin didn't go in with her, but just waited outside the door.

Jiang Qingmo glanced back at him, but said nothing, and stepped into the detention center alone.

After seeing each other again after many days, Song Mian was visibly haggard, and the wounds on his face had scabbed over, slanting down from left to right, like a centipede crawling.

The eyes that were originally shining brightly have also been covered with dust.

Wearing a prison uniform, he staggered to the walkie-talkie, carefully sat down next to the chair, and when Jiang Qingmo looked at his handcuffed hands, he subconsciously put them down and hid them.

"Long see." The soft sheep voice was gone, replaced by Jiang Qingmo's smoky voice, hoarse and rough, it hurt people's ears.

"Yeah, long time no see." Jiang Qingmo looked at the person in the glass window in a daze.

If she hadn't done those things, she wouldn't be here now.

"Xiao Cheng... Doctor Xiao, are you okay?"



Song Mian raised her head suddenly, her eyes widened involuntarily.

What should be?

"I don't know where he is. He left a few days ago, and now... he must be sunbathing somewhere abroad."

Jiang Qingmo admired her, at this point, she still misses Xiao Cheng.

Aside from other things, she was devoted to Xiao Cheng wholeheartedly, but unfortunately, this feeling was misused from the very beginning.

"So it's like this, it's okay, it's okay to leave..." Song Mian lowered her eyes, slightly wiped the corners of her stiff mouth, and sighed deeply, "I was wrong about the previous thing, I'm sorry. I know now It's too late to say this, but I still want to tell you."

These days, she has been wondering if the situation would have been completely different if she hadn't secretly changed the bottle of medicine back then, and if she and Jiang Qingmo had gotten along better.

Unfortunately, there is no if at all.

No one will come to save her, no one will tell her that she shouldn't do that.

"You don't need to say anything sensational. You should know the reason why I am willing to come to see you today." Whether Song Mian's actions were sincere or fake, it doesn't matter anymore.

Since you have done something wrong, you have to pay the due price, instead of just saying sorry.

She didn't come here to listen to her nonsense.

"It's Mr. Fan."

"How did you get in touch?"

Song Mian hunched over, picked at her fingernails, and shook her head, "It wasn't me who contacted me, but he took the initiative to contact me. I don't know anything about it except Fan."

Mr. Fan never took off his hat and mask every time he saw her, so she didn't know what this man looked like.


"He should not be from Tongjiang, or he is not very familiar with Tongjiang."

Before they arrived at the abandoned factory by car, Mr. Fan glanced out the window and muttered:

"Tongjiang has developed very fast in the past five years."

She heard this sentence very clearly, so she concluded that this person hadn't been to Tongjiang for at least five years.

Jiang Qingmo narrowed her icy eyes, and when she heard the word "five years", she was sure that this person was the one who kidnapped her five years ago, and then asked with a cold expression, "Is there anything else?"

Song Mian lowered her head and bit her lips. After thinking for a while, she whispered, "One time he turned his back to answer the phone. I don't know if I heard him wrong. I vaguely heard him calling the other party...Miss."

It was a woman who was on the phone with him, and most likely the master behind him.

Jiang Qingmo suddenly frowned, bent her fingers and tapped the countertop twice from time to time, she never thought that the mastermind behind the scenes would be a woman!
In this way, it can't be the mother's business.

After all, the group of people who assassinated my mother back then had guns in their hands.

Could it be the father?
Jiang Qingmo clenched the corners of her lips. After receiving such important news, she felt inexplicably overwhelmed.

If the culprit behind the scenes is really a woman, then Jin Hao's father's investigation back then was all wrong.

"What you should know, I've already told you."

Jiang Qingmo turned back to her thoughts instantly, looked at the person inside the glass window again, and after a while, pursed the corner of her lower lip slightly.

"As long as you perform well enough inside, you can get a reduced sentence. If you really repent and behave yourself after you come out, this time will be the last time we meet." After finishing speaking, he got up and left.

At this time, Song Mian lay on the glass window with a groan, and anxiously asked her back: "One last question, Xiao you like Fang Juexia?"

Jiang Qingmo looked sideways at the back, raised his eyebrows slightly, and answered irrelevantly, "Xiao Cheng likes girls who are sunny and cheerful, and warm all over."

She may not look down on Fang Juexia, who is greedy and big talker, but it is undeniable that Fang Juexia's likes and dislikes are on the bright side.

For Xiao Cheng, who was once stabbed in the back, getting along would not be very tiring, and his thoughts are easy to guess, which is more suitable for him.

Even if he did it again, he would not be tempted by a girl with Song Mian's personality. In other words, she had been thinking of someone who was not suitable for him from the very beginning.

Song Mian completely gave up, slowly put down her hand holding the glass window, and let the prison guards take her away, starting her long prison career.


When Jiang Qingmo came out of the detention center, the sunset was in the sky.

She raised her hand to block the sunlight, and after getting used to it, she slowly put it down, and took out her mobile phone to call Jin Hao's father and tell him the new development of the incident.

Suddenly he raised his head to look at the orange and fiery red sky, secretly calculated the time there, and gave up the idea of ​​calling now.

At this point in time, it should have been early morning over there.

"Brother Luo, the matter is settled, let's go." She let out a breath slowly, put away her phone, walked to the black business car and knocked on the window.

Opening the car door, without waiting to get in, the corner of the mouth of the person in the driver's seat dropped instantly, and he blinked several times.

"Sheng Yu! Why are you? Where's Luo Ge?" Jiang Qingmo scanned the car, but did not find Luo Jin.

He won't drive people away.

"Luo Jin called me not long ago and told me to wait for you. When I arrived, he left."

Recalling the expression on his face when he was about to leave, it probably wasn't because of the training ground.

(End of this chapter)

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