Chapter 134
Jiang Qingmo took Luo Yuncheng away and went into the bathroom, took off the towel from the shelf and put it on his head, and wiped his dripping hair carefully.

Although Luo Yuncheng was not as tall as Sheng Yu, he was still a bit taller than Jiang Qingmo. When he was wiping his hair, he lowered his head while listening to her whisper in his ear, "Dry your hair, or you will catch a cold."

Wearing an ill-fitting white shirt, he looked even more like a child.

Obviously, he is a month older than Jiang Qingmo.

"Momo...thank you."

Thank her for coming to find me, and thank her for pulling me and pulling him back from the darkness again.

Jiang Qingmo paused for him to brush his hair, and then became rude in a blink of an eye, "If you encounter this situation again in the future, come to me with your mobile phone."

She knew that he had a special status, and it was inevitable that he lacked confidence when facing Mrs. Shang Luo, but those things were not caused by him, so why bother to take everything on her own head.

After rubbing his hair into a chicken coop, Jiang Qingmo stopped his hands and sighed, staring at his pair of different-colored pupils and slowly said: "You are not alone."

Even if the whole world abandons him, he still has Luo Jin who is so anxious about making him eat every day, that's enough.

Luo Yuncheng's pupils shrank sharply, closed his eyes, nodded silently, turned his eyes slightly, and inadvertently looked towards the door, and saw Sheng Yu holding the door, looking at them without blinking, like a very The little daughter-in-law who came to catch the rape.

Noticing that he was looking behind him frequently, Jiang Qingmo followed his gaze and turned back, met Sheng Yu's mournful eyes, looked away, and handed the hair dryer to Luo Yuncheng.

"Blow dry your hair before coming out."

She ordered a few words, put down the towel and left.

He was walking towards Sheng Yu, but when she approached, he turned and left.

"Sheng Yu?" She hurriedly chased after her, but the people in front took bigger and bigger steps, so that she couldn't keep up with the people who entered the bedroom while trotting.

Sheng Yu didn't close the door angrily before she came in, but waited for her to chase after her, and then pushed him behind the closed door.

As long as she found that seductive and charming face from her memory, the expression on her face would darken by an inch. She raised her chin and asked through gritted teeth, "Who is prettier, me or him?"

Jiang Qingmo blinked in bewilderment. Is this... comparable?

"It takes so long to think!"

Seeing her delay in answering, Sheng Yu's depression rushed to his face in an instant, and the hand on the back of her head directly provoked the veins.

Jiang Qingmo touched his nose subconsciously, and suddenly smiled, "If I don't think about it for so long, it will hurt your self-esteem even more."

Sheng Yu is good-looking, with strong facial features, and his excellent genes make him unmistakable, of course, if he is compared among boys.

Luo Yuncheng was different. He also saw Yuncheng's face just now, and it was a goblin face.

No matter where it is placed, there is no comparison.

Sheng Yu: ...

Won't it hurt his self-esteem now?
"I am angry."


"I need you to coax me."

Jiang Qingmo faintly twitched the corners of his mouth twice. He had never seen anyone say "come and coax me" with a serious face, and he didn't expect to see such a childish side of him.

She thought for a while, raised her hand and patted his head lightly, "Okay, don't be angry, how about I lend you my most precious thing."

Mentioning this, Sheng Yu's eyes lit up for a moment. Although he knew it would not be that kind of thing, he still couldn't help thinking about it.

The whole person leaned forward again, staring at her lips, and couldn't help lowering his tone: "If... I want it tonight."


Jiang Qingmo frowned in thought, and slowly took out a bunch of motorcycle keys from his coat pocket, "Tonight, it's very windy outside."

Although it's fun to go for a drive, what if you catch a cold?

Sheng Yu stared at the motorcycle key handed to him for a long while, the corners of his eyes almost twitching, "Your most precious thing is... this."

He is not as good as a motorcycle in her mind!
After being hit by Luo Yuncheng's face, the self-confident person was hit hard by a locomotive one after another.

"Usually I wouldn't lend it to others, but you are the first one." She treated him well.

"But that's not what I want."

"Then what do you want?"

As soon as Jiang Qingmo finished speaking, his hand moved from behind the door to her face, lightly brushed the two thin lips with his fingertips, moved along the chin to the neck, and even had the tendency to extend downward.

Her heart tightened, and she quickly held that hand.

"Mo Mo asked clearly." Sheng Yu loves to play tricks on her ears. He exhaled and poured air into her ears, and Jiang Qingmo's hair stood on end in an instant, "What I want, of course, is you, as long as you..."

The last few words were extremely light, as light as a feather, touching her heart one after another, tickling her heart slightly.

Jiang Qingmo blushed instantly, looked away, bit her lip and said "No" stiffly.

"No?" Sheng Yu raised his eyebrows secretly, lowered his hands and hummed, "Then send him back after he finishes eating."

"You dare to threaten me!"

"Of course not, this is just for reference."

He is the master here, and it is his right to invite anyone or drive anyone away.

Of course, this right can be changed for her at any time.

"You call it taking advantage of the fire." Jiang Qingmo understood in a trance that all his previous actions were foreshadowing this sentence, and what was hit was completely farting!
"Then I will only rob you."

Sheng Yu heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside, he quickly moved closer and bit her lip lightly, and he let go before she got angry.

He gave her time for a meal, and after the meal, it was all up to her whether Luo Yuncheng slept on the street in the cold wind or in a warm bed.

It was nearly ten o'clock when Luo Yuncheng was brought back, and it was already eleven o'clock after washing up and having a meal.

After eating and getting Jiang Qingmo's answer, Sheng Yu led the people into a guest bedroom facing south.

"You'll sleep here tonight. You can find everything you want in the living room." After finishing speaking, she didn't even want to look at that face again, and left with arms folded.


As soon as he walked to the door, he suddenly heard the thank you, Sheng Yu couldn't help but slow down, turned his head and explained: "I'm doing it for Momo's sake."

"Then I will too, thank you."

With his back turned to the person, Sheng Yu slightly curled his lower lip, and when he looked sideways at the person, the corners of his mouth dropped instantly, "Thank you so much, then die the little throbbing about Mo Mo as soon as possible."

He didn't like Momo, it was just his dependence in the desperate situation. In other words, Momo's kindness to him made him mistakenly think that he had a liking for Momo.

"What if I say no?"

Luo Yuncheng clenched his palms tightly and stared at the tall figure's back with a vague look in his eyes.

It's one thing to thank him for giving me a place to stay, but it's another thing about Momo.

If you want him to use this gratitude to quit, there is no such easy thing in the world.

In normal times, after hearing this answer, Sheng Yu might have thrown him out a long time ago, but today he smiled uncharacteristically, turned his head with a smile, and did not worry about gains and losses in front of Jiang Qingmo at all.

"Then you should try it."

(End of this chapter)

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