Chapter 140 I'm here, I'm leaving

Black Virus is a hacker who turned out in recent years. His identity is unknown, his age is unknown, and his gender is unknown. In short, everything is a mystery.

But there are also people who suspect that this is a multi-person shared account set up by the authorities to catch organizations that oppose the authorities, such as the underground trading market, from time to time to hit them head-on and frustrate their spirits.

Yan Jing didn't think so, he always believed that the other party was only one person, and that one came and went without a trace, even a voyeur who knew when he ate steamed stuffed buns in the morning and the vegetables stained his teeth!

Thinking of this, the already grumpy person punched the long table out of a groove in anger. The little green-haired boy trembled in fright and almost knelt down. The punch of the boss felt like he could smash his head rotten.

"He won't show up for no reason. There must be some purpose. If the host is burned, you have to chase me. No, even if your brain is burned, you have to chase me." Yan Jing squinted his small eyes, which were full of tears. Full of frost, the powerful aura and coercion forced Lumao to bite the bullet and crawl back to the main screen.

The contest between the two sides lasted from nine o'clock in the morning to the afternoon, and in the end, the other party disappeared from the huge network before the green hair's head was burned.

There is no way, what Jiang Qingmo gave was only ordinary equipment, it was completely incomparable with the set Luo Yuncheng used himself, and it was already the limit to last until the afternoon.

Before the main machine was completely paralyzed, Luo Yuncheng quit very readily, and Yan Jing was so angry that he grabbed the green head of the green hair and almost punched it down.

"Boss, boss, I found out that Virus is trying to hack into our auction system." Lumao panicked, afraid that he would burp before he left a room for himself, and said hastily.

Although still unable to find out the true face of Virus, his purpose is already known.

"so what?"

"So..." Lumao's head may have been overheated, showing signs of jamming, or he was frightened stupid by the boss.

Even if you know the other party's purpose, so what?

Invading the auction system, I only know that he is interested in this aspect, but I don't know what he is looking for, and I can only watch him invade.

Lumao was sweating profusely, and swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva nervously, the voice was so loud that even he could hear it, but he couldn't utter a word of explanation.

Yan Jing snorted coldly, and before the green hair fainted completely from fright, he shook off his green hair and took two pieces of paper from the tissue box on the table to wipe his hands, as if he had touched something dirty just now, after wiping Throw it into the trash can full of sundries and takeaway boxes at your feet.

"Open the auction system for me, even if you don't sleep today, you have to find something for me." The green hair didn't dare to have any doubts, covered the raised hair with one hand, and nodded twice.

He knew that the boss's temper was pretty good now, otherwise, he would have pulled out dozens of hairs.

"The information in the auction system is too large. If I want to further filter, this computer is really going to be scrapped. I'll use my original one." Luo Yuncheng cut off all traces and deleted all used files on this computer. Trace, after exiting smoothly, let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he acted first this time and got a buffer opportunity, so he didn't let the other party intercept him immediately. However, the risk of doing so is still too great. Once he is traced, his identity...

"The original one?"

Jiang Qingmo was a little surprised when he heard that, his original one was at Luo Jin's house, does this mean he wants to go back?
"You can't stay here forever." Luo Yuncheng subconsciously pinched the edge of the hood and lowered his head.

Wouldn't it be more troublesome for them to continue to live, and it was time for him to go back and make a deal.

Even if he wanted to move out, he had to tell Luo Jin, and he couldn't be caught in the middle, in a dilemma.

"Don't worry, if there is any news, I will notify you as soon as possible." Luo Yuncheng thought that she would forget about it when she went back, and then added.

Jiang Qingmo did not agree yet. Firstly, Luo Jin was still accompanying Mrs. Luo in the hospital, so she had no way to do it. Secondly, although she could not understand the codes, she also knew that Yuncheng was doing a very dangerous thing just now.

Invading the other party's system, once caught, his personal safety will be threatened.

"This matter... just let it go." She had no reason to involve others in danger because of her own affairs. "You can stay here with peace of mind for a few days. If you need anything, I will arrange it."

Jiang Qingmo had a hunch that he couldn't be allowed to continue the investigation, at least not now.

Luo Yuncheng saw that she was worried about him, and was a little happy, but he also knew how important it was to her to find out the man's identity, so he opened his mouth, turned around and thought for a moment, and agreed for the time being.

For the next few days, Luo Yuncheng didn't touch any electronic equipment. Black Virus was like a passerby. The chin is thinned out.

"What did you find out?"

The thick metal door of the room was pushed open from the outside. The weather has not been very good these days, and it is always cloudy and sunny, and occasionally there is a big surprise.

Yan Jing was wearing a rainwater-drenched leather jacket. After entering the door, he took it off and shook it twice, and put it on the back of a chair beside him, revealing some white short sleeves stained with black or brown stains.

Wipe off the drops of water on the bun, strode to the main screen, and picked up the half-eaten ham sandwich at the side.

Obviously, halfway through the meal, I went out to run errands.

Lumao twitched the astringent corners of his mouth, a little wanting to cry, but judging from his expression, he knew that the results of the past few days were very unsatisfactory.

Obviously feeling that the boss's anger was skyrocketing, he hurriedly added: "I found out that besides us, there are people tracking Virus."

Compared with Virus, who is comparable to a god, these people are nothing like mud, and their IPs were quickly found by the green hair.

Not only that, but also found that these people secretly stole the item information in the auction system, which is even more hateful than Virus.


"... Nanxun."

Yan Jing, who was gnawing on the cold sandwich, froze for a moment. Compared with being furious at Virus, he was much calmer, but the calmer he was, the more he could feel the undiminished killing intent in him.

"Heh! You are quite courageous."

"Boss, do you want... anti-tracking?"

After finishing the sandwich in two or three mouthfuls, Yanjing twitched the corner of his mouth on a rare occasion, making Lumao's heart skip a beat.

According to the past understanding of the boss, as long as he smiles like this, he is usually holding back some bad water.

"It seems that there are good things hidden in my auction system. Let them come and grab them one after another. If that's the case, then I'll give it to them."

(End of this chapter)

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