Chapter 142 Exposed

Thinking of the crackling in the morning two days ago, Jiang Qingmo's temples felt a sudden pain.

At that time, I only thought that the smashed rice bowls were ordinary rice bowls, but later I learned from Sheng Yu that those bowls cost thousands of yuan each. It's going to be two to three thousand.

To Sheng Yu, the money might be like losing a few dollars, but at any rate, it was a waste of real money, Jiang Qingmo still felt a little distressed.

"I understand what you said, but it's too sudden." Luo Jin didn't have time to accept it suddenly.

"Well, that's right." The other party on the phone was silent for a while, before Luo Jin could speak again: "So why didn't he go back and give you a buffer time?"

Luo Jin: I will really thank you.

"If you don't want him to move back so soon, then try to make him change his mind within these two days." Jiang Qingmo seriously gave a barely reliable suggestion.

There are ten stars in difficulty, the kind that doubles.

Luo Jin almost vomited blood, hung up the phone and paced back and forth at the door of the darkroom, trying to attract the attention of the people in the room with the sound of footsteps.

Unfortunately, it ended in failure.

After holding back for a few days, Luo Yuncheng, who finally returned to the side of the "babies", simply packed up his clothes and sat back on the throne.

Thinking of Mo Mo's previous request, even though Jiang Qingmo finally stopped him from continuing the investigation, Luo Yuncheng once again invaded the auction in the underground trading market regardless of the warning when he thought of the frustrated person who had not been able to find out the man's identity information system.

Strangely, this invasion was much easier than the last one, and the extraterritorial visit didn't even arouse the other party's vigilance.

Being so relaxed made Luo Yuncheng Yin a little uneasy. The two light eyebrows under the dog-gnawing bangs were slightly drawn together, and he always felt that something was wrong, but he was not attacked by the other party's "Trojan horse".

How is this going?

He had more foresight, and used the IP to be fake enough to tentatively access the information of successfully traded items in the auction system.

Sure enough, there was no interception, and he successfully mixed into a bunch of access IPs and hacked into the auction system.

In less than a minute, he successfully found the gold watch from the items that were successfully auctioned.

According to the transaction information, the transaction date was half a year ago, that is, in a large auction at the end of the year, it was auctioned off by a man surnamed Fan at a price of 2000 million.

It happened to coincide with what Jiang Qingmo told him earlier about the man.

Found it!
Luo Yuncheng's fingertips on the mouse were trembling slightly, and finally he was able to help Mo Mo again.

He happily told Jiang Qingmo the news for the first time, and a smile finally appeared on his face.

However, at the moment when he sent the message out, the counterfeit IP was caught off guard by the other party, and the corners of his mouth that were halfway up and not fully raised quickly fell down again, even uglier than before.

Luo Yuncheng's skills are good, but he has too little social experience, so he is easily tricked by others.

Unexpectedly, the other party seemed to be a pool of stagnant water, but it was actually a cheetah waiting for an opportunity to counterattack and prey at any time.

All access IPs are intercepted by the other party, and the speed is too fast to be detected by the naked eye.

Although Luo Yuncheng cut off immediately after finding out, it was too late when he found out, and the other party hacked into the computer.

He immediately destroyed the program carried on the network, cleared all traces, leaving only the mobile phone that blocked the signal early.

Immediately got up, the swivel chair even slid a certain distance after being carried by him.

Luo Yuncheng's face was tense the whole time, always feeling that the matter in front of him was not over yet, as if he had fallen into someone else's trap since he entered the auction system.

"Boss, the people from Nanxun caught Virus!"

Lumao half-consciously stood in front of a large string of codes flying across the screen, yawned and half raised his head, and accidentally discovered that the group who stole the auction item information had created a fake system and let go of the access Permissions allowed many IPs to steal into the system while there were too many people.

However, there was an IP address that went straight to a certain target, and the group focused on this fake IP and implanted a hidden "Trojan horse" into it.

Lumao followed secretly, and soon found out that the source of the fake IP address was in Tongjiang City.

Although I can't confirm it 100%, but I can confirm it roughly. This is probably the Virus.

Black Virus is in the same city as them!
Lumao shivered all over and drove the sleepy bug away in an instant. He was both excited and nervous, and he didn't expect that their opponent was not far away from them, and it was very likely that they were dormant beside them.

Yanjing stayed up two nights in a row, not only to track down Virus who suddenly appeared, but also to beware of the mysterious person who sneaked into Tongjiang quietly, looking for something, his face was tired with naked eyes.

With a fierce face, he was softened a lot due to his fatigue. He was opening a can and hastily poured two sips of life-extending coffee. The green hair howled so abruptly that he almost poured the coffee into his neck.

Knowing that someone really caught Virus, the cursing words stuck in his throat, and his eyes were wider than the green hair.

Immediately afterwards, someone updated the bounty for assassinating Virus in the underground trading network, which has soared from the original 5000 million US dollars to over [-] million US dollars.

The huge bounty has attracted many people's hearts, but they also know that they can't find Virus at all. Even if they know the address, they can't openly turn over the whole Tongjiang.

Luo Yuncheng discovered this situation through the terminal, his hair stood on end, he helped open the door and put on his shoes, and ran out again before he could say a word to Luo Jin.

These people already knew that they were in Tongjiang, so he had to avoid them quickly to prevent Luo Jin from being implicated.

After he ran away, Luo Jin still kept reaching out her hand, and was stunned for a while, not knowing what happened to him.

It's just that when I chased to the door, the phone rang at the right time, and I clicked on it to see that it was Jiang Qingmo who had just called not long ago.

After receiving it, the other party said eagerly, "Where is Yuncheng!"

Jiang Qingmo usually does not carry his mobile phone with him during training. He only stopped training when he heard the mobile phone on the side suddenly light up.

Going over to pick it up, I found that Luo Yuncheng had sent her a message, but at this point in time, why would he send a message to himself for no reason?

Jiang Qingmo clicked on the unread frame suspiciously, and saw this sentence: "Fan Lei, from Nanxun."

This surname reminded her of what happened a few days ago.

He never expected that he went to investigate the man's information again. Although he found some relevant information, Jiang Qingmo felt uneasy because of this. He always felt that something was going to happen, so he immediately called Luo Yuncheng .

Unexpectedly, the call could not be answered for a long time.

In desperation, she had no choice but to call Luo Jin quickly. At this time, he should not have left the house yet.

"Yuncheng just ran out again."

Luo Jin was confused, and while talking on the phone with her, he took the elevator downstairs. By the time he reached the first floor, he had already run away.

"Momo, what's going on?"

Luo Jin was in a fog, but she also knew that she called immediately after Yun Cheng ran out, it must be related to this matter.

"I'll talk about the explanation later, and I'll try to get in touch with Yuncheng." When he learned that he had sent her this sentence, he ran out. Jiang Qingmo's face changed suddenly, and he stopped training. He casually put on a black hoodie The sweater leaves.

"Jiang Qingmo, you're being lazy again."

When Lu met Fang Juexia, Jiang Qingmo carried the backpack in one hand, waved his hand backwards, and spoke very fast: "Make it up next time."

(End of this chapter)

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