The group pet Xiaojiaobao is an almighty boss, beautiful and sassy

Chapter 155 Waiting for the flowers to bloom, I wish people have returned

Chapter 155 Waiting for the flowers to bloom, I wish people have returned

"This is... what the clown means." Fang Juexia leaned forward to take a look, and said softly.

Jiang Qingmo glanced back at her, then dialed Adjutant Zhou's phone number to ask him if he had found any new clues, and then told him about the name engraved on the collar, and told the police through his mouth, no accidents, This should be an important clue for them to find the dog abuser.

Adjutant Zhou heard that he would arrive within 10 minutes.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Qingmo put down the collar, thought for a while and asked the doctors and nurses, "Do the other dead people also have collars around their necks?"

The doctors and nurses thought about it for a while. As far as the dogs sent to them were concerned, their necks were all empty, but this one was rarely wearing a collar.

"Yes, it seems that this is the key point." Jiang Qingmo said, turning his gaze to Xiao Bianmu in the ambulance cabin again.

The only one that survived probably escaped. It escaped alive so that the collar around its neck was not removed after death.

"You're really brave." Jiang Qingmo suddenly smiled when he met those eyes that were getting clearer.

The two stayed in the store until the adjutant Zhou Zhengzhou hurried over 10 minutes later, sealed the collar and chain in a plastic bag and handed it to him.

"I'll take it to the police station immediately."

Zhou Zheng, as his name suggests, looks like Zhou Zheng, taciturn, and strict in doing things. This is why Second Master Sheng is willing to bring him back during this trip. The most important thing is that he doesn't talk much.

After receiving the plastic bag, Zhou Zhengcai asked, "Miss, do you need me to take you home?"

Jiang Qingmo glanced at Fang Juexia, who was staring at Zhou Zheng, and shook his head, "Go first, I'll take her home."

Zhou Zheng didn't say much, he nodded his head in good faith, and when he left, he nodded politely at Fang Juexia, leaned on his heels, turned and left.

"Jiang Qingmo, you have too many good-looking guys." After Zhou Zheng left, Fang Juexia directly turned into Star Eyes.

With Second Master Sheng here, are you afraid that she won't be able to pick good ones in the future?
Oh no no no.

"You, your friend and that neighbor's brother, how are you doing recently?" After Zhou Zheng left, Jiang Qingmo also left the pet hospital and sent her home. On the way back, Fang Juexia held back for a long time, carefully gossiping.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words came out, the speed of the locomotive suddenly started to accelerate. She was so scared that she hugged Jiang Qingmo's waist tightly and screamed: "Jiang Qingmo! Are you going to knock Miss Ben to death?"

It just so happened that there was a red light ahead, and after she said this, Jiang Qingmo slammed on the brakes, and Fang Juexia bumped into her back unexpectedly, grinning in pain, and as soon as she raised her head, she met Jiang Qingmo's gaze.

"You... I'm just asking casually." Fang Juexia's frightened instantly fell upon that hidden and turbulent gaze.

Seeing her appearance, there is no need to ask any more.

"By the way, the prince of the Sheng family, I haven't seen him much recently." Fang Juexia's original intention was to change the topic so that the atmosphere would not be so awkward.

Unexpectedly, after asking this sentence, Jiang Qingmo's complexion turned darker, and he replied in a low voice: "He is on a business trip."

Even when she was on a business trip, she had to write a letter back, which disturbed her mood for no reason.

After that, Xu Shi could see that she was in a bad mood, Fang Juexia tactfully did not speak again, but the thin layer of mist in his heart seemed to be about to disperse.

The prince of the Sheng family is on a business trip, so there is no car to pick him up during this period, so why is there no exquisite breakfast?
Could it be... Could it be!
Those breakfasts were made by the prince of the Sheng family himself!
But after all, Jiang Qingmo was just the adopted daughter of the Sheng family. Was the crown prince of the Sheng family so kind to his sister?

and many more.

Neighbor's brother, neighbor... adoptive brother!
The corners of Fang Juexia's eyes twitched unconsciously, always feeling as if she had reached the truth, and the turbulent waves surged in her heart over and over again. She opened her mouth to ask several times, but she was suppressed by reason in the end.

She knows the boundaries and measures, since this is Jiang Qingmo's business, it's better for her not to ask.

Dim street lights lit up on both sides of the street.

After Jiang Qingmo sent her to the door of the house, he turned the car around to leave, but when he left, he was stopped by the person who got out of the car in time.

"Well, I just asked those words casually just now, don't worry about it."

"what did you say."

Fang Juexia was worried all the way, whether their relationship would deteriorate because of what happened just now, and she would say this more after getting off the car, but Jiang Qingmo did not expect to answer like this.

She took off the helmet and put it back, scratched her temples and smiled, "It's nothing, be careful on the road."

Jiang Qingmo nodded.

Benelli quickly disappeared from sight. Fang Juexia stood at the door for a while before looking away, muttering to himself: "It seems that the life of this top wealthy family is not as easy as imagined."

After leaving, Jiang Qingmo had the energy to think about the letter in the backpack and, that person.

Galloping on the street full of big cars and small cars, suddenly changed direction and drove towards Qingshui Bay.

She hasn't been here since Sheng Yu went on a business trip, but the road is still familiar.

On the way here, she also bought a pot of cactus at the flower shop. She heard from the boss that this pot of cactus grafted in spring will bloom small yellow stamens in autumn if it is taken good care of.

She hoped that when the flowers bloomed, the owner of the place would have returned.


The locomotive pulled into the parking lot, and as soon as it stopped, Jiang Qingmo heard someone calling her.

Sheng Yu!

She turned her head immediately, and found that the person walking towards her was Feng Yuxiu, she felt indescribably disappointed, and nodded politely when he approached.

Jiang Qingmo: "You live here too?"

"Yeah, it's been a while since I moved here." Feng Yuxiu pulled off his mask, squinted at the pot of cactus, and asked with a smile as usual in front of her, "Did you just come back?"

"Yeah." Jiang Qingmo neither dislikes nor likes him, more like a stranger who has only met once or twice, so he is not used to his overly familiar tone, "I still have something to do, so I will go up first. "

"Together," seeing that she was about to leave in less than two sentences, Feng Yuxiu blurted out, and then added another question, "How about it?"

They lived in the same building, but one was on the 18th floor and the other was on the 22nd floor. The floors were not too far apart. Jiang Qingmo had no need to refuse, and nodded in agreement.

"However, you are a public figure, so you should wear a mask. If you are photographed by reporters, we can't tell."

Famous film stars and figure skaters, even if it's nothing, those entertainment journalists will write something eye-catching.

She didn't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Feng Yuxiu paused, and hesitantly put on his mask.

"A few days ago, that woman contacted me." Entering the elevator, he found that she was deliberately standing far away from him, Feng Yuxiu lowered his eyes and spoke again.

He knew that as long as this was mentioned, Jiang Qingmo would turn his attention.

"What does she want you to do?"

Feng Yuxiu shook his head, "She only told me that Sheng Yu went to Country F on a business trip and would not be able to return for a while, so she asked hurry up."

Jiang Qingmo was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, then lowered his head and smiled after a while, "Then what is your plan?"

(End of this chapter)

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