Chapter 164 Imprisoned Princess and Knight
Realizing that he accidentally poked someone's pain point, Jiang Qingmo hurriedly apologized.

Everything is changing, and I didn't expect the child to leave in the end.

"It's okay, it's okay. In the last few years, he actually lived quite happily." If it weren't for Jiang Qingmo's kind deeds to his younger brother, he probably wouldn't be able to survive these few years.

Now this result is already considered very good.

"Mo Bao, come on for the Winter Olympics, I will always support you." Shen Tangli squeezed the red corners of her eyes, and put on a heartless look as usual.

What happened to the younger brother was not caused by Mo Bao. They were already very satisfied to have the "dancing solo" three years ago.

Near nine o'clock in the evening, Jiang Qingmocai separated from Yang Hua and Shen Tangli, stepped on the scooter with long legs, looked up at the crescent moon above his head, and recalled the events of the year again.

"Sister Jiang, will it be easier if you die?" The child in the wheelchair had a stubborn face, exactly the same as before.

After saying this, Jiang Qingmo's thumb and forefinger slightly bent, brought them to his forehead, and before the child could react, they flicked with a bang.

"Say something stupid, if you die, you will lose everything."


Jiang Qingmo raised her head and blinked, exhaled foul breath, and drove to the pet hospital. Before the hospital closed, she picked up the little Bianmu who had been there for more than half a month.

After completing the formalities, Jiang Qingmo didn't ask for a cage, and directly stuffed "Zao Zao" into his clothes and took it away.

"Wang! Wang!"

"It's cool when the wind blows, follow me from now on, early."


Coming out of the hospital after half a month, I was the first to experience the feeling of the lingering gust of wind rushing towards my face, and I couldn't even open my wet eyes.

Jiang Qingmo finally brought it back to the manor. With Aunt Qin around, it is guaranteed that it will be fat and strong early, but if she stays with her, it will probably be starved to the point of being a dog, so I still hand it over to the Aunt Qin took care of her the most securely.

"It should have only been more than two months."

Aunt Qin looked serious, but she actually loved animals very much. She even donated a lot of money to the city zoo every year for this.

But if I like it, I like it. Since the dog I raised died of old age 12 years ago, I have never raised other animals. Suddenly, a dog was stuffed in the arms of the lady, and half of the body froze.

It wasn't until Zao barked and licked her chin that people came back to their senses in a hurry.

"The doctor said, it's been more than three months, but I lost a lot of weight due to an accident a few days ago." Jiang Qingmo said as he took off his helmet.

If it weren't for that incident, it would have been a circle or two bigger than it is now.

"Poor thing, I'll get someone to get you some food." Aunt Qin strode away with Zao Zao in her arms.

With the small one, Jiang Qingmo was also forgotten in a blink of an eye.

"Aunt Qin is still the same." At this time, Second Master Sheng had just returned from the outside, and when he stepped into the door, he saw Aunt Qin holding a very well-behaved puppy, as if there was wind under his feet.

But that's fine, there's no one at home, so it's good to have a pet to keep them company.

"Momo, I have something to tell you."

Withdrawing his gaze, Second Master Sheng turned his attention to her with a straight expression, and the two followed to a study room with better sound insulation on the second floor, but Zhou Zheng failed to enter.

Jiang Qingmo glanced at the people standing outside, and after closing the door, turned around and took two steps forward to speak first: "Is there any news about that incident?"

She didn't know why her father didn't leave after he came back, but she also vaguely understood that most of the reasons were due to her, and the only thing she could think of was the previous incident.

"Well, but at present, we can only infer that the other party is probably from Nanxun." Second Master Sheng didn't talk nonsense to her, and he didn't intend to hide it from her, and he knew it wouldn't last long.

Jiang Qingmo suddenly thought of the message Yuncheng had sent him earlier, that the man surnamed Fan happened to be from Nanxun as well.

She couldn't believe such a coincidence.

"Father, you have forbidden me to intervene in this matter many times. Is it because this matter... has something to do with my biological father."

Jiang Qingmo thought and thought, bit her lip and said her guess, the only possibility that can be thought of now.

She doesn't know who her biological father is. In her father's words, her biological father's identity is an encrypted file and is not known to the outside world. As for her mother, her identity is even more mysterious. It is not even known whether she is from Huaguo.

Knowing that what happened five years ago was probably caused by her parents, Jiang Qingmo occasionally wondered, who were her parents?Why do those people have to cut grass and get rid of her roots?

Second Master Sheng didn't expect her to ask so bluntly, his expression froze for a moment, and he pursed the corners of his mouth, as if he still didn't intend to tell her the truth of everything, he just said plainly: "Don't think too much, no matter what those people do, Whatever means, father, the Sheng family will do their best to help you."

He was always like this, only saying something to comfort her, but unwilling to reveal a little truth.

Jiang Qingmo understood that this conversation was still fruitless, so he didn't ask any more questions.

She believed in her father, but after this incident, she didn't want to continue to be kept in the dark, she lowered her eyes, said good-bye obediently, and left the study very readily.

As soon as he opened the door, he looked up and saw Adjutant Zhou standing upright at the door. Jiang Qingmo glanced sideways at the people in the study, held the doorknob and closed it, and raised his lips at him, "Adjutant Zhou is really dedicated to his duties, I don't know Yes, I thought you were eavesdropping here."

Zhou was unmoved on the front, and when he slowly raised his eyes, he kept looking at the girl in front of him, and said with a pleasant face: "Miss is joking, it is my fault to protect the officer."

"Really, then... take good care of it, and don't step on the wrong door."

Jiang Qingmo let go of the doorknob and strode away.

After she left, Zhou Zheng didn't go in hastily, and his originally gentle eyebrows became extremely sharp immediately after she left.

It seemed that she really knew something.

Keeping this Jiang Qingmo is indeed a disaster.

Zhou Zheng squeezed his two hands tightly against the seam of his trousers in an instant. On his harmless face, there was an extremely strong killing intent lurking. If she really threatened him, then don't blame him for doing it again.

Because it was the first time for Little Bianmu to visit Sheng's house, Jiang Qingmo stayed overnight for the convenience of taking care of his emotions.

Lying on the bed tossing and turning for half a night, I would always think of the words my father said to her in the study, as well as... his expression.

Who were her parents?
In the only five years we have been together, my mother has always been very gentle. In order to support her, she often looks for work outside.

At night, he would coax her to sleep softly and tell her the story of "The Imprisoned Princess".

She probably forgot about the content of the story. She only remembered that when her mother told the story, her light blue pupils always reflected the feelings she couldn't understand.

"The imprisoned princess and knight lived a happy life, if it is true, how wonderful it would be..."

Before the consciousness was taken away by sleepiness, Jiang Qingmo only heard such a sentence half envious and half regretful.

Those words, like mother's feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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