Chapter 170 She Was Born Noble

Yan Jing pondered for a moment, then nodded to Jiang Qingmo's commission, and when he turned around, he saw Luo Yuncheng standing not far away staring at him desperately, raised his eyebrows and eyes at him, and left whistling very badly.

Back at the rented barbecue stand, I saw Lu Mao receiving customers who came to buy roasted squid, and my good mood disappeared in an instant.

Do you really think they came here to set up a stall?

Yanjing twitched his eyebrows twice, tried his best not to beat Lumao, after he handed the roasted squid to the guest, he grabbed him by the neck, packed up the stall and left.

"Boss, don't we need to protect the proprietress?" Lu Mao was very puzzled, this stall costs 200 yuan a day anyway, wouldn't it be a waste to just leave like this.

As soon as the words were finished, Yan Jing turned around and glared at him, hating that iron could not become steel: "Isn't earning extra money more profitable than barbecue?"

The extra money he was talking about was different from the ordinary money. The money earned from one extra money was enough to cover half a year's income.

So upon hearing this, Lumao didn't dare to talk anymore, and he was hoping to make more money to support his family's "little princess".

The two cleaned up the barbecue stand, and quickly left the beach. When Luo Yuncheng avoided other people to find him, there were not even the remains of the barbecue stand, let alone people.

Now he was even more sure that the idiot followed Momo on purpose, and his dissatisfaction and rejection of Yanjing was even more extraordinary.

That kind of street gangster dares to Xiaoxiang Momo!

After leaving the beach, Yanjing sneezed abruptly as soon as he received the photo from the proprietress, rubbing his itchy nose always felt that someone was secretly scolding him behind his back.

The first thing that came to mind was the little boy in the beach. Thinking of what happened just now, that boy must have misunderstood his relationship with the proprietress.

"Boss, the target appears."

Lumao later learned that it was to find out the real culprit of the dog abuse incident, and a raging fire ignited in his eyes, hotter than the scorching sun outside.

If he dared to hurt his family's "little princess", he had to beat that person until he didn't even know his own mother to relieve his anger.

"Zhou Zheng, what exactly do you mean?"

Bai Zhi took a sip of her coffee and put it down, completely puzzled why he invited herself to such a place, didn't it mean that Jiang Qingmo came here for vacation, he was not afraid of being discovered?

Zhou Zheng, who took off his military uniform and put on ordinary clothes, always exudes looseness and unruly, which is completely different from the man who followed Second Master Sheng. He raised the corner of his mouth and smiled and said, "Jiang Qingmo is already suspecting us Yes, you idiot."

Just because of the dog abuse, she almost made him reveal his secrets. If she didn't see that she was useful, she wouldn't have let her go so easily before.

Bai Zhi's heart skipped a beat, her slightly pale face was a little loose, the impact of the previous sentence made her forget that Zhou Zheng scolded her for being an idiot.

But he still pretended to be calm and asked back, "So."

"If you stay still, you will be found out one day. Bai Zhi, if the Sheng family finds out that you participated in what happened five years ago, do you think Second Master Sheng will be able to spare you lightly?"

For the sake of this adopted daughter, Second Master Sheng even decided not to marry a wife for life, just to prevent the adoptive mother from having any chance to bully Jiang Qingmo.

If he really found out the truth, let alone Bai Zhi, even the Bai family would be affected.

On this point, he believed that Bai Zhi would not be unclear.

"What do you mean... to strike first?" Bai Zhi was not stupid, so he couldn't tell that he was going to push himself out as a victim.

If you want to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, it depends on whether she agrees or not.

"Now we can live in peace only by killing Jiang Qingmo, may not know her true identity, she is much more noble than a child born to a junior like you." No, it should be said that there is no one in the entire Huaguo better than her A higher-born existence.

But it was also because of this that Jiang Qingmo had to die, and died in Huaguo as the adopted daughter of the Sheng family.

The phrase "the child of the third child" made Bai Zhi's face darken in an instant, and after listening to his ambiguous words, he lowered his hands on his knees and squeezed them tightly. Jealousy shows in the face.

"No matter what method you use, I must kill Jiang Qingmo. This time, I must not miss again." Zhou Zheng gave her an ultimatum.

This is Bai Zhi's last chance, and it is also his last chance.

Lu Mao put away the mobile phone that was stretched out to take pictures, stared at the man in the photo for a while, and looked up at his boss in surprise.

These two are plotting to kill the proprietress!

"Shh! Let's leave first." Yan Jing passed by Bai Zhi and Zhou Zheng with a feigned ease, hooking her green-haired shoulders.

I thought the job Jiang Qingmo entrusted was easy, but I never expected to hear such explosive news.

Leaving the hotel coffee shop, Yanjing just let go of the hand on Lumao's shoulder, and asked in a deep voice: "That man, can you find out?"

"Don't worry, Boss." The green hair puffed up his chest and patted it. Although he was not as good as Virus, his green hair was not bad.

As long as there are photos, he can find out about the three-year-old man peeing his pants.


"What does this person have to do with the dog abuse incident?" Or, why did the proprietress let them secretly follow this person?
Yan Jing, who had always had a bad brain, lowered her eyes, looked back at him coldly, and thought: How could he know.

But his eyes, which were ready to smash people's heads to pieces at any time, made Lumao dare not ask any more questions.

After getting the photo of the man and the woman opposite him, he went back to the room to investigate, leaving Yanjing nearby to monitor the couple.

He didn't say, since Jiang Qingmo specifically asked him to monitor this man, and specifically mentioned the previous dog abuse incident, if the prediction is correct, Tangyuan should have been poisoned by these two people.

Moreover, these two people seemed to have some feud with Jiang Qingmo, so much so that they wanted to get rid of Jiang Qingmo.

Yan Jing took out her mobile phone, hesitating whether to tell Sheng Yu about it or not, she turned her head to think about Jiang Qingmo's entrustment, put away her mobile phone after a while, and did not leave the coffee shop until Zhou Zheng and Bai Zhi separated, and returned to the beach.


As soon as he stepped into the beach, he was stopped by someone on his back, and when he looked back, it was that little boy again who dared to come looking for him.

"What's the matter?" Yan Jing crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows at him. He wouldn't mind the heat in such a hot day unless he was wearing a hat.

Thinking of this, he froze for a moment, and suddenly remembered the boy's eyes that were different from ordinary people.

Is it because of those unique eyes that you need to wear a hat?That being the case, he might as well stop following Jiang Qingmo.

"Let's just say it first, Jiang Qingmo and I are not in the relationship you imagined." It was rare for Yanjing not to get mad the first time he saw him.

Judging from his relationship with Jiang Qingmo just now, this little boy is definitely unrequited love.

In this way, he didn't need to worry about Sheng Yu anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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