Chapter 192 That rose, that person
In the current situation, she could no longer sit still. If she wanted to rescue Jiang Qingmo, she had to find a way to get in touch with the outside world.

Leaving the room, before Feng Yuxiu came back, Lin Shuang hurriedly ran in the opposite direction, and left through the back door according to the topographic map in memory.

As long as you go out, you must be able to find a way to notify the people outside.

Being inexplicably stuffed with a note, Jiang Qingmo lowered his head sluggishly, froze for a moment, and opened it.

"Momo, it's time to eat."

Feng Yuxiu opened the door and came in, put the meals he made by himself on the small table, walked to her side with a smile, squatted down and brushed off the hair on her face, and asked, "How do you feel today? Can you get up? Or ...I'll carry you over."

Jiang Qingmo subconsciously shook her head, clutched the note in her hand, and slowly got up from the couch.

As a result, as soon as he stood up, his body staggered. Fortunately, Feng Yuxiu supported him in time so that he didn't fall down in embarrassment.

"Look at you, let me support you."

Feng Yuxiu was very patient with her, knowing that she didn't want to be hugged by him, he helped her step by step to the coffee table and sat down.

"Your health is not good yet. Eat some light food for the past few days. After a few days when your health is better, I will make something else." Feng Yuxiu picked up a bowl of shrimp porridge and blew it on her. before.

Looking up, he found that Jiang Qingmo had been staring at him.

"What's wrong? Is there something dirty on my face?"

"You can cook too."

Jiang Qingmo didn't know why the word "also" was used, but subconsciously, there was someone like him, oh no, better than his cooking skills, she could cook anything she wanted.

When Feng Yuxiu heard the word "also", the corners of his eyes twitched unconsciously, but his expression didn't change at all. He patted her head with a smile and stood up.

"You eat first, I'll go out for a while."

Jiang Qingmo didn't move his chopsticks until after he left.

Seeing him closing the door, Fang unfolded the note tightly held in his hand. There was no extra words on the paper, but he just told her to leave quickly.

She remembered that the woman had cooked porridge for herself, so she should belong to Feng Yuxiu, but since she belonged to him, why did she let her go?

Feng Yuxiu... Who the hell?
Her head hurts.

Jiang Qingmo covered her forehead, she couldn't remember anything even though her head wasn't hurt, but the only thing that was certain was that she forgot a very important person.

That person was not Feng Yuxiu.

After eating, Jiang Qingmo tore up the note and threw it into the trash can, walked to the door bit by bit, opened the door, and walked out with two unusually heavy legs.

There is a small pond in the yard, and a few saplings are planted beside it, but now in winter, there are no green leaves at all.

Jiang Qingmo leaned on the wall and walked out towards the exit of the yard. A large section of cold wind poured into her mouth and neck. Compared with the warm and comfortable room inside, the cold outside made her shiver a little.

But even so, she still wanted to come out, get out from here.

She wanted to remember, the person deep in her memory.


As soon as he walked to the gate of the courtyard, a gorgeous red rose suddenly fell into view.

Jiang Qingmo stopped walking, slowly raised her head to look at the hand that stretched out the flower, followed that hand up, as if she saw someone in a daze.

"Sheng Yu..."

As soon as the words fell, the person in front of him turned into Feng Yuxiu.

"Is Mo Mo bored in the room? I'll take you for a walk in the greenhouse." Feng Yuxiu pretended not to hear that sentence, and smiled to hand her the rose in his hand, but she cleverly dodge.

"I don't like red roses, and I don't want to go for a walk. I want, I want to go back."

As soon as these words came out, Feng Yuxiu couldn't hold back his kind smile anymore, and took two steps closer to hug her waist, his eyes flushed.

"Go back? Where are you going!"

"Go back to where I should go, Feng Yuxiu, your illusion medicine is useless to me, I am very grateful to you for saving me, but I have to go back now."

She didn't know how long she had been here, Sheng Yu must have gone crazy.

Feng Yuxiu's face changed again and again, and the hand around her waist slowly strengthened, restraining and restraining: "Do you know how many people want to kill you outside, it's safest to stay here of."

Even if he took the hallucination drug, he wanted to go back to Sheng Yu's side, but when Sheng Yu protected her well, that man would only talk about it, and he couldn't do anything at all.

"I can't just avoid it."

"Momo! You can't go..."

Why don't phantom drugs work anymore?What exactly brought her back to her senses?

Feng Yuxiu hugged the man in a panic, and glanced at the thorny rose in his hand out of the corner of his eye, could it be - this flower!

He grasped the rose tightly for an instant, letting the thorns on the vine penetrate into his palm, and before Jiang Qingmo could push him away, he took out a champagne from his pocket and covered her nose.

Soon, Jiang Qingmo was immersed in the strong fragrance again, and his expression began to be in a trance.

"It seems that the dose should be increased."

"Master, he escaped through the back door." Before he could carry Jiang Qingmo back, two people came out from the path and replied in a low voice.

Man, naturally refers to Lin Shuang.

She was originally Feng Yuxiu's person, no one set up defenses against her, and gave her a chance to slip out.

If she was allowed to successfully rendezvous with Sheng Yu, that person would definitely find her here soon.

"Master, otherwise..."

"Let her go."


Feng Yuxiu didn't say anything, but just carried him back to the room.

This time, he sat on the side of the couch and thought for a long time, until the room was completely dark, and the people behind him had already woken up and did not move their positions.

"Master Sheng, someone named Lin Shuang wants to see you outside."

The person who hadn't closed his eyes for a few days in a row squinted for a moment, and dreamed that Mo Mo asked him for help. Sheng Yu was frightened awake in an instant, and just woke up when he heard such words from Lu Feng.

He immediately opened the car door, and looked sideways at the person who had walked for an unknown amount of time and finally found him.

Lin Shuang couldn't move anymore, so she staggered and grabbed Lu Feng, who was guarding the car door, and said to the people inside: "Miss Jiang, Miss Jiang is sealing her home in Jiyue Town..."

After saying the important point, Lin Shuang seemed to let go, and directly fainted in Lu Feng's arms.

In case Master Sheng didn't hear clearly, after learning of Miss Mo's whereabouts, Lu Feng excitedly repeated the sentence backwards, "Master Sheng, Miss Mo is in Jiyue Town."

In Jiyue Town of Nanxun, nearly half of the land belongs to the Feng family, which is also the ancestral home of the Feng family.

Before Lu Feng finished speaking, the car behind him roared away and headed straight for Jiyue Town.

"Feng Yuxiu, how many more times do you want to use the same trick!"

After waking up, Jiang Qingmo slapped his extended hand away in disgust. The first time she could think that he saved her and let it go, but now, he actually wants to do it a second time?
Sheng Yu is right, this person is very dangerous, his kindness and smile are all fake.

"The same trick? Mo Mo, you are so smart, how could I use the same trick."

"Then you..." Before he could say anything, Jiang Qingmo felt like a fire was burning in his heart.

She suddenly widened her eyes and looked at Feng Yuxiu in disbelief.

"Do you know why my mother gave birth to me, this evil seed?"

Feng Yuxiu still smiled like a spring breeze, but the smile never reached his eyes, the calmer the surface, the more crazy he would be after tearing off that mask, "Even if I can't get your heart, I want to get your person, This is the tradition of our Feng family."

(End of this chapter)

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