The group pet Xiaojiaobao is an almighty boss, beautiful and sassy

Chapter 204 Jiang Qingmo has dinner with me tonight

Chapter 204 Jiang Qingmo has dinner with me tonight

Just at this time, Jiang Qingmo stopped, and from the corner of his vision, he noticed someone looking over from the second floor. While picking up the thermos cup on the side, he looked up, and happened to bump into a pair of blue irises just like his mother.

Jiang Qingmo was stunned for a moment, and soon learned from Luo Jin that the one standing in the front of the crowd was Edward, the second prince of Country F.

This time I came to China for a special visit.

Visit Huaguo and come here?

Taking the opportunity of drinking water, Jiang Qingmo glanced at the second floor two or three times. Unexpectedly, the second prince also happened to look over. Their eyes met, but Edward subconsciously looked away.

It was only later that he realized what he was hiding from?
When he looked back again, the girl had long since disappeared from the ice rink.

For some reason, the girl hidden in the figure skating national team always reminded him of things from a long time ago, and his thoughts gradually began to wander.

Back before the previous queen hadn't disappeared yet.

His father successfully ascended the throne, and then imprisoned the queen in the depths of the most luxurious castle, restricting her travel.

He was lucky enough to meet that person a few times. After being bullied by other brothers, the queen gently applied medicine to the wound on his face. According to the tradition of the Hua Kingdom, he should call her aunt.

My aunt treated him very well. Even though he was imprisoned by his father all day long, he didn't feel resentful about it.

He asked his aunt if she hated her father, but she shook her head and said, "It's good that he didn't kill me secretly."


Her father didn't kill her, but restricted her from going out, but her food and clothing expenses were still in accordance with the queen's standard. Even he was never stopped by the soldiers at the door.

He likes his aunt.

From my aunt, I can always hear a lot of things that he doesn't know, those... things that only the crown prince can know.

In fact, he didn't understand at all, but he still pretended to be very serious, just so that he could stay with his aunt for a while. Once he left, he would face oppression from his brothers again.

Just because he was born badly and his mother was just a commoner, she was secretly executed after giving birth to him.

The queen has always treated him very well. If he was not born when she was in power, he would have gone with his mother even when he was just born.

It was the queen who asked her father to keep him, even after being imprisoned, she took good care of him.

It wasn't long before Aunt Queen disappeared.

Since then, he has voluntarily asked to live in Huahai Town, the place where his aunt was born, and he has stayed there for nearly 20 years.

"Your Highness, Your Highness Second Prince, let's go."

Edward was immersed in the memories of the past, and he didn't come back to himself until he was called two or three times.

He nodded very politely, but he was wondering why seeing that girl reminded him of such a long time ago?

"Did you see Jiang Qingmo, it's the real Prince!" Fang Juexia saw her enter the lounge, stepped forward excitedly, and chattered in her ear.

It's the first time I've seen her after living for so many years, and she can brag for a long time.

Compared to her excitement, Jiang Qingmo didn't react at all, and even wondered why the prince suddenly thought of visiting China, and even came here?
There must be other things involved.

At six o'clock in the evening, Jiang Qingmo changed into his private server and prepared to leave.

Just as she was leaving, Luo Jin came over and said with a very complicated expression that the second prince from Country F wanted to see her.

This is really long time to see.

They had never met before, why did they suddenly want to see her?
With this doubt in his heart, Jiang Qingmo sighed slightly, and followed Luo Jin to the office building resignedly.

Before leaving, she also received Fang Juexia's winking, which gave her the opportunity to ask for His Royal Highness's autograph for herself.

In this way, she can take it outside and play for a longer time.

"That girl Fang Juexia is too excited." Along the way, seeing Jiang Qingmo's slightly condensed expression, Luo Jin took the initiative to speak to warm up the atmosphere, "You don't have to be nervous, I think His Royal Highness is easy to talk to, as long as you don't say anything wrong It's fine."

Before retiring, Luo Jin, as the undefeated king of figure skating men's singles, also met with the top leaders of several countries, and basically would not say more than three sentences, in fact, it was just a formality.

"I know."

Jiang Qingmo wasn't worried about meeting that prince, but was thinking about those eyes that were very similar to her mother's.

She had known for a long time that her mother was from country F, but she had no information other than that.

Does the mother have relatives in country F?Why did you come to China?None of these things are known.

The mother's name was not registered in the entry-exit information system, and even "Min Luan" was a pseudonym.

She has a rough idea of ​​her father's identity, but what about her mother?

Just as he was thinking, Jiang Qingmo and Luo Jin came to the reception room on the seventh floor of the office building.

Walking outside the door, Luo Jin was stopped by the bodyguard brought by Edward, and only Jiang Qingmo was let in.

The only prince in the reception room who was wearing a turtleneck sweater stood in front of the French window with his hands behind his back facing her. He turned his head when he heard the sound of the door closing behind him, and nodded and smiled at Jiang Qingmo who was standing at the door.

"Hi, my name is Edward."

Edward took the initiative to extend his hand to say hello to her, but Jiang Qingmo was a little overwhelmed, so he stretched out his hand and shook it in a daze.

"Hi, I'm Jiang Qingmo."

"I know you, sit down." Edward withdrew his hand and pointed to her a place, "Lily mentioned you to me, oh, it's Lilywell."

When he said this, Jiang Qingmo immediately thought of the person he often met in international competitions.

She has a personality similar to Fang Juexia's, she is a short-haired girl, and every time she sees her, she has to speak harshly, but after so many years, she has never crossed her path once, so much so that she hates her so much that she gnashes her teeth every time they meet.

In this way, His Royal Highness wants to avenge Lilywell?
"I've never seen Lily care about someone so much. Nine out of ten sentences are about you. I thought you were a capable person with three heads and six arms," ​​Edward said with a smile, and the smile on the corner of his mouth slowly froze as he spoke, " Seeing it now is nothing more than that.”

If Lily hadn't been pestering him and asked him to come and see Jiang Qingmo's situation, he wouldn't have come here to visit at all, let alone think about those boring past events.

Jiang Qingmo remained indifferent from the beginning to the end, not at all disturbed by the seemingly innocuous hostility of Prince Edward, and said calmly: "I disappointed the prince, and I can only figure skate."

The person was also met, and the words were brought. Edward, who remembered the past, waved her away, so as not to let her dangle in front of his eyes, and remind him of those boring past events.

Sheng Yu, who came to pick up Jiang Qingmo as usual, waited for no one for a long time, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and called her. It happened that Jiang Qingmo was about to leave the reception room at this time, so he answered the call.

Just when Edward was about to get up, he suddenly heard her call "Sheng Yu" to the person on the other end of the phone, successfully making him stop, and reminded him of the man who secretly inquired about the former queen in Huahai Town in the past.

Edward turned his eyebrows slightly, took the phone from Jiang Qingmo without saying a word, and said in standard F Mandarin: "Miss Jiang is going to have dinner with me today, Mr. Sheng can go back first."

(End of this chapter)

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