Chapter 112

"You consider me a son?"

Li Mu's eyes were as cold as a deep pool, recalling his previous confusion and bewilderment, recalling how he had tried to fight and work hard for his father's love for many years, he felt that it was a great irony.

"I will record you under the name of the queen, let you occupy the name of the son-in-law, and give you the Huan Palace, but a prince with five beads enjoys the regulation of seven beads. Except for the prince, who other princes and brothers can compare with you? So many things, how can I ask which man in the world can do it? I am the Son of Heaven, but I can do it! Didn’t I treat you like my own son when I did these things?"

The emperor thought he was very good to him!He was sure that no man in this world could do what he did.He was almost moved by the grandeur of the act.

He felt moved, but Li Mu, who had accepted all this for many years, was not moved?
However, Li Mu easily exposed his lie, a lie he made up and believed to be true.

He asked him, "Do you think of me as a son, or as a whetstone? A whetstone to sharpen your own son?"

Therefore, the grievance is his, the injury is his, and it must be him who is riddled with holes in the end!The child of a rival in love is suitable for such a purpose.

Or, isn't this revenge against Li Mu's biological parents?The human heart is the most vicious, but that's all.

The Son of Heaven woke up like a dream, looking at his beloved son Li Ji who had already died in front of him, and hugged him into his arms with sobs.

His hair was in a mess and his face was covered with blood. At this moment, he was definitely not the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty who said nothing. He was just a father who had lost his son.

Seeing him crying bitterly, Li Mu's face was indifferent, but his heart was very complicated.

If he wasn't the enemy who killed his parents, he wouldn't be his own son, and he would treat him kindly with all the years of nurturing him, and he wouldn't be able to get to this point
He took out two brocade silks specially used for writing edicts, and told the weeping emperor: "One abdication edict and one succession edict have been sealed. When you think about it, you can write it. Tell the world."

After finishing speaking, he also put down the brocade silk and placed it next to Chuan Guo Yuxi.

"Don't even think about it!" The Son of Heaven grabbed two brocade silks and threw them out like crazy.

"Really unwilling to write?" Li Mu looked back at him, his gaze was as sharp as eagle's.


When he got the succession edict and walked out of the hall, it was already noon, and the military chaos outside had completely ended.

Pingning Hou Zhou Fang and Pingning Xiaohou Zhou Lingru treated him respectfully and politely, as if they had regarded him as the master of this palace.

No one cared how Li Mu got the succession edict, they only knew that in a few days, he would be the next generation emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The name is right and proper, the emperor who inherits the great line.

There are floating corpses everywhere outside, with blood flowing everywhere.The smell of death spread, covering the entire city of Kyoto.

In Prince Huan's mansion, Wei Yingning stood on Zhanji Tower, staring in the direction of the palace in a daze.The high palace walls cut off all the hustle and bustle, as if this mutiny had never happened.

Soon there was news from the palace saying:

King Huan annihilated the rebel army in one fell swoop, as well as the princes who took the opportunity to cause chaos and tried to kill the king and seize the throne.However, the emperor was seriously injured, lost one eye, and lost all thoughts. He issued an edict to abdicate immediately, and made King Huan ascend the throne as the new emperor.

Everything is going well.

Li Mu has been fighting for the position, and finally got it in this way... So quickly, he got it.

How long is this!It has been less than three months since Wei Yingning married him, and the heat of this summer has not been completely wiped away by the autumn wind.

"Are you unhappy?" Li Chongjian saw that her expression was stagnant and not very happy, so he joked from the side: "I'm going to be a queen. From then on, your Wei family will be full of wealth. At least this is what you like to see."

"Who made such a great achievement?" Wei Yingning asked seemingly without thinking.

Li Chongjian was a little confused, but after thinking about it, he said: "In my opinion, you are the one who made great contributions to him being the emperor. If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't even know his own life experience. He might still be with the prince right now." Fighting for power and profit, how can you get to this point?"

"The emperor won the world back then, it was thanks to the Marquis of Pingning. This time, it is thanks to the Marquis of Pingning! The Li family cannot get rid of the Zhou family." Wei Yingning was referring to this matter.

"What's the problem?" Li Chongjian said, "It's either the owner or the west. A sharp weapon can kill the enemy if you use it well, and hurt yourself if you use it poorly. Presumably, according to your family's temperament, it shouldn't be so. Confused."

"Forget it!" Wei Yingning sighed, "I should not worry about these things in the future."

"What? Are you really determined to travel the world with me?" Li Chongjian's eyes lit up, half joking.

"Huh?" Wei Yingning looked at him in surprise, completely unable to remember what he said that day when he was drunk upstairs in Zhan Ji.

Li Chongjian's smile froze on his face, but he didn't mention it again.

"I was joking." The drunken words should not be taken seriously, Li Chongjian sighed: "How bad is the world of motherhood, who would want to be that rootless person?"

"Mother Yi Tianxia..." Wei Yingning read, but he couldn't believe it.

A few months ago, when my father and elder brother were still debating whether to come to Beijing to take up the post, they must have never imagined that today, a few months later, the Wei clan would actually produce a queen, right?This is really the smoke of the ancestors.

Come to think of it, this is indeed something to be happy about.

But I don't know where the second younger sister Wei Qingluo is now. If she knows that her older sister has become a queen, will she go home because of this overwhelming wealth?

From this day on, Li Mu lived in the palace.

As the new emperor for the first time, he has to deal with, appease, and win over... all of which are enough to keep him busy day and night.However, no matter how busy he was, the Ministry of Rites proposed an auspicious day for the enthronement ceremony, but there was no room for delay.

However, the date of the enthronement ceremony has been fixed, and after several days passed, no one from the palace came to Prince Huan's mansion to welcome Wei Yingning into the palace!This is not in line with common sense, nor is it in line with etiquette, even the first illiterate slave and maidservant in the palace sensed that something was wrong.

"The saint has changed his mind? Do you want to establish another queen?"

"The Wei family was born in a small family, so they can't set an example for women in the world."

"The Marquis of Pingning contributed the most to the suppression of the rebellion this time. Will the saint choose a daughter from the Marquis of Pingning's house?"

"No way! There are only three wives born by Marquis Pingning, and all three are already married to others."

"But the crown prince is dead, and the third lady was a childhood sweetheart cousin of the saint..."

"Impossible! Isn't this trying to make a big joke out of the world?"

"Is it impossible? I heard that in the northern border country, there was an emperor whose younger uncle married his widowed wife."


The two maidservants in the next room were chatting in whispers, but Mammy Wei outside the door heard it clearly.She immediately went back to Wei Yingning, told her about it, and said worriedly: "Miss, you should make a plan early."

(End of this chapter)

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