People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 107 The real battle begins now! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 107 The real battle begins now! (25) [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

"What will happen to the fate of the earth?"

In a coffee shop in Neon Tokyo, Makio Kirino, who was sitting in a corner sipping coffee, couldn't help but raise his head, looking at the empty shop.

In the distant sky, two light spots can be seen constantly colliding, because the terrifying electromagnetic pulse generated by the light collision has already paralyzed this civilization that has just stepped out of the planet and set foot in the universe.

The streets and alleys are full of people fleeing in panic, and many weak-willed people have begun to act recklessly, wanting to enjoy the last carnival before death.

"What will this world be like? Qingshuimo, Yuan Dagu, Asuka Xin, can the three of you give the answer?"

Kirino Mufu looked at the cold coffee in front of him, stood up silently, walked to the counter, left the coffee money, and left the coffee shop with his hands in his pockets.

As a seer, he cannot see the future of Earth.

However, his intuition told him that he should pay for this cup of coffee!

On the battlefield outside the earth, Qing Shui took the trouble to release the lightning sky again and again.

Now, the periphery of the earth is full of terrifying magnetic fields. If ordinary spaceships or fighter planes dare to rush into this battlefield, there will only be one fate!
Machine crash!

At the beginning, the Lightning Skyfall with a hint of sneak attack was able to push Gigabyte Endola back by about one meter, but after Gigabyte Endola reacted and recorded the data of Lightning Skyfall into his database , Shimizumo never let Gigabyte Endola take a step back!

"It's really hard, I don't know how Dración created you!"

Lightning Tianluo was released again, and Qing Shui couldn't help complaining.

Gigabit Endola is already so powerful, he can't help but yearn for what kind of power Drasion will have with an entire army.

You know, even one of the forces that can form the will of the universe, the legendary "Sister Justice" Justis is also a subordinate of Dración!
The boring confrontation continued. Although there was no way to keep Giga Endola away from the earth, Shimizu Mo keenly discovered that because of the long-term battle, Giga Endola's attention had been placed on him!
In other words, between eradicating the earth and eradicating Shimizumo, the choice of Gigabit Endola has gradually tilted towards the latter!
This is a good sign, because if Giga Endola really ignores the earth, then Qingshui will have [-] ways to lure Giga Endola away, so as to protect the safety of the earth!

As for himself, infinite energy allows him to move in an unlimited instant, as long as he leaves a mark, he can return to Earth at any time!

However, if this combat plan is to be implemented, there are two points that need to be considered.

First, Tartarus, who has already left, does not know where. If he suddenly appeared and joined forces with Giga Endora, then even Shimizu Mo would have no way to protect the earth.

Second, even if he lures Giga Endora away, judging from the current form of the universe, it seems that there is no existence in this universe that is comparable to Giga Endora. At most, he can only delay Giga Endora. It's time for Ra to come to Earth again.

Even the legendary Gulansfia is at most the bottom of the legendary level, and it is impossible to be the opponent of Giga Endora.

"Hey, it would be great if a sister of justice and a warrior of love burst out now. As long as the fusion summons Reggie, I don't believe that a mortal bone can turn the world upside down!"

Looking at Giga Endola without any emotional fluctuations, Shimizu couldn't help but think about the only failure scene of Giga Endola.

If Giga Endora is an eight-star mechanical monster, then Reggado is a twelve-star god!
Powerful is very powerful, but it is a pity that the conditions that need to be met to summon Reggado are a bit harsh, and Shimizu Mo's power alone cannot touch that one's nerves!

Just when Qingshuimo was still thinking about how to break the situation, two rays of light emerged from the earth, and appeared beside Qingshuimo in an instant.

"Why are you here?"

Seeing Di Jia and Dyna appearing beside him, Shimizu Mo was slightly taken aback, and then asked aloud!
"Senior, the earth is not just senior's earth! For everyone's earth, I can't back down!"

Asuka wiped his nose playfully, then looked at Gigabit Ndola not far away with a serious expression.

Even if they were dealing with Goblinu, they were a bit struggling, let alone Gigabit Ndola!

Dagu also nodded to Qing Shuimo, but he didn't say anything.

After being sent back to Earth by Shimizu Mo, he and Asuka rehabilitated a little energy before returning to the battlefield.

As Asuka said, the earth is everyone's earth, how could they watch Gallops fighting alone!

"Be careful, the enemy is very powerful, you cannot handle it."

Qing Shuimo didn't dissuade the two of them, after all, the strength of two more people was helpful after all.

At least, with Di Jia and Dyna around, he can devote a little attention to summoning the gamma phantom.

You know, the gamma illusion is Qingshuimo's housekeeping skill, and it couldn't be distracted because it had to be fully concentrated before.

"Dangerous, the real battle has just begun!"

Asuka clapped his fists, and transformed from a shining form into a miraculous form in an instant.

In this level of battle, the powerful form that is more dominant in close quarters is useless at all. It is better to use the miracle form to assist Gallops with powerful superpowers!

Dagu has also transformed into an air form. In this battle, the first thing they must ensure is their own safety, and they must not become a burden to Gallops!
While Shimizu Mo and the others were still talking, Gigabit Endola, who was on the opposite side of them, had already marked Tiga and Dyna as targets of attack.

The gigabytes of plasma radiation released by the eyeballs aimed at Shimizu Mo, while the six arms around him aimed at Tiga and Dyna!

The reset light, whose power has been weakened but doubled, enveloped Tiga and Dyna, and it wanted to deal with three giants of light at once!
"Don't underestimate the Ultraman of Earth!"

Asuka roared angrily, and then unleashed his nirvana in a miraculous form, Libolum Light Wave!
Facing the reset light head-on, neither he nor Tiga can withstand the high-temperature scour of millions of degrees, but if they are introduced into the black hole with the light wave of Liberium to be wiped out, the consumption of Dyna is still relatively small!
On the other hand, Tiga does not have the ability to draw out black holes, but he flexibly uses the advantage of his extremely fast light release speed to continuously release Lampar light bombs, which can be regarded as relatively safe to block the reset light attacking him.

With the addition of two new forces, Shimizu Mo keenly noticed that the power of giga plasma radiation of Giga Endola had weakened, and he was able to separate his mind!
Instead of using Lightning Skyfall and Gigabit Plasma Radiation to bombard, Shimizu Mo adopted a battle plan of releasing the Gamma Aas Shield for defense with one hand.

When he resisted the gigabit plasma radiation, his free hand snapped his fingers lightly!
The crisp snapping of fingers spread in the universe, and two golden phantoms appeared around Giga Endola.

【Gamma Illusion】!
(End of this chapter)

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