People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 122 I got up, 1 move in seconds, what to say!

Chapter 122 I got up, I made a move in seconds, what can I say!
Hellfire Bomb!
Just when Asuka was still wondering, the witch Kirierod completed her transformation in an instant. She teleported to the back of Asuka, and hit the back of Asuka's chest with a fireball attack.

Accompanied by gunpowder smoke and flames, Asuka's body fell heavily to the ground like a rag bag rolled up by the wind.

"You sneak attack!"

Asuka coughed twice, then got up and looked at the witch Kirialod quite angry.

This guy who lived for more than 3000 million years unexpectedly attacked him, a giant of light who was less than one year old!

Is this okay?
Of course it's not good!
"Sneak attack?"

The witch was a little speechless, she doubted very much whether Dyna in front of her was the Giant of Light.

3000 million years ago, as long as they could win, what had the Clan of Light not done?

Using "beauty" to instigate rebellion against the strongest dark giant has ever done it, can such a small matter make a fuss?
"If you're angry, let it out."

The witch smiled, and there was sarcasm in that voice. She opened her hand, and a few black thunders flowed through her fingertips, and then turned into a black scepter.

Because they have been chasing for a long time, they still know quite detailed about the abilities of Tiga and Dyna.

For example, the lightsaber ability that Tiga and Dyna have only recently acquired, the two Kiriarods quickly found a way to deal with it.

"Heh, fighting invaders like you is not a vent!"

Asuka snorted coldly, and then he glanced worriedly at Di Jia who was still at a disadvantage not far away.

It's not very easy on his side, and the matter of supporting seniors may be ruined.

"Let's think about yourself more, Dijia won't last long, and so will you!"

The witch raised the scepter in her hand, and thousands of pitch-black thunders directly covered the sky above Dyna, covering the sun's rays!

Accompanied by Leiyun's itinerary, Asuka always felt that something was not quite right.

On the Victory Condor, Qing Shuimo had a weird expression on his face.

Isn't this move his Lightning Skyfall?
The Kyriairods plagiarized in front of him?
When the witch triggered Thunder to attack Dyna, the smile on the corner of Qing Shuimo's mouth could no longer be held back.

Good guy, isn't the lightning that is only as thick as an ordinary person's arm really making him laugh? Even if the number is too dense, it will have little effect on them.

In vain, when he saw this move, he thought that the Kyriaelods copied it, but it turned out that they just copied an appearance.

In essence, this move and his Lightning Skyfall can be called the difference between Li Gui and Li Kui.

"But it still looks like it's in pain?"

Shimizu Mo rubbed his chin, looking at Dyna who was shocked and unable to take care of himself, for a while he couldn't tell whether it was the Kirielod's attack that was too strong, or Dyna was too weak.

The first generation can use the chest muscles to resist monsters and kill lightning. Well, you are a Heisei reckless man, can you even compare to the first generation?

In the battlefield, Asuka didn't know that the senior Gallops whom he admired was slandering him. He only felt as if he had touched a high-voltage electricity. The pain was extremely painful but he couldn't control his body to struggle!
"Give up, Dyna! There are countless evil resentments and beliefs contained in this dark storm, and it is absolutely impossible for you to resist it!"

The witch manipulated the black lightning wholeheartedly, which was a trick she specially prepared based on Dyna's ability.

As long as Dyna doesn't have enough mental power to transform into a miracle form and use his mental power to break through her attack, then the evil spiritual power contained in this dark thunder will continue to erode Dyna's light and make him fall into weakness status!
"Everyone is there, support Dyna!"

Victory Team and Super Victory Team are very busy. They have to support Tiga and Dyna at the same time.

If there is still only one winning team, then no one will be able to withstand the Kyrierod invasion this time.

The Texas cannon and the tornado thunder hit the witch Kirielod at the same time. After all, Dyna, who was about to flash red, needed more support than the suppressed Tiga.

"Damn humans!"

The witch who was hit by the two rays of light obviously struggled to control the lightning. She stared at the fast-flying fighter plane in the sky, but she didn't have the strength to destroy it.

In order to prevent herself from being disturbed again, the witch directly put a black shield on herself.

In this way, the Super Victory Team and everyone in the Victory Team couldn't even see the witch in the shield, let alone attack!

Seeing that there is almost nothing Xi Bigangsuke took a deep breath, after the energy reform, the tornado thunder of the Victory Condor can be released three times at a time!
Accompanied by the intertwining of fire and thunder, this time, the target of the tornado and thunder is not the witch Kirielod, but Dyna who is entangled by lightning!
Sending Dyna out of the area shrouded in thunder with the impact of the explosion, Kibi Gosuke believes that Dyna will definitely have a way to deal with the opponent!
"You must win, Dyna!"

Looking at Dyna who was receded by the shock wave of the explosion, Kihigosuke's eyes flashed hope.

When the smoke cleared, what appeared in front of the witch was Dyna who had transformed into a miraculous form!

Although the energy light on Dyna's chest flashed, the witch felt quite strong pressure!
"You had a great time!"

Asuka moved his wrist, and then came behind the witch with a flicker.

[Liberum Light Wave]!
The golden light shot out in an instant, and the witch didn't even have a chance to react, and was directly thrown into the black hole by Dai Na!

What the martial artist strengthens is his own physical fitness, in order to crush the three-form Tiga.

What the witch strengthens is her own control of mental power, and at the same time can induce resentment attacks, in order to suppress Dyna who has not yet transformed into a miracle form,

However, after Dyna broke through the control of the witch, the special ability of Liporum Lightwave is not something the witch can resist!
Seeing the disappearing witch, Asuka heaved a sigh of relief. He staggered and almost fell, but soon he stood up again and walked firmly in the direction of Tiga.

"Have you dealt with the witch?"

The martial artist shook Dijia away with a punch, and looked at the two giants of light who surrounded him, and took out a dark ball of light with some pity.

Seeing the ball of light, both Dagu and Asuka felt quite bad!

"Open, gates of hell! Come down, my God!"

The martial artist fanatically threw the ball of light in his hand into the gate of hell. At that moment, the gate shattered, and a dark red figure slowly walked out of the gate.

As if a demon god descended into the world, the purple-black flames burned everything around. If the police station hadn't completed the evacuation, more than five figures of people might have died this time!

"Is this the earth?"

The figure that came out of the door was not much different from the martial artist, but he was wearing black armor and a pitch-black cloak behind his shoulders, which made him feel quite extraordinary.

"Kneel before the god, I will give you eternal life..."

call out!
Before the Kirierod God could finish his pretentious words, a beam of golden light hit his chest directly, and then nailed him to the shattered gate of hell!

"Why so much nonsense, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

 Today is the last day of 2021, and I stood firmly on the last shift!

  I started writing novels on April 2020, 490 last year. As of today, I have updated a total of more than 500 million words. Unfortunately, I failed to break through the [-] million mark.

  Hope to break through the milestone of 550 million by April next year!
  2022, go forward bravely, happy new year!
  PS: On January 1st, ask for a monthly pass, really!

  I have never experienced the feeling of a monthly pass of more than [-]. Taking advantage of the double monthly pass, everyone only needs one ticket, and I can experience this feeling, everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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