People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 155 Ji Gang thinks he can do it again!

Chapter 155 Ji Gang thinks he can do it again!

TPC Far East Headquarters, Office of Director.

Looking at the information in his hand, Ji Gang raised his head with a serious expression.

"Sawai, what do you think of that mysterious man Hong Kai?"

After Hongkai wiped out the monster, the victory team also successfully found the missing villagers, the staff of the Universe Observation Center and the team that came to investigate.

After settling everyone down, Kibi Gosuke compiled a report and submitted it.

Regarding Hongkai's matter, after obtaining the consent of Ju Jianhui, he concealed the fact that the other party knew Asuka, and then truthfully reported it.

When he learned that another giant of light had appeared, Sawai's expression was exactly the same as that of Jigang now.

"Well, sit and watch?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Sawai couldn't help but shudder at Ji Gang's serious expression.

This is what he learned from Shimizu Mo, or because he has been in contact with Shimizu Mo for a long time, Sawai's language logic sometimes tends to be nonsensical.

Although as a leader, this is quite embarrassing, but in front of Ji Gang, an old friend, Sawai still doesn't need to have any burden.

Seeing his friend suddenly skinny, Ji Gang's expression instantly became quite speechless.

"Don't learn those unscrupulous things from that kid Amo."

After the two joked a few words, they fell into silence again.

"Human beings don't have enough power yet."

Looking at the report in his hand, Sawai put it very gently into the file bag.

In the small shelf on his desk, there are three files, two of which are relatively thick and the other is a bit thin.

The fourth file that Sawai put into the small shelf is thinner than the thin third file in terms of thickness!


Ji Gang rubbed his temples in distress, he picked up the folding fan in his pocket and gently opened it, the white fan reflected his current thoughts.

TPC doesn't know anything about the new giant.

Whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, why did he appear on the earth? Because of his appearance, will there be any hidden threats that start to spy on the earth?
No one can answer this series of questions for Ji Gang!

"How about we look for this man in Neon?"

Ji Gang took a deep breath, then tapped his fingers lightly on the table.

According to Kibi Gosuke's report, this man seems to be more friendly to humans, and maybe he can fight for it!

"Can we find him? If we act rashly, it may make his sense of human beings worse."

Sawai shook his head. In fact, he didn't want to have too much contact with this new giant. It would be best if he could know the other's whereabouts, but if he had to contact him, he had to think again.

After all, their victory team already has two giants of light, plus a Gallops who is close to humans, and their combat power will definitely not be inferior to that mysterious giant of light.

Even if the other party wants to do something, they have to think about it carefully.

"Don't worry, my police department will definitely find this man in the shortest possible time!"

Ji Gang tapped his palm with the fan bone very confidently, the smile on his mouth made Sawai a little helpless.

It seems that as long as I, an old man, show such a confident smile, he will definitely be slapped in the face!

"It seems that the victory team should keep an eye on this matter, the police department..."

It wasn't Sawai attacking Jigang. The police department's style of work is more inclined to the former Earth Defense Bureau, which is quite hard-line.

If you leave the work of fighting and guarding to the police department, then you really don't have to worry about it.

Even in the face of death, even if they have fought to the last man, the soldiers of the police department are definitely on the way to charge the enemy!

However, this kind of "delicate" work is better than the Peaceful Victory Team!
Although Sawai thought so in his heart, he still wanted to give some support to his old buddy verbally, at worst, let the people below pay attention.

Tokyo, K area.

After the reconstruction of TPC, it has been gradually restored to its original prosperity.

But judging from the faces of passers-by, they have not fully recovered from the original disaster. After all, many people received the bad news of the death of their relatives in that disaster.

In a darker corner, a man in denim cautiously stretched out his head to look at the street outside, and then quickly retreated into the alley.

A fragrance of noodles came from the depths of the alley, but strangely, no one on the street could smell this fragrance!

"Why, are they still looking for you?"

In the depths of the alley, next to a small noodle stall, Hong Kai was enjoying the delicious Obikra noodles, while Obik was standing by quite leisurely and reading the newspaper.

Participating in the reconstruction work and realizing that life is not so unacceptable now, he is much more comfortable than Hongkai.

Without the pressure of life, without emotional entanglement, Obik only needs to look at the beautiful neon lights every night, coupled with the recollection of the past, it is enough for him to spend every day happily.

"Hey, I didn't expect the Earth Defense Force in this world to be so difficult."

Hong Kai took a mouthful of ramen, and then complained.

Since helping the Victory Team eliminate Magnia a few days ago, the TPC Police Department has frantically searched for Hong Kai's whereabouts throughout the neon area, and even mobilized the local police to search together.

Hong Kai didn't pay attention to it at the time, and he didn't feel something was wrong until a small captain of a certain police station led a team of people to intercept him in the shopping mall.

Fortunately, neither the police department nor the police government showed any malice towards Hongkai. They just wanted to invite Hongkai to chat with the top management of TPC, but Hongkai didn't want to get too involved with the world. He just came to see his "old friend".

Therefore, Hong Kai broke through the police station's search again and again, and slowly, he felt that this game was quite fun.

"Looking at the way you are enjoying it, no one will believe this."

Obic put down the newspaper in his hand, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

It seems that there is a big age difference between him and Hong Kai, but in fact, Hong Kai is several rounds older than Obike!

Two people can become friends, which is something they have never thought of.

"By the way, have you found the answer you were looking for?"

Seeing that Hongkai's bowl was empty, Obick filled Hongkai with another bowl of ramen. Anyway, for Hongkai, this was nothing more than tasting delicious food.

"Well, I don't know if it's right, but I found it."

Hong Kai nodded seriously. He recalled the Asuka and Liang he saw in a certain commercial street the day before yesterday, and fell into deep thought for a while.

If he guessed correctly, the reason why the future Dyna travels through the universe without a fixed place is because people come from different paths.

Ultraman's life is calculated in tens of thousands of years. Compared with human beings who are only a hundred years old, Asuka did not return to the earth he used to be. Perhaps it is because he does not want to see the people he cares about disappear because of time.

Just like what his "master" Sai Luo once told, a certain warrior of the Ultra Star has stepped into legend because of his bond with the earth partner.

But because of the level of life, the group of partners who were regarded as treasures by that senior can only stay in the longing of that senior forever.

"So, in the past, you chose not to leave because you found a solution to this problem, Asuka!"

 Ahhhhh!There is a bug, begging for a light spray!

  I just wrote that Qianxue and the others did not participate in the task of investigating Magnia, but after Jiang Qi Qianhe fell into the water, I subconsciously wrote about the four of them again, my brain is broken!
  I'm very sorry for such a bug. Now I can't change it if I change it myself. I can only look for an editor, woo woo woo~
(End of this chapter)

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