People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 168 I mean maybe, is there such a possibility!

Chapter 168 I mean maybe, is there such a possibility!
"Senior's human body?"

Dagu shook his head hesitantly. He actually had an idea in his heart, but his guess had many loopholes.

"Oh? Can't you say it?"

Hong Kai nodded, but he didn't care too much. After all, Ultraman's human body should try to ensure that as few people as possible know his true identity, the better.

After all, not everyone has a friendly attitude towards Ultraman.

Hong Kai has traveled so many worlds and helped many Ultra fighters defeat powerful enemies. He has met all kinds of people, and he has long been familiar with them.

Dagu saw that Hongkai would have misunderstood, so he quickly explained.

"No, the senior is too mysterious, we have no clue at all."

"You just said us, meaning Dyna doesn't know Gallops' true identity?"

Hongkai was a little surprised. From Asuka's tone, he could still hear Asuka's respect and longing for the senior Galopus, but this senior Asuka was so in awe of, he didn't even expose his human body in the same guard. In front of Tiga and Dyna, warriors of the earth? !

"Could it be that Senior Gallops has some unspeakable secrets that can't reveal his identity?"

For example, it is a hermit who wants to live in the mountains. If Galopus's human body does not want others to know his identity to disturb him, it makes sense.

This is also in line with the fact that Galops has been watching Tiga and Dyna's growth for a long time, and only dispatches when enemies that these two cannot face appear.

"Perhaps so."

Dagu didn't care too much, after all, senior Gallops was helping the earth, and there was no need to find out his human body.

"To be honest, I'm more interested in this way!"

Hong Kai smiled, and he made a suggestion to Dagu, "Why don't you, Dagu, pay attention to the human beings who behave abnormally, Ultraman's human body is different from ordinary human beings after all, maybe that This senior will show something unusual!"

"Of course, even if I find that senior, as long as the senior doesn't agree to see me, I won't bother him."

Seeing Dagu's somewhat embarrassed expression, Hong Kai quickly added something, which made Dagu's face change to a normal one.

Dagu nodded, but when he heard Hongkai talking about the abnormal behavior of humans, two figures suddenly appeared in his mind for some reason.

It was a mountain that even the two human bodies, he and Asuka, couldn't read through at all!
"Speaking of which, Hong Kai, is your human body's combat power very strong?"

Dagu asked Hongkai hesitantly, he had never seen Hongkai's fighting power in a human body, so he had no way to compare with himself.

If it was just because he and Asuka were too good at it, then it would be unreasonable to doubt Amo and Qianxue.

"It's not bad, you are not much better than Dagu."

Hong Kai shrugged, he was indeed only a little bit stronger than Dagu.

Dagu hesitated for a moment, but still didn't tell Hongkai Qianxue and Qingshuimo about it. After all, when Galops appeared, these two people had "alibis"!
Hong Kai couldn't see anything from Dagu's expression, he just waved his hand chicly, and then disappeared into the crowd.

Dagu also took a taxi to the scene, and the fare would naturally be reimbursed by TPC, otherwise, given the transportation price of Neon, this taxi fare might make Dagu quite distressed.

When Dagu came to the scene, the finishing work was almost done, and he came here just to help Horei carry a box.

"What's in here?"

Dagu looked at the box in his hand curiously. The box was not big, but it gave him a sense of heaviness!

"It's a special instrument. I don't know what it does for the time being, but it may have something to do with the dark giant that appeared today!"

Horei is recording something while walking, he must grasp every minute and every second of his current research, after all, someone is waiting for him to get off work!

Although Horei showed a bit of "resistance", after all, Jiang Qi Chizuru is his friend's daughter, his friend's wife, and he should not be bullied, let alone a friend's daughter!

However, under Jiang Qi Chizuru's offensive, Horei surrendered at a speed comparable to the French army!

Listening to Hori's perfunctory answer, Dagu didn't feel anything, after all, he didn't see the dark giant with his own eyes, so he didn't have much real feeling.

After returning to the victory team, Dagu went to the training room. Although the previous battle with Gai Ozark was not fierce, it consumed a lot of his physical strength. This is also the most suitable time for him to work hard.

"Strange, Senior Gu, why did you soak in the training room as soon as you came back?"

Asuka walked in and was surprised to see Dagu who was a little exhausted from training.

On weekdays, although Dagu worked very hard, he would not be too harsh on himself when he took an occasional break. Today, they just finished their mission. Although they didn't do anything, Dagu was very tired. Now it should be time to rest.

Before, when Dagu came back, the excuse he couldn't contact was that he was knocked down by an earthquake while evacuating the people in the commercial square, hit a pillar and passed out.

Because Dagu's face was still a little pale when he came back, everyone didn't doubt his words, but Lina was very concerned about Dagu's health.

Even Captain Jujian Hui specially approved Dagu not to attend today's summary meeting and let him go to rest.

"Asuka, I have an idea, and of course it's just an idea!"

Dagu sniffed, and a drop of sweat trickled down his forehead.

Asuka also sat beside Dagu and listened carefully. He had a vague feeling that Dagu's next words might shock him for a long time.

"Tell me, Senior Gallops, could it be someone we know?"

Dagu's eyes flickered on and off. Originally, he only had such a guess, but because Qianxue and Amo both had "alibis", they were never suspected.

However, the last time they met with Hong Kai, the bill was settled by a boy who the waiter thought was quite handsome!
This made Dagu couldn't help but start to check the handsome boys around him, and there was only Qingshuimo.

Dagu is a person with some Buddha nature, and he is not obsessed with finding Gallops' human body.

But this time, the divine light rod was taken away, and a dark giant appeared because of it. If he wants to find out the truth, he can only find the mysterious Galops!

After listening to Dagu's analysis, Asuka shook his head. He didn't think Shimizumo was Gallopus. After all, they knew each other very well, but he never felt the power of light from Shimizumo!

"If you say, the senior is hiding it!"

The strength of Gallops is not something they can compare to. For example, Hongkai, when Hongkai is fighting, they will only feel the pressure like a mountain when they feel it, but if Hongkai hides, Even Dagu and Asuka had to use big data to find Hongkai!

"As for why Galops and Amo can appear together...don't forget, senior is a master who is good at using phantoms!"

(End of this chapter)

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