People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 252 Ultra Video!Anti-fraud APP!

Chapter 252 Ultra Video!Anti-fraud APP!

Shikali's words exploded in Shikali's heart. He subconsciously felt that Shimizu Mo's consideration was right. If the Ultra Medal was cracked, it might really cause a devastating blow to the Kingdom of Light.

However, Hikari always felt that Shimizumo's first sentence seemed to be a little bit discriminatory, what happened to the security of the Kingdom of Light!
As if feeling Hikari's resentment, Qingshui kept his eyes on his nose, his nose on his mouth, his mouth on his heart and did not speak.

The security of the Kingdom of Light is like a fake. Whether it is a cosmic being or a monster, they can enter and exit seven times without any hindrance. You, Hikari, are a genius scientist. The things you create are useful, but the Kingdom of Light cannot be kept well. what!

Whether it is the Ultra Medal proposed by Hikari now, or the Ultra Capsule or Ultra Card that will be developed in the future, they have all flowed outside and caused a lot of impact.

If it weren't for knowing that you, Hikari, were given silver water by the King of Ultra, Shimizu would feel that the high-level officials of the Kingdom of Light would have suspected that you, Hikari, wanted to destroy the universe!
"It's me who didn't think about it carefully."

Hikari sighed. Indeed, the Order of Ultra is of great help to the frontline battlefield of the Kingdom of Light. It can save many people from being sacrificed in the Kingdom of Light. Add one, but he chose to give up.

After all, he couldn't bet on the safety of the Otter Brothers that his invention would not be cracked.

"Speaking of which, you can research in the direction of energy?"

Shimizu Mo felt very strange, the Kingdom of Light was backed by such a terrifying resource as the plasma spark tower, why didn't it want to go further in energy technology?

Whether it's wireless charging or shared power bank, that's enough technology to greatly enhance the combat power of the Kingdom of Light, right?

"Imagine, when Mebius is fighting with people, the energy in his body is almost exhausted, and when the opponent is absolutely stable, he suddenly takes a battery to replenish his energy. A better chance of winning?"

Shimizumo described it to Hikari, and the corners of Hikari's mouth twitched, and Mebius, who used the battery, thought he was an electric toy!
"Our giants of light can obtain the power of light from the stars, and can also absorb the energy of free particles to recover slowly when they are in the universe, so this kind of moving energy is not so necessary."

What Hikari didn't say was that this kind of mobile energy technology exists in the Kingdom of Light, but it is extremely precious. It is only possible to release it when the executor may not be able to replenish energy in time when performing tasks in parallel worlds.

After all, materials that can carry the power of light are really hard to find.

Qianxue didn't pay much attention to the chat between Shimizumo and Hikali, her gaze was on a paralyzed face holding a comic book in the corner of the subspace and appreciating it with relish.

"Is that the cosmic swordsman Zamxia you mentioned, Amo? Who is better at swordsmanship, Dagu or Asuka?"

Dijia and Dyna also have lightsabers, and their power is quite good in Qianxue's opinion, but they don't know who is stronger, Zamsha or them.

Shimizu Mo thought for a while. In terms of combat effectiveness, the current Dijia and Dyna are definitely stronger than Zamxia, but in terms of swordsmanship, Zamxia can teach these two juniors to be human with their eyes closed.

Shimizu Mo shook his head without saying such hurtful words, and then continued to discuss the practicality of "signal transmission" with Hikari.

After the Saurus incident was resolved, the Ott brothers enjoyed a few days of leisurely vacation on earth. They wanted to find their acquaintances in the past, but those figures in their memory had already become a passing cloud, so they prepared to left.

In view of the current friendship between the Earth and the Kingdom of Light, the Otto brothers feel that they can pass on Otto's signature to the giants of light on Earth, so that it will be much easier to communicate with each other.

After all, it would be troublesome to find Mebius and Hikari every time.

It is impossible for Mebius to stay on the earth forever. After he becomes a qualified fighter, he will go to the front line and fight for his beliefs.

Hikari is just a scientist, and he doesn't always have free time, so it is necessary to teach things like Ott's signature.

For a long time, the communication between the Kingdom of Light has all come by Otto's signature. As long as you see Otto's signature, you can say things very clearly.

However, there is a problem with Ott's signature, that is, it can be broken and counterfeited.

If Otto's signature is broken before it is sent out, others will not be able to receive it at all.

And imitation is even easier, as long as you know the operation method of Ultra's signature energy, and know the language of the kingdom of light, you can imitate.

There are not many Giants of Light who have been victimized by the counterfeit Ultra signature, so Shimizumo and Hikari want to develop more advanced communication technology based on the monitoring flying saucer of the Guregel star!
"Real-time image transmission is very important, and this is the easiest way to identify the authenticity of information."

Shimizumo proposed the idea of ​​video communication, but Hikari thought that this idea was too wild and unconstrained.

On Earth, it’s okay to use satellites to transmit signals to complete real-time video communication, but who will transmit signals to you in the vast universe?
As far as the Ultra signature is still a rule imprinted on the Ultra Star with the help of the Ultra King, all light giants born on the Ultra Star naturally enjoy the help of this rule, otherwise they would like to It is almost impossible to complete cosmic telecommunication.

You know, the Earth is 300 million light-years away from the Kingdom of Light. Even if the speed of signal transmission reaches the speed of light, it will take 300 million years, and the day lily will be cold by then!
"Then what do you say?"

Shimizu spread his hands, now the earth is very likely to be targeted by the Ampera star, and there are so many cosmic people on the dark side, if someone really forges the signature of Otto to deceive the giant of light living on the earth, then it is really true It's not easy to distinguish.

After all, in the past history, there were more than one times when the Otto group was destroyed because of Otto's signature!

In the universe, there is a prosperous classic.

The Ott Brothers came to play a team, and only the team remained in the end!

"Why don't you make some anti-counterfeiting marks?"

Hikari put forward his own idea. If he asks the King of Otto for instructions, that great existence will definitely not mind adding another rule to the rules. Anyway, for him, it is just that he can do things easily. , but the difficulty is, do you really want to bother his old man for such a trivial matter?

"What if the anti-counterfeiting mark is counterfeited? Do you put another anti-counterfeiting mark on the anti-counterfeiting mark?"

Qing Shuimo sighed, if the product can't cross the era, then it is absolutely impossible to completely cut off the piracy.

What I want to think about now is how to make the Kingdom of Light and the Giants of Light on Earth all install an anti-fraud app!

(End of this chapter)

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