People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 271 Last Descendant, 【Sleeping Girl】!

Chapter 271 Last Descendant, 【Sleeping Girl】!
Deep underground on the small island in the south, Qianxue stretched out her hand to touch the strange triangle in a state of "fake death", but stopped for a moment when she stretched out her hand.

Since the enemy can hide the fluctuations emitted by itself, it is very likely that there are other backhands. If they are disturbed, it is very likely that the meeting will be impacted.

"What should I do now, should Director Sawai be asked to change the meeting place?"

Qianxue looked back at Qingshuimo before, and then asked through voice transmission with Ultra Psychic Power.

Qing Shuimo shook his head slightly, with them present, there would be no change in the meeting.

Even, with the interference of these guys, Director Sawai can better achieve his goals!
After all, there are some people who really take the tough but not the soft, and if they are not oppressed, they are unlikely to "obey" Director Sawai.

What Shimizu Mo wants is a "peaceful" earth without civil strife, so that he can implement the [Super Ancient Kingdom of Light] plan with peace of mind.

If he helped mankind to complete the ascension, and as a result, mankind fell into endless internal strife, then wouldn't all his efforts be in vain.

Therefore, he is very happy to see the unity of opinions on the earth.

The two returned to the surface from the ground. They did not notify Director Sawai and other members of the Victory Team who were in charge of security. Only when they didn't know anything could they show the most normal and perfect reaction.

The next day, the leaders of the various countries and the directors of the regional TPC branch all arrived at the southern island, and everyone in the Victory Team began to deploy a net on the entire southern island with their guns and live ammunition.

It can be said that if anyone can take away the current southern island, then human civilization will go back at least 50 years!
The strange triangle buried deep in the ground seemed to feel that the time had come, it released electromagnetic waves quietly and rushed out of the surface, and then formed around the entire southern island without disturbing anyone. An invisible barrier!
Director Sawai and others, who were having a meeting on a small island in the south, didn't notice anything wrong. Even the Victory Team on patrol didn't notice anything wrong. The only person who felt something was wrong was patrolling the sky in the Phoenix. GUYS AGAIN!
"Captain, there seems to be something wrong."

On the Phoenix, the future turned on the detector in a strange way. There is a blue sky above the head. Why does the detector sense strong electromagnetic waves?

The dragon driving the Phoenix also felt a little abnormal, because he was cruising at a slow speed, so he used manual driving. When the future discovered the strong electromagnetic wave, the joystick in his hand began to tremble!

At this time, Shingo Sasumizu, who was far away at the base headquarters of the TPC headquarters, immediately put down the coffee cup in his hand after hearing the words of the future. He half stood up and looked at the big screen in front of him, which displayed the satellite image of the Phoenix.

"What happened, future."

"The Phoenix has been affected by an unknown strong electromagnetic wave, and the body cannot maintain its balance!"

Aihara Ryu quickly explained the current situation, and the three captains in the command room showed serious expressions on their faces.

"Team Yerui, start investigating immediately why there is a strong electromagnetic field near the southern island."

Ju Jianhui turned his head and gave the order to Ye Rui, then took the microphone, and directly directed to the Phoenix to remotely command, "Phoenix, disintegrate immediately, use the meteor technology to break into the southern island!"

Although the strong electromagnetic wave is likely to block the connection between the southern island and the outside world, in this case, it is the most correct choice to let the Phoenix stay outside to support, but Ju Jianhui still gave this order without hesitation.

Compared with external support that anyone can do, the safety of Director Uchi Sawai and others on the southern island is the most important thing!

"Two, maybe we should go out."

Seeing on the satellite images, the Phoenix had completed its body dispersal, and then rushed into the southern island with the help of meteor technology, Megumin took a deep breath and said to Shingo Sakumizu and Gosuke Kihibi.


Xibigang nodded with his fists. He himself is a man who likes to rush to the front line. Since he joined the victory team, because there are enough fighters, he has lost a lot of opportunities to go to the front line.

Now, letting him return to the battlefield is exactly what he wished for!
Shingo Sukimizu also nodded. Although he usually looks like a gentleman who is "harmless to humans and animals", but he was selected as an astronaut to explore the universe decades ago, Shingo Sukimizu's ability will definitely not be inferior to GUYS Any one of them!

The command room here was dispatched in full force, and the southern island on the other side has also entered a state of combat readiness!
Originally, if the Phoenix hadn't rushed in, the enemy hidden in the dark was going to play Quiet Mimi's "assassination".

However, the rush of the Phoenix was too loud, directly interrupting the ongoing meeting.

The Victory Team and others patrolling the island didn't think too much after seeing the Phoenix rushing in from the sky. They all returned quickly and gathered outside the meeting room.

Looking at the victorious team that was waiting in full force, Director Sawai glanced at the delegation not far away who looked solemn, and some even became terrified. His heart did not fluctuate.

As the commander of the battlefield, Zong Fang was about to get in touch with GUYS on the Phoenix, but the communication was disturbed by unknown strong electromagnetic waves inside the small island, and he couldn't get in touch with the Phoenix at all.

And the Phoenix didn't dare to land rashly to disperse operations when it couldn't contact the internal personnel, so it could only keep circling in the air.

In the meeting room, Qian Xue looked at the delegation whose expression was gradually becoming ugly. She gently pulled Shimizu Mo's sleeve, and asked with her eyes what to do now.

Qing Shuimo squinted his eyes and looked at the door of the conference room. In his perception, all the main roads in the base had been occupied by some kind of very ugly aliens.

The elites of the police department in charge of security have been controlled by this group of aliens using secret control methods, and now they are groping towards the conference room.

Just as the expression of the victorious team in the room became more serious and the delegation became more panicked, the door of the meeting room was pushed open!
At the same time, the screen in the meeting room that originally showed the future development of the earth was replaced by another picture and a line of bloody characters in an instant!
[Return our compatriots, despicable and ignorant earthlings! 】

Above the line of bloody font is a strange life form trapped in a glass container.

That is, 24 years ago, the individual of the Daisis galaxy was captured by the old guard.

On the side of that glass container, the words "Sleeping Girl" are engraved!

This is, its code name!
(End of this chapter)

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