Chapter 470 Cunning Warrior!
In the subspace of another dimension, Shimizu Mo and Qian Xue told Hong Kai how they came to this world, and Hong Kai was also very surprised.

"A wishing star that can fulfill any wish? Also, a dark giant similar to the super ancient civilization on Earth?"

Hong Kai can guarantee that when he came to this world, he never thought that this world would be so wonderful, and there are so many puzzles waiting for him to discover.

"The person hiding behind the scenes has been thinking about luring Trija to the darkness, but he didn't expect that he didn't succeed, but you appeared first."

Qian Renxue shrugged. They had many chances to bring Trigard back, but in that case, the people behind the scenes would probably disappear, and in that case, it would be a disaster for the world.

So they thought of going with the flow and waiting for the person behind the scenes to appear by themselves, but they didn't expect Hong Kai to come out and stir up this farce.

Hong Kai was also a little helpless, and he couldn't be blamed for that.

As soon as he traveled through the world, he saw the confused Ultra warrior at first glance. As an enthusiastic senior, he naturally wanted to go up and clear up the confusion for the younger generation.

Who knew this would mess up other people's designs.

"It doesn't matter. Although your appearance has disrupted some people's plans, it will not affect the actions of Wishing Star on Earth."

Qing Shuimo waved his hand, as long as the wishing star doesn't run away, it doesn't matter who comes.

Even if there is ultimate darkness like Gatanjae in this world, he is not afraid.

Hong Kai patted his chest, "Speaking of which, I traveled to this world because I heard the guidance of a certain voice, saying that I can find the person I most want to see here."

If you want to say that the person Hongkai wants to see the most is his best friend back then.

Although the two are strangers because of strength issues, he really doesn't want his best friend to sink like that.

However, if he really came to this world, it might cause a storm of chaos.

"Is there a sound?"

Qing Shuimo fell into deep thought. What is known so far is that the earth in this world has self-awareness, although it is not very strong.

In addition, there are three different groups of people lurking in the dark side of the earth. The first group is the dark giant, the second group is the wishing star, and the third group is the person who has always wanted to lead Trija into the darkness.

As for the red side, Trija, has a strong mental power, similar to the pitiful ghost Youlesa on the earth...

I don't know who sent the message to Hong Kai, but he also pulled Hong Kai into this world. Obviously, he also hopes that someone can break this weird deadlock.

"Then what should I do next? Should I just hide like this?"

Hong Kai was a little puzzled, could it be that for the next time, he could only huddle in the subspace and watch the constant troubles outside?

"No, you can't hide."

Qing Shuimo shook his head without hesitation. If Hong Kai is allowed to hide, then the people behind the scenes will be extremely vigilant against the subspace of different dimensions, and even make Wishing Star Xin more vigilant. When the time comes, he will make a wish. If Xing engages in a wave of affairs and wants to escape, it will be really troublesome.

"If you don't mind, I feel that you can sneak into the Earth Defense Force and guide Triga."

"Anyway, in the eyes of people from all walks of life, you are already an outsider on the bright side. In order to deal with you, they will definitely show their feet."

Listening to Qing Shuimo's words, Hong Kai didn't know whether to be happy or complain.

Is this making him a target?

"Forget about the Earth Defense Force, I'll just be my wanderer."

Infiltrating into the Earth Defense Force requires a super-high level, and it is inevitable that there will be friendship with colleagues. Hong Kai, who doesn't want to stay in this world at all, has never thought about this at all. He still can only be a wanderer.

Qing Shui Mo didn't say much, as long as Hong Kai didn't choose to hide, it didn't matter whether he stayed on Earth or left.

While Hongkai and Shimizu Mo were chatting, Zhenzhong Jianwu transformed to solve the Lightning Man Gazot, but he was also attacked by a mysterious person hiding in the dark.

On the outskirts of the city, Triga, who deliberately chose a deserted site as the battlefield, fell to the ground, and there was still a terrifying electric current on his body.

Not far from Triga, a blue dark giant is constantly approaching Triga.

Seeing that the blue giant was about to extend its claws to Triga, a strange light shot out from an unknown place, and then directly blew the blue giant away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Trija returned to the state of a human body, and then passed out in the ruins.

"This child is really in trouble."

In the subspace, Qianxue put down the posture she was about to make a move just now, and she glanced at the shadow area around the ruins, someone was helping Triga.

"That guy, the target should be Hitler, but he seems to be much stronger than Hitler."

Qingshui touched his chin thoughtfully. First, he manipulated the Lightning Man to seduce Trija, and then when Trija had eliminated the Lightning Man, he suddenly came out to sneak attack when he was relaxing.

After the sneak attack, he still knew how to make up the knife, which was beyond Qing Shuimo's understanding of the dark giant.

After all, the dark giants that Qing Shuimo has come into contact with are nothing more than the three ultra-ancient guys, and the one under his command who is still light in heart cannot be counted among them.

The brains of the super ancient dark giants may not be able to use any one of them. It is really extraordinary that Hitler in this world has such a strategy.

"Hitram, you bastard, do you remember me!"

Just when Qingshuimo was feeling emotional, another man suddenly ran out of the ruined battlefield. He roared heartbreakingly at the fallen blue giant. The hatred in that voice could be said to make Qingshuimo and Qianxue was shocked.

"The power of darkness."

Hong Kai's eyes were fixed, he saw the dark power in Ignis, but what made Hong Kai feel awkward was that there was not much evil in Ignis.

This situation is actually somewhat similar to his best friend at the beginning.

"Is the Lisrianian?"

Shimizumo read Ignis' memory at the moment when Ignis was emotional, and then had a deep understanding of the relationship between Ignis and Hitram.

"Is it the culprit who destroyed the Liserian aliens, and the survivors of the Liserian aliens, the treasure hunters of the universe? The power of the dark Triga, it seems that this world is much more complicated than the main universe." .”

Qingshui Mo had a headache. Ignis was not a black hand hiding behind the scenes. He just came to the earth and met Hitram before he could start to act.

So, now there is another treasure hunter power on the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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