Chapter 528 Theft!

After eliminating Jayden, everyone in XIO returned to the base beaming.

Although the storage tank of the Tokyo Bay Energy Base was destroyed, and although the roads from Tokyo Bay to Mihua City were damaged to varying degrees, XIO successfully dealt with the monsters, and even killed Electronic Zedon in a flash when Aix was deflated. !
The people outside don't know that XIO created the electronic Jayton. They only know that XIO and Ultraman X easily solved the monsters that threatened their lives.

Therefore, when the Electro-Jaton was eliminated and XIO's fighter planes began to return to the base, countless "survivors" on the ground were cheering for XIO.

"Dr. Gehrman, please submit a report. Also, the electronic monster materialization experiment is temporarily terminated."

However, not everyone was smiling. Captain Shenmu Shotaro announced the punishment to Gehrman with a gloomy face. He changed the research direction and research goals at will and created an "enemy" that he could not control. station destruction.

This guilt is not something ordinary people can resist.

The director trusted Shenmu Shotaro, and he didn't make a big deal of it, but just announced the termination of the electronic monster materialization project.

Shenmu Shotaro has no reason to refute. In fact, it is reasonable to terminate the materialization of electronic monsters, because no one can bear the burden brought by electronic monsters, even those with the best physical fitness and the strongest psychological endurance The same goes for ace pilot Minami Kentaro.

Therefore, the director's suspension of this project also meant that there was a lot of thunder and little rain.

Gehrman, who was named by Shenmu Shotaro, was a little frustrated, and he still felt quite guilty in his heart. After all, it was indeed his mistake that caused the electronic monster to go berserk.

Fortunately, it was the electronic Zedon who materialized, and he knew the way to restrain the electronic Zedon. If it was the other monster spark dolls, then things would be a big deal.

You know, none of the monster spark dolls he picked before were good.

In addition to the cosmic dinosaur Jayton, there are also powerful monsters such as the tyrant Tyrant, the force monster Goldras, and the civilization adjudicator Galatron. If the other monsters are revived, then The consequences could be disastrous.

So when he heard that the electronic monster materialization project was suspended, Gehrman was only slightly taken aback, but he didn't have any other ideas.

"The headquarters at the Tokyo Bay Energy Reserve Base will deal with it, so don't pay attention to it."

Shenmu Shotaro's meaning is very clear, this matter ends here.

Hearing the captain's words, the XIO team members nodded. They naturally knew that if this matter was widely publicized, the public's trust in XIO would plummet.

The XIO is in a meeting here, but the research institute on the other side has been invaded.

A weird alien with a strange appearance and a pair of protruding ears broke into the XIO research base, because Gehrman and Dakong Dadi were not there, and the electronic monster materialization terminal was not controlled by ordinary people, so the alien The intrusion into the institute met little resistance.

When the siren sounded into the XIO command room, the intruder had already fled with what he wanted.

"What, the electronic monster materialization terminal was taken away, and the monster spark dolls I picked were also taken away?"

When Gehrman followed the XIO team members to the research base, what he saw was a mess.

After learning what had happened from an injured researcher, Gehrman was hit hard.

"Dr. Gehrman, the terminal is taken away, how much is the possibility of activating the spark puppet!"

Shenmu Shotaro asked calmly, he needs to know how big the expected risk is.

Gehrman stared blankly at the empty laboratory, "The way to activate the spark dolls on the terminal is very simple, as long as enough energy is injected. And those spark dolls are also specially selected by me, and they are quite powerful. It's no worse than the Electron Jadon."

Hearing Gehrman's words, Kamiki Shotaro immediately asked Fuji to start investigating the surrounding video data.

Judging from the strength of the intruder, although the opponent could easily break into the XIO base and take away what he wanted, but he did not show a crushing attitude, so Kamiki Shotaro speculated that the opponent is likely to attack during the invasion. Leave some clues.

Soon, a video file was called out, which showed the whole process of the intruder swaggering into the XIO research base.

The security personnel of the research base kept trying to stop the intruder, but they were killed by the intruder with an unknown weapon.

"Is that the light cannon from the Jingu Bridge?"

Gehrman immediately recognized the origin of the light cannon worn by the intruder on his wrist, and then through a clear frontal photo, Gehrman recognized the identity of the intruder.

"Pirate universe, Barossa star!"

"Pirate spaceman?"

Regarding the name that Gehrman said, everyone showed a dignified expression. This is not like a nickname that a friendly alien should have.

"The Barossa Stars have a strong habit of plundering and looting a lot of supplies and armaments in many places, so they are called pirates from the universe."

Gehrman explained, "Every Barossa star can use external forces to fight giants, and the Barossa star's reproductive ability is quite famous in the multiverse, if it is not because they are often arrested for theft and robbery If the original civilization is killed, with the reproductive ability of the Barossa Stars, it won’t take long before there will be only Barossa Stars left in a galaxy.”

After listening to Gehrman's explanation, Kamiki Shotaro showed a thoughtful expression, "How did the other party know that we have electronic monster materialization terminals?"

You know, there are only a few people who know about XIO's experimental plan, and most of them are the top elites of human beings.

You can't possibly tell him that there are spies of the Tumbarossa people among the human race.

"There is no need for someone to tell them that the Barossa Stars possess powerful power of time and space, and any special fluctuations within a short range cannot escape their detection. It must be the previous materialization experiment that the Barossa Stars discovered Knowing the existence of the terminal, I thought of looting."

Gehrman's face was extremely ugly, "If you can't snatch the terminal and the spark doll back from Barossa as soon as possible, there will be big problems."

Even if the Barossa star leaves Earth directly after snatching the terminal, he will definitely activate the monster spark dolls on other planets.

In this way, Gehrman would become a sinner of the universe!
(End of this chapter)

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