People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 603: The Lonely Door's Dream!

Chapter 603: The Lonely Door's Dream!

After harvesting the cosmic dinosaur Jayton, the ultra-ancient monster Lava Gorzan, and the final reset machine Giga Endora, Sera's Leonix career has completely kicked off.

She kept showing off to Ji Yazhun like a child who got a new toy, and Ji Yazhun also stroked Sera's head intimately like an older brother.

Being able to see Sera again made Ji Yazhun extremely excited, and now Serra has gained the power to protect herself, which made Ji Yazhun completely relieved and entrusted her power to Gumen.

"Let's go, let's go back to Earth first."

Qianxue stretched her waist. Maintaining the dimensional channel was very tiring. She felt that she would have to ask her Anada to beat her on the back for at least an hour after she returned.

Shimizu Mo didn't know that his wife had put a lot of work on him in his heart, and he was preparing Ji Yazhun enough light for him to reproduce the power of Nexus.

The gamma sublimator cannot reproduce the power of Nexus because Noah's mind is guarding it, but if Ji Yazhun wants to reproduce it, then Nexus should not refuse.

Therefore, as long as you prepare a quasi-legendary level of power, you can engrave the glory of Nexus if you think about it.

But Shimizumo still has a rather coquettish idea. If Ji Yajun can communicate with Noah's consciousness, will Noah let go of the power restriction and let Ji Yazhuan gain more powerful power?
In order to prevent Ji Yazhun from being unable to reproduce a stronger power due to insufficient power, Shimizu Mo felt that giving Ji Yazhun a legendary peak-level power should be safe.

Extracting such a huge amount of power is a technical task, and Qing Shuimo worked for about a minute before converting the energy into a light bead.

He threw the light bead to Ji Yazhuan, as long as he takes this light bead when Ji Yazhuan passes on the evolution trustee to Gumen, then the pure light can illuminate the Nexus template in Ji Yazhun's body Fill it in.

The worst result is that Ji Yazhun can only get the power he unlocked, but in the main universe, it is enough.

After leaving the Gamma Domain, everyone returned to the Stone Wings, and Ji Yazhun drove the Stone Wings towards the TLT headquarters.

"Let's go for a visit. You are allowed to take Serra to find the lonely door. Remember that it is best not to disturb other people."

When Qingshuimo and the others returned to the real world, it was already night. In order not to disturb other people, Qingshuimo specially taught Ji Yazhun a trick to hide his breath and figure.

With Hime Yajun's ability, it shouldn't be a problem to become invisible with Serra. Shimizu Mo and Qian Xuexue want to go to the top of TLT to have a look.

The high level at this time seems to be more brainless than the high level in the Gaussian world.

Passing through the heavily guarded protection, Qingshuimo and Qianxue came to an experimental area. They thought that there should be no one in this area in the dead of night, but when they passed, they heard some vague conversations.

"Are we really going to continue with that mission? We must know that Team B's current state of mind has problems, and the public is also very suspicious of us. Manager Matsuma, I propose to stop the plan."

In a certain laboratory, several men in suits and leather shoes were having a meeting with scientific researchers in white coats.

Shimizumo and Qianxue entered the meeting room without disturbing anyone, and they watched the meeting of the "Upper Earth" with great interest.

"What are you kidding!"

The man named Matsuma Manager showed a sneer. He looked at the scientific research doctor who proposed to stop the plan, and then knocked on the table without hesitation, "You think that the plan was stopped when you said it?"

"The public's discussion, someone will solve it. The problem of the night raid team, the problem of team B's heart, the lack of ability of team A and the connection with that Ji Yazhun is not enough to trust, we can completely reorganize a team C , Team D, and even Team E."

"There are many aspiring young people who are willing to dedicate their fame to the future of mankind. We need to dig them out and let them shine for the future of mankind."

Manager Matsuma's words were passionate, but none of the people present were idiots, and they could all hear the voice-over of Manager Matsuma.

This time, use team B as a shield for the dead ghosts, and then form more dead ghosts. Anyway, Ji Yazhun must be captured, and the aliens that appeared on the earth also need to be captured and studied.

"Just imagine, if humans have mastered the technology to transform into giants, will there still be alien beasts that can threaten the safety of the earth? At that time, Doctor, you will be the great heroes of mankind!"

After reprimanding the doctor, the manager Matsuma began to talk good things to win over the doctor. He still needs the doctor and the others to conduct research.

Hearing what Manager Matsuma said, the doctor was stunned, "However, Ji Yazhun defeated many alien beasts, he protected many humans, and at the same time helped the night raid team many times..."

"that's not me!"

Manager Matsuma showed a smile, but there was an inexplicable hint of obscenity and treachery in this smile, "What does the protection of the night raid team and those civilians have to do with me, and what does it have to do with you, Doctor?"

"There is no friendship between us and Ji Yazhun. To capture Ji Yazhun and study the secret of his transformation into a silver giant, this is what we need to do, and it is also our plan."

Leaving the meeting room, Qingshuimo and Qianxue returned to the area where Stone Wing was located without saying a word. They never expected that they would crash a "special" meeting by simply visiting it at random.

"The upper echelons of this planet . . . are truly disgusting."

Qianxue is a scholar, so even though she was extremely angry in her heart, she couldn't utter any dirty words.

Qingshui Mo cursed the Matsuma manager in his heart.

The level of darkness at the upper levels of this world is about to catch up with the upper levels of the planet that Qingshuimo and Qianxue destroyed. That planet is not the earth, so Qingshuimo and Qianxue don’t care too much when they come into contact with its darkness .

But when they came into contact with the darkness in this world, Qingshuimo and Qianxue suddenly discovered that the high-level human beings in this world seem to have darker hearts than the masterminds behind the scenes!
"Even if there is a Gondo staff member in TPC who wants to gain the power of light, he just hopes that after Ultraman disappears, human beings can independently master the power to resist foreign enemies. This world, hehehe."

Shimizu Mo shook his head. There are not a few people who covet Ultraman's power. It can be said that Ultra warriors in every world will more or less encounter this situation after their identities are exposed.

However, as far as Shimizumo knows, most of the human beings in other worlds coveting Ultraman's power are for the Earth Defense Force to gain the power to independently guard the earth.

Their actions may be wrong, but their starting point is definitely for the good of the earth.

On the contrary, look at that Matsuma administrator, he is full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, but his desire for power is full of words between the lines.

If he was really allowed to research the method of transforming into a giant, Shimizumo and Qianxue could guarantee that he would never use this method to defend the earth.

More likely, he'll harness the power of the Titans and rule over humanity, or create a civilization in which Titans rule over humanity that can never be overthrown.

This kind of person, Shimizu Mo's evaluation of him is just as "disgusting" as Qian Xue.

"It's a good thing we're here, otherwise, with Ji Yazhun's fighting frequency, I'm afraid he would have died not at the hands of strange beasts, but at the hands of these filthy high-ranking officials."

If it wasn't for not wanting to interfere with the progress of civilization in other worlds, Qianxue really wanted to reward that Matsuma administrator with a guillotine.

Shimizumo pressed Qianxue's shoulders. What Qianxue said was true. Ji Yazhun was seriously injured in battles, and was finally caught. Afterwards, he could even be said to have died in the hands of human beings. In the greedy desire of the high-level.

"Don't worry, when I get Noah's power, we will bring Ji Yajun and Sera back to the main universe."

Qingshuimo's pressing made Qianxue's brows gradually ease. They looked at the stars for a while, and then turned their attention to the night raid team's base.

Ji Yazhun and Sera had already arrived at the door of the Gumen, and as Ji Yazhun directly opened the room of the Gumen with his strength, the sleeping Gumen was suddenly pulled into a fantasy world.

"You are······"

Some Gumen who didn't know much about the situation were a little confused when they saw Ji Yazhun and Sera, but Ji Yazhun just shook his head lightly. All the memories are given to Gumen.

After learning about Ji Yazhun's battle memories, Gumen didn't know if he had realized something. He looked at Ji Yazhun with an extremely complicated expression.

"you are leaving?"

Ji Yazhun did not tell Gumen about the existence of Shimizumo and Qianxue. Based on memory alone, Gumen mistakenly thought that Ji Yazhun's body was only "returning to the light" because of fighting to the limit.

Ji Yazhun didn't intend to correct Gumen's misunderstanding, after all, he was indeed leaving this world.

In the eyes of people in this world, they are indeed dead.

"Gumen, just a bond, will inevitably be passed on from generation to generation."

"You are my chosen one, and you are also the one chosen by Nexus. Make good use of this power to guard the earth and mankind!"

Ji Yazhun expressed his inner emotion and expectation to Gumen, and then he took the evolution trustee out of his arms.

The evolution trustee seemed to understand something, it flashed a red light, exuding reluctance for Ji Yazhun, but then it still fell into the hands of Gumen with a complicated face.

"why me?"

Gumen raised the doubts that most Ultra warriors in the human body must think about, why did Guang choose him?
Ji Yazhun shook his head, the reason for choosing Gumen alone can only be understood by Gumen himself, other people can't help Gumen.

After sending out the evolution trustee, Ji Yazhun swallowed the pure light energy that Shimizumo gave him in front of Gumen.

When the Gumen illuminated by the dazzling white light was a little unclear, the evolution trustee in the Gumen's hand unexpectedly emitted bursts of bright white light along with Ji Yazhun.

When the white light dissipated, a silver-white giant appeared in front of the lonely door, which was Ultraman Nexus.

The evolution trustee broke free from Gumen's hand, and then floated in front of Nexus.

A phantom of Ultraman Nexus appeared from the evolution trustee, it nodded to Ji Yazhuan, and then crashed into the body of Nexus transformed by Ji Yazhuan.

The evolutionary believer allowed Hime Yajun to reproduce the power of Nexus. At the same time, Noah, who was sleeping, also expressed his approval for Hime Yajun. He unlocked the potential limit of Hime Yajoon, thus opening a path for Himiyajun to go straight to the legend.

Of course, if you want to develop the power of Nexus to the legendary level, Ji Yazhuan will definitely not be able to do it without a million years of effort.

However, Ji Yazhun, who had unlocked the potential limit, directly bought into the quasi-legendary realm, and being with Sera did not seem to be lacking in strength.

After expressing his approval, the evolution trustee returned to Gumen's hands, and at this moment, Gumen and the evolution trustee had a fettered connection.

"Gumen, goodbye."

Ji Yazhun recovered his human form, and then he pulled Sera and turned around and walked towards the distant white light. Gumen stretched out his hand to keep him, but he didn't know what to say.

After joining the night raid team, Gumen also learned some secret information, not to mention the memory information shared by Ji Yajun, he couldn't imagine how Ji Yajun still retained his love for human beings and the earth in such despair. love.

"Go all the way, senior."

Through the short-term connection with Nexus just now, Gumen solved the misunderstanding that Ji Yazhun would die, but this way he could feel more relaxed, after all, the burden that Ji Yazhuan passed on to him was too heavy.

When Ji Yajun and Sera disappeared in front of Gumen, the world shrouded in white light suddenly disappeared, Gumen also woke up from sleep.

"Is it a dream?"

Gumen rubbed his heavy head, he looked at his room, and then at the door that was not opened at all, thinking he was dreaming.

However, the real battle memory in his mind told Gumen that everything before was not a dream!

Gumen stretched out his hand and groped in his arms, and the evolution trustee was pulled out of the bed by him.

Seeing the Evolution Trustee shining with a little light in the dim room, Gumen placed it on his forehead very seriously.

"Please teach me more in the future, Nexus."

After inheriting the power of Nexus, Gumen actually didn't need to hide everywhere like Hime Yajun, because in the eyes of the higher-ups, Nexus was Hime Yajun, and they had no idea that the transformed human body had changed.

As long as Gumen operates better and is more secretive, the disappearing Ji Yajun will be the biggest help for Gumen to hide his identity!

(End of this chapter)

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