People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 656 Dada is really too strong!

In the universe, the shadow mage desperately wants to manipulate Maru to force Naiza to dodge. He knows that the Ultra Bomb is a forbidden spell of the Kingdom of Light. It cannot be used normally, but once it is used, it will definitely explode The power of the impossible.

Many Ultra fighters have killed many monsters that are several times stronger than themselves by virtue of Ultra bombs and life curing devices.

Although its Maruha Neza is powerful, it is not strong enough to withstand three Ultra bombs and still be alive and kicking.

And once the Ultra Bomb easily breaks Naiza Maruha's chest defense, doesn't that mean that the rules of chaos will merge with the rules of reality, and even Naiza Maruha will not be able to survive.

The Shadow Mage has only infected a few universes now, and how much resentment and despair he has collected, he still doesn't want his new tool man to go offline!
"Get out of the way, Marura Naiza!"

Amidst the anxious roar of the shadow mage, Marura Naiza made a look of dodging, but was embraced by Zeta's phantom first.

The scorching flames gradually melted the surface of Maruko Naiza's body a lot, which made Shadow Mage even more worried.

It looks like this trick is really powerful!

"Damn it, what should I do!"

The Shadow Mage regretted it a bit now, why did he send Maruko Naizha, he just sent a random monster.

Just when the shadow mage was worried, a space channel suddenly appeared in front of Naiza Maruko.

This space channel was opened by coincidence. Just at the moment when Zeta Phantom's Ultra explosion was about to explode, a white and black figure passed through the space channel and bumped into Zeta Phantom which was charging. .

Hit by this figure, Zeta Phantom subconsciously detonated the energy released by itself, and then directly touched the figure coming out of the space channel.

The explosion that was enough to shake the starry sky spread in the void, and the figure blocked in the phantoms of Maruha Naiza and Zeta also revealed his true face.


The three-faced monster Dada, the cosmic beings with strong or weak strength, the most glorious moment of their family is when they smashed Infinity Sailuo.

This Dada who traveled through time and space was obviously very strong. After taking a triple Ultra bomb from Zeta Phantom, he was still ready to say his last words.

However, before it opened its mouth, Maraku Naiza opened the passage and disappeared directly in place.

Shimizumo and Qianyuki captured the fluctuation when Maruha Naiza left. According to their abilities, it is not difficult to shuttle to the place where Maruha Naiza is, but I don’t know if it is the so-called inner universe.

"I'm really drunk, a Dada, why come out to disrupt the situation at this time!"

Shimizu Mo stared at Dada, he never thought that Dada could appear in such a situation, and blocked Zeta Phantom's attack in a way that is difficult to understand.

This also led to the fact that Maruha Naiza's injury was not as serious as imagined. It is still a question whether the Shadow Mage will take it back.


Qingshuimo raised his hand and released a beam of light that blew Dada into pieces, and then led Qianxue into the space passage.

When they reappeared, there was still the familiar Pyoyu in front of them, but there was no sign of Naiza Maruha, and there was no trace of the space channel where it fled again.

Obviously, this time it was the Shadow Mage who made the move.

"Damn Dada, if it wasn't for him, we would have been able to track down Shadow Mage smoothly."

Qing Shuimo's face was very foul, he never imagined that a mere Dada could ruin his plan.

The shadow mage was obviously afraid of being chased by soldiers, so he let Maru forced Naiza to escape to a safe place and then recovered him.

If it weren't for Dada, Qingshuimo and Qianxue would have already traveled to the inner universe with a high probability.

"After everything is finished, I will definitely go to the Dada family to ask for an explanation."

Qingshuimo snorted softly, glanced around, and then pulled Qianxue back to the previous cosmic space.

Dada has been bombarded by Qingshuimo's light, and now there are only scorching traces left by the Ultra bomb in this space.

"Master King of Ultra, can you hear me?"

With the clues cut off, Shimizu Mo had no choice but to turn to the King of Ultra for help again.

It is obvious that the old man is also paying attention to the situation here, and he also very much hopes that Qingshuimo and Qianxue can smoothly eliminate those unstable guys who want to make trouble all day long,

[I have collected enough information here, you open the Altec dumbbell, and I will send you the coordinates. 】

Ultra King's answer was very concise, he had already locked on Maruko Naiza, even if Maruko Naiza escaped through the space, it was also expected by Ultra King.

In order to completely eliminate the crisis of the Shadow Mage, the King of Ultra even did not hesitate to attach a portion of his Ultra power to Naiza Maruha, and thus obtained the coordinates of the inner universe.

Qingshuimo and Qianxue Yixi, as expected of an old man in the family, if there is a treasure, this is really true, the King of Ultra is really the most reliable one.

Soon, Shimizumo raised the Ultra dumbbell and received the completely incomprehensible space coordinates passed by the King of Ultra. The next thing to do is to open the passage to the inner universe along this coordinates.

This point, Shimizu Mo can do it, and the Ultra Dumbbell can barely do it, and Shimizu Mo can do it with the Ultra Dumbbell and close his eyes.

Following the direction guided by the light, Shimizu Mo and Qian Xue turned into streamers and disappeared into the surface universe.

At the same time, the creatures in countless parallel universes raised their heads unnaturally, and they seemed to feel something. The legend that represented the great universe was going away.

On the earth of the main universe, Asuka is going through the formalities of Beria's "accompanying study". He never imagined that a young man who is only 20 years old can be accompanied by a senior who has tens of thousands of years.

However, thinking of what happened to this old senior, Asuka could only express his emotion.

Closed for tens of thousands of years, this is a hammer!

"You know, Tiga is in the super ancient ruins, but sealed Camilla and her two accomplices for 3000 million years!"

Compared with Beria's tens of thousands of years of imprisonment, the tens of millions of years of seals on the earth's side are much more miserable.


While Asuka was still going through the formalities, he suddenly raised his head, and Beria curiously asked him what was wrong.

"It's nothing, I just feel empty in my heart, as if something has left them."

After contacting Dagu and Hikari in the future through the communicator, Asuka understood that what he felt he had lost was the memory of Shimizu Mo and Qianxue.

Because the two of them smuggled into the inner world, there is no sign of them left on the surface of the universe, and naturally even their memories will be erased.

Of course, it was only vaguely erased. After the two of them came back, these memories would come back.

As for why Asuka and the others were able to analyze this, Dagu remembered it most clearly.

After reaching the peak of legend, even the rules of the universe cannot shake Dagu's memory, and it will be the same in the future. Although his strength needs the help of his partners, he is still a peak legend after all.

Except for them, everyone else more or less forgot about Qingshuimo and Qianxue, and only a few people who were extremely impressed still had some incomplete memories.

In the universe, unnamed planets.

Standing on this beautiful planet without any breath of life, Shimizu Mo and Qian Xue couldn't help but yawned.

They stayed in the space channel for three full days, and they thought how many worlds they had traveled through.

"Is this the inner universe? It looks similar to the outside world?"

Qianxue picked a flower casually, which contained the fragrance of chrysanthemums and peach blossoms on earth, which was quite strange.

Shimizumo looked around, he found traces left by Naizha Maruha and Shadow Mage, but the traces were already very light, as if they were left a few days ago.

Obviously, Shadow Mage either took Maru to force Naiza to find resources to repair, or he had a premonition that he might be tracked, so he ran away early.

According to Qing Shuimo's prediction of Shadow Mage, this guy has probably run away.

The cunning rabbit still has three caves, so no matter what, the Shadow Mage will leave a three thousand caves.

With the ability to freely travel through the outer and inner universes, Shadow Mage can easily get rid of the "stalker".

This is a real pain for Shimizumo and Qianxue. After they came to this inner universe, they couldn't get in touch with the outer universe.

Fortunately, the Ultra Dumbbell can also open a space passage back to the universe. As long as they have this, they can go back at any time.

"Let's go, follow the remaining signs and look for the surrounding planets."

Qingshuimo snapped his fingers, and the energy in his body was directly transformed into pure darkness. Qianxue also directly used the eternal core to adjust her own energy to a chaotic level that was biased toward darkness.

This is the inner universe, and everything is opposite to the outer universe. If the rules of the outer universe are placed in the inner universe, it will be of no use at all.

So in order to avoid the inner universe from being too repulsive to them, Qingshuimo and the others can only use neutral energy.

Following the traces left by Shadow Mage, Qingshuimo and Qianxue visited at least [-] surrounding planets, but they didn't find any valuable clues.

If I had to talk about the harvest, it would be that these twenty planets are all precious planets that can give birth to life planets. After searching, Qian Xue collected them into the small world, which greatly filled the small world. Life energy of the world.

"In the universe, there seem to be many living planets?"

Moving forward along the star road, Qingshuimo and Qianxue were amazed to find that the stars encountered along the way are rarely non-life planets. Many planets have powerful civilizations, and they are enough to suppress a galaxy in the outer universe. But the universe can only nest on a small planet, which is outrageous.

In order to find the trace of Shadow Mage, Qingshuimo and Qianxue sneaked into a relatively powerful civilization to investigate. It happened that this civilization corresponded to the Pedan civilization in the main universe. After two days of lurking, they really collected Got some info.

Because the Pedan civilization is very good at mechanical creations, and they also have the method of making the Golden Ancient Bridge in their hands, so they once encountered the invasion of the Shadow Mage. At that time, they lost more than a hundred Golden Ancient Bridges, as well as the golden ancient bridge. Production and maintenance programs.

If Star Peidan hadn't built the legendary Golden Ancient Bridge, the Shadow Mage might have directly occupied Star Peidan.

After receiving this information, Shimizumo and Qianxue immediately realized that the Maruzu Niza in the hands of the shadow mage was probably created by him based on the technology of the Naga people and the Pedan people.

No wonder the strength of the alloy on the surface of this Maruka Naza's body is so high.

"According to the records, when the Shadow Mage invaded, more than 100 years ago?"

Qianxue frowned looking at the information in her hand, it was very strange, the last time they saw the Shadow Mage was probably two or three years ago.

Could it be that the time velocity of the inner universe is a thousand times faster than that of the outer universe?

"It's a secret realm of time."

Qingshuimo obviously collected more information, he answered Qianxue's doubts very casually, "In the inner universe, there are many special spaces, and the time flow in those spaces is extremely strange, some of which are thousands of times faster than the outside world. times, and some are a thousand times slower, obviously the Shadow Mage has found a space that is a thousand times faster."

This kind of magical space secret realm is quite cherished, and it is the favorite place of many big guys who engage in scientific research. As a half-scientific researcher, it is normal for Shadow Mage to search for the technological crystallization of surrounding civilizations after finding the secret realm.

After leaving Planet Peidan, Qingshuimo and Qianxue respectively visited hundreds of civilizations around them, but all civilizations related to machinery and artificial intelligence were visited by Shadow Mage.

Obviously, this guy no longer trusts the cosmic people and monsters with self-thinking ability, he only believes in the power in his own hands.

Whether it's the hybrid mechanical life form Giga Endora, or the hybrid mechanical life form Maruja Niza, they are all mechanical monsters, and they will not betray or disobey the Shadow Mage's orders.

Only a freak like Qingshuimo can directly take away Shadow Mage's control over Giga Endola.

"I found out that there was an artificial intelligence civilization that was wiped out by the shadow mage. If I guessed correctly, it should be the Sfia civilization."

Qianxue unfolded a star map, on which was marked a living planet that was one-third smaller than the earth. There was a civilization called the Gulan people on this planet, but before the Gulan people, the ruler of this planet It should be the Sfia family!
"The artificial intelligence life forms in the outer universe can't find any way out in the inner universe, so even if Sfia has a very strong compatibility ability, there is no way to expand the group outward. The inner universe is really magical Well, it must have been the same reason that Chaos' head was subdued by the Shadow Mage."


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