Chapter 659 It's Coming!

Looking at the shadow mage who had recovered from his out of breath, Qing Shuimo actually felt a little bit embarrassed.

One version after another is a god, and the next version looks for King Ao.

As a legend of the same era as the King of Ultra, the Shadow Mage is actually quite uncomfortable.

He was suppressed by the King of Ultra back then, and he couldn't satisfy his "desire for tongue and tongue". Finally, the King of Ultra couldn't take action casually, and the Kingdom of Light appeared again. They punished evil and promoted good everywhere, and made shadow mages No resentment or despair can be absorbed.

When Shadow Mage focused on the parallel universe, Qing Shuimo appeared again. He can only use one word to describe his life.

Sad reminder.

"Old man, let's go all the way."

Qing Shuimo raised his hand, and the bright golden light gathered into a terrifying ball. The Shadow Mage looked at the ball and showed a relieved smile.

Although there is no life-and-death enmity with the Shadow Mage, but with Tartarus "before him", Qing Shui really doesn't intend to leave any hidden dangers.

In the future, he will often travel through time and space, looking for opportunities to "plant the flag", which means that he cannot protect the earth of the main universe all the time.

If the Shadow Mage held a grudge against her and attacked the earth, he would not be able to come back in time even if he rode eight horses.

Therefore, for the future stability and harmony of the main universe and the earth, he can only invite the Shadow Mage to die.

"If people do not work for themselves, heaven and earth will perish."

"Although the original intention of this sentence is to describe that we have to cultivate ourselves, otherwise the world will not tolerate it, but if we have to explain it as not being ourselves, and the world does not agree, I don't think there is a problem."

With one move of Gamma Destruction, there is absolutely no possibility for the Shadow Mage to survive.

Even in the legendary state, when the energy is almost exhausted, the strength is relatively weak, and it is still facing the legendary moves, it is impossible to have any resistance.

Seeing the black energy of resentment dissipating in the gamma field, Shimizu Mo released the EX Undead Tyrant. The Shadow Mage is dead, and the remnant souls left by him can help EX Undead Tyrant to increase energy and recover bodily injury.

Even if Shimizu Mo did this kind of thing, he felt a little embarrassed to steal someone else's monster and use his power and soul to restore the monster's injury.

After solving the shadow mage, Qingshuimo and Qianxue seemed to have settled their minds. They clapped their hands easily and left the overlapping spaces.

After returning to the inner universe, Qianxue looked at the Ultra dumbbell that Shimizumo took out, and after thinking about it for a while, she pressed Shimizumo's hand that wanted to push the Ultra dumbbell.

"It's rare to come to the universe, let's take a stroll here."

Qianxue showed a sweet smile. It is really not easy to come in from the universe. Someone needs to open a door, and then needs legendary power to forge a key. It always feels too bad to leave like this.

Qing Shui Mo thought about it, it seemed that he did too.

Others don't want to come to Li Universe. On the one hand, they know that the pressure of competition is too great. On the other hand, they also consider that there is no way to return to Li Universe.

They don't need to have this consideration, they don't need any territory when they are alone, so there is no competition with the civilization in the other universe.

As for the method of returning to the watch universe, it is in Qing Shuimo's hands, and they can go back whenever they want.

"It's all here, why don't we go and see our old friends?"

After thinking for a while, Shimizu Mo showed a smirk. The Absolut star was sent into the inner universe by the king of Absolut at the cost of his life. If Tartarus and the others did not break through the legend, it would be impossible for them to return. To watch the universe.

Generally speaking, under such circumstances, Tartarus has completely lost the possibility of fighting Shimizu Mo, and it is impossible for them to even meet again. After all, there is only a layer of paper-like boundary between the outer universe and the inner universe. However, it is not easy to break through this layer of paper even if it is a legend.

Presumably, Tartarus will be very happy when he sees him.

"There seems to be more than one Absolut civilization in the universe, and we still need to carefully screen it."

Qianxue tapped her lips with her index finger, and she began to think about it. When searching for information on the civilizations around Planet Pedan, she had seen records about the ultimate life forms.

Presumably, there is definitely more than one Absolut civilization in this universe. If you want to find the Absolut civilization that has been relocated from the outer universe, you will have to work hard.

Qingshuimo smiled lightly and shook his head. He lightly scratched the tip of Qianxue's nose, and then said, "There is no need to screen, we just need to know which one is the weakest Absolut civilization."

King Absolut is dead, and there is not much energy left on the Absolut star, which means that the Absolut civilization from the outer universe can never compete with the Absolut civilization in the inner universe.

In this way, it is only necessary to find the "weakest" Absolut civilization, and there is a high probability that it will be the one Qingshuimo and the others are looking for.

The process of finding civilization is very boring, but fortunately, Shimizumo and Qianxue are both "bumps" from the earth in an extremely remote solar system in a remote galaxy. No matter what civilization it is, they can play for a long time with full expectation.

Before they knew it, it had been three years since they came to the inner universe. Except for the time of traveling through space, they spent two and a half years searching for the Absolut star.

The emperor paid off. When visiting a civilization full of Cybertron robots, Shimizumo and Qianxue finally found information about Absolut.

In the K500 galaxy, which is 88 million light-years away from Cybertron, there is a relatively weak Absolut civilization.

It appeared in the inner universe like a rootless duckweed, and then beat up several weak universes around it and was suppressed by the overlord of that area.

In the words of the Cybertronians, at that time, the warriors of the Absolut civilization almost beat the overlord universe to the ground, but that overlord universe had a planet-destroying bomb. Under this threat, Absolut also They can only withdraw their troops, and the two live together in the same galaxy in peace.

"Why do you think that the Absolut civilization is relatively weak?"

Qianxue was a little puzzled. According to the description of King Cybertron, this Absolut civilization seems to be very strong. It can easily beat the overlord of a galaxy. You must know that there are civilizations in the universe that can occupy a galaxy. With four or five legends in command, the Absolut civilization can produce so many legendary fighters, so it must not be weak, right?

King Cybertron shook his head, "The Absolut civilization has always been domineering, and it always takes revenge. No one dares to provoke them casually."

"Our civilization originally lived in a galaxy 3000 million light-years away from here, but because of the arrival of the Absolut civilization, we can only choose to wander in the starry sky, because we cannot resist the fierce attack of the Absolut fighters."

"The Absolut civilization, which can be threatened by planetary destruction bombs, is really weak in the eyes of our Cybertron civilization."

The so-called planet-destroying bomb is nothing more than an underground penetrating bomb, which directly penetrates the core of a planet, causing the planet to die.

Ordinary civilizations really don't have a good way to deal with this kind of attack, but a civilization that can give birth to legends can't deal with planetary destruction bombs, it's just a joke.

Judging from this point alone, it is enough to show that the Absolut civilization, which has been invincible in the surrounding galaxies, is fierce and restrained, and there must be a big problem.

It's just that no civilization would risk its own destruction to explore Absolut's secrets. Even the king of Cybertron only knew of the existence of such a "weak" civilization when he "passed by" the K88 galaxy. The existence of the Absolut civilization.


Qing Shuimo stroked his chin. It seemed that their target should be the Absolut civilization in the K88 galaxy.

However, it was more than 300 years ago that King Cybertron received the message from the Absolut civilization last time.

Because of their wandering in the starry sky, they have broken into many time vortexes, which may have caused their information to lag behind.

The K88 galaxy, I don't know what's going on now.

"Let's go and take a look at the K88 galaxy."

After taking a star map from Cybertron King, Qian Xue couldn't wait to open the space passage, but she was stunned when she and Qing Shuimo passed through the space passage, because they did not come to the K88 galaxy, but It came to the galaxy 88 million light-years away from the K1300 galaxy.


Qianxue frowned. Although opening a space channel of 200 million light years is commendable, but Qianxue looked at the channel opened by the star map, so there is no reason why she couldn't reach her destination directly.

Qing Shuimo stretched out his hand to feel it, and he understood where the problem was.

"The flow of time here is different from that next to it, probably because time has distorted your space channel."

Qingshuimo released a ray of light, and the light suddenly became much slower after entering the space in front of Qingshuimo. It is obvious that this is a slow time mystery.

Of course, the so-called slowness is for people outside the secret realm, and it has no effect on people inside the secret realm.

Qian Xue pouted, the universe is full of such chaotic time secret realms, doesn't this mean that it is difficult for her to open up space channels.

Sensing his wife's little emotion, Shimizu Mo took out the Ultra dumbbell and put it in Qianxue's hand.

Using this thing as the initiator of the space channel can fix the time flow outside the space channel.

This time, there was no problem with the space passage opened by Qianxue, and they were directly sent into the K88 galaxy.

"The flow of time here is similar to that of the outside world, which means that the Absolut star may have been sent into the inner universe not long ago."

Standing on an unnamed planet, Qing Shuimo sensed the time flow rate of this galaxy, and found that the time flow rate here was similar to that of the outer universe, which meant that the Absolut civilization did not have several times more time. to develop.

After arriving at the destination, it is much easier to find the Absolut civilization.

Randomly looking for a civilization to inquire about news, Shimizumo and Qianxue obtained a lot of information about the Absolut civilization.

After all, not long ago, the Absolut civilization had just invaded the entire K88 galaxy.

"In the center of the K88 galaxy, there is a space-time black hole. This black hole maintains the operation of the K88 galaxy. On both sides of the black hole, there is a dominant civilization."

"One of them is the local overlord civilization in the universe, the Goethe civilization, and the other is the Absolut civilization we are looking for!"

Qingshuimo looked at the information he had collected, he and Qianxue exchanged glances, and in the next instant, the two of them had arrived in front of the K88 space-time black hole.

Sensing the distorted time and space around them, Shimizu Mo and Qian Xue couldn't help but hold their breath.

In the surface universe, they have seen countless black holes. Although some black holes can swallow even legendary light, more black holes still cannot affect the giant of light.

Even, out of curiosity, Qianxue and Qingshuimo went deep into the black hole to explore what the inside looked like.

However, there is nothing in the black hole, and the planets swallowed by the black hole disappeared without a trace like air.

The theory that a black hole is a wormhole, which can travel through time and space, was directly overturned by Shimizumo and Qianxue.

At least, in the universe they have seen, the black hole is like an automatic crushing trash can, engulfing the planet, then crushing it, and finally storing it in an unknown garbage dump.

"If you practice the rules of time and space here, the progress must be very touching."

Qianxue complained a bit, saying that in order to practice the rules of time and space in the legendary realm of the universe, in addition to having good comprehension, you also need to have a strong ability to sense time and space. In addition, if you can find places where time and space are disordered, it is equivalent to finding a way to increase your own practice. of secrets.

If the time-space black hole of the K88 galaxy is placed in the superficial universe, its power may only be able to encompass a universe, and it will not take long to turn that universe into a secret realm that the legendary powerhouse of time-space rules can only dream of.

Qianxue no longer needs this kind of secret realm to practice, but she wants to intercept a piece of space and put it in the small world as a reference for development.

This kind of thing was not easy to do in the past. After all, it is not an easy task to save the cutting space, but now they have the Ultra Dumbbell in their hands. This thing is the "Otto Staff" made by the King of Ultra So far, Shimizumo and Qianxue haven't seen anything that Ultra Dumbbells can't do.

After randomly erasing a piece of space and stuffing it into their own small world, Shimizumo and Qianxue flew towards the side of the black hole. Using the space channel here is difficult on the one hand, and on the other hand, it will also arouse the vigilance of the Absolut civilization .

After their home was stolen, Shimizumo and Qianxue had reason to believe that Tartarus was bitten by a snake once and was afraid of well ropes for ten years. Once an unknown space passage appeared, they would absolutely shoot without mercy.

Once the space channel is destroyed, Shimizumo and Qianxue can't guarantee that they will land near the K88 galaxy, even if they have Altec dumbbell body protection, even if they go to the end of the universe, there is no certainty.

Although they couldn't travel through space, fortunately, Qingshuimo and Qianxue's flying speed was very fast.

Flying at superluminal speed, it took only a week for Shimizumo and Qianxue to see the familiar khaki-yellow planet.

Absolut, here we come.

(End of this chapter)

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