People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 662 Who is a serious person who plays two-sided chess!

The Black Nabaltan star only feels refreshed all over his body, which is even more refreshing than his whole-body genetic evolution.

When they were in the outer universe, their family was attacked by Tartaros and almost died.

If it wasn't for the sudden vortex that brought them into the inner universe, they would have completely disappeared in the outer universe.

After coming to the inner universe, although several Absolut civilizations were wiped out, the culprit in the outer universe could not be wiped out. This is the pain in the heart of the dark Baltan star.

Unexpectedly, the giant of light he met by chance could allow him to realize this dream!
Tartarus was imprisoned in the duel field, he only felt the blood surging, how could he defeat the dark Baltan star with the power of Galopus in five minutes.

Galops came here to completely wipe out the Absolut civilization.

"Dark Baltan Starman!"

Tartarus roared angrily, even if there was only a one in ten thousand chance, he would protect his own civilization.

With Absolute Destruction in his hands, Tartaros exerted all his power to attack the Dark Baltan Stars, but the Dark Baltan Stars used teleportation to keep flickering in the duel field within a kilometer range .

All he had to do was stall for time, and he didn't even want to attack Tartarus.

He wanted Tartarus to see with his own eyes the tragic destruction of Absolut in 5 minutes!
5 minutes is not long or short. Normally, Tartarus would have more than this amount of time to think about any question, but now Tartarus and the Dark Baltans feel that this time is extremely long.

Tartarus was anxious, and he could clearly feel the passing of every second, which also made him feel that time flowed very slowly in terms of consciousness to a certain extent.

The Dark Baltan star wanted to see the destruction of the Absolut star, and he was a little impatient.

Finally, after the last grain of sand fell from the hourglass that Qing Shuimo condensed with the power of light, he lightly threw the planet-destroying bomb in his hand to the ground.

This thing will automatically drill into the core of the planet, and then explode.

Right now, the only person on the entire Absolut star who still has combat power to stop him is Titan. However, Titan was directly kicked tens of thousands of meters by Qian Renxue, and there was no way to stop the planet-destroying bomb from penetrating into the surface of Absolut star.

"It's all over!"

There was a trace of despair in Titan's expression, and Tartarus, who was locked in the arena, also lowered his head, his whole body began to tremble, and his power was constantly escaping.

The Dark Baltan Starman scratched his head, and then felt something bad.

Tartarus wants to blow himself up!
"That can't be done."

As soon as Shimizu stretched out his hand, he directly imprisoned Tartaros, which made Tartaros' idea of ​​self-destructing and taking away the dark Baltan star come to naught.

Amidst Titan's constant curses and curses, the planet-destroying bomb exploded.

The ground is cracked, the sky is shattered, and the planet-destroying bomb may not be able to cause effective damage to the legendary powerhouse, but it is fatal to the planet.

The core of the Absolut star was instantly shattered, and the magma began to leak out along the cracks in the earth, and the magnetic field and gravity of the planet were completely disordered.

The aurora appeared all over the world, and all places began to vibrate, and the planet vibrated like a deflated balloon.

"This time, the king of Absolut didn't come to help you out, right?"

Shimizu Mo squeezed Tartarus' throat, and he turned Tartarus' gaze to the Absolut civilization.

"I'm not the group of justice guards in the Kingdom of Light, who talk about justice and cosmic regulations all day long. I only believe in one sentence, whoever offends my earth will be punished no matter how far away."

"Although you may not know it, it was you who sent the earth to face the real crisis of destruction for the first time."

"Since then, you have been the greatest enemy of our earth civilization."

"However, because it was you in the parallel time and space in the future who did it, I didn't choose to kill you when I met you again. After all, erasing the past because of the future is not what a decent person should do."

"But I forgot a saying in my hometown, it's called dogs can't change eating shit!"

Shimizu Mo threw Tartaros to the broken earth, his power sealed Tartaros's body, no matter how hard Tartaros struggled, he couldn't use his strength to fly.

Shimizu did not lie to Tartarus at the end.

Several times, Shimizu Mo was certain to kill Tartaros, or to inflict serious damage on him, but Shimizu Mo wanted to erase the past because of the future, this kind of thing can't be done casually, otherwise he wouldn't be with him Has Tartarus become a class?

When encountering an opponent who cannot win in the future, I want to time travel back, choose to erase the opponent when he is still weak, and then think that I have won. Isn't this deceiving yourself and others.

However, Shimizu Mozhen was really annoyed by Tartarus' repeated entanglement, and finally he chose to attack the Absolut civilization.

Knowing that King Absolut sent the Absolut civilization into the inner universe at the cost of his own life, Qing Shuimo's first reaction was to kill it all.

He didn't want to have wildfires burn endlessly, and the spring breeze blows again.

"Gamma Destruction!"

The bright golden light gathered in Qingshuimo's palm, which was supposed to bring hope and light to people, but it became the last straw that crushed the Absolut star.

The light with the destructive power of the rules of the universe fell on Tartaros, and then the tyrannical impact brought him directly into the interior of Absolut.

Accompanied by a roar, the Absolut star turned into countless fragments and floated in Qianxue's small universe.

Qianxue sensed it, and confirmed that the breath on the entire Absolut star had disappeared, and then she collected all the fragments of the Absolut star, and planned to create an Absolut star based on these planetary fragments. galaxy.

However, people born again from this Absolut galaxy will be Qian Renxue's slaves.

After solving the Absolut civilization, Qing Shuimo breathed a sigh of relief, and he felt that his thoughts suddenly became clear.

Although he only killed Tartaros and destroyed the planet Absolut, Qing Shuimo seemed to have sublimated himself, and he breathed a lot easier all of a sudden.

He also felt the same way as the Dark Baltan Stars. The former enemies were completely wiped out, and the Baltan civilization would be able to gain a foothold in the inner universe with peace of mind.

"Aren't you planning to bring your clansmen back to the watch universe?"

After knowing that the Dark Baltans wanted to stay in the inner universe, Qingshui was a little surprised. He thought that the Dark Baltans would ask him to take their family back to the outer universe.

Who would have thought that the Dark Baltans directly gave Shimizu Mo infinite energy and Gigamax technology, and said that they were ready to take root in the universe.

"Going back to the universe, we will start wandering through the starry sky again. Unlike the universe in the universe, there are not many planets in the universe that are suitable for us Baltans to live in."

The Dark Baltan Stars shook their heads. Although the outer universe is huge, and the weight of a single universe is enough to rival the inner universe, it is a pity that their Baltan Stars are really like bereaved dogs in the outer universe.

At the beginning, in order to let the tribe survive, they even planned to integrate into the earth civilization, but they were rejected.

Now, their civilization has become countless times stronger. If they return to the outer universe, they will definitely become the Kingdom of Light, the third largest force outside the earth. The Dark Baltans feel that their people have had enough of the turbulent and dark days up.

Although the universe is a bit small, it is enough for the Baltans.

"In that case, let's take our leave first."

Qing Shuimo felt a little pity. They had already made friends with Dark Baltan. If the Baltan Stars could return to the surface universe, they would definitely establish diplomatic relations with the Earth, and the Earth's position in the universe would be more stable by then.

It's a pity that the Baltans didn't have this idea.

With Qing Shuimo's regretful expression, Dark Baltan returned to Planet Baltan, and then they urged the planet to leave the starry sky.

In the future, they probably don't need to live in hatred, and can enjoy the development of their own civilization with peace of mind.

After the Baltan civilization completely disappeared from his sight, Qingshuimo and Qianxue stretched at the same time.

"Let's go back."

The two looked at each other, the Shadow Mage was wiped out, the Tartarus and Absolut civilizations were also completely eliminated, and there was no meaning for them to stay in the universe.

It's better to go back to watch the universe and go to the dark galaxy again.

Shimizu Mo took out the Ultra Dumbbell, and then directly opened a path back to the watch universe. This is the last strength of the Ultra Dumbbell, and it is also the guarantee for Shimizu Mo and Qian Xue to go home.

When the two of them passed through the space passage, the interface between the outer universe and the inner universe was instantly closed.

After an unknown amount of time, a golden figure appeared in the void.

He watched the place where the Absolut star should have been turned into a void, and couldn't help sighing.

"They are dead."

The golden figure came before the black hole of the K88 galaxy. He dropped something casually, and then the central black hole of K88 released a terrifying attraction to the Gothic civilization on one side. Before the Gothic civilization had any resistance, they It becomes the nourishment of the black hole.

Watching a civilization disappear in front of him, the golden figure casually opened a space channel, and then returned to the resplendent palace.

"Tartaros, are you sure we want to inherit their karma?"

When he returned to the palace, the golden figure looked at the figure standing in front of him with some hesitation. He raised his head, and it was Titan!
"Why not?"

Tartarus turned around, he smiled a little, then opened his hand and released three points of light.

"You know, they have given us all the information about the king of the universe. As long as we delve deep enough, it is not difficult to transcend this world."

Tartarus clenched his fist, and three light spots flowed directly through his palm into the gate in front of him.

Back in time in the real universe three years ago, Tartarus of the outer universe discovered his fellow race in a distant galaxy, but Tartarus, who thought it was another fierce battle, received a communication from the other party.

The other party said that if the Absolut civilization in the surface universe is willing to hand over all the civilization data it has collected in the surface universe, the Absolut civilization in the inner universe is willing to provide them with a large part of the resources for civilization revival.

The Absolut civilization in the surface universe, whose resources are almost exhausted, naturally will not reject the kindness of the same race in the inner universe. This is the first time that Tartarus in the surface universe has felt the kindness from the same race.

After packing most of the racial information of the outer universe to Tartarus in the inner universe, Tartarus in the outer universe suddenly expressed his desire to make another deal with Tartarus in the inner universe.

The Absolut civilization in the outer universe can provide all the information on the breakthrough of the king of Absolut. They don’t need the Absolut star in the inner universe to pay any price, as long as the Absolut civilization in the inner universe can finally Just leave the kindling of the universe at the critical moment.

After studying the information from the outside world, Tartarus in the inner universe knew what kind of existence the Absolut civilization in the outer universe had provoked, so he agreed without hesitation.

It's just saving some sparks of life, and Tartarus in the universe doesn't care about some energy loss.

In exchange, the information provided by the Absolut civilization in the outer universe can improve the Absolut civilization in the inner universe one step further.

You know, because there is no infinite parallel universe in the inner universe, if you want to transcend the legend, you must wipe out all the same race.

Originally, the Absolut civilization, which represented the universe, wanted to take this path, but their foundation was too poor, and after fighting a few civilizations, it was a bit overwhelming.

In the inner universe with various time secrets, a real dragon may emerge at any time. How can the Absolut civilization in the outer universe that has just arrived in the inner universe rule the roost?

Therefore, after some hard work, Tartarus of the universe gave up the idea of ​​detachment, and he turned to seek the continuation of civilization.

Although he believed that the Absolut civilization would be safe after escaping into the inner universe, but after meeting the shadow mage three years ago, Tartarus of the outer universe knew that he had to stay behind, otherwise he would be killed by Galo one day. If Puth came to the door, they didn't even have any room to resist.

Then, he left the fire of civilization to his fellow clan in the distant starry sky.

As long as the spark of civilization is still there, they mean that the Absolut civilization in the universe can be reborn.

"By relying on these three fire seeds, only three people can be resurrected, right?"

The Titan in the inner universe looked at Tartarus with some hesitation, while the Tartarus in the inner universe put his hand on his lips, signaling to Titan not to say any more.

"Even if they are all resurrected, so what, let them go out to develop themselves?"

Tartarus in the inner universe showed a smile, which was very sinister, "Let us in the outer universe become the force for the outward expansion of our Absolut civilization!"


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