The star-destroying virus, a by-product of the masterpiece of the Dark Shadow Mage, infects the outer universe through the rules of the inner universe, thereby destroying civilization and the universe, and harvesting a terrifying amount of power of despair and fear.

Relying on this routine, Shadow Mage has reached the peak of legend all the way, and even began to meddle in the realm of legend.

It's a pity that Qingshuimo and Qianxue came to him and killed him before he succeeded.

Now, the Hypageton larva in front of him, which also needs the power of despair and fear to grow, actually has the star-destroying virus, which makes Qing Shuimo wonder if there is any special deal between the Baxter Starman and the Shadow Mage.

"The virus that destroys the stars? Could it be that the Baxter Stars can also travel freely in the universe?"

Qian Renxue was also surprised. They just came out of the universe, did they encounter uncontrollable factors again?

Qing Shuimo shook his head, Baxter Stars probably didn't have this ability, maybe it just missed the power of despair provided by a civilization that Shadow Mage hadn't completely destroyed.

This kind of thing is very common. After the space war is over, no matter who is in the ruins, it is possible to find something that can be called a treasure for themselves.

It's not surprising that Baite Xingren, the pet master, took Hypagen around to eat and drink, and found a buffet spot.

"What should I do now, save Zeta directly? I can feel that Yaohui's will is still persisting, and Zeta's light has not been completely extinguished."

In the space of light, Zeta looked at Yaohui with some concern. It was Yaohui's idea not to transform into Gamma Future immediately. He wanted Shimizumo and Qianxue to see his growth.

Randomly lit a beam of light into the stone statue of Zeta. This light can protect Zeta from further fatal injuries, but it will not help him recover.

Qianxue just felt awkward. Baxter wanted to create a terrifying atmosphere, but one of his mistakes completely destroyed the atmosphere.

However, the current him has broken through the legend, and he is not afraid of the so-called Hypageton at all.

After protecting Zeta, Shimizumo and Qianxue returned to the factory in the real world.

Watching the two come back, Xing Nai and the others anxiously gathered around to ask about the situation.

Baxter also seemed to feel a little embarrassed. He directly turned the picture to the red cocoon in a different space. Through the transmission of the picture, everyone could clearly see Zeta in the red cocoon.

The light attack of the legendary peak, ten shots per second, in the normal universe, would definitely be blown away.

Without transforming into the future of Gamma, Zeta was able to temporarily suppress Hypagedon. You must know that the current Hypageton is a high-level legend. Parent one level exists.

Seeing Zeta for the second time, she felt like a fledgling child with a passionate spirit.

Just as Qianxue thought, knowing that the Baxter Stars had no way to do any more tricks, Zeta's combat effectiveness increased by [-]%.

"Looking at his breath, he probably wandered in many places."

Yaohui's voice rang in Qingshuimo's ears. The voice was full of surprise and relaxation. Obviously, the appearance of Qingshuimo gave Yaohui the confidence to fight against powerful enemies.

Xing Nai and the others couldn't help but clenched their fists. Zeta entered Hypajeton's body to protect them. They must rescue Zeta.

"Don't worry, everything is under our control. Baxter is not in that different space right now. We have also found Zeta and protected his life."

Xing Nai leaned over curiously. "Qianxue, are you blocking the enemy's attack?"

Qian Xue also felt a little emotional. When she saw Zeta for the first time, it was Zeta who traveled back ten thousand years in the future. At that time, Zeta was like a perfect Ultra warrior, not only powerful, but also enough Courage and strategy.

On this day, Qianxue went out with the team to collect supplies as usual, and just as they came out of the supermarket, they saw a huge phantom in the sky.

The Baxter star roared, no matter what he did, he couldn't make the spaceship leave this space smoothly, as if the place was locked in half, and the space-time shuttle effect of the spaceship was manipulated by someone.

After keeping this in mind, Zeta stood in place and released more than ten skills in one second.

In other words, if it weren't for the Baxter star's conspiracy and single-handedly, Zeta could even directly kill Hypageton directly.


However, isn't there only one alien Zeta among the Ultra fighters on the earth? Now that Zeta is dead, how can anyone stop it.

Qing Shui Mo rubbed the head of the little girl beside him, then he chuckled and snapped his fingers.

When weeds are cut, the root must be removed, otherwise it will grow again when the spring breeze blows, Qing Shui should always keep this in mind.

"Human beings surviving on the earth, cheer, you have ushered in the birth of the strongest Jayton, come and enjoy the salute of Jayton's birth!"

After all, there is still a difference between the legendary Hypageton and the future Hypageton.

Qianxue cheered Zeta up, she knew that Zeta and Yaohui must be full of anger now.

When he was still in the Zeta world, Zeta was just an elite-level fighter, and at best he could burst out with quasi-legendary power.

Because of Zeta's counterattack, Hypageton's larva was seriously injured. It is very difficult to break through the legendary peak.

"Senior Shimizu!"

She released a golden thread with a little excitement, and that thread formed a huge net in the air covering the entire sky, and then she clapped her hands and fell to the ground.

A brilliant colorful vortex appeared beside him, Qianxue returned to his side in an instant, and then the two entered the colorful vortex holding hands.

Baxter didn't even find anything wrong. When he wanted to use the power of time and space to teleport Hypageton to the earth, he realized that he couldn't use the power of time and space!
"How is this going!"

In the next period of time, Team U, Shimizumo and Qianxue took care of the children together, Xiao Wu also recovered his former liveliness and confidence with Shimizumo's encouragement, but Shimizumo didn't know that he couldn't see Zeta for a day, Xiao Wu's heart will still be full of blame and guilt towards himself.

The Baxter star waved his hand again, and the light-emitting organ on the back of the Hypageton larva immediately released multiple fireballs, and the faces of Xing Nai and others changed instantly.

Things like blocking time and space are really too simple for Qianxue, because she often does this kind of thing, she has even reached the point where practice makes perfect.

Even Hypageton's egg and its breeding method were found in this spaceship.

Because the radar was not turned on, the Baxter star didn't notice the existence of the two at all, and all his attention was on Zeta's gamma future form.

After transforming into the future of Gamma, Zeta kept Shimizu Mo's words in mind, he is a mage, not a warrior who rushes forward to fight.

"Don't worry, play with it."

The corners of the Baxter star's brows twitched. If it wasn't for Jayton, Zeta would be almost invincible for this song alone.

"Damn, who is it!"

Qing Shuimo shook his head, he looked at the huge red cocoon with great interest, when he was in the Ultra King's trial field, because he was afraid that he would not be able to hold the field, so Qing Shuimo did everything possible to stop Haipa The appearance of Jayden's complete body.

Accompanied by the sound of mutual encouragement, Yaohui grabbed three Ultra cards, and then Zeta transformed into the future form of Gamma in a colorful vortex.

"Damn it, what happened!"

As if he had discovered something was wrong, Baxter coughed in embarrassment, and then his voice could spread normally.

Ten rays of light fell on the Hypagedon larva, and the two sickles it had just grown were directly broken, and at the same time, several other rays of light also left deep marks on its carapace.

"Zeta has broken through the legend."

Mom and Dad, are you really coming back?

"I was really defeated by Ultraman Zeta. Even if I knew that I couldn't deal with me, I would throw myself into Jayton's body to prevent its birth, but it was all in vain!"

In the different space, the Baite stars are still tinkering with their own spaceships, Hypageton destroys the stone statue of Zeta boredly, but because of the protection of Shimizu Mo's light, the stone statue of Zeta is destroyed by the power of Hypageton Impossible to break through.

"Thief hahaha~"

"Finally back, I was wondering if you got lost in the parallel universe."

"Then I'll leave it to you, Yaohui!"

If the spaceship fails, he can never get out again.

Qianxue explained why she didn't rescue Zeta back. For the earth, the real enemy is not Hypageton, but the Baxters.

"Zeta, don't worry, this space has been sealed by me, Baxter's entry and exit are now restricted."

Qianxue shook her head, "Amo can easily block that kind of attack. I have blocked all the time and space around me, so Baite Stars can't escape."

"Go ahead, Zeta!"

That's Baxter!
The Baxter star showed a terrifying smile. He kept baring his teeth and waving his claws as if he was saying something, but no one could hear his words other than laughter.

The fireball was definitely going in the direction of the factory building.

Qianxue raised her hand, she was ready to rescue Zeta.

"Children, go and take a nap obediently. After you wake up, Mom and Dad will be back."

The Baxter star acted quite insolently. The Hypageton larva that came out of the red cocoon directly slapped the stone statue of Zeta aside. Seeing this, Xing Nai and the others felt extremely distressed, for fear that something might be wrong with the stone statue.

"I'll go, this Baite star is so funny, the sound transmission device is not turned on."


Even if this Hypageton is solved, if the Baxter Stars are not completely wiped out, then the Baxter Stars will definitely return to this world with a new Hypageton in the future.

Now, in the initial form, Zeta can also burst out the power of the legendary level, this is not an ordinary growth.

Seeing this cool scene, the children were looking forward to it, and their hearts were full of joy and hope.

"Now, the strongest Jayden has been born, and I will become the master of the universe, ruling the entire universe!"

When Baxter was extremely annoyed, Qingshui Mo in the factory smashed all the fireballs falling from the sky at will.

In fact, Zeta's use of Gamma's future power is indeed similar to cheating.

He was thinking, if he could subdue a Hypageton, maybe it would be very honorable to take it out.

Just when Xingnai was anxiously wanting to send everyone back, Qianxue jumped up into the air.

"Now we only need to wait for the Baxter Stars to come back, and we will be able to catch them all in one go."

"Now, enjoy the salute!"

Seeing this "happy" scene, the corner of Qing Shuimo's mouth twitched, and he released a ray of light again, this time directly revived Zeta.

The Baxter Starman controls his spaceship anxiously. Its strength is no more than that of a mid-level fighter. It can travel through time and space at will because it has the function of this spaceship.

But fortunately, the stone statue is still very strong, even after being trampled several times by Hypageton, there is no sign of damage.

In the battlefield, because of lack of intelligence, it is really difficult for Hypageton to completely crush Zeta only by relying on instinct. After all, Zeta does not go head-to-head with Hypageton, but uses harassing guerrilla warfare to continuously weaken Haipagedon Pageton's power.

Zeta, who had recovered his strength, knocked back the huge Hai Pajedon with a punch without saying anything. He looked at his body, and immediately noticed Shimizumo and Qianxue standing in the midair.

Qingshui heaved a sigh of relief. He and Qianxue have been on this earth for a month and a half. He didn't expect the Baxters to leave directly for so long. He is really not afraid of his Hypageton being stolen.

After listening to the explanations of the two, all the survivors couldn't help cheering in a low voice. This was the first time they saw the dawn of hope after Zeta's "death".

Shimizu Mo nodded, he was very satisfied with Zeta's growth.

"Cough cough!"

After Zeta flickered and a ray of light destroyed a light-emitting organ on the back of the Hypagedun larva, Zeta was satisfied with using the power of Gamma's future.

The Baxter star who was still tinkering with his spaceship also noticed this battlefield, and he was horrified to find that Zeta, who was enough to hurt Hypageton, had returned.

This is the third time I have seen Zeta, and now Zeta can be called a hero of peace.

The Baxter star roared again, and he directly ignored Qingshuimo and Qianxue who had landed on the surface.

"Yaohui, is it really okay for me to do this?"

However, Zeta's light aimed at one of the remaining luminescent organs in Hypageton was blocked by a strange barrier.

Seeing Zeta's dazed look, Shimizu rubbed his chin.

"Honey, I think, whether it's Earth or the Kingdom of Light, monsterology should be included as a compulsory subject."

"Use light to deal with Jayden, who taught him?"


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