People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 680 The God of Kirielode Comes!

Chapter 680 The God of Kirielode Comes!
As the saying goes, stupid people must have a poor future. After the Earth Defense Force issued an order, even if the political leaders of various countries wanted to resist, they still had no way to start implementing tough plans.

All the believers who participated in the Kirielod Theological Cult were labeled as rioters. If they quit in time, everything is easy to say, but if they are still obsessed with the ultimatum of the Earth Defense Forces, then they must take measures to clean up. measure up.

Although many people on earth died due to several monster disasters, there are still more than 30 billion human civilizations.

With this order, many people frowned and wanted to refute, but the director had expected this a long time ago, and he chose to use live TV to win people's hearts.

"Do you believe in a giant who defeated monsters and cosmic beings several times, or do you believe in a so-called god who did nothing and didn't even dare to show his face?"

"The dignity of human beings is only on the edge of our swords, and the meaning of existence is only within the range of our cannons! Now, although we have not reached a consensus with the giants, the battle of the giants is to help us humans, which means Seeing that he is our cannon now! Someone told us to give up the cannon and believe in some bullshit god, think about it for yourself, is this normal?"

The director's words were quite explicit, he almost pointed his nose and told some real cases in the past.

After these words, anyone with a little brain began to think about the meaning behind the scenes.

Many people who have researched history even came out to appeal to the giants that they must not turn against the giants, and even wiped out all the Kiriarods, otherwise the crisis of human extinction will come again.

Many of the experts called upon by Gao Sheng are people who have done this kind of thing before, and they are too aware of the harm of this kind of thing once it actually happens.

Even though they fought against each other for their own interests and for the country in the past, now they must stand up and tell the truth for themselves, for mankind, and for the future of the earth.

Under the persuasion of a group of experts, [-]% of Kirierod's believers all lost their way and were "brought" back home by their families, but [-]% of the believers in the world are still fanatically demanding the Earth Defense Forces to hand over out of giants, and like them believe in Kiriarod god.

At the headquarters of the Earth Defense Force, looking at the report in front of him, the director's face was dark.

"I can understand that a country with the supremacy of theocracy will corrupt the fastest after being invaded, but we have already accepted it. They are still so stubborn. Are they thinking that our missiles are vegetarian!"

The director patted the table angrily. Among the people who are still rioting, nearly [-]% are from the land of Africa, where the people's customs are not changed, and theocracy is supreme. It directly replaced their original gods and became a new spiritual support.

It is precisely because of their social structure problems in the past that despite repeated orders from the Earth Defense Force that they are not allowed to pray to the Kirierods, there are still people on the land of Africa who are still pretending to be Kirierod believers and emissaries. Keep walking.

"I said it before, but anyone who comes out to disturb the hearts of the people at this time and leans towards the people of the unknown universe is considered a traitor to human beings! There is no need to show mercy to traitors!"

After many staff discussions, the director finally issued the final order.

Human beings can't lose the giant's protection at the moment, what kind of shit Kirierod God, before giving human beings real protection, it's a pile of shit!

The director is not so stupid as to turn against the giant who protects human beings for a piece of shit.

"Let's mobilize the clearing, mainly to suppress, but if you encounter violent don't need to ask for instructions, just wipe it out."

The director's words were full of murderous intent, the number of people on earth has been reduced by half, since it has been reduced by half, then don't be afraid to reduce it by half again!
The invasion of monsters and aliens is a disaster for the earth, but it is also a shortcut for the earth to lead to the civilization of the universe.

To fight against the outside world, the inside must be settled first, and the director is well versed in this.

Even if he is notorious, he still wants to eradicate some cancers for human beings first.

With the issuance of the Earth Defense Force war order, people in many areas showed a look of horror, because they never expected that the Earth Defense Force, which they thought was a soft persimmon, or an empty shell organization, would be so rigid. hard!

On the land of Africa, a Kirielod man who had turned his appearance into an extremely dark look looked at the shrine that was bombed into ruins. He was furious and wanted to transform into an extermination of human soldiers, but he was stopped by his fellow tribe.

Now there is a giant of light on the earth that they can't deal with. It's definitely not a good choice to expose your identity rashly.

"We must open the gate of hell as soon as possible, so that our gods can descend into this world!"

"As long as the gods come to this world, these stupid humans will know how powerful the Kiriarods are!"

A few Kyrierods who were working in secret got together, and they decided to open the gate of hell ahead of time, and let the gods of the Kiriarods come to wipe out human civilization on this earth.

With the continuous tinkering of the Kiriarods, a huge gate of hell appeared in the sky above the land of Africa. The Kiriarods also took this opportunity to once again promote the power and love of the Kiriarod god, but This time they did not receive too many believers.

Although people on the land of Africa believe in gods, they believe in bullets even more. The tough attitude of the Earth Defense Force has already made them a little afraid.

At this time, let's wait for the Earth Defense Force to speak first.

At this time, the Earth Defense Forces were also a little bit overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of the huge door. It seemed that none of the weapons they currently had could cause damage to the door.

This also means that no matter what the other party wants to do, they are powerless to resist.

"The research and development of new weapons, isn't it good?"

The director's expression was very anxious. Since the last time the battlefield of giants and monsters was cleaned up, the human side had obtained some fragments of Pedanimjedon.

Relying on the analysis of these fragments, human scientists have actually developed a weapon that is several times more powerful than a nuclear bomb, but this weapon has not been debugged and can only be tested in theory.

"Sorry, Director, the new Pedanim light cannon can't be put into battle yet, at least... at least another week."

The person in charge of researching new weapons apologized to the director with some shame. Their incompetence made mankind suffer another week of panic.

The point is, will the enemy give them time?

In fact, the progress of the Earth Defense Force cannot be hidden from the Kiriarods at all. After seeing the power of Pedanim Jedon from the image data of the earth, they deliberately harassed the earth's development of Pedanim weapons. .

However, because they didn't want to disturb Sai Luo, their actions could only be done quietly, which resulted in little effect.

"One week, we can let the gods come to this world now!"

After receiving the news from the internal response of the Earth Defense Force, the leader of the Kyriairod team chose to open the gate of hell without hesitation.

Although there is not too much belief that the opening speed of the gate of hell will be very slow, but this does not prevent the earth from falling into the hands of the Kiriairods.

"We went all over the world to destroy and lure that giant out."

"I don't want to destroy him, just delay the time for God to come."

Tokyo, suburban villa.

Watching the report of the Earth Defense Force on the huge door on TV, Ah Xiang was sucking on a bowl of instant noodles.

Sai Luo hid in Sai Luo's aura and refused to come out. A few days ago, the words of handing over the giant that appeared on the earth really broke Sai Luo's heart.

Fortunately, Ah Xiang was there to persuade him, so Sai Luo didn't feel sad.

"Has this kind of difficulty been encountered by the Ott Brothers on Earth?"

Sai Luo was a little puzzled, obviously he was helping mankind, why did mankind listen to the words of the cosmic man and maliciously speculate on him?

"Sai Luo, some people don't just speak to express their own opinions, they just want to refute others, stand alone, and attract others' attention."

Ah Xiang can clearly see the inferiority of human beings, after all, she has come into contact with too many people in the past.

Watching people talk about people, talking nonsense to the devil, and talking crazy when you go online.

Being a dog in reality is still a dog on the Internet, but one breed is a licking dog and the other is a teddy.

This kind of thing is unimaginable in Sai Luo's view, but in A Xiang's view, it is commonplace.

When Kirierod appeared on the earth, Axiang thought that there would be such a day, and she even comforted Sai Luo in advance to prevent Sai Luo from being discouraged by some people's brain-dead remarks.

In fact, the follow-up development is just as Ah Xiang expected, there are many stupid human beings, and they wantonly trample on Sai Luo's goodwill towards human beings.

Fortunately, the Earth Defense Force is very enlightened. Even if they are charged with murder, the Earth Defense Force will suppress all those stupid people.

When Ah Xiang explained to Sai Luo what the consequences of the Earth Defense Force's actions would be, Sai Luo felt admiration for human beings for the first time.

This courage, even the father of Ultra in the Kingdom of Light, can't do it.

It is precisely because of this that Sai Luo is not autistic, but just refuses to come out.

"Siro, the gates of hell are about to open, let's go!"

Throwing the instant noodles in his hand aside, Ah Xiang, who has become quite confident these days, called out Sai Luo.

The information about the Kirialods is also in the illustrated book that Qian Xue gave to Axiang. She naturally knows the strengths and weaknesses of the Kirialods, and at the same time, she also knows what the Kirialods want to do.

If the god of Kirierod were allowed to descend on the earth, it would surely be another disaster no less than that of Gatanjae.

In Sai Luo's breath, hearing that the gate of hell is about to open, Sai Luo sent the transformation device to Ah Xiang without hesitation.

When it's time to fight, Sai Luo will never be lost.


Accompanied by Ah Xiang's energetic call, Sai Luo appeared in the sky above Tokyo.

He wants to rush to the land of Africa to prevent the coming of the god Kirielod.

However, at the moment when Sai Luo just appeared, the Kirielod people knew this by manipulating the satellite, and they immediately dispersed and continued to destroy the land of Africa. The only idea was to lure Sai Luo over.

When Sai Luo arrived in Africa, he realized that the situation was much worse than he thought.

More than five Kyriairods were wreaking havoc everywhere, and the gates of hell had opened a third of the way.

"Go and deal with the Kirielod people first!"

Sai Luo made a decisive decision. It is useless to attack the gate of hell now. As long as the Kyriairods run away, the gate of hell can still be opened.

The gates of hell will be completely closed only if the Kyriaelods are dealt with first.

With Sai Luo's figure swaying, five blue figures appeared in the sky above the land of Africa.

To deal with the Kyriairods with strange abilities, of course Selo chose the miracle form of the moon god.

The Luna Miracle Form in the clone state can still exert more than 90.00% of its power, which is enough to deal with those Kyriaelods.

As for Sai Luo's body, he stood in front of the gate of hell, waiting for the gate to open.

The news of Sai Luo's appearance shocked the Earth Defense Forces, and they immediately broadcast the battle between Sai Luo and the Kiriarods to the whole world.

Compared with the giant of light with a body shape that is closer to human aesthetics, the body of the Kiriarods who are proclaimed by the Kiriarods is more like a grilled demon in mythology, which also makes many The believers who were obsessed with Kirielods broke off on the spot.

Sometimes, Yangou's thoughts are still very strange.

Ordinary Kyrierods didn't bring any trouble to Sai Luo. Even if it was just a clone, Sai Luo easily defeated those Kiriarods.

To be honest, this is already the easiest battle Sai Luo has ever fought.

Even Zorga is much harder to fight than these Kyriaelods.

After eliminating the Kyriairods, Sai Luo focused all his attention on the gate of hell in front of him.

At this time, the gates of hell have been opened wide, and a terrifying demon god appeared on the earth. Suddenly, the situation changed, and the dark red haze covered the sky over the entire African land. E, but much weaker than Gatange.

"Medium legend?"

After feeling the power of Kirierod, not only Sai Luo, but also Shimizumo and Qianxue who were hiding in a different space and watching the show felt a little unbelievable.

Because, for the current Sai Luo, the middle legend is not an invincible enemy.

Even the god of Kyriaelod, in Shimizumo's opinion, is not as oppressive as Pedanimjetton.

After all, Pedanim Jeton's powerful skills followed one after another, but in Shimizumo's impression, Kirielod was a waste that was caught and hammered by Gulansfia.

King of Ultra, what are you thinking?
(End of this chapter)

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