People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 686 H-402 is completely messed up!

Chapter 686 H-402 is completely messed up!
Jin Guqiao's space-based strike opened Pandora's box. After other civilizations on Star Lucio learned of Jin Guqiao's actions, they immediately launched a full-scale attack on the mimic Zarab family.

On the one hand, they claimed to be responsible for the entire Lucio star, and punished the Zarab family of mimics who were the first to use space-based weapons. The Zarabu family mastered the powerful monster mecha like Jin Guqiao.

To be honest, no matter whether it is the Mimic Mephilas family, the Mimic Desrem family or the Mimic Kiriarod family who have mastered powerful mechs, other civilizations are not so nervous.

Ding Potian's own civilization can't support it, it's just merged into other civilizations.

But the mimic Zarab family is the same. They were single-celled microorganisms before evolution, and they were brainless after being assimilated by the Zarabians.

In their view, everything they do is taken for granted, without considering the consequences at all.

Perhaps it is the knowledge of the past that determines the presence or absence of brains. It is just a move of the Jinguqiao robot that instantly transformed the Zarabu family, which still has a population of more than 50, into the history of Lucio Star.

Perhaps, in a peaceful future, when the children of Star Lucio go to school, they will learn about the Zarab family of mimics that have completely disappeared in history because of the monster mech Jin Guqiao.

After the Mimic Zarab family was wiped out, the Mimic Mephilas and other civilizations also restrained the use of space-based weapons. After all, the reasons have been exhausted, and it is not good to use them any more.

But now that they have already started, they will naturally not give up this sweetness. In the next war, all mechas will be equipped with space-based weapons. It is necessary to bear the price of space-based weapons.

Feeling that all eyes were on him, the young staff member suddenly coughed twice, and he walked to the center of the conference hall and began to make a report.

"The evolution plan that the Mephilasians gave to the mimic Mephilasians is the second type, creating chaotic dark giants on a large scale, and then extracting the power of the dark giants to allow some people to evolve into thoughtful dark giants."

"The Jadon star openly ignored my order and attacked the second-generation Zarab star. Does he want to start a war with us!"

Primitive forest, mountain resort.

Moreover, the Mimic Feralas star people chose to super-evolve. Once the Mimic Feralas star race completed the evolution first, and if they did not evolve, then the threat of the cosmic people is a trivial matter. The Mimic Feralas star race The danger is the most deadly.

However, perhaps the evolution process was irregular. These thirteen dark giants were only 15 meters tall, and the energy in their bodies was far inferior to the mechs made by the Mimic Meferas.

After the great sage stopped talking, one of the staff immediately stood up. He looked very young, and his thin hooked nose reminded the great sage of his handsome face when he was young before he evolved.

The cosmic people might just want to enslave them and invade Star Lucio, but the Mimic Mephilas star race will definitely kill all those who might threaten him.

Because of the invasion of other civilization territories, the Mimetic Mephilas now has sufficient energy reserves, so they created thirty dark giants at once.

None of these test subjects are members of the Mimic Meferas Terran race, and all of them are ordinary people from other civilizations stranded in the Mimic Meferas Terran race.


This made the great sage of the Mimic Feralas very angry, because the second-generation mimic Zarab was tempted by him to provoke the Mimic Jadon. The resources in the civilization of the mimic Zarabians.

Another staff member immediately took up the question of the great sage, "I went to consult Mr. Mephilas, and he told us that the cosmic dinosaur Jadon is the name in the parallel universe, and it is essentially made by the Jadon stars. The biological warfare weapons produced are so powerful that they are considered by the cosmic people to be as invincible as dinosaurs among the cosmic monsters, so they are called cosmic dinosaurs."

"The arrival of the Mephilasians ignited these despairs and fears, and along the way bred the inner ambitions of those politicians. I am afraid that the King of Ultra would not have thought of these things."

The monster mecha is nothing more than a minor interplanetary war force, but the power of the Ultra fighters is the power that everyone dreams of, enough to truly evolve.

You only need to treat the dark giants as "batteries", extract their power, and then evolve into normal dark giants.

He didn't say anything, just lowered his head slightly, then bowed and returned to his seat.

An aide immediately took out the document and handed it to the great sage. When he was close to the great sage, he suddenly found that the great sage spilled all the coffee on the table because of the knock on the table just now.

The figure of the first giant is completely composed of light, and it is very difficult to shape its complex meaning of justice and belief in light.

After about 5 minutes, the great sage who felt thirsty stopped chattering and took another sip of coffee. Then he shook again, and the coffee spilled directly on the cushion.

They wailed and begged to live, but the great sage standing aside ignored him. His eyes were fixed on the Lucio people who were gradually shrouded in darkness. Although there was darkness in front of him, this was the hope in his heart. .

"Nurture Gu!"

"Gatanjae failed to destroy the Lucio civilization, but it made the Lucio civilization see what darkness and despair are."

Is it a very simple thing to evolve the Lucios? Why don't the Mephilasians seem to care about the difficulty?
Qing Shuimo sighed, he rubbed Qianxue's hair, and then opened his hand to release a light curtain.

In the era of peace, the Jadons were not against them. Now in the era of evolutionary wars, everyone still relies on monster mechs to speak. Why do you think they want to listen to you?
"By the way, have you found out about the origin of the Jadon mecha? We must have what they have!"

Hearing the staff's introduction, the great sage was furious, "Why don't we have the blueprints for this kind of mecha! I don't care if it's a Tyrannosaurus Rex or any other dragon, we must have what the Jadons have! Also, Emperor We also want to have those Tyrant mechas from the Srem Stars!"

During this period, a small civilization that was once again assimilated by the Zarabians provoked the Mimic Jadons, and was finally destroyed by direct use of monster mechs and space-based weapons. Even the resources in that area were destroyed by the Mimic Jadons. The stars were all looted and taken away.

"Making Ultra warriors?"

"Great Sage, I have found out that the mecha in the hands of the Jadon Stars is called the Jadon. It is a mecha created from the shape and related power of the cosmic dinosaur Jadon."

Qianxue tilted her head, she didn't know how to evaluate this matter.

Mephilas, Zarabu, and Disrem fool around, saying that they can give ordinary people the power to evolve into Ultra warriors. Under various pressures and discussions, no civilization can withstand true super-evolution temptation.

At the same time, with Super Gob and other mechas guarding them, the great sages don't have to worry about the dark giant running away.

But the second dark giant is relatively simple. It only needs powerful energy to forcibly indoctrinate the Lucio into a giant. Under this kind of indoctrination, the Lucio will completely become a chaotic giant.

"Tell me, tell me in detail!"

The great sage put down the coffee cup, he twisted his waist, the cushion felt a little wet and uncomfortable.

Shimizumo and Qianxue looked at the various dark meetings shown on the TV in front of them, and they felt that things might be getting out of control.

At this time, apart from the loose alliance of small civilizations on Star Lucio, there are only three relatively powerful mimic Meferas, Mimic Dethrem, and Mimic Jaden tribes left.

With the space-based weapons unblocked, Star Lucio entered a brief period of peace in just one month.

The staff raised their heads confidently, "I asked Mr. Mephilas, and he told us that monster mechas are just the lowest level of means used by cosmic civilizations to protect their own civilizations. Advanced civilizations can completely manufacture Own Ultra Warrior!"

"Hahaha, Ultraman Zero was transformed by ordinary people. She is not worth mentioning in front of our imitation Mephilas star family. How could she object! Go to the Mephilas star immediately, we want Ultra warriors Manufacturing method!"

Of course, it doesn't mean that the dangers on Lucio's star are out of control, but that unexpected dangers may arise due to the mixed effects of the cosmic people and Lucio's careerists.

"Those are ordinary Lucios from other civilizations who have not been assimilated by the Mephilasians?"

The Mephilas star told the young staff about the fact that many civilizations in the universe study the mechanical Ultraman, and he said that if the Ultraman on Lucio star doesn't mind, he can completely use the Ultraman's The manufacturing method tells the Mimetic Mephilath family.

"Hey, it's really a disgusting scene."

The great sage didn't care about the change in the staff's expression, he just licked his finger and opened the file.

But since it's called Jayton, it must have something to do with the evolutionary power they accepted.

"Cosmic dinosaur? Why does it look like a cockroach?"

Glancing at the mecha mastered by the Jadens, the great sage's eyes widened. Why is this mecha that looks like an insect like a cockroach called a cosmic dinosaur?

Qing Shuimo pursed his lips, he really wanted to know where the Ultra King copied such a world, it was too messy.

Qianxue immediately thought of such an adjective, using some people to support another group of people, can anyone really make up his mind?

The great sage started nagging non-stop, which made the staff very helpless.

In the magnificent palace, the great sage landed a fist on the table. He looked at the document in front of him furiously, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Not only the great sage was interested, but other staff members were also interested.

Qing Shuimo closed his eyes, no matter when or where, this kind of experiment would give people a feeling of wanting to vomit, "Old man, what do you think when you see this scene?"

"Speak carefully!"

"Sero didn't use the light of hope to destroy Gatanjae, so the seeds of despair and fear are still buried in the hearts of the Lucio people."

Naturally, they would not be indifferent to the power that can allow people to super-evolve.

Qing Shuimo live broadcasted the process of the experiment, and Qian Xue was a little dumbfounded watching.

The great sage can't wait any longer, he wants to become an Ultra warrior, he wants to become a god who can truly stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Mephilas!
The young staff member nodded, he raised his head, and left the conference room with a rebellious expression. Next, he will become the most beautiful boy in the entire Mimic Feralas clan!
At the same time, similar discussions took place in the mimetic Zedon civilization, mimetic Desrem and other civilizations.

To be honest, he wanted to win Ultraman Zero to the Mime Feralas Star Race more than once. If Zero came, he would definitely choose to fuse with him, a great sage, and then he would be able to rush Into the universe now!

Hearing that the Mephilasians repeatedly emphasized that the Ultra fighters on Lucio should not object, this made the young staff and the great sages feel that the Mephilasians are a law-abiding and good cosmic being.

The great sage immediately became interested. He was very concerned about the ultra-evolutionary Ultra warrior.

Seventeen of the thirty selected test subjects died on the spot due to inner fear and other reasons, leaving only thirteen people who completed the dark giantization.

Two figures of giants appeared in the light curtain.

The great sage took a sip of coffee, and then he twisted his waist uncomfortably, as if the cushion had been wet by the coffee?

"Great Sage, those mechs are useless to us, we can study fighters stronger than them!"

"The Mimetic Mephilas star has already begun experiments, and the first batch of 30 dark giants is already being shaped."

Qian Xue has been watching the experiment of the great sage, and soon, a change occurred in the laboratory.

The corners of the staff standing in the room twitched, good guy, the great sage has not washed his pants and caught a cold, why did he start talking nonsense.

He raised his head, although he didn't open his eyes, but he seemed to be able to see the King of Ultra frowning.

"What should we do now? The Mephilasians are going to turn the Lucios into Ultra warriors?"

Qian Renxue looked at the Lucio who was being used as a test subject, and her expression instantly turned ugly.

However, this is enough to meet the needs of the great sages. If the first batch of dark giants produced is too powerful, it will not be conducive to use.

"The next step is the evolution of ordinary people!"

The great sage really wants to be the first to complete the evolution, but he still needs to see if anything goes wrong in other experiments.

Under his order, the second batch of 100 experimental subjects entered the laboratory, and they finally produced 57 dark giants. Together, these dark giants are enough for the next experiment!

(End of this chapter)

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