People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 688 H-404 Your Retribution Is Coming!

In the center of the Mimic Feralas star human race, an old dark giant with a height of 50 meters looked at his hands in a daze, and there were several dark giants who looked quite strong standing beside him.

"Father, what's the matter with you, you've been in a daze recently."

Sturm, who had completed the evolution at the beginning, came over. He carelessly held a ball of dark energy to his mouth, and then bit off a third of it in one bite.

Since the evolution of the dark giants, many of the shackles of the past have been cast aside.

Originally, it was not easy for him to disclose the identity of his father and son with the great sage, but now no one cares about it. Everyone is trying to compete for the dark energy, and whoever is stronger will have the right to speak.

"Nothing, I was just wondering, is it right for us to do this."

The great sage shook his head. He raised his head and looked at the bright blue sky. As a dark giant, he was enjoying the sunshine. I'm afraid it would be funny to say it.

"Dad, have you been impeached by those guys again?"

There was a flash of killing intent in Sturm's eyes. Since the evolution of the dark giant was promoted, many people who used to hang around behind the great sage began to say that this is a plan for the future of genocide, and the great sage should do it for Their populace is responsible and so on.

In Sturm's view, since Lucio was invaded and monsters and cosmic people came one after another, the Lucio people have lost their past "autonomy".

Want to be free, yes, then at your own risk from the universe.

For whom are they working so hard and even risking their lives to do these experiments!

"No, I'm just..."

The great sage shook his head. When he was going to absorb the dark energy today, the bound inferior dark giants cursed him like crazy, and said that he would definitely end up in the same fate as them.

Listening to these cursing, the great sage didn't feel anything at first.

But looking at the appearance of those dark giants turning into stone statues after being emptied of energy, the great sage suddenly thought, once the inferior dark giants are all "absorbed", where should they find energy if they want energy?

The Mephilasians only told them how to transform the inferior dark giant and how to transform the inferior dark giant into a [battery], but did not tell them how to absorb dark energy self-sufficiently.

Sturm didn't know what his father was worried about. He was just thinking about where to destroy and fight today.

Before he evolved, because Sturm couldn't disclose his identity relationship with his father, he looked at those rich brothers who were spending their days and nights with great envy.

But now after the evolution, he is the prettiest boy on Star Lucio, and anyone who disobeys him will be beaten up and even killed directly by him.

Looking at Sturm who didn't feel any worries at all, the great sage sighed. He felt that it was time to talk to the Mephilasians.

No matter what kind of plot the Mephilas star people have on Lucio star, at least he, his son, and his people must survive.

When he was assimilated by the Mephilasians, the great sage made a promise to the Mephilasians. When necessary, the Mephilasians will be their backing. Now it is time for the Mephilasians to fulfill their promise. up.

According to the road map, Ah Xiang and Sai Luo rushed directly into the tribe of the Mimic Mephilas, where they could see a completely deserted city, and many dark giants were wreaking havoc in the city.

They don't kill people, they just take pleasure in destroying houses and bases built by survivors.

These advanced people who have evolved know that the surviving Lucio star people are all their future food, and they can't stop themselves just because of a moment of play.

"Damn guy!"

In Sai Luo's breath, Sai Luo watched the dark giant who tore apart the building in the distance and then molested the survivors. He really wanted to transform, but was stopped by Ah Xiang.

Now is not the time to entangle the survivors, they must quietly break into the laboratory of the Mimic Mephilas, stop or even destroy the evolutionary device.

The reason why the Mimic Feralas was chosen was because the other two races were not as crazy as the Mimic Feralas.

Regardless of whether it is the Mimic Jadon or the Mimic Desrem, they all evolved in accordance with the voluntary ideas of the Lucios.

The inferior dark giants used as "batteries" were also enemies they captured from the battlefield, and they did not choose to replace them with their own clansmen like the mimic Mephilas.

Amid Sai Luo's anger, Ah Xiang quickened her pace, and she soon arrived at Central City.

After entering Central City, Ah Xiang obviously felt that the law and order here was much better than other cities. There were no dark giants destroying everywhere, only the busy Lucio star people with fake smiles in their eyes.

"Siro, can you feel the presence of the dark giant?"

Ah Xiang tightened her cuffs, she was a little puzzled, why is there no dark giant in Central City?

Sai Luo was silent for a while, and then he told Axiang that all the Lucio stars he has come into contact with so far are all dark giants!
These dark giants shrunk their bodies to reduce energy consumption, and then disguised themselves as Lucios, as if nothing had happened.

Ah Xiang frowned. On the way here, she already knew that the dark giant needs to absorb dark energy frequently to continue its activities. How many people does the dark giant in that city need to supply energy!

Even though there were originally billions of Lucio stars, after several catastrophes and an unprecedented war, there should not be many left.

Could it be that the great sage who imitated the Meferalas wants to make the Lucios completely extinct?

Amid the chills, Ah Xiang came to the central area of ​​the Central City, which was different from what Ah Xiang remembered. The palace located in the central area disappeared, replaced by a flat land.

A few dark giants were frolicking in the open space, and the noise they made shook the surrounding houses constantly.

"That's the evolution laboratory!"

Sai Luo reminded Ah Xiang that the dark giant's fluctuations came from a huge steel fortress far away on the side of the flat ground. There is no doubt that it is the dark giant's laboratory.

As long as it is destroyed there, the Lucio star can still be saved.

"Sero, what should I do?"

Ah Xiang asked Sai Luo, but Sai Luo only replied with one word, "Reckless!"

The strength of this group of dark giants is at the elite level, and they can't reach the point where Sai Luo feels pressured, so it is the best choice to go directly.

Ah Xiang nodded, she held Sai Luo's breath tightly, and after a flash of brilliance, Sai Luo, whose whole body was covered with light, appeared in front of this group of dark giants.

"Ultraman Cerro?"

The dark giants have their own thoughts. They know that Ultraman Zero is the hero who saved the world. Even after they gained powerful power, they did not attack Zero immediately, but were very interested in it. I want to come and communicate with Sai Luo.

As the little leader of the dark giant, Sturm stood in the most dazzling position without hesitation.

After fiddling with the dark energy in his hands, Sturm walked towards Sai Luo with a step of disapproval. He wanted to have a good communication with Sai Luo, and then dragged Sai Luo into the ranks of his younger brothers.

However, Sturm only took a few steps forward when a gleaming straight punch from Cyro landed on his chest.

The unparalleled impact made Sturm instantly lose his fighting ability, and he fell to the ground incomprehensibly, and then the surrounding dark giants subconsciously attacked Sai Luo.

Sai Luo didn't get too entangled with these dark giants, pulled out the ice axe, and Sai Luo knocked down all the dark giants in two or three strokes.

Of course, Sai Luo did not take the lives of these dark giants. After all, so far, the appearance of the dark giants and their infighting are all "internal affairs" of Lucio Star, and Sai Luo is not easy to manage.

Even if this group of dark giants killed an unknown number of people, even if this group of dark giants used the lives of the Lucio stars as their food, Sai Luo still couldn't kill them.

After bringing down the group of dark giants, Sai Luo ran directly to the laboratory, and Sturm's eyes were tearing apart at this scene.

"No! Go away, Ultraman Zero! Go away!"

Sturm opened his mouth, and a dark roar shot at Si Luo immediately. Sturm couldn't tolerate someone destroying the laboratory, which was the root of the mimic Mephilas.

If they lose the laboratory, they will lose their energy source, and they will either die due to energy exhaustion, or they will become ordinary people again.

How could Sturm, who had enjoyed the pleasure of being a master for so long, endure this, so even if he launched an attack on Ultraman Zero, he would spare no effort to prevent Zero from destroying the laboratory.

It's a pity that although Sturm's determination was heavy, his attack fell on Sai Luo's body, at most it only made Sai Luo stagger.

During Sturm's roar, Sero had already come outside the laboratory. He swung the ice ax and instantly opened a hole in the laboratory.

Seeing the star Lucio who was being transformed into a dark giant in the laboratory, Sai Luo's anger continued to rise.

And when he saw the inferior dark giant who was used as a [battery] to draw out dark energy, Sai Luo's anger value directly exploded.

"You, is that how you treat your compatriots!"

For the first time, Sai Luo yelled at the Lucio star researcher who had turned into a mimetic Meferasian. He couldn't imagine what kind of person could be so ruthless and do this kind of experiment on his compatriots.

The researchers in the laboratory were ashamed when they saw Sai Luo. They also knew that what they did was unreasonable, but when they thought that no one could stop them, they didn't care.

However, seeing Sai Luo now, they only felt their heads buzzing.

"Ultraman Zero! This is about our Star Lucio, not your business, get out of our territory, get out of Star Lucio!"

An angry voice rang in Sai Luo's ear, Sai Luo turned his head, Sturm had already got up, and he rushed towards Sai Luo again, clutching his chest.

It is impossible for anyone to make him change back to the way he was before.

Sai Luo waved his arms expressionlessly, and Sturm was instantly sent flying by him. The mere elite-level dark giant was not worth mentioning in front of the quasi-legendary-level Sai Luo.

Even without using the power of the forced corona form, Sero can kill all the dark giants among the mimic Mephilas.

After solving Sturm, Zero swung the ice ax again, this time he cut off the energy supply pipeline, and at the same time released all the captured Lucio stars.

The Lucio stars who were rescued cried bitterly. They really thought their future was doomed, but they didn't expect Sai Luo to save them.

Quite a number of Lucio star people looked at the inferior dark giants who went mad in the laboratory, and their tears couldn't stop flowing. The family members who were captured together with them had already turned into the energy of the dark giants like Sturm.

"Leave now."

Sai Luo suppressed his anger and sent the survivors to a safe place, and then a Si Luo focused light directly razed the laboratory to the ground.

After solving the laboratory in the Mimic Feralas Star Terran, Sai Luo went to the territory of the Mimic Jadon Stars and the Mimic Desrem Stars. room, and by the time Sai Luo found these two laboratories, ten days had passed!
The great sage who visited the Mephilasians returned to Central City, and he watched the almost Jedi Central City fall into silence.

Because there is no laboratory, the dark giants have no energy source.

For ten days, Sturm, who was injured, had no energy to enter his body, and had turned into dark particles and disappeared on this planet.

The old sage who had a son couldn't bear this kind of blow. He went crazy and started destroying the central city. If the evolution laboratory was still there, many survivors could transform into dark giants to resist the sage. But now only the Great Sage can transform.

"Die! Die for me!"

The great sage roared and released a dark vortex. All the survivors who were still alive in the central city were absorbed by the dark vortex, and then provided the great sage with the power of despair to enhance their strength.

This is the benefit he got after visiting the Mephilasians, a new power source with the power of despair as the source of energy.

Originally, he came back in a hurry to refit his son with this power source. In this way, as long as there is enough power of despair and fear, their power can be continuously improved, even without the dark power of those untouchables. can survive.

But now that his son is dead, what is the use of this energy source!

"Ultraman Zero! Ultraman Zero!"


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