People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 708 H-424 Tool people, aren't there many of them?

Chapter 708 H-424 Tool people, aren't there many of them?

In the gap between the real world and the inverted world, Tartarus "rolled" back to the palace of his planet Absolut with the seriously injured Titan and Diablo.

As soon as he left the interdimensional passage, Tartarus immediately threw Diablo and Titan out, and then desperately urged the Absolut particles to heal them.

When leaving the planet Esmeralda, the three of Tartarus were attacked by Incarus, and finally the three were scattered in the rift of another dimension.

Diablo and Titan were already injured. If they stayed in the turbulence of another dimension for a long time, even with their legendary strength, their lives would be in danger. That's why Tartaros tried his best to find the two and find them together. Brought back to Absolut.

"Tartaros, we failed. The first time we contacted the civilization in the real world, we failed."

Titan was lying on the ground, and his proud kingdom sword, the Golden Sword, was also lost in the turbulence of another dimension. Now he is lifeless like a bereaved dog.

After coming out of the reversed world, Titan has always thought of a Titan who transcended the real world, and joined forces with Tartarus to create the brilliance of the Absolut civilization.

But the reality gave Titan a slap in the face, and he couldn't do anything.

Facing a junior who seemed to be only a few thousand years old, he was crushed and beaten. If this was reported back to the reverse world, other civilizations would have to laugh.

You know, when the world was reversed, the Absolut civilization was almost invincible against the surrounding civilizations by virtue of its three legends and endless energy.

"Don't take it to heart."

Tartarus sighed as he watched the recovering Titan and Diablo. He was also very angry. After all, Sailo did not rely on his own strength to defeat them.

If Sero hadn't brought a strange monster at the peak of the legend, Tartarus would definitely not be defeated even in the face of the father of Ultra.

It can be said that unless the mysterious king of the Kingdom of Light is coming, no one can stop Tartaros.

However, who would have thought that one of the members of the Otto Guard Squad, the Sero Shaker, would shake a monster.

Even though Incarus is called the Punisher of Light by Shimizu Mo, he is a monster with light attributes, but monsters are still monsters. Shouldn't you specialize in fighting monsters?

The Ultra fighters who can shake people to shake monsters are all a group of scumbag Ultra fighters!
Not to mention how depressed Tartarus is, he loses when he loses. Absolut's strongest fighter, who was invincible in the reverse world, was instantly defeated by a monster whose race he didn't even know.

"What are we going to do next, closely monitor the Esmeralda planet, and wait for the two Ultra fighters to leave before going?"

Diablo's physical fitness was much better than Titan's. Under the nourishment of Absolut's particle energy, he could sit up very quickly.

When Diablo sat up with difficulty and leaned on a stone pillar, he made a pretty good suggestion.

Sero and Axiang just came to that universe for some reason, and happened to protect the planet Esmeralda.

Although a little shameless, what Diablo said is right, Sai Luo and Axiang will always leave, there must be a time when they are not around.

As long as Sai Luo and the others leave, the Esmeralda planet, which has almost no defensive capabilities, will be a bunch of rookies in the eyes of the Absolut civilization.

To deal with chickens, they will not overturn it.

In fact, if Tartarus hadn't given King Emerald a certain amount of time, and they would have directly chosen to occupy the planet Esmeralda, Zero and Axiang might not have been able to "intervene" into their planet. action.

It can only be said that after you have decided on something, don't think about it, and don't do it. The best choice is to implement the matter as soon as possible.

Tartarus obviously thought of this too, but he shook his head, "The energy contained in the Emmenar Ore is indeed terrifying, but I have an ominous premonition that if we go to that universe to make trouble again, it may lead to Come out with some awesome guys."

The real big universe has far more resources than the inverted universe. Logically speaking, based on the infinite parallel universe, the probability of Tartarus and the others encountering an enemy stronger than themselves should be close to zero.

But so far, they can't beat the Earth and the Kingdom of Light in the main universe.

The kingdom of light in the parallel universe is not easy to fight.

Even some other civilized races in the parallel universe, they are also not easy to fight.

For example, the Baltans in a certain parallel universe managed to live and work in peace and contentment. The monsters that Tartarus sent to the new Baltans were directly torn apart by the Baltans without even causing any damage.

After many trials by Tartarus, he was surprised to find that this Baltan civilization is as technologically advanced as the Baltan civilization in the reversed world. Come for fun.

After discovering this, Tartarus decisively abandoned all his designs in that parallel universe and chose to avoid the edge.

Besides the Baltan Stars, the Pedan Stars who are not well-known in the reversed world, and even some civilizations with few populations, all have legend-level powerhouses sitting in their command.

Although their Absolut civilization can destroy it, the price they need to pay is really unacceptable, so Tartarus will choose to give up whenever he encounters a universe with more than five legendary powerhouses.

Finally found a planet Esmeralda that is only guarded by quasi-legendary warriors. Tartarus really didn’t want to give up, but Tartarus, who came back after the first wave of plans failed, thought about it and found something was wrong. .

The energy contained in the Emenal ore on the Esmeralda planet is no worse than the Absolut particles of their Absolut civilization, so why is there no legendary powerhouse in the Esmeralda civilization? Sitting in town?
Where did that legendary powerhouse of the universe go?
After contacting the god of the universe that Princess Emerana mentioned, Tartaros felt that he should give in and investigate the details of the universe.

After all, he absorbed the memory of Tartarus in the real world, and knew that Tartarus in the real world had committed a great death, provoked the King of Ultra from the Kingdom of Light and Gallops on Earth, and some Noah of the parallel universe!
Good guy, the legends who walk in the big universe may not be counted by one hand. Tartarus in the real world directly provoked three, and he will die and whoever will die.

Tartarus, who reversed the world, felt that he needed to learn the lessons of Tartarus in the real world. He has two resources of the Absolut civilization in his hands, and he has tribesmen with unlimited potential, so hold on tight and don't waste time. !

"I will find a suitable person to test the composition of that universe, and don't focus on that universe until the investigation results are out."

Tartarus shook his head. He glanced at Titan and Diablo who were still recovering slowly, then stood up without hesitation and walked out of the hall.

He needs to find a suitable tool man.

For the reverse Tartarus, who has the ability to travel through the timeline at will, just like Tartarus in the real world, finding a tool man is simply too simple.

He has all the memories of Tartarus in the real world in his mind, and he can just find a dark king and throw it into that world, and he can complete the mission of the tool man.

"It's a pity that Gallops killed the Lebrondo star from the root, otherwise the Lebrondo star or Leonix would be very suitable to be this tool man."

Arriving in a 'remote' parallel universe, Tartaros looked at the white-skinned Beria who had started flashing red lights on the meteorite in front of him. He shook his head. Belia's nature is not so good without the Lebrando star. Vile and bad, at least a certain amount of stimulation is needed to turn him into a demon enough to make the universe tremble.

"Belia, open your eyes, I am the ultimate life form, Absolut warrior, Absolut Tartaros!"

Tartarus sent a little energy to Beria. At this time, Beria was on the verge of death due to exhaustion of energy. With this mouthful of energy from Tartarus, not to mention completely recovered, at least he could open his eyes .

"Who are you?"

Although Beria heard Tartarus' self-introduction, because of his era, the Absolut civilization did not travel outside at all, and the Kingdom of Light had not yet become the leader leading the justice and order of the universe, so even Beria doesn't know any Absoluts either.

However, the ultimate life form in Tartarus' words shocked Beria quite a bit. Even people as strong as Ampera wouldn't dare to call themselves the ultimate life form. How dare the little golden man in front of him!

In fact, Beria's vision is still too narrow now. Beria, who was just defeated by the Ampera star and hit hard by the plasma spark tower, is no more than a quasi-legendary, and even worse than the father of Ultra, who has just realized the true power powerful.

From Beria's point of view, the strongest people in the universe are the Ambellas. I've never heard of the Abusoluts.

"I am Tartarus, from a parallel universe in a future time."

Tartarus straightforwardly explained his identity, and at the same time stated his purpose, "I have one thing I want to ask you to do, and at the same time, I can give you great power!"

Beria sneered. Although he could forcibly touch the plasma spark tower for power, it doesn't mean that Beria is a person who can give up everything for power and do whatever it takes.

Still the same sentence, without the interference of the souls of the Rebrando stars, without the imprisonment of tens of thousands of years in the prison, Beria's nature is not so bad.

He's a bit of a dead end at best.

"In the future, Kane will become Mary's husband, lead the entire Kingdom of Light, and be honored as the father of Ultra."

Seeing Beria's expression of wanting to refuse, Tartaros threw out his big move without hesitation, and just one sentence almost broke Beria's defense.

Although in the battle between light and darkness, Mary did hand over the ultimate blade inherited from her family to Kane, but in Beria's view, it was only because he was defeated by the Ampera star, and Mary could only choose Just Kane.

Now, the Ampera star has "selectively" told Beria about the future, how can Beria accept it.

You know, he likes Mary too!
"If you don't want to be thrown too far by Kane, I think you need my help."

Tartarus stretched out his hand to Beria, Beria meditated for a while, then stood up and walked to Tartaros' side.

Whether Tartarus was lying to him or not, he did need strength.

Tartarus smiled, and he handed a memory directly to Beria, which was full of memories about the father of Otto leading the soldiers of the Kingdom of Light to punish evil and promote good, which made Beria unable to bear He clenched his fists tightly.

The captain of the Ultra Guard, the ruler of the Kingdom of Light after the King of Ultra, and the respected father of Ultra in the entire universe... You must know that not long ago, Beria was still Bikai A strong man with a high head.

The future, is there really no future that belongs to him!

Taking advantage of Beria's fury, Tartaros easily brought Beria back to Absolut Star. Among the ruins, the energy particles of Absolut are everywhere here, and it is the most suitable place for Beria to "cultivate" and "evolve".

Inspired by Tartarus, the Absolut particles let go of the restrictions on Beria, and let Beria absorb it. When feeling the purity of the surrounding energy no less than the light released by the plasma spark tower, Beria was already shocked, he didn't expect Tartarus's family to be so rich.

Although he still has some doubts about what such a powerful Tartaros and Absolut civilization needs him to do, his instinct to become stronger has already begun to absorb the energy of the surrounding Absolut particles.

Different from the energy of the dark and light systems, the particle energy of Absolut tends to have an unlimited attribute similar to Qianxue's chaotic energy. No matter how many Absolut particles are absorbed, it will not change its nature. How much you can absorb depends only on your physical fitness and potential, and has nothing to do with your heart.

This point surpasses the Kingdom of Light and the Earth's plasma spark towers. The purity and total amount of energy released by the two major spark towers is not bad, but they are not accessible to ordinary people with weak hearts.

With Tartarus' spared support, Beria easily broke through the legend realm, and directly stacked himself above the medium legend by relying on energy purity alone.

As long as Beria comprehends the powerful rules, then Beria will be able to become a high-level legendary powerhouse, much stronger than the Ambella stars of his era.

Under the recommendation of Tartarus, Beria finally chose a rule that completely ran counter to his own energy attributes.


(End of this chapter)

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