People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 718 H-434 I'm Really Sinful!

Chapter 718 H-434 I'm Really Sinful!

Tartarus was silent, he really felt bad.

In his mind, Ertaja didn't seem to be such a recalcitrant guy, why was it so difficult to encourage?
Logically speaking, people who like to make troubles shouldn’t be able to have a common discourse when they get together. Could it be that he inherited the memory of Tartarus in the real world, but he didn’t show the troubles of Tartarus in the world? Human affinity?

"Huhahaha, Tartaros, you can't invite Ertagar like this."

Just when Tartarus was feeling a little uncomfortable, a figure suddenly appeared behind Tartarus. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he shot a terrifying dark hellfire bullet.

Tartarus reacted very quickly, he didn't even care who was behind him, turned around and was absolutely destroyed.

The two spheres of flame collided together, and a terrifying explosion erupted. The shock wave of the explosion not only carried Tartarus backwards for tens of thousands of meters, but even affected Altagar beside him.

Ertaja looked confused, who was he, where was he, and was he beaten?
He is standing here, has he done anything, why did he hit him?

Oh no, someone dared to hit him!

"who is it!"

Eltagar roared angrily, and he looked at a black tauren standing in the ruins after the explosion.

The peculiar X-shaped scarlet eyes, plus a black hideous armor, and the unusual red energy lamp on his chest, the combination of these components made Ertaja feel an inexplicable pressure .

"Who are you and why are you attacking me!"

Tartarus was also confused, he was bewitching Altagar, why was he attacked instead?

Moreover, the strength of the person who attacked him is really not weak. Just that round of dark prison flames just now is at least the strength of the peak legend, and it is not guaranteed that he has taken a small step on the road of legend.

"I am Lugiel!"

Luke Al crossed his hands in front of his chest in a very pretentious manner, and his expression was very arrogant. I saw him nodding to Tartarus to express his approval of Tartarus, and then he looked at Al Taga's eyes were a little malicious.

"Tartaros, you may have a good look for your allies, but your attitude is absolutely wrong!"

"To deal with people like Ertagar, of course you have to show your strength first! Dark Lightning!"

After Lukiel's voice fell, he raised his hand and pointed it at Altagar, and a terrifying dark red thunder shot out, which directly angered Altagar, who claimed to be crazy.

Good guy, one invited him to make troubles without saying a word, and the other came to his house and beat him up directly.

If he, Ertaja, didn't fight back, Lukiel really thought he was Pigumont!

"Altagar Hellfire!"

Ertagar's whole body was covered with dazzling light, and the next moment he broke through the dark lightning released by Lugiel, and rushed in the direction of Lugiel.

This move is a stunt developed by Ertagar based on the battle images left by a certain legend. It is very powerful, and Ertaja's full strength can even lead to the collapse of the universe.

Of course, when fighting selectively, the power of this move will be controlled by Altagar and all fall on the enemy.

"Huhahaha, yes, he is a good opponent."

Lugiel seemed to be very satisfied with Ertagar's behavior. With a wave of his hand, a long spear emitting scarlet light appeared in his hand. As Lugiel played a gun flower, it was only one round. Ertagar was drawn back by Lukiel.

Even the light wrapped on the surface of Ertaja's body was sucked away by Lukiel!

Tartarus only felt a little pain in his body, and it was absolutely uncomfortable when the thing was pulled on his body.

For some reason, Tartaros always felt guilty when he saw Lukiel, as if the other party's ability to make troubles was still higher than his own.

"Have you taken it yet?"

Luke El didn't care about Tartarus, he just walked up to Altagar with a dark spark gun, and then stepped on Altagar's body and asked Altagar what made Altagar feel amazing Question of shame.


As the demon god of time and space, Altagar is one of the most powerful existences in the entire different dimension world. How could he convince Lukiel!

Even after being slapped back, Ertaja never thought of being convinced.

Lukiel was still very satisfied with Altagar's answer, so he gave Altagar a compliment, "Dark Lukiel Strike!"

The terrifying black fireball took shape again, this time it was formed close to Altagar's face!
"Wait a moment!"

Tartarus noticed something was wrong, the guy in front of him, wouldn't he really want to feel Altarga?
How should he carry out his scapegoat plan?

"Don't worry, I just let him see what the future looks like!"

Lukiel smiled, that smile was extremely gloomy, and it gave Altarga the feeling that the end was coming.

The moment Altagar felt death, a memory flooded into its heart. It was the memory that it was taken away by Lugiel before it died in the future!
"Galaxy Victory, Zero..."

Ertagar was chanting some names, and Tartaros was keenly aware of Sailo's name. It was obvious that there were memories related to Sailo in the memory that Lukiel instilled in Ertagar.

Reminiscent of what Eltagar was going to do, it was obvious that the follow-up failed, and it may also have failed in the hands of Galaxy Victory and Zero.

Although he didn't know who that Galaxy Victory was, he knew Sai Luo!
"Eltaga, do you want revenge on Zero? He's right there!"

Tartarus is very good at hitting snakes with sticks. He summoned a space-time channel, and issued an "invitation" to Eltagar in a seductive tone.

Altagar, whose memory was still in a chaotic state, rushed into the space-time vortex without hesitation. Lukiel, who was still stepping on him, put away the dark spark gun and stood aside at some point.

"Get to know me, I am the ultimate life form, Absolut warrior, Absolut Tartaros."

Tartarus walked to Lukiel's side. He felt that Lukiel was also a very troublesome person, so it would be fun to get together.

"I am Lugiel, you can call me the Dark Demon God."

Lugiel briefly introduced himself. People who knew his name would be horrified by his appearance, and those who didn't know him would also be in awe when they heard the title of Dark Demon God.

Tartarus obviously didn't know Lukiel, he only knew that the guy in front of him was as powerful as himself, and he was definitely a good helper.

"Want to take a look together?"

Tartarus extended an invitation to Lugiel, and Lugiel shook his head without hesitation, "It's fine to let Ertaga find trouble with Cyro, but I don't want to attract the attention of a legend, my The target is the galaxy."

After Lugiel finished speaking, he turned into darkness and disappeared in front of Tartarus. He only left one sentence, "We will see each other later."

Looking at the disappearing Lugiel, Tartarus stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Good guy, he has always traveled through time and space to make troubles. Who would have thought that someone would travel through time and space to mess with him now?
Just when Tartarus wondered whether Lugiel came from the future of parallel time and space, two figures suddenly appeared beside him, it was Diablo and Titan.

Tartarus was a little surprised to see the two, because didn't he let them stay in a different dimension?
Diablo and Titan explained that they chose to keep up with Tartaros because they were afraid that the aftermath of the battle would affect them again.

Tartarus is also a little helpless, after all, this is indeed a factor that needs to be considered.

"Go back and see how far Altagar can go."

Tartarus shook his head. He sent Altagar there just to confuse the attention of the Kingdom of Light and the Earth. As long as the Kingdom of Light and the Earth don’t focus on him, he doesn’t care. .

Planet Esmeralda cannot be moved now, but that doesn't mean it won't be able to move in the future.

Let's finish this battle first.

"Let's go back. The next thing is the story of Altagar, which has nothing to do with us. However, Beria is still very useful as a tool man, so it needs to be recycled."

Tartarus was still thinking about Caesar Beria. After all, unlike others, Caesar Beria was a widow and was very suitable to be included as a subordinate.

Originally, Tartarus wanted to subdue Grimud, but Grimud was "eaten" by Tregear, and he had no possibility of subduing him.

As for other monsters and cosmic beings, let's talk about them if they survive.

Under the leadership of Tartarus, Diablo and Titan returned to the previous different space again, and the battlefield outside became more chaotic because of the arrival of Altagar.

Like Tartarus, Eltagar is also a superdimensional demon with the ability to travel through time and space, but it relies on the external force of the time and space city to travel through time and space. When it came here, it did not bring the time and space city, so there is no way to travel through it at will time and space.

But with Eltagar's innate magic power, he can summon the magic puppets that everyone fears the most.

With him alone, he has created twice as many enemies for the giants of light.

Of course, whether this double enemy is really the enemy they fear most is not certain.

Just like Emperor Natan appeared in front of Tiga, Neochomos appeared in front of Dyna, and Dark Mephisto appeared in front of Mebius. No matter how you look at these three pairs, they feel something is wrong.

In addition, the blackened father of Ultra appeared in front of the shining armor Beria, and Zog, the root angel of destruction, appeared in front of Ultimate Zero!

Zog is indeed a nightmare for Sai Luo, after all, he really "died" once in Zog's hands.

The phantoms of other people are even more magical. The phantom in front of Leo and Astra turned out to be the Ultra Brothers, and the phantom in front of Max is the cosmic cat demon and strange cat, that is, the fastest and strongest Max left a lifetime shadow guy.

These Alta plus puppets got together and directly added fuel to the already grand war, and everyone fought more vigorously.

Leo hit the Ott brothers in front of him. He hammered and sighed in his heart, why didn't Seven make a move back then, if Seven did, he would probably be able to hammer Seven now.

Although Astra didn't know what happened, but his own Leonisan made a move, so he naturally wanted to make a move, so he dragged Sophie's phantom and rolled aside, like a schoolboy fighting.

Max didn't want to fight the strange cat, and the Dark Baltans seemed to know the special ability of the strange cat, so he directly chose to shrink his body and stay away from the battlefield.

The dark Baltans came here just to make up for it. If they can help Tartaros, they will help. It doesn’t matter if they can’t. Anyway, Tartarus doesn’t dare to do anything to the Baltans. The technology of Baltans is not vegetarian of.

Max looked left and right, and then his eyes lit up and rushed directly to Nika, he wanted to change opponents with Nika.

The opponent Eltaga found for Nika was the EX Red King of the same race, but it was the same Red King who was also parasitized by Chaos's head. Compared with the slender Nika, the one in front of him The EX Red King exuding colorful light is more like lava corn cobs wrapped in strange light, how ugly it is, how ugly it is.

After I transform into EX form, am I so ugly?
While playing, Nika had a question in his heart. It always thought that he was responsible for the beauty of the owner's pets, but now it seems that he is responsible for the clown, the horror?

Nika here is playing vigorously, and Max over there has come to ask for an exchange of opponents.

Nika didn't know how powerful and weird the strange cat was, so it naturally didn't mind changing enemies. After all, it was really hard to beat a guy who was [-]% similar to his past self.

In comparison, that weak-looking strange cat is a great sandbag.

In the different dimension space, seeing Max rushing to exchange opponents with Nika, Shimizu Mo Xiao almost lost his temper. He knew what Max was worried about. Just now he was thinking that Max would face it squarely. My own demons still repeated the same mistakes, but I didn't expect Max to run away!
If this is reported back to the Kingdom of Light, Max's face may be completely lost.

"It seems that there is no show there?"

Tregchia put down the red wine glass in his hand, and he straightened his collar quite gentlemanly, although he didn't have such a thing.

Mo Shimizu looked in the direction that Tregia pointed, and it turned out that Tiga had already turned on the shining form, and even Dyna and Mebius on the side rubbed the hot spots and turned on the shining form to fight.

Giga Chimera and Saurus, who were still able to persist, were instantly killed, and then they were the puppets summoned by Ertagar.

(End of this chapter)

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