People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 731 H-447 Hey, I came in again, you hit me!

Chapter 731 H-447 Hey, I came in again, you hit me!


Tartaros looked at the golden giant in front of him with complicated eyes. The golden giant absorbed enough Absolut particles, and then forcibly changed the color of its body into gold and silver.

Compared to Tartarus, today's Beria is more like a native of the Kingdom of Light who has absorbed too much light.

"Hehe, Tartarus, you really bought me."

Beria stretched his body in a good mood, and said something cheerfully to Tartarus, but Tartarus, Diablo, and Titan remained silent.

"Don't worry, I already expected it."

Beria shook his head, he pointed to his head, "Don't take me Beria as a fool, I just died once, the galaxy army was just wiped out by Galops, you tell me the earth in that world Humans can all perform Gigamax, and perfectly match the power after Gigamax, and then help me rebuild the Belial Galactic Empire?"

"I'm afraid no one will believe this if I say it out. I just wanted to see what kind of medicine you were selling, but I didn't expect to play it off."

Beria shook his head, he is no longer the past self, or the past Beria is completely dead, he is just the Absolut energy body with Beria's memory.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that he did not want to pursue Tartarus' "betrayal".

The current Beria has left the Absolut planet, and there is no room for growth.

Tartarus also told about the remains of the Lebrondo star, Beria looked a little dazed, he was very glad that he only kept a memory, and did not save any cells, otherwise, now Gaga Lopus and Carmela will definitely fight to the planet Absolut.

"So, as long as there is no remnant of the Lebrando star, Gallops will not attack me, right?"

After Belia died once, he became quite cautious. He didn't want Gallops to know that he was still alive for the time being, but after thinking about it, if he didn't let Gallops know that he was still alive, when we meet again in the future, Wouldn't it be possible to be forcibly taken away without even a chance to explain?
Therefore, Beria felt that he had to resolve the "misunderstanding" with Gallops.

In addition, because of the rebirth of the Absoluts, it is almost impossible for Beria to create the Belia Galactic Empire, but the expansion of the Absolut star is bound to have something to do with the Belia Galactic Empire. Similarities, Beria needs to know what Gallops thinks.

After listening to Beria's statement, Tartarus made some choices, and finally helped Beria open the time-space door to the parallel time-space Earth.

Belia stepped into the space-time vortex and disappeared, Diablo and Titan only let go of their voices to discuss at this time.

"I didn't expect Beria to come up with this way of resurrection, but is the current Beria the same as before?"

Diablo felt like his brain was going to burn out. What kind of state is Beria in now?

Titan shook his head. He didn't feel any anger or impulsiveness from Beria. On the contrary, Beria is extremely calm now.

Tartarus replied, "Belia has now completely become our Absolut star. Although his previous power is lost, Absolut's particles have given Beria a more powerful force." strength."

"He will become a member of our Absolut, the Knights of God."

The so-called Knights of the Gods are those who travel outside on behalf of the Absolut family and possess strength above the legendary level.

In the past, there were only three Tartarus brothers, but now Beria is added.

Titan and Diablo looked at each other, and they shrugged. They really didn't expect that Beria would become their brother one day.

However, Beria can't go anywhere except Absolut, and his idea of ​​forming a Galactic Empire has been completely shattered.

Of course, if the Absolut star can grow and expand to a universe in the future, Belia's Galactic Empire may not be unable to rise again.

Shui Lanxing, Qingshuimo and Qianxue were fishing, and Aida the Burning Man was also sitting beside them, holding a fishing rod in his hand, staring at the water surface.

Among the fish guards in front of the three of them, only Aida's fish guard didn't contain a single fish.

On the contrary, Qingshuimo and Qianxue are constantly fishing.

After solving Beria, Shimizumo and Qianxue found Aida who taught the ancient humans, and then the three came to a vast river and started fishing and chatting.

At the beginning, Aida was absent-minded in talking to Qingshuimo, but after Qingshuimo continued to fish, Aida's desire to win also came up, and he began to fish seriously, but he was still an air force guy.

"By the way, Aida, do you have any clue about the monsters on Aquamarine and the sun?"

Another reason why Qingshuimen and Qianxue did not leave here is that the monsters on Shuilanxing and the sun have not been resolved.

Shimizu Mo wanted to know more about these two monsters.

Aida woke up from the silence, and he began to recall the information in his mind, "The monster in the sun is called Binsta, of course their family is called Binsta, sun monsters. With light and heat to grow, the general adult form has legendary strength."

Aida explained very clearly that Binsta is a very common but very powerful monster in the universe.

They inhabit the sun, and if the civilization in the solar system cannot discover its existence, then it will descend on the civilization and begin to destroy it.

Many civilizations in the universe were wiped out by Binstar, and the civilization where Aida was located was also attacked by Binstar, but they repelled Binstar.

As for the monsters on the earth, Aida doesn't know much about them. He just knows that there is a terrifying monster on Water Blue Planet, but he doesn't know what kind of monster it is, what strength it has, and what abilities it has.

Shimizumo and Qianxue looked at each other helplessly. Although they found the monster lurking on the water blue planet, they didn't know its origin. They probably wanted to bring it to King Ultra for analysis.

At this time, that earth monster has been sealed by Qian Renxue in her small universe, even if it wakes up, it cannot be the opponent of the dark dragons.

As for the sun monster Binstar, Qing Shuimo felt that it would be better not to provoke it for the time being. After all, in their perception, Binstar's condition was not good, and it seemed to be a whole with the sun.

Whether it is it or the sun, it is both prosperous and both.

If Binstar is eliminated, the sun of this water blue planet may also be extinguished. At that time, water blue planet may not have any possibility of developing civilization.

After fishing for half a day, Qianxue took her and Qingshuimo's catch to cook a barbecue, while Aida continued to stare at the surface of the water, praying for some fish to catch the bait.


Suddenly, the sound of space shattering sounded, and a monster that looked like a cartoon toy appeared on the ground. As soon as it appeared, it aimed at the ground with a beam of light.

After the fight, the guy realized something was wrong.

Why does this place look so primitive, doesn't it mean that it is going to be destroyed by the earth?
"Go away, my uncle!"

Before Shimizumo and Qianxue could deal with the sudden appearance of the one-horned super beast Baxim, a figure descended from the sky, and directly embedded Baxim into the ground with a move of "Tathagata Palm".

Shimizumo and Qianxue were stunned. Is it popular these days to reincarnate and change skins?

The Tartarus of the real world died, and then the Tartarus of the reversed world appeared.

Now, they just solved Beria, and another Beria came out?

What is going on!
Before Shimizumo and Qianxue could ask what happened, Aida furiously raised her middle finger at Beria.

It's not easy for him to catch a fish!

Accompanied by an angry growl, Aida directly transformed into a 50-meter super giant. His body was covered with red mane. giant.

He stretched out his hand, pulled out a flame stick from the void, pointed it at Belia and smashed it directly.

Beria was still beating Baksim, and the sudden attack made him a little bit overwhelmed.

Before he could react, Aida's stick had already landed on him.

I have to admit that Aida still has some strength, but he is not Beria's opponent.

Soon, Aida was pressed and beaten by Beria, and even Baksim came to join her.

"Go, Nika, Xiaocai, get rid of Beria and Baksim."

Qingshuimo released Nika and Xiaocai directly, and two huge figures stopped Beria and Baksim.

Nika was facing Beria, and Xiaocai was facing Baksim.

Nika stretched out his hand and shook his finger at Beria, signaling Beria not to make unnecessary resistance.

Xiao Cai aimed at Baxim and directly released her special attack, Creation Requiem.

After a burst of bright light, Baksim was reduced to ashes on the spot, and there was no possibility of surviving.

I don't know if someone will complain about Baksim, after all, it also came here inexplicably.

"Belia, are you resurrected?"

After solving the Baksim problem, Shimizu Mo and Qian Xue came to Beria.

Beria knew how strong Nika was, so instead of going head-to-head with Nika, he chose to stop.

After hearing Qing Shuimo's question, Beria shook his head disdainfully, "I, Beria, am immortal, but it's not so easy to be wiped out."

Qing Shuimo nodded, and Beria did not lie about this, he really knew how to "live".

In the original world line, no matter how many times he was killed by Sai Luo, Beria could be resurrected safely, and he could even be resurrected with Sai Luo's power.

However, he has actually killed Beria. Why is Beria still alive and kicking in front of him?
"Amo, this Beria seems a bit different."

Because Shimizu Mo lost nine-tenths of his power and temporarily lost his all-knowing eyes, Qianxue acted as Shimizu Mo's eyes.

She could tell at a glance that Beria was not human... Ah bah, she could tell at a glance that Beria's state was not right.

In this regard, Beria also admitted without hesitation.

"I am Beria's memory condensed Absolut's particle rebirth Beria, you can call me the ultimate life form, Absolut's newest warrior of the Knights of God, Absolut Caesar Kai En's lifelong enemy, Beria!"

Except for the inexplicable lifelong enemy of Otto's father, although Beria's name is long, it is not mispronounced.

He has the memory and thinking logic of Caesar Beria, but he is a pure Absolut energy body, and he also has a brand-new Absolut heart. It is completely fine to say that he is the ultimate life body.

Shimizumo and Qianxue also realized that this Beria was probably a special backhand left by Beria.

If you simply leave a memory, it is impossible to mix it with the remnants of the Lebrando Stars. Belia seems to be aware of his own body, so when he left behind, he deliberately did not leave any entity , lest this memory cannot be perfectly "resurrected".

"You who haven't fused with the remnants of the Lebrondos, we're not interested, what are you doing at Shuilanxing?"

Qingshuimo waved his hand, he is not interested in playing the game of life and death with Belia, isn't Qianxue's grilled fish delicious?

Beria obviously didn't expect Qingshuimo to have such an attitude. He was a little uncertain whether Qingshuimo was telling the truth, or simply wanted to let him relax his vigilance.

"I'm here to ask you on behalf of the Absolut star, to what extent do you want to interfere with the development of the Absolut civilization!"

Listening to Beria's questioning, Qing Shuimo just felt confused. Did he interfere with the development of Absolut civilization?
If so, why doesn't he know.

Beria noticed the confusion on Shimizu Mo's face, and he said a few things in a calm manner, including but not limited to Shimizu Mo's casual solution of Tartaros' civilization expansion plan, which made Tartaros suffer from Got Gallops PTSD.

Now as long as Galops is involved, Tartarus' only thought is to retreat, retreat!

Or go to Xitian Daleiyin Temple to ask the merciful and merciful Beria Bodhisattva. Beria just thinks that Pigumeng is too old. He is just a loser who just got frustrated from the battlefield and the love field. I can't bear it. Hold on to this banner.

After listening to Beria's statement, Qing Shuimo felt that these were all coincidences, although they were strange, they were really just coincidences.

If Sero hadn't just gone to that universe to find Noah's power before, then he would not have prevented Tartaros' civilization expansion plan at all, and would not have led to the subsequent large-cosmic fighting that disrupted the order of the large universe.

Therefore, Beria's question, in the eyes of the Absoluts, was extremely real and sincere.

(End of this chapter)

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