People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 767 H483 Be Your Own Protagonist!

Chapter 767 H-483 Be Your Own Protagonist!

"Using heaven and earth as a chessboard? Taking sentient beings as chess pieces?"

Qing Shuimo looked at Emperor Tiandao with a puzzled expression. He didn't quite understand why Emperor Tiandao would say such a line suddenly.

This line, is it too secondary?

"Uh, I don't quite understand."

Qing Shuimo shook his head seriously, he didn't understand what Emperor Tiandao wanted to say.

Emperor Tiandao raised his head slightly, as if he was staring at the sky.

"I come from the era of the great universe several epochs ago. At that time, light and shadow were the mainstream of the era and the most fundamental force that constituted the great universe."

Emperor Tiandao's voice was very calm and heavy, his face was calm, without any waves, as if what he said was not the secret of the great universe at all, but was commonplace with Shimizu Mora.

Qing Shuimo listened carefully to Emperor Tiandao's narration, and he vaguely felt that Emperor Tiandao seemed to want to tell him something that could shatter his world view.

Qianxue stood quietly by the side without making a sound, and she was also listening carefully.

The Emperor of Heaven continued to narrate with that magnetic voice, "When I emerged from the light, became a legend, and led the light of the universe, I vaguely sensed something was wrong."

"You are also a genius who is about to become a legend. Have you ever found out that you subconsciously believe that as long as you become a legend, you will be able to escape from the big universe. When the big universe collapses, I will remain immortal?"

Qing Shuimo nodded, he was a little puzzled, could it be said that legends don't have this ability?
It seems that it is true. Whether it is Emperor Calafal, Grimud or the current Emperor of Heaven, they used to be legendary existences. It stands to reason that if the universe is destroyed but legends are not, they should also be able to survive to the next one. The era of the big universe is right.

However, what Emperor Calafal is living in the great universe is just a ray of remnants, and Grimud was reincarnated and reincarnated as a demon god, and then became the foundation for Tregia to break through the legend.

The Tiandao Emperor in front of him seems to be in the best condition, but Qing Shuimo can tell that the power of the Tiandao Emperor is constantly passing away. If there are tens of thousands of years, the light of the Tiandao Emperor may be completely destroyed. disappear.

Legend, also die?

Seeing Qing Shuimo's silent appearance, Emperor Tiandao shook his head slightly, "The legend is immortal when the great universe is destroyed. This is just an incentive given by the will of the great universe to the legend. It also depends on the foundation of the big universe.”

"After all, the big universe is shattered, so how can the legend you are attached to still survive?"

Listening to Emperor Tiandao's narration, Qing Shuimo didn't answer immediately, he was thinking about something.

"After breaking through the legend, the will of the big universe will deliberately let the legend avoid thinking about this issue, and will subconsciously choose to protect the peace and harmony of the big universe. You can take a look at the legends in the big universe today, Who is not working hard for the peace of the big universe."

The words of Emperor Tiandao made Qing Shuimo suddenly wake up, and the legends that the big universe is still alive now seem to be all on the side of peace.

Logically speaking, all living beings are equal in the great universe, so there should be many legends about personalities and positions.

It's like the Lebrondo stars who ruled the big universe in the past, and King Absolut who wants to bring the Absolut family to a great future, they are all people on the side of the injustice order.

What will happen to them?
There is only a ray of remnant souls left in the Lebrando Stars, and King Absolut failed to break through the legend, and fell into a deep sleep forever and could not wake up. In the end, in order to protect the blood of the Absolut clan, he even exhausted everything The power of Absolut has created a glimmer of life for the planet Absolut.

On the other hand, the legends on the guardian side are strong one by one.

How many parts has Noah divided himself into, and each part can grow to Noah's level.

The King of Ultra has saved the universe several times, and his existence seems to be to protect the universe.

Not to mention Lei Jie, this one has chosen to integrate his consciousness into the big universe, and has been fighting for order all his life.


Qing Shui Mo suddenly took a deep breath, as if it was true.

Breaking through the legend should be able to enjoy the world and do everything you want to do, but the legends that are still active now seem to have "missions" in them.

That task is to protect the stability of the universe.

"If the legend doesn't protect the big universe, what will happen?"

Qing Shuimo asked Emperor Tiandao, Emperor Tiandao just shook his head slightly, "The legend will fall."

Well, the fall of the legend is just a thought.

"Then, what realm can one obtain immortality?"

Qianxue couldn't help asking, if even the legendary realm cannot be immortal, is it necessary to break through the legend?

Emperor Tiandao sighed, "There is no immortality, everything is definite."

"The collapse and rebirth of the big universe are definite."

Qingshuimo and Qianxue were silent, did Emperor Tiandao mean that someone is controlling the universe?

However, Emperor Tiandao's next sentence broke their guess.

"No one is planning the big universe behind the scenes, everything originates from one point."

The Emperor of Heaven raised his head to look at the universe again, or maybe at the era he once lived in, "a point called [Origin]."

"The macrocosm appeared based on this point, and then collapsed based on the perfection of this point. After the collapse, the [Origin] was broken again, and another macrocosm was born to complete the [Origin] again, and then collapsed again, and the cycle went on and on without end. "

Qing Shui was a little stunned, he didn't understand what the Emperor of Heaven meant by these words.

In other words, he understood, but couldn't accept it.

"The birth and death of the big universe is doomed from the very beginning. The time of the existence of the big universe is only based on the completion speed of [Origin]."

Emperor Tiandao stretched out his hand, and a cloud of cold black light gathered in his palm, "This is the King of Shadows that I fought with back then, and even its consciousness of autonomy has been completely obliterated now."

"Back then, I fought against the King of Shadows, wanting to change the universe into what I dreamed of. At that time, I naively thought that as long as I defeated the King of Shadows, I would be able to bring eternal light and prosperity to the universe. Peace."

"However, the moment I completely defeated the King of Shadows, I realized that when I defeated the King of Shadows, my mission was completed and [Origin] was completed."

"Legends can indeed be based on the shattering of the big universe without dying, but three conditions must be met."

Emperor Tiandao stretched out his fingers and raised three sticks, "First, when you break through the legend, you can't break through based on the rules of the current world, that is to say, your legend can't be entrusted to the current big universe."

"Second, after breaking through the legend, you can't interfere with the big universe in any way, neither positive nor negative. As long as you leave a mark in the big universe, when the big universe collapses and [Origin] is completed, it will be the day of your destruction."

"The third and most important point..."

Emperor Tiandao sighed again, "Never compete for the power of [Origin]!"

Qing Shuimo subconsciously interrupted Emperor Tiandao, "Excuse me, senior, what is the power of [Origin]?"

He really didn't know, after all, even the word "origin" was something he heard from Emperor Tiandao.

Emperor Tiandao lowered his head and pondered for a while, then he seemed to have received some information and sorted it out, and then said to Qingshui Mo, "The so-called [origin] power, in the sense that you young people can understand, is The origin of the world, or the aura of the protagonist."

"An era has a protagonist of an era. When the protagonist of that era has walked the path he should go and fulfilled the tasks he should perform, that is when the universe collapses and [Origin] is completed."

Emperor Tiandao pointed to himself, and then spread his hands to let Qingshuimo and Qianxue see the last black holy light left by the King of Shadows.

"Back then, the King of Shadows and I were the children of the era with the most powerful [Origin] power! In your words, we are the protagonists of destiny!"

"After our story is over, it's time for the big universe to collapse."

Qingshuimo and Qianxue were silent, they couldn't accept this setting.

After the son of the times has finished his life, or after he has performed all the plays in his life script, the universe will disappear?

This [Origin] is too outrageous.

"Our big universe, who is the son of the age?"

Qing Shuimo asked softly, he is no longer satisfied with the first and second items mentioned by the Emperor of Heaven, the bond between him and Qian Xue and the Great Universe is already too deep, too deep to be erased .

He is the miraculous light of the great universe. It is uncertain what legend Qian Xue will become in the future, but it must be based on the legends that appear in the current great universe, which means that they cannot separate from the great universe to achieve transcendence and immortality.

Thinking that the universe will collapse completely at some point, Qingshuimo and Qianxue felt a heartache.

This kind of feeling that life can't be controlled by oneself, but can only be controlled by others, is too uncomfortable!
Qing Shuimo wants to find the Son of the Age, he will not interfere with the life of the Son of the Age, because he knows that since [Origin] is to complement himself, he will never allow anyone to interfere with the Son of the Age.

Even Qing Shui has no doubt that when the Child of the Age is discovered, [Origin] will decisively replace the Child of the Age.

"do not know."

The Emperor of Heaven shook his head, and he looked up at the sky again, "The children of the era set by [Origin] are completely random. Every one of the billions of creatures in the universe may become a child of the age."

"The child of the age may not be a strong person, may not be eye-catching, or may not even be a living thing. When a stone is kicked from my feet to the tree, [Origin] may be completed."

Qingshuimo and Qianxue were speechless for a while at Emperor Tiandao's words, Ni Ma, how can you play this.

If the children of the times are so random, how can they pay attention.

"Is there no way to explore the existence of the Children of the Age?"

Qian Renxue felt a little reconciled, entrusting her own destiny to other people, this feeling is really too bad.

Emperor Tiandao nodded, "The children of the age cannot be predicted, but you can be the children of the age of your own age."

"I have gone through several ages, and each time I rely on the interlacing of light and shadow, I am forced to be reborn in the next big universe through light and shadow. Although there is no power, some memories still exist."

"I found that in the three eras of my residual memory, the children of the era all appeared suddenly, completed his [script] in a very short time, and then the universe collapsed."

"Before the universe collapsed, no one could notice the children of the times. Only at the moment when the universe collapsed, the life experience of the children of the times would appear in everyone's minds, and then it was like watching a movie, the movie The shady curtain of the end is the completion of [Origin], when the universe collapses."

"No one can predict, and no one can resist. All we can do is to live our vigorous lives and strive to leave no regrets before the big universe is shattered."

Emperor Tiandao sighed. He fought vigorously with the King of Shadows back then, without leaving any regrets, and finally brought destruction to the great universe of light and shadow.

To be honest, until now, he didn't understand what [Origin] wanted.

Every time I tried my best to create a big universe to complement itself, but at the moment of self-completion, [Origin] collapsed again.

As the son of the era back then, Emperor Tiandao barely had access to a little bit more things than others.

He could feel that the collapse of [Origin] was his own will, not forced to collapse.

It's as if... it can gain something from the collapse and completion again and again.

As for what can be obtained, it is beyond the perception and analysis of the Emperor of Heaven.

It may be a kind of power, it may be a treasure, or it may be an emotion called satisfaction.

Emperor Tiandao told Qingshuimo all the information he knew. The reason why he pulled Qingshuimo over before was because he sensed the breath of light and the breath of darkness on Qingshuimo.

In this great universe, there are many legends with light attributes, but there are not many legends with both light and dark attributes.

The dark power in Qingshuimo is not as strong as the light, but it is enough to pull out the will of the Emperor of Heaven.

As long as the will is awakened, the Emperor of Heaven is sure to recover some power before the big universe is shattered this time, so that he can continue to live on.

Although several epochs ago, he was the son of the age and the legend of heaven, but now he just wants to live and find out the true face of [Origin] and what he wants to do.

Without this answer, the Emperor of Heaven and Dao would never be reconciled even if his body died and Dao disappeared.

After Emperor Tiandao disappeared, Qingshuimo and Qianxue quietly returned to the main universe. They lay in the trauma of the TPC Far East Headquarters Base, and the two looked at the ceiling above their heads and remained silent.

After a long time, the two sat up, looked at each other, and smiled at each other.

"Although the Emperor of Heaven has already said that it is impossible to find it, we must try. Find the Son of the Age, and then... write a story that belongs to us."

(End of this chapter)

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