People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 866 H581 The old man wants to beg for a bowl of noodles!

In the Queen of Spring City, Shanks, who had changed into regular clothes, was holding Uta's hand. Maginot and Weixi were also following him. At this time, they were just like an ordinary family visiting the celebration.

Although there is no fun Internet in this world, this lively large-scale celebration is still enough to make people forget to leave.

After playing in the hustle and bustle of the celebration for a day, Uta lay on the bed of the hotel and could not calm down her inner excitement for a long time. This was much more fun than the banquet she had attended before at the red-haired group.

After having enough rest, Shanks and Makino took Uta out to find delicious restaurants to fill their stomachs. Although they ate a lot of snacks in the afternoon, they still had to eat dinner.

"Dad, I heard there is a casino here, don't you want to go and play?"

In the ramen restaurant, Uta was holding a bowl of udon and eating it happily. She turned her head and looked at Shanks who was paying, and then asked with some confusion.

Ever since she learned that Shanks had a biological son, Uta naturally changed her name to Shanks' father. She used to call Shanks by his first name.

According to Lucky Lu and the others, isn't it true that men can't resist the temptation of piles of Baileys?
Shanks tapped Uta's head lightly with his finger, "I'm a serious person, how can I go to a place like that."

You know, this time he brought Uta and Maginot to experience the excitement of the celebration. How could he go to a place like a casino?

In addition, a gamble that may look cool and amazing to others, but to Shanks, is just a trick of playing house.

With his domineering attitude, he had no chance of losing. After all, he was not a gentleman. He clearly had the ability to win [-]%, but he allowed a group of clowns to make small moves in front of him.

"This little brother, I wonder if you can treat me to a bowl of noodles?"

Just as Shanks and Uta were talking, a gentle and thick voice sounded behind Shanks.

Hearing this voice, Shanks's body tensed up subconsciously, and a dark red light directly enveloped his whole body.

Overlord color, domineering and domineering!
At that moment, his Shishibaqi didn't react, so that he didn't even notice that someone was walking behind him.

"Eh? I don't look like an ordinary guy, I'm sorry to bother you."

The man standing behind Shanks scratched his head in distress. He didn't expect Shanks to disappear right before his "eyes". It seemed that he had found the wrong person.

"Wait a moment!"

Shanks turned his head and looked at the sturdy middle-aged man, wearing a purple kimono jacket, some damaged wooden clogs, and a cane knife used as a guide stick...
"Why would someone like you appear here?"

Shanks saw through Yixiao's strength. He was curious as to why a man with the top strength of the sea would appear in the paradise, and it seemed that he had never heard of this man's existence.

Yixiao seemed a little confused, then he scratched his head again and found that Shanks appeared in front of his "eyes" again.

He smiled slightly and said, "I'm greedy for gambling, but I'm not very lucky and I lost all my money. I saw you spending a lot of money, little brother, so I thought I could make a living, so I showed up here."

After hearing Yixiao's explanation, Shanks didn't believe it at all. Such a strong general-level man would just ask for food from anyone because he had no money in his pocket?

If Yixiao shows off his strength, let alone a meal, people will bid on what will keep him alive throughout his life.

But Shanks didn't say much, he just waved to the owner of the ramen shop.

"Boss, another bowl of udon."

The smile on his lips became more sincere, and he sat down opposite Shanks without any courtesy. This made Uta feel a little uncomfortable.

After all, Uta doesn't like strangers approaching the people around her, especially people like Yixiao who seem to have ulterior motives at first sight!

The ramen arrived quickly. He picked up the bowl with a smile and started eating. Soon the bowl of noodles was in his stomach.

Shanks looked at it and smiled generously. He didn't say anything, he just waved to the boss and signaled to continue.

For a strong man like Yixiao, how could he possibly fill his stomach without having enough to eat?

After eating about ten bowls of noodles, he put down his chopsticks with a smile and said, "Thank you very much for your hospitality, little brother. I will take the first step."

"You said you lost all your money. If you leave, where will you go?"

Shanks sat on the chair and looked at it with interest and smiled. Then he took out a stack of Baileys from his pocket. Each card on it was worth ten thousand yuan.

Originally, Shanks could be said to be one of the poorest Yonko, but after staying in Windmill Town for such a long time, he accumulated a lot of money whether it was running the tavern or fishing with the fishermen in the village.

In addition, with Maginot by his side, Shanks didn't smoke or drink, so he naturally didn't have much to spend, so the money was saved.

"There are 100 million Baileys here. Let's give them to you, senior, as a basis for repaying your debt."

After placing Bailey in front of Yixiao, Shanks pulled Uta and stood up. He didn't say anything more to Yixiao. When Yixiao wanted to find him, he would naturally come to him again.

After Shanks left, he looked at the 100 million Baileys in front of him with a smile. He was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

Unlike Shanks' idea that Yixiao approached him deliberately, he actually lost all his money in the casino and went out to find something to eat.

On the way out of the casino, Yixiao "saw" Shanks who was spending a lot of money. He subconsciously identified Shanks as a rich young man, so he thought about whether he could have a dinner, but he didn't expect that he would walk away. Eye.

"Hey, this money is not easy to get."

Taking Bailey into his arms, although Yixiao has always believed that there is a right way to get money, it does not mean that he is a fool. This 100 million Bailey is the only connection between him and Shanks. If he does not take it, it will be severed.

"I didn't expect to meet the retired Four Emperors here, and I don't know if this sea has become too much for me to watch?"

I used to smile because the world I saw was too turbid, so I destroyed my eyes in anger.

Although he has obtained some so-called prophecies from various channels, he does not really believe in the so-called fate. He believes that everything depends on man-made things, so he has been looking for ways to restore the cleanliness of the sea.

However, whether it is the World Government, the Navy, or the Revolutionary Army, he has observed it and concluded that no matter which side, there is no possibility of cleaning the sea.

It wasn't until a few years ago that a destructive force blasted open the Red Earth Continent, causing the old world government to disappear. The establishment of the new world government seemed to have brought clean peace to the sea. However, when Yixiao traveled around the paradise, he discovered that In addition to the countries that have been reformed by the New World Government, the sea still has a lot to improve.

After leaving the country after the reform of the New World Government, Yixiao kept wandering around in the first half of the Grand Route. On the one hand, he was looking for where he should go, and on the other hand, he was also increasing his inner cultivation.

Yixiao on the other side was still lamenting his fate, while Shanks on the other side had returned to the hotel with Uta.In the small room, Uta was lying on her bed. She looked at Shanks curiously and asked, "Dad, is that person strong just now?"

It's impossible for ordinary people to take Shanks so seriously.

"He's about the same as me, but he's still a lot weaker than you and Luffy with all their firepower."

Shanks gave his evaluation very objectively. Yixiao was definitely very strong. This was an early warning from Shanks' knowledge.

However, no matter how strong Yixiao is, he can't be stronger than Uta and Luffy who have activated the power of the fantasy beast. This is for sure.

Of course, if Shanks used Overlord's Erotic Kill, Smile would only be killed instantly.

Maginot was shocked when he heard Shanks speak so highly of Yixiao.

How could such a powerful being lose everything in the casino?

As if he heard Maginot's thoughts, Shanks smiled slightly and wanted to explain something, but before he could speak, there was a roar of thunder outside the room.

"Is there an earthquake?"

Maginot felt the vibration in the room, and she immediately got up and trotted to Shanks' side. If there was an earthquake, it would be difficult for her to run, so she could only let Shanks take her and Wei Xi.

Shanks shook his head. This was not an earthquake, but someone fighting.

"Someone provoked a monster."

With a sigh, Shanks took Maginot, and Uta walked directly to the scene of the battle on moon steps. Seeing a dark pit made Maginot tremble a little.

Falling on the edge of the pit, Shanks and Maginot saw Yixiao who was slowly sheathing his staff and sword. Next to Yixiao, there were two marines wearing military uniforms with earthy faces.

"Tsk, this is really the scene I least want to see."

Shanks frowned. It didn't matter who made him laugh, but he really didn't want to see the blind navy provoke such a monster.

After all, he still wanted to recommend Yixiao to the navy.

After all, that person's attitude toward the navy seems a bit ambiguous. If the navy's strength can be greatly improved, he might be able to trade with that person for a share of the power of the phantom beast.

Of course he was not asking for it for himself, but for his son Weixi.

"Your Excellency, are you here to stand up for these people?"

Yixiao's face was not very good. It was obvious that something happened that made him very angry. The previous address to Shanks was changed to "Your Excellency" which was extremely blunt.

"I am retired now, and it seems that these guys did something they shouldn't have done, but they are the Navy after all, and if there is any problem, they should go through the Navy's procedures."

With a smile on his face, Shanks walked straight to Yixiao's side, and then pulled up the two marines who were lying on the ground.

"Whose general are you, and why are you here?"

The Queen of Spring City is not a place that daily patrols pass through, because it is a mixed bag of fish and dragons and there are many forces. The navy usually turns a blind eye and pirates will not plunder here.

The presence of these two navies here is obviously an abnormal phenomenon.

"We, we are from the G-3 branch, Lieutenant Colonel Chaka!"

Seemingly coming back to their senses, the two marines immediately shouted at Shanks, "Are you a group with this criminal? Are you also a marine? Arrest him immediately. How dare he disobey Cha?" Lieutenant Colonel Ka, and also wounded Lieutenant Colonel Chaka!"

Looking at the two arrogant and domineering soldiers, Shanks sighed. With the virtues of his men, this so-called Lieutenant Colonel Chaka is probably not a good bird.

Shanks casually threw the two soldiers aside, and dialed a bug amid the surprised looks in the eyes of the people around him.

"Hey, Lieutenant General Garp? It's me. I encountered something in the Queen of Spring City. It's related to the navy. I may need to ask Marshal Sengoku for instructions."

Shanks explained the situation at the scene, emphasizing the arrogance and domineering nature of the two soldiers. Lieutenant General Garp on the other end of the phone was so angry that he gave Shanks the right to solve it on his own, even if it was Sengoku, who was standing next to Garp, didn't stop him.

After all, Shanks, as the former Four Emperors, is now asking the Navy for instructions. Why shouldn't he give him some face?
"Shanks, if you are willing, in the name of Admiral, I can grant you the position of Admiral Candidate under special circumstances."

Sengoku made a promise to Shanks through a phone call to recruit the former four emperors as admiral candidates, which is what Sengoku thought of.

Sengoku's words made the people around him even more surprised. Firstly, they did not expect that the Marine Admiral would be so willing to spend so much money. Secondly, some people recognized Shanks' identity, the Four Emperors of the New World, and the uncrowned king of pirates!

"Forget about being a candidate for admiral or something like that, but if everything goes well, I may introduce a powerful samurai to join the navy. When the time comes, I'll ask the Warring States Marshal to favor him."

Shanks hung up the phone calmly, then looked at the two earth-colored soldiers and grinned.

"As the G-3 branch of the navy, you are causing trouble here to harm the reputation of the navy. This is a capital crime."

The population of Queen of Spring City is very complex. There are businessmen doing serious business, reporters who specialize in gossip reporting, various underworld tycoons, and pirates who mingle among the crowd.

However, no matter what their status is, whoever dares to cause trouble in the Queen of Spring City must have enough capital.

The navy can indeed be said to be the strongest on the sea, but a mere lieutenant colonel or branch lieutenant colonel cannot scare anyone.

After Yixiao took action, many people were watching the navy's embarrassment. When Shanks arrived, he had already discovered that many tabloid reporters seemed to be preparing to make some big news.

At present, the navy's reputation on the sea is pretty good. It would not be good if it was ruined by a few miscellaneous fish.

Therefore, Shanks immediately found Garp, and even wanted to find Sengoku, in order to shock Xiao Xiao around him.

"Tell me what happened. You have three chances to say something."

After hanging up the phone bug, Shanks could keenly notice that the eyes of the people around him were a little different, and he didn't care, as long as the purpose was achieved.

·(End of this chapter)

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