"Princess Kath, is the Soto Kingdom doing arms trading so blatantly?"

Taking a banana from Nami, Luffy casually asked Cath, who was a little nervous next to him.

Neither the old world government nor the new world government has ever said that they would allow participating countries to sell arms at will.

"Lieutenant General Luffy is joking, we are just doing some ordinary business."

Kath smiled slightly awkwardly. When she learned that Luffy and the others came to the Soto Kingdom, she thought about canceling this auction item, but so many pirates came here for this. If canceled rashly, it may cause mutiny.

In addition, the Soto Kingdom is now a member of the New World United Government, and it has nothing to do with the navy. Luffy should not care about it, so they continued the auction sequence according to the original plan.

"2000 million Baileys! Let's see who dares to fight me!"

On a bench not far from Luffy, the Chinese-faced Crick glanced at the people around him arrogantly, his tone was very cold.

"One time for 2000 million, two times for 2000 million, three times for 2000 million! OK, deal."

Soto III's expressionless three hammers made the final decision. For him, it didn't matter who took the picture, because the most important thing was coming.

Those people also appeared in this country because of this!

A strong wind suddenly blew up at the venue, and the women present quickly covered their skirts to avoid being exposed.

Luffy's eyes became bright, and he felt that several powerful auras had appeared in the venue.

The "elegant seats" that were originally empty were all filled with people!

Seat No. [-]!A man in a robe with a white mask!

Seat No. [-]!The man in the golden suit!
Seat No. [-]!A man in sunglasses with a cigar in his mouth and a beer belly!

Seat No. [-]!A strong man in a steel mask who is napping!

Seat No. [-]!A pockmarked man with a big beard!

Seat No. [-]!Formal Navy!
Seat No. [-]!A man with eagle eyes!

"Hahaha~" Luffy suddenly covered his face and laughed, looking at the man standing in front of him.

"What's the matter, do you need me to give you some face and let you sit down?"

"Haha, if you are willing to give me some face, I would rather you give up your position to me, right?"

Luffy looked at the sloppily dressed man in front of him with a smile on his face, his expression unchanged, "You are so slovenly dressed, and you are not afraid of those guys picking on you?"

Shanks shrugged helplessly. He came here this time for the logbook of the Roger Pirates. Although he has given up on the "prophecy" left by Roger, there are some things that must not be known to others. of.

The most important thing is that there may be some secrets in that logbook that cannot be known to the New World Government, such as where some of the crew are from and where their families are.

"I can give you face, but you can find the seat yourself."

Luffy chuckled. He sat motionless on his chair. Nami, who was standing behind him, also gave Shanks a helpless look.

Because of Shimizu Mo, the relationship between Luffy and Shanks is only friendly, but because Maginot is involved, the two can also be regarded as friends.

But forget about giving up your seat.

"..." A black line appeared on Shanks' forehead. He held down Griffin at his waist, and then looked at Luffy silently.

Before coming to the East China Sea, he really didn't expect Luffy to come. He got the information from the Grand Line. Luffy and the others had already entered the East China Sea at that time.

If he had known that Luffy and the others would come, he would have saved himself this trip.

"Nai, give me some face and give me a seat. It's very tiring to come all the way." Shanks walked up to the masked man in Seat [-] and ruffled his hair nonchalantly.

The masked man visibly froze, then he stood up and gave up his position to Shanks.

Luffy raised his eyebrows. In front of the Celestial Dragons, CP0 was just a bunch of dogs.

Even if the world government has disappeared, these dogs operating in the dark will still be respectful when they see Shanks, the only living Celestial Dragon?

This was really beyond Luffy's expectation.

"Then, the auction continues." Soto III saw the end of the farce below. After everyone sat in their seats, he calmly picked up the next auction item.

A notebook wrapped in leather!

"Beforehand, I don't guarantee the authenticity of this thing." King Soto III stretched out three fingers and put down one of them. "Then no matter which one of you takes pictures of this thing, you can't fight in the territory of the Soto Kingdom."

"In the end, this thing was not brought out by our Soto Kingdom, it was salvaged by a small fleet in the South China Sea. will be responsible."

"Next, the auction begins."

After a series of narrations by Soto III, Luffy has become very curious about that book.

Luffy picked up the fruit next to him and put it into his mouth as if no one else was watching. Luffy didn't care about other people's opinions at all.

"No. 19 auction items, the logbook of One Piece King Gol D. Roger! Attach a historical text!"


Luffy spit out the apple after taking a bite, and looked at the notebook in Soto III's hand in disbelief.

what the hell!

Isn't it said that there is only a logbook? Why is there a historical text attached?
Wait a minute, the people from the CP organization and Bartholomew Bear are here just for this historical text?
Originally, he was still wondering why the blue pheasant came over after the bear came. He must have come here just for this historical text.

No one knows how many historical texts the members of the Roger Pirates have read or how much they know about past history.

Maybe, this historical text contains records of a past that makes governments around the world tremble!
After Soto III took out his notebook, a subtle aura filled the venue.

"From this logbook, I didn't find the location of the so-called Lovedrew. This logbook only records some trivial things about Roger's voyage in the New World."

Soto III still calmly introduced the logbook in his hand.

"For the main text of history, you should know what it is without me introducing it. Then, the starting price is 1 Bailey."

After Soto III dropped a subtle starting price, he walked off the auction stage and came to Kath's side.

Kath held Soto III's hand, her eyes full of worry.

There were many bidders in the audience who looked puzzled. They didn't quite understand what the historical text was.

"Historical text, that thing will attract the demon-slaying order."

"I bid, 1 million Pele."

Hawkeye Mihawk, who was sitting in Seat [-], waved his hand casually and offered a dispensable price. He was just here to join in the fun this time. He had already found an imperial deputy card in the New World before. Takuri killed him. He wanted to see if an imperial lieutenant was enough for him to obtain the power of the phantom beast.If it's not enough, he may have to spend a lot of time looking for other royal lieutenants.

However, for Mihawk, his current goal is to practice swordsmanship, and continue to fight Iska after gaining the power of the phantom beast in the future. In this case, he will travel outside at the navy's public expense and hone his character. Very good, very cool.

"Mihawk, I didn't expect you to be interested in this thing?" The man in sunglasses sitting in the sixth seat showed a ferocious smile, "But when it comes to money, this historical text cannot be won by your three melons and two dates. Yes, [-] million!"

Luffy glanced at the man in sunglasses, the king of underground forces, the king of loan sharks, Du Felder!

It was the fat man they had used as a scapegoat on Mignon Island, but Luffy didn't know yet that Du Felder had been a scapegoat for them.

As the king of the underground forces and a thug who controls the lives of countless people, it is no wonder that he looks down on Mihawk who "converted" to the navy.

"No matter who you are, don't think of taking away three hundred million from criminals in the hands of the government."

The masked man who left the seat and walked to the back seat had a cold voice and was very disdainful of Du Feder.

His eyes were always fixed on the big bear sitting on the chair.


Aokiji scratched his head, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He came out of the headquarters and only approved [-] million Baileys. He didn't expect that the bidding had just started, and it had already exceeded his limit.

Sure enough, the navy is too poor?
Well, it shouldn't be that the Warring States Marshal deliberately made things difficult for him and wanted him to take action directly, right?

"The Vinsmoke family, 5000 million Baileys!"

Among the crowd at the back, Vinsmoke Reiju, who appeared at some unknown time, cautiously called out the price.

"Hehehe~ Doesn't that guy Vinsmoke Gaji even dare to come here by himself?"

The voice of the pockmarked man in Seat [-] was full of sarcasm. This was another king of underground forces, the Shipping King Umit!

Among the kings of underground forces, Umit's power and strength were originally the strongest. The resources in his hands were even coveted by the world government.

After all, not everyone can swim safely and freely under the sea.

However, after the World Government joined Vegapunk, it developed the sea-floor stone-bottomed battleship, and then relied on Master Tom's sea train to take away nearly [-]% of Sea Transport King's customers.

Wumit is no longer as strong as he was back then.

"Four hundred million Baileys."

Listening to Wumit's quotation, Aokiji rolled his eyes.

Okay, now he was completely a tool. He happily took out the eye mask, put it on his head and started to sleep.

Luffy yawned and glanced at the people around him. The ordinary people had all left under the arrangement of Soto III, leaving only some trash pirates who claimed to be extraordinary.

"How long are you going to keep shouting like this? Let me tell you, there is no need to have such a fussy dispute. Why don't you just state your bottom line and have a fight?"

Luffy's voice was not loud, but it struck everyone's heart.

Hawkeye glanced at Luffy. He knew that Luffy and Ace were inseparable, so he was wondering if he should take this opportunity to fight Iska again.

As for the logbook and historical text, he had no intention of competing for those things when he came this time.

There are also big bears and Aokiji who have the same thoughts as Luffy.

"This kid is right, just state your bottom line. There is no need to beat around the bush." ​​Umit stood up directly and kicked over the table next to him.

Seeing his arrogant appearance, everyone present sentenced him to death.

Are you kidding me, calling Luffy a kid?
Is Umit in a hurry to see his great-grandmother?
Nami also looked at Umit with some doubts. She even wondered whether Umit was controlled by BIGMOM using the soul fruit.

It's not her fault. Not even those high-minded pirate emperors or heartless pirate thugs would have dared to provoke Luffy like this.

After all, Luffy actually killed Hyakushou Kaido.

Doesn't Umit know the gap between the two parties at all?

In fact, Wumit was also very panicked now. He had just subconsciously said what he usually called Luffy, and now he was also thinking about whether there was any way to remedy the situation.

At Luffy's suggestion, everyone present began to write down their bottom line, and then handed it over to Soto III to vote.

Soto III held a stack of paper, stood on the wooden platform and began to recite loudly.

"King of Shipping, 20 billion Baileys!"

"The King of Loan Sharks, 18 Billion Baileys!"

"The Vinsmoke family, 23 billion Baileys!"

Vinsmoke Reiju showed a smile on her face and quoted her lowest price. Fortunately, she beat the two underground kings. In this way, the Vinsmoke family was above the other underground kings.

"Government of the world, 50 billion Baileys."

Upon hearing Soto III's offer, both Umit and Du Feder frowned.

"Hey, hey, this is not a random quote, right? 50 billion beli, will the world government be willing to pay it? If I remember correctly, they don't represent the New World Government, right?"

Now, the Soto Kingdom is a member of the new coalition government. Will the dark lackeys who are trying to restore the rule of the old world government be willing to give 50 billion beli to the Soto Kingdom?
Anyway, they both definitely don’t believe it!
At this time, the masked man stood up and handed a document in his arms to Soto III who was standing next to Kath.

"This is···"

Soto III opened it, and his face immediately became better.

This is a detailed list of the heavenly gold that the Soto Kingdom once handed over. Some of these are the national treasures of the Soto Kingdom. They had no choice but to hand it over to make up the number due to lack of national strength.

The scattered bits and pieces add up to almost 50 billion beli, and the World Government is willing to return it to the Soto Kingdom.

This means that the CP organization is really prepared to use 50 billion Baileys to bid for this thing.

"Okay, lackeys of the World Government, you win the bidding."

Umit didn't care. After all, the auction was just a formality, and the winner could keep it first.

The masked man walked to the high platform and took the notebook.

He was not stupid enough to destroy this notebook. As soon as he had the intention to do it, everyone present except Aokiji, Luffy and Shanks would definitely focus on him.

·(End of this chapter)

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