People are in Tiga, start the future of Gamma!

Chapter 878 H593 Undercover again!

North Sea, Skold Branch.

Colonel Gula was having an in-depth exchange with the kind-hearted girl from Happy Street who came to "complain". Soon he understood the girl's appeal, and at the same time he was very friendly and gave him the help he could.


Outside the office, Gula's confidant knocked lightly on the door, and Gula's impatient voice came from inside.

"Come in."

When the confidant pushed open the door, he saw Colonel Gula smoking a cigar with a serious face. As for the girl who had communicated with him before, she had already left through another door.

"what's up?"

Gula's tone was not very good, perhaps because his confidants interrupted his good time of communicating with the people in the territory.

"Colonel, the remnants of the Don Quixote family want to offer you to buy a small warship. Their offer is [-] million beli."

The confidant told the story very quickly. He who had followed Gula for many years knew that Gula at this time would not listen to anything except Bailey.

Had he reported only trivial matters, bad luck might have been in store.


Sure enough, when he heard the word [-] million Bailey, Gula's eyes lit up immediately, but soon he stroked his double chin thoughtfully.

"What do those dying guys want a warship for?"

Gula could sell ordinary things, even arms distributed by his headquarters, to the underground forces in Beihai without batting an eyelid, but this warship was no small matter.

Because, no matter which shipyard it is, it is strictly prohibited by the world government to build warships privately, unless it has a license issued by the world government, otherwise, once it is discovered, it will be severely punished.

Even those shipyards in the new world dare not build warships privately.

Warships represent the navy and the New World Government to a certain extent.

Arms can be exposed, after all, there is no one to supervise the arms, but if the warship is used by underground forces to do something extraordinary, then Gula may also be in trouble.

"However, [-] million Bailey..."

Although he knew that selling warships was a capital crime, Gula still couldn't resist the temptation of [-] million Baileys. Even though he had accumulated a lot of Baileys over the years, who would think that he had too few Baileys in his hand.

"Go, find a small warship that is about to be scrapped and give it to them. Then in two days, report the damage to the warship to the superiors for repairs, and then it will be robbed by pirates."

Soon, Gula came up with a way to get the best of both worlds. He could sell a warship to the Don Quixote family, then send another warship for repairs, and then send someone to snatch that warship back.

In this way, it is impossible for anyone to find him.

Although this will make the shipyard that repairs the warship be held accountable, what does this have to do with Tagula.


The confidant nodded, and then went down to arrange for someone to tow a warship to Mahabaisi who came to buy the warship.

At Skold Port, looking at the old and small warship in front of him, Rosinandi didn't feel the slightest bit angry. Instead, he laughed happily.

"Corazon, I still don't understand, why did you use [-] million beli to buy this warship from him?"

Mahabaisi looked at the warship in front of him with great disgust. Let alone 1000 million beli, there was no way he could buy the warship in front of him even if he only had [-] million beli!
"Arrange for the family leaders to leave on the new Flamingo, and we will take this warship."

The remaining forces of the Don Quixote family have been almost integrated by Rocinante, and this time they will be completely wiped out.

In order to prevent them from running away, Rosinandi found a way to not only kill the Don Quixote family in one fell swoop, but also pull out the corrupt forces in Beihai!
Rosinandi stepped onto the warship, and a different feeling made him couldn't help but hold on to the railing and laugh wildly.

Although Mahabaisi didn't understand, he, Delinger, and Gladius still boarded the warship. Even if only the four of them could control this small warship, there was no need to worry about the problem of being unable to sail.

Soon, the small warship flying the seagull flag left the port, and a huge pirate ship also left quickly, but the direction of its departure was [-] degrees different from the warship.

About half a day later, a large warship also flying the seagull flag arrived at Skold Island, and the eyeliner on the island immediately reported the matter to the branch base chief Gula.

"What? Is there a large warship docked at the port?"

In the base office, Gula, who was still listening to the "complaint" of the girl on Happy Street, shuddered, and then he let the girl leave first in a somewhat flat manner.

"Why is there a warship arriving suddenly, I haven't been notified by the governor?"

Large warships can only be used by the governor in the four seas. The governor of Beihai has a good relationship with Gula. If there is anything, the governor of Beihai will definitely inform Gula.

Unless this warship is not from the Governor's Mansion!
"The chief staff officer of the headquarters, Lieutenant General He!"

Gula is not an idiot. It is not just the hundreds of catties of fat on his body that he has been able to dominate Skelder Island for so many years. He quickly analyzed that this warship came from the headquarters, and it was very large. The probability is the warship of Lieutenant General He in the headquarters.

Then, he thought of the small warship where the remnants of the Don Quixote family were heading, and his face instantly turned pale.

"Bastard Corazon!"

Gula knew that Corazon must have run away. The Crane Staff had designated some way to track down the remnants of the Don Quixote family, and this tracking exposed him.

Gula has an incomparable understanding of the situation in the territory he governs. As long as that Crane staff officer is not blind, he can find a lot of problems.

Reminiscent of that person's uprightness, Gula felt his calf tremble.

Thinking that the results of his painstaking efforts for many years will come to naught, and his head will be in danger, Gula directly slapped the solid wood desk in the office.

"Let Major Gass go to meet the Heda staff officer, you guys, take your things and escort me away!"

In the base of the Skelder Naval Branch, Gula looked at the several huge safes in his office. He had never been so thankful that he had the habit of talking with Bailey on weekdays.

Although he cannot take away the property he has worked so hard for over the years, the hundreds of millions of beli accumulated over the years are enough for him to live comfortably in other places for a lifetime.

The idea of ​​meeting Staff He and fooling him did not stay in Gula's mind for a second. Gula, who had gone to the headquarters for training, knew that these big shots in the headquarters were really smart and almost demonic, especially those who As a staff officer, he was afraid that the other party would take a look at his background before he even spoke.Therefore, he directly asked the major, who he usually didn't deal with very well, to stop He and buy himself time to escape.

Soon, Gula took his henchmen and left the base with several boxes filled with gold jewelry and Bailey. Because they took a secret path, no one was discovered until they left.

On the other side, Major Gass, with thick black curly hair, was quite surprised when he heard Gula's order. This Gula, who has always been difficult to deal with himself, dared to let him contact the big shots from the headquarters?
You know, since he became a branch major, he has been trying to rectify the law and order issues in the jurisdiction, but Gula has repeatedly obstructed him, and he almost died of accidents several times.

He knew that it was Gula's warning to himself. If he dared to obstruct Gula from making money again, then he might really not survive.

"Hehe, do you want to run?"

Gass is also a smart person, he saw through Gula's thoughts in an instant, but he didn't care at all, and at the same time he didn't try to stop Gula's thoughts.

On the one hand, Gula has a much deeper understanding of the base than he does. On the other hand, if Gula stays at the base, there is a [-]% chance for him to escape. On the contrary, if he runs away directly, then Let him be eloquent, and he will be condemned to death.

After tidying up his appearance, Gass came to the gate of the base full of energy to meet Staff Officer Crane.

The first time he saw Staff Officer He, Gass immediately bowed and apologized, and said loudly, "Lieutenant General He, I am sorry that I am here to receive you. Colonel Gula has absconded in fear of crime!"

Gu La's charges were directly settled by Gass' words. After all, if you are not guilty, why run away.

At the same time, Gura's idea of ​​delaying time was completely defeated by Gassina's unscrupulous behavior.

Staff Officer Crane looked at Gass thoughtfully, and when she saw the light of hope in his eyes, she nodded involuntarily.

It seems that this Skold branch is not completely rotten yet.


Crane just turned his head slightly, and Gion, who was standing behind Crane, immediately looked at Taschi next to him.How can you kill a chicken with a bull's knife?

"Understood, Lieutenant General He, we will go and bring the criminal back."

Da Siqi immediately replied with a salute, and then left with a group of naval soldiers.

Gass was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him. He quickly tried to dissuade him, "Advisor He, this... Colonel, although Colonel Gula has fallen, he is still quite powerful. It's just that this woman Children's words..."

When he saw the rank epaulettes on Dasqi's shoulders, Gass immediately doubted his life.

Is this child really an adult? When did the colonel of this department become so young?

The reports of the World Economic News Agency in each sea area are mainly based on local news. Unless it is a big news, the headlines of each sea area are different.

This is why Gass was so surprised when he saw Daschi's military rank. He didn't know Daschi at all.

"Don't worry, he can't escape."

Dasqi had a plain smile on his face. How strong could a branch colonel from all over the world be?

Dasqi can take care of it by herself, and bringing someone along is just to speed up the search.

At the moment of arriving at Skelder Island, Lieutenant General He had sent people to various ports to blockade, so as to prevent anyone from escaping.

No matter whether Gu La wants to go into the mountains or go out to the sea, it is a dead end.

Not long after, Staff He received a communication from Dasqi. She found Gula in the mountains who was killing her confidant.

Although they ran away together, how could Gula, who loves money like his life, distribute his treasures to his confidantes? It's just inconvenient for people to carry so much treasure.

After entering the mountain, Gula, who thought he had plenty of time and would have no problem escaping, attacked his confidant. Just as Gass said, although Gula has fallen, he still has all the abilities. What's more, he once went to the headquarters for advanced training. Although he failed to enter the naval elite training camp, he still learned one or two tricks in the Six Forms.

Relying on the powerful defense of the iron block and the flexible speed of the shaved belt, Gula quickly killed all his henchmen, but before he could take a breath, a huge boulder fell from the sky and hit him. .

Da Siqi came out of the dense forest. She glanced at Gula who was like a wild boar, and a trace of disdain flashed in her eyes.

Although they are both colonels, Colonel Smoker is countless times stronger than the pig in front of him.

For something like this, she is not qualified to draw a knife.

After randomly releasing a few finger guns to completely incapacitate Gula, Dasqi reported the battle situation to Staff He.

Gas, who had been following Staff He and the others, did not dare to raise his head after hearing Duschi's report. Colonel Gullah, who was invincible in his eyes, did not even survive a single move and was directly killed by a little girl from his headquarters. Defeated?

Compared with Da Siqi, his major is like a waste.

Oh, by the way, that little girl seems to be a Second Lieutenant of the Motobu, relatively speaking, she is at the same level as him.

Well, it seems that he is more like a waste.

"Hmph, ridiculous."

Sitting in the base chief's office, seeing the mess that Gula had left behind before he had time to clean up, He's face was extremely livid.

The navy is the existence of justice and the hope of the people at sea.

Originally, she thought that Gula was only suspected of corruption, but she did not expect that what Gula did could be said to be inferior to pigs and dogs.

Leaving aside other places, Skold Island seems to be the territory of Gula. Here, he is a reckless emperor!
"Sister He, if I guess correctly, Rosinandi should have left on a warship with the remnants of the Don Quixote family. He wants us to kill the rest of them in one fell swoop!"

In the office, Gion picked up an account book on the ground and raised her eyebrows slightly. This turned out to be Gula's small account book that recorded her income.

She skipped the previous ones. When she saw the two large incomes written at the end, she immediately understood Rosinandi's thoughts.

Why did Rocinante spend [-] million beli to buy a warship?
It should be to confuse the sight of the remnants of the Don Quixote family who were running around.

Although they killed Doflamingo and captured the main cadres of the Don Quixote family, there were still some remnants of the Don Quixote family running amok in Beihai.

Because their roots in the North Sea are too deep, even the navy cannot easily find them, so Rocinante once again became an undercover agent, with the goal of clearing out the remaining forces of the Don Quixote family!
·(End of this chapter)

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