my tech museum

Chapter 155

Chapter 155
"As of the data submitted yesterday, our smart car sales have exceeded [-] units, and we have opened up to hundreds of cities in total."

"This is a detailed data report, Mr. Xu, please read it."

Binjiang City.

Longhu Hi-Tech Park.

In the office of the headquarters building, Xu Lei took the document from Jia Zhongjie and put it on the desktop to read it carefully.

Xingyuan smart car can get this kind of sales performance, which is completely within his expectation.

After all, Tesla, as the head of the high-end new energy vehicle market, has been completely crushed by Xingyuan smart cars. It is no exaggeration to say that Xingyuan smart cars have firmly occupied the entire domestic high-end market.

If it weren't for the fact that it is currently only available for sale in hundreds of cities, this figure would at least double.

"Well done."

"If this trend continues, it is estimated that Tesla will not be able to stay in China soon."

After a while, as Xu Lei slowly raised his eyes, he immediately affirmed Jia Zhongjie's performance, and he did not hesitate to praise him.

However, Jia Zhongjie did not show a happy expression after hearing these words.

On the contrary, he said with some concern: "Mr. Xu, our shortage of goods is a big problem. Now users in some cities can't get cars at all."

Xu Lei is naturally aware of the question Jia Zhongjie raised.

Now Xingyuan smart car only has a production line in the Xingyuan battery base in Binjiang City. Although the production capacity of the car has been greatly increased under the upgrade of Hu Xinren, it cannot meet the needs of the domestic market at all.

Unless you can immediately have a large car production base.

Since Jia Zhongjie chose to join Xingyuan Battery at the beginning, he must want to let it develop well.

In fact he did exactly that.

In charge of the solid-state power battery business and the construction project of the new base, he has shown strong working ability, so that Xu Lei has to admit that it is the right choice to keep Jia Zhongjie.

Right now, Jia Zhongjie is in charge of Xingyuan smart car-related business, and he understands the importance of this project to the company. He definitely wants it to develop well even if it replaces Tesla's position in the industry market.

However, the production of Xingyuan smart cars can't increase for the time being, so that all places are in a state of shortage, and he can be said to be very anxious about this.

It's a pity that production capacity can't be greatly improved without enough production lines. After all, the production capacity of solid-state batteries was only increased after the three new bases were put into use.

For this reason, Jia Zhongjie thought twice and took the initiative to raise this matter in front of Xu Lei, wanting to see if there is a solution.

Compared with Jia Zhongjie, who looked tense, Xu Lei was relatively calm at the moment.

Doesn't seem to be bothered by it.

Just when Jia Zhongjie was deep in thought, Xu Lei said with a smile: "Don't worry, if there are no accidents, it shouldn't take long for us to solve the problem of insufficient production capacity."

"Mr. Xu, what you said is true."

Jia Zhongjie, who was still worried about this matter, suddenly lit up after hearing this sentence.

He blurted out a sentence almost subconsciously.

But as soon as the words fell, he seemed to think of something, and asked a little puzzled: "No, Mr. Xu, I remember that our company seems to have not yet confirmed the plan to build a car production base?"

As the vice president of Xingyuan Battery, Jia Zhongjie is very clear about the projects the company is currently building.

Which does not include the car production base.

What's more, the construction of a base that can meet the demand for production capacity cannot be completed overnight, which is not in line with what Xu Lei said.

It is normal for Jia Zhongjie to express doubts about this.

Facing Jia Zhongjie's puzzlement, Xu Lei was very indifferent, and then said a few more words to explain his confusion.

"Who said we have to build it ourselves, isn't it more convenient and quicker to just buy ready-made ones."

"Not building."

"Buy off the shelf."

Reflecting on Xu Lei's two words, Jia Zhongjie repeated them softly, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind the next second, and the whole person suddenly realized.

"Mr. Xu."

"You mean Tesla's newly built production base in Shanghai."

Jia Zhongjie is not an idiot. If he doesn’t build a base himself, he must buy a ready-made one. Looking at the domestic target that can meet the needs of Xingyuan smart cars, only Tesla is in the industrial area of ​​Shanghai.

If it can be used to produce Xingyuan smart cars, the demand in the domestic market will be greatly supplemented.

But Jia Zhongjie also understands that as the foundation of Tesla in China, the other party may not easily sell it.

"Will they sell the base to their competitors? Although the current situation in Tesla is not very optimistic." Thinking of this, Jia Zhongjie still couldn't help expressing his worries.

In fact, Xu Lei has already made plans to build a new car production base before. After all, the camel is bigger than the horse. Tesla has been operating in the domestic market for such a long time. Xingyuan smart car, which has limited supply, wants to completely overwhelm the other party. It may take some time to get out of the market.

And if it hadn't been forced to a dead end, I believe that Tesla would never give up the big cake of the sub-regional market easily.

In this case, Xingyuan certainly cannot wait for a long time.

A new production base must be built.

But at this time, Tesla's smart driving car had an accident again, and it was a big problem like a system crash and restart.

It's like meeting a house leak overnight.

However, this situation just gave Xingyuan smart cars a second boost, which can speed up Tesla's retreat.

So when a lot of news content accusing Tesla began to appear on the Internet, Xu Lei was not idle, and used Xingtong's ability to expand the impact of the matter.

As long as Tesla completely loses the sub-regional market, there is no need to keep the production base in Shanghai.

After all, when Xingyuan smart car was first announced to the public, Tesla made small moves behind the scenes, and Xu Lei used his method to repay him.

"The sub-regional market has no living space for Tesla. If my prediction is correct, I am afraid that the other party will make new moves soon."

Having said that, since Xu Lei has shown strong self-confidence, then Jia Zhongjie must have no reason not to believe it. You must know that there are lessons learned from the past.

"I understand Mr. Xu."

In the end, he nodded respectfully and responded that he was not worried about this matter for the time being.

But at the moment when the voice fell, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in."

Chen Shihe pushed the door open, walked straight in front of Xu Lei, leaned over slightly and said, "Mr. Xu, I just got a message from Tesla. The chairman of the other party, Ma Sien, wants to meet you tomorrow."

"I don't know if I should agree to the other party?"

Almost at the moment when Chen Shihe's voice fell, Jia Zhongjie's pupils shrank suddenly.

I didn't expect this to happen so suddenly.

As soon as Xu Lei finished talking about Tesla's upcoming new actions, the chairman of Tesla offered to meet, and it was almost impossible to follow.

It made Jia Zhongjie look at Xu Lei with more fiery admiration.

Compared with the excitement hidden in Jia Zhongjie's heart, Xu Lei slightly raised the corners of his mouth to reveal a little smile.

"Even the chairman of Tesla couldn't sit still and came here to deal with it personally. It seems that he was indeed forced into a difficult situation."

"Want to see me."

"Then just see you."

Although Xu Lei is still not sure what this Ma Sien is up to, but he was the first to give up and propose a meeting, so how could he be embarrassed.

What's more, Xu Lei also wanted to talk to the other party about his plan to acquire the other party's Modu Industrial Zone.

After thinking about this clearly, Xu Lei no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered Chen Shihe: "Promise them, the meeting place will be arranged here."

"It's President Xu."

After receiving Xu Lei's order, Chen Shihe immediately nodded in response, then turned and left the office.

It wasn't until Chen Shihe's figure disappeared from sight that Jia Zhongjie couldn't help the question in his heart and asked again.

"President Xu, what do you think Ma Sien wants to meet with you at this time?"

"Anyway, he didn't take the initiative to send us the production base." Xu Lei replied to Jia Zhongjie with a little playfulness, and at the same time his brain was running fast thinking about this question.

Regardless of whether Tesla wants to withdraw from the sub-regional market, it is impossible for Ma Sien to propose a meeting to sell the industrial area in Shanghai.

After all, if you are too proactive, you will definitely not get the ideal price in your heart.

They are all commercial old fritters, and they are very serious about their own interests.

It can be said that if you want to find out the other party's plan, you can only find out tomorrow.

Jia Zhongjie didn't stay in the office for long in the following time, and talked with Xu Lei about some small things about Xingyuan smart cars, and then left immediately and returned to the solid-state battery production base in Binjiang City.


The next day.

Around three in the afternoon.

In the reception room of the headquarters building, Xu Lei finally saw this person who was at the forefront of development.

"Mr. Ma Sien, welcome to Future Technology."

This time Xu Lei is the host, regardless of whether he is a competitor with Tesla or not, there must be some etiquette in this case, because it reflects the image of the entire company.

So when he saw the other party, Xu Lei took the initiative to say hello and reached out to shake him.

After the two parties were seated, Ma Sien took the initiative to say: "I heard that Mr. Xu, as the youngest successful entrepreneur, likes to go straight, so I won't go around the bush today."

"The meeting with Mr. Xu this time is actually to let us reach a cooperative relationship with each other."

When Ma Sien said this, he paused for a few seconds, and after noticing the surprised look on Xu Lei's face, he continued to add details.

"At present, we have stopped our cooperation with Google. In addition, as long as your company can provide us with solid-state power batteries, Tesla can give up the development of smart cars."

Xu Lei listened to Ma Sien's words in his ears. Although he didn't expect the other party to be so direct, he basically understood the other party's intention by this time.

Undoubtedly, it wants to sell traditional solid-state power battery vehicles at the cost of giving up the smart car field, so as to ensure its share in the sub-regional market.


(End of this chapter)

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