my tech museum

Chapter 186 Don't worry, they can't make it 【Subscription】

Chapter 186 Don't worry, they can't make it 【Subscription】

The production capacity of the three production bases owned by Xingyuan Battery may barely meet the needs of the domestic new energy vehicle industry, but it will be seriously insufficient if it enters the overseas market.

Especially with the continuous expansion of the new energy vehicle industry, traditional car brand companies have launched their own new energy vehicles.

But in order to gain a foothold in this industry, it must be equipped with Xingyuan's solid-state power battery.

No exaggeration to say.

How much market share a car brand company can occupy depends on how much solid-state battery production capacity it can get.

Originally, in order to ensure the stability of the market as much as possible, the brand companies that later entered the field of new energy vehicles have increased the purchase price of solid-state power batteries.

Although it still cannot meet the market demand, at least it can still operate normally.

However, if charging centers and battery replacement stations are deployed in overseas regions to replace the traditional automobile industry, while the market expands, the demand for solid-state power batteries will also reach terrifying figures.

It is obviously not enough to rely solely on the production base of Xingyuan Battery.

And Jia Zhongjie's ability to bring this up at the regular meeting shows that the matter is indeed beyond his control.

Otherwise, if he can solve the problem, he will never ask for help until the last moment.

But in fact, this matter is easy to solve.

It is nothing more than increasing the number of production bases.

Based on the company's current financial situation, there is no problem in building a new battery production base.

What's more, for the construction of charging centers and the deployment of quantum relay stations in overseas areas of influence, the other party also has to allocate funds to pay various expenses for future technology.

It is obviously unrealistic to want Future Technology to pay for it alone.

After all, overseas forces are now actively looking for Future Technology to seek cooperation.

It is to ride on the giant ship of future technology under the rapid development of global technology, so that we will not fall behind others.

As the saying goes, if you fall behind, you will be beaten. Yan Guo is not the only one who knows this truth.

The main reason is that most of the overseas forces are relatively underdeveloped, and even fail to reach the advanced ranks in many technologies. This is absolutely incomparable with North Magnesium.

That's why they choose to cooperate with future technology.

Because they are very self-aware.

I know that I can't overcome the quantum computer manufacturing technology at all.

But it is no problem to build a battery production base, but the delay in the middle is too long.

It is not conducive to the promotion of the company's overall plan.

So after a little thought, a new solution suddenly appeared in Xu Lei's mind, and he immediately said to Jia Zhongjie: "Contact Biati and Ningwang New Energy, and tell them that we have a cooperation here and ask them if they are interested."


When Jia Zhongjie heard Xu Lei's words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that he quickly reacted.

"I understand Mr. Xu."

Quickly nodded and replied.

Anyway, he has been the vice president of Xingyuan Company for such a long time. He knows Xu Lei's way of dealing with problems. Since Biati and Ningwang New Energy are mentioned, it is basically certain that the problem of insufficient solid-state power battery production capacity falls on them. body.

Who makes these two companies are relatively powerful power battery production companies in China.

To temporarily solve the problem of solid-state batteries, Xu Lei looked around at the company's core personnel before finally focusing on Liang Fuxing.

"Has there been any new progress in the Lingsi series chips recently?"

"I'm going to report to you, Mr. Xu."

When Liang Fuxing saw that it was finally his turn, a look of excitement appeared on his face.

After speaking, he took the initiative to stand up and take Lu Hongbo's position just now.

After adjusting the demo screen, he said in a deep voice: "At present, our department is developing a new Lingsi chip suitable for industrial robots."

"This chip can very well help industrial robots complete various tasks."

"And it can guarantee that the error rate is within the standard range."

"According to our estimated data, the production efficiency of industrial robots using this chip can reach several times that of intelligent production lines."

"More importantly, it can also adjust the corresponding working mode according to the type of industrial robot."

Xu Lei knew that the Lingsi robot chip that Liang Fuxing was developing was a joint project with Hu Xinren, aiming to create different types of industrial robots that could be applied to various industries.

According to the concept proposed by Hu Xinren, as long as this kind of industrial robot can be produced and manufactured on a large scale, it can completely replace humans in many industries and greatly improve work efficiency.

Its significance is definitely very far-reaching and important.

Perhaps in the future, when all production labor is done by industrial robots, humans will be able to devote more energy to improving themselves, thereby accelerating the development of human civilization.

But Xu Lei also understands that there is still a long way to go to truly realize this kind of life.

Not to mention the cheap labor costs, many companies will not use even more efficient industrial robots, plus how to obtain resources to ensure their own life and spiritual pursuit satisfaction after human beings stop production.

These are issues that need to be addressed.

But having said that, Xu Lei is still very optimistic about the future.

Now that quantum computers have come out, various technologies will speed up their research. It will not take long for Hu Xinren's industrial robot project to produce results.

Therefore, the industrial robot chip developed by Liang Fuxing and his team is still very important.

Naturally, Xu Lei would not be stingy about this. After Liang Fuxing reported the current chip development progress, he immediately affirmed his work.

"not bad."

"The birth of industrial robots can help companies greatly increase production capacity."

"You should speed up the development of this chip, and discuss and communicate with Professor Hu more, and strive to make its performance meet the expected plan."

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu, we promise to complete the task." Liang Fuxing promised immediately after hearing Xu Lei's words.

At this point in the regular meeting, there is basically nothing to bring to the table, and most department heads can properly solve it.

There is no need for Xu Lei to worry about everything.

So Xu Lei is also preparing to end this week's regular company meeting.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

"If not, today's meeting will end here, and go to your own work."

But just as Xu Lei finished speaking and was about to get up and leave the meeting room, he suddenly heard Zhang Xia's voice.

"Mr. Xu."

"The Neon Country and the Cold Country have publicly stated that they will not access our quantum relay station."

"At the same time, Gugewei Soft has announced that it will merge its quantum computer laboratories, striving to manufacture their own quantum computers as soon as possible."

"Washington also issued a document expressing support."

"Do you think we need to respond appropriately to this?"

Zhang Xia is not very familiar with the things involved in quantum computers. When she sees that various forces openly oppose the company, she will inevitably feel a little worried.

Because no matter what, the leaders are the most powerful forces in the world today.

If the other party actually manufactures a quantum computer, it will definitely be detrimental to the company.

It is impossible to predict how the situation will evolve by then.

But if precautions are taken in advance, I believe the situation will undoubtedly be much better.

It was with this in mind that she deliberately mentioned this matter at today's company regular meeting, hoping to attract Xu Lei's attention.

As a veteran employee of the company, Xu Lei is well aware of Zhang Xia's character.

Know that she is worried about the company, not a fuss.

But I have to say that her worry is completely superfluous, not to mention that companies such as Gu Gewei Soft choose to merge their own quantum computer laboratories, even if they cooperate with other countries, they still cannot overcome the key technologies of quantum computers.

Not to mention the 400 million qubits that have reached the same level as Longfor Light.

Let's put it aside, even if they are lucky enough to find a technical way to control more qubits, it may be more than ten years later.

At that time, the world pattern will change to such a way that nothing can be guaranteed, so how can they be afraid of their quantum computers.

It needs to be known that quantum relay stations are deployed in all regions of the world, and the remaining places will not be able to make any waves at all.

As the thoughts came to this point, Xu Lei immediately smiled and said to Zhang Xia: "Don't worry, they can't make a quantum computer."

"Since they insist on doing it, let them do it, just choose to ignore it."

"The next task will still focus on the marketing of quantum terminal equipment in overseas markets."

For Xu Lei, the top priority is to sell enough quantum terminal equipment as soon as possible, and the most important thing is to earn the 50 influence points needed for the exhibits.

After all, the exhibits that can unlock the first-level civilization this time may also belong to the first-level civilization next time.

In the future, even a second-level civilization is possible.

The development of science and technology is not achieved overnight, it takes time to accumulate continuously, but the lifespan of human beings is limited, so this has led to the fact that human civilization has not yet reached the standard of first-level civilization.

Xu Lei can become the owner of this science and technology museum, so he naturally wants to see the day when human civilization reaches a new height, but it will take enough time.

Especially thinking that with the increase of parents' age, the physical condition is becoming more and more unoptimistic, Xu Lei has a strong sense of urgency in his heart.

And the only thing he can pin on is to unlock exhibits that can prolong life and improve human physique.

However, the prerequisite for this matter is to gather enough influence first.

It can be said that Zhang Xia firmly believed in Xu Lei's words, so after hearing Xu Lei's answer, the worry in her heart disappeared without a trace.

And then replied: "I understand Mr. Xu, I was worrying too much."

At this point in the regular meeting, it can be regarded as the official end. Soon everyone left the meeting room and returned to their jobs.

As for Jia Zhongjie, according to Xu Lei's instructions, he immediately contacted Biati and Ningwang New Energy and invited them to come to Longfor High-tech Park to discuss cooperation.

Biati Company, which has already cooperated with Xingyuan Battery, naturally did not have any hesitation, and its chairman even went to Binjiang City in person, but Ningwang New Energy could not help but have a question mark in its heart.

(End of this chapter)

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