my tech museum

Chapter 205 The Penguin in Action

Chapter 205 The Penguin in Action

It is said that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. When players watched this public beta promotional video with great anticipation, they found that the public beta of Glory was not only delayed a lot compared to the expected time, but also only beta tested on the new terminal of future technology.

This makes everyone a little unacceptable.

It's nothing to simply delay the time, it can be said to ensure the quality of the game.

It is not open beta on the traditional computer side.

No matter how you look at it, there is a feeling that Huanxing Studio is dying.

The main future technology has previously released some information about the new personal terminal equipment.

Players know that the terminal specifications are smaller than smartphones.

A palm-sized screen would take a lot of eyesight even when playing on a mobile phone, let alone a large computer game like Brilliance.

Even if this terminal has computer functions and has super running performance, even if it is connected to peripherals, players will still not feel the thrill of playing games.

On the contrary, it will be a kind of suffering.

You must know that Brilliance, as the hard work of Magic Star Studio, has been expected by players all over the world since its establishment.

In addition, during the period, game content was released from time to time to maintain the popularity, and it was even directly promoted on the Magic Star Engine. It can be said that players are eager to see through this.

Now that it has suddenly become such an embarrassing situation, they will definitely not agree.

So not long after the public beta promotional video was released, a large number of players came to the official account of Magic Star Studio to express their opinions.

Brilliance is strongly required to conduct a public beta on all device channels.

Among them, overseas players also accounted for a high part.

Because there are too many players, there is no need to buy the website's hot search, and it automatically tops the hot search list at an extremely fast speed.

After successfully breaking the circle, it attracted the attention of many users from other circles.

And the most interesting.

Definitely a fan of quantum terminal devices.

Originally, they didn't like the new design very much, thinking that so many people raised their opinions, and they might overthrow the technology in the future.

But in the end, in the blink of an eye, the Magic Star Studio under Future Technology made such a decision.

Obviously, future technology is very confident in the new terminal.

No plans to change at all.

This made the senses of fans and players agree that this time the future technology is too strong.

A little blindly confident.

As a result, in the promotional video of the Brilliant Game Public Beta released by Magic Star Studio, dissatisfied comments from users and players can be seen everywhere in the bullet screen and comment area.

"Why is it only tested on the quantum terminal? I have been waiting for such a game for a long time."

"It's such a disappointment."

"The performance of the quantum terminal of Future Technology is really impressive. I don't deny this, but isn't it fun to play games on a big screen?"

"I hope Magic Star Studio can change it to a full-device channel public beta, otherwise you will really lose us players."

"Glory is the game I've been looking forward to the most in the past two years. I didn't expect such a result in the end."

"What a waste of such a good game!"

"I feel that Mr. Xu is a little too confident this time. Even if he wants to promote the new terminal, he shouldn't let Guanghui pay for it."


of course.

Fang Yuan, Song Jie and the others are paying attention to these related discussions on the Internet in real time.

However, since such a situation had been expected to happen a long time ago, there was not much emotional fluctuation about it.

Although I really want to explain to the players.

Considering the company's strategic planning, no response was made in the end.

However, there was a problem with the game Guanghui, which made several well-known domestic game companies ecstatic.

Especially the penguin game.

Thinking back to when Fanxing Studio was first established, although the stand-alone game Wushen Realm showed its prominence in the global game market at the beginning, it did not attract the attention of Penguin and One Miyou.

What's more, at that time, each company was vigorously sending domestic games to overseas markets.

No time for infighting at all.

It has to be said that the launch of the Magic Star Engine has indeed made game development more efficient, and it has delivered many high-quality domestic games to the market in the early stage.

Even the Penguin game, which has always been criticized by players, has rarely been praised after using the Magic Star engine.

However, although flowers are beautiful, they have a short shelf life.

As more and more games developed with the Magic Star engine come online, players find that the game is too modular and gradually loses its freshness.

After all, players are not fools, and they certainly won't pay for basically the same game.

The main reason is that Penguin Yimiyou has tasted the sweetness. Since they can use the Magic Star engine to quickly create new games and harvest players, why bother to invest too much energy and effort.

Moreover, for the game development department, there are performance indicators.

But a high-quality game that can make players love it from the bottom of their hearts does not rely solely on game quality and special effects.

As a tool-like software, the Magic Star Engine has improved the efficiency of game development to a certain extent, but game elements such as plot settings still need to be carefully polished by developers.

Otherwise, the produced work is no different from the assembly line.

As a subsidiary of Future Technology, Fantasy Star Game Studio was not established for making money at the beginning, and naturally there was no so-called performance indicator.

After Fang Yuan took charge of the business of Huanxing Studio, the most important thing to consider was to maintain the company's image.

So as not to affect the Future Technology Corporation.

Therefore, although the number of games released since the establishment of Magic Star Studio is not many, each one is an absolute classic.

It is precisely because of this that Brilliance can become the most anticipated game in the world.

No exaggeration to say.

If Brilliance goes online smoothly, there will basically be nothing wrong with Penguin Wangyimiyou.

But now that the glory of Huanxing Studio is deeply involved in such a big turmoil, it undoubtedly makes other game companies see the hope of their own games.

Nature will seize this opportunity.

Maybe it's today that surpasses and crushes Magic Star Studio.



Penguin headquarters building.

Ma Teng is in a good mood today.

As an established game company in China, it was suppressed by a company that was only established a few years ago by Huanxing Studio.

The key is that every time the other party releases a game, they will be pulled out for comparison.

It almost became the opposite example.

But today, the brilliant work of Huanxing Studio was sacrificed for the interests of the head office.

This made him see an opportunity.

If done properly, Penguin Games will definitely be able to regain the occupied game market share.

Of course he was in a good mood to face such a happy event.

At this time, in the office, Ma Teng, who specially called Shen Cheng, the person in charge of the game department, asked about the latest situation seriously.

"Where is the development progress of our New Era?"

When Huanxing Studio announced the establishment of the Brilliant Game Project, they also followed up with a new era project. The original intention was to use this game to compete with Huanxing Studio.

As a result, the popularity of the two games is simply very different.

According to the original schedule, the time for the New Era's public beta launch will be behind Glory, and I'm afraid no players will pay attention at all.

In a way, this game project is doomed to fail.

But now that Brilliance has delayed its launch, it has caused such great dissatisfaction among the players, and it just gives them an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Faced with Chairman Ma Teng's question, Shen Cheng naturally didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly answered.

"Report to the chairman."

"Currently, the new era has been basically completed."

"This time we have changed the original game development model, paying special attention to the plot and settings. I believe it will definitely bring players a brand new game experience."

Hearing his subordinate's answer, Ma Teng nodded very satisfied.

"very good."

As soon as the voice fell, he asked for a few more points.

"New Era must launch the public beta before the glory, and use group resources to increase publicity. This time, players must truly see our strength."

"It's the chairman."

Seeing that the group attaches so much importance to the new era this time, Shen Cheng, as the project leader, is undoubtedly very excited.

Answer immediately.

And this time, Penguin did spend money, and the next day the group's channels began to publicize the new era, not only saying that it will open a public beta in the near future, but also that it will be a public beta for all equipment channels at the same time.

Although anyone with a discerning eye could see that this was aimed at the glory of Huanxing Studio, but in view of the disappointment with the glory, he was a little bored and paid attention to it.

I plan to see the specific quality of the game at that time.

At the same time, Wangyi and Miyou did not give up this opportunity, and promoted their new games one after another.

They all want to include the players of Magic Star Studios.

In the end, the trend of the three forces gradually formed.

However, as the Phantom Star Engine that caused this incident, at this moment, it feels like it is a retirement pension. Apart from releasing information about Guanghui normally, it does not respond to the players' doubts.

Let's talk about the bend area.

When Future Technology rushed to deploy quantum relay stations overseas, while building charging centers and ensuring the production of holographic smart terminal equipment, I don’t know whether it was out of embarrassment or got the support of the big brother. In turn, the Bend District announced that it would restrict future technology in its own area. All products.

Xu Lei naturally only had a disdainful smile for this.

Not at all.

that's it.

Soon, another few months passed. As a large number of holographic smart terminals were produced to effectively ensure the supply of goods, the crew of Die on Mars basically completed the filming of the movie.

Afterwards, only the post-production needs to be done using the Magic Star engine.

At the same time, when the new holographic smart terminal of Future Technology is about to be officially launched globally, Penguin Games really took the lead in opening the public beta of a new era of its own games.

Since there are no high-quality games that players are interested in for the time being, and Penguin's early publicity is indeed in place, many people downloaded it with the mentality of trying it out.

This has made Penguin Games a long time, and its own game is finally on the game popularity list again.

You must know that before it was placed, it was dominated by Huanxing Studio.

As for Wangyimiyou, although they released a new game immediately after, the popularity is not as good as Penguin's New Era, and it can only be said that it is much better than the previous data.

(End of this chapter)

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