my tech museum

Chapter 237 Is This Time Enough?

Chapter 237 Is This Time Enough?
Nowadays, new smart medical cabins are delivered to domestic hospitals for handover and use every day, which makes the number of patients treated by smart medical cabins continue to increase.

After all, although this global live broadcast event gave overseas forces the opportunity to do things, it also thoroughly proved the effect of the smart medical cabin.

Faced with such a more economical and affordable device, whose medical level exceeds that of doctors, patients will choose to use smart medical cabins for surgery without doctors reminding them, which also greatly accelerates the growth rate of influence.

According to this situation, it will not be long before successfully reaching a million points of influence.

At that time, new exhibits can be unlocked.

So after thinking about this information, a bold idea was born in Xu Lei's mind.

If you actively put pressure on yourself to get into trouble, then when new exhibits are unlocked, there may be something for diseases such as cancer.

In this way, not only all problems will be solved, but also the enemy will pay a heavy price.

Because the effects of the things that come out of the science and technology museum must far exceed those of overseas anti-cancer drugs. By then, the drugs of future science and technology will inevitably completely monopolize the global market.

While letting other overseas pharmaceutical companies go bankrupt, their officials should also try their best to introduce them.

Really easy to attack and defend.

On the day when future technology has the ability to overcome mortal diseases, things like today will definitely not happen again.

However, Xu Lei's plan also has high risks.

If the time is promised to the outside world, but the relevant technological exhibits are not unlocked, then the company will definitely fall into a bigger crisis of public opinion.

However, there is no better way to choose now, Xu Lei can only believe in his identity as the owner of the Science and Technology Museum.

After secretly thinking about these things, Xu Lei didn't bother to waste precious time, and directly told everyone the time he had promised to the outside world.

"Six months."

"Our future technology will develop a new anti-cancer drug within six months."

"In addition to reassuring patients."

"The price of anti-cancer drugs of future technology will be lower than the market price."

As Xu Lei's words fell, everyone present was slightly stunned for a moment, and then they realized that their faces were full of surprise.

If everyone was just a little worried just now, then they don't believe it at all at this moment.

No matter how you look at it, half a year is too little time.

There is indeed a researcher engaged in anticancer drug research in the Future Technology Research Center, but the other party has never reported his research results to the company, which shows that his project is still in its infancy.

In a way, this is no different from Mengxin.

With this kind of strength to research anti-cancer drugs, even if all the resources of the company are invested, it will be difficult to make a breakthrough within half a year.

Developed new anticancer drugs.

Knowing that things cannot be done, they must dissuade them as company employees.

So they all responded.

"Isn't half a year too short, Mr. Xu? Even if we have unique conditions in some aspects, I'm afraid it will be difficult to develop a new anti-cancer drug within this time."

After Liang Fuxing, who had a more aggressive personality, couldn't help but say this, Han Ge and Jia Zhongjie followed closely behind.

"Mr. Xu, I think it's better to give us more time."

"There are so many types of cancer. If our anticancer drug is only effective against one type of cancer, it may not be comparable to overseas anticancer drugs."

Although the two of them don't have a deep understanding of the medical field, they also know that if they want to surpass overseas anti-cancer drugs, they must develop drugs that are effective against a variety of cancers. It must take six months to achieve this. Not enough.

Faced with this situation, they thought that Xu Lei was planning to develop a special drug to treat a certain type of cancer, so they deliberately reminded him.

Speaking of which, for the people in the company, it has been a long time since they questioned Xu Lei's decision.

Who made Xu Lei the core figure of the company, it all depends on him to lead the company from the scale of only a few people to the current behemoth.

And any decision made by Xu Lei has proved to be only beneficial to the development of the company.

So that everyone gradually developed absolute trust in it.

But this time the situation is different from the past. If they didn't say these words and eventually caused the company to encounter a greater crisis, then they would definitely be full of regret.

But compared to other people, Lu Hongbo is undoubtedly more proud at the moment.

As a senior figure in the company, and claiming to be the person who knows his boss best, Lu Hongbo has a kind of absolute admiration for Xu Lei from the bottom of his heart.

It is no exaggeration to say that he has never questioned his boss in his heart or on the surface.

Moreover, it turns out that his choice was not wrong.

However, now he wants to support Xu Lei's decision, but also is afraid that the company will not be able to tackle the research of new anti-cancer drugs on time, so he doesn't know how to make a decision.

After almost half a minute of hesitation, he saw that his eyes gradually became firmer.

Then he categorically stated his opinion to everyone.

"Mr. Xu gave such a time. I believe this is also after careful consideration. Maybe Mr. Xu has already made up his mind, so what we have to do now is to fully realize this promise."

Obviously, everyone did not expect that Lu Hongbo would say such a thing, and they were so worried that they immediately tried to persuade them.

"Brother Lu, why even you..."

"But half a year is too short, at least it should be doubled."

Hearing everyone's controversy, Xu Lei also felt a little helpless, after all, there was no way around it.

If you want to devote all your energy to the research of anticancer drugs, you must temporarily appease the emotions of these domestic patients. Otherwise, new news will come out every now and then, which will affect the progress and efficiency of the research.

Besides, other people don't know about the science and technology museum. As long as the museum can successfully unlock the exhibits related to anticancer drugs, it will basically take less than six months.

Generally speaking, Xu Lei still has a certain degree of certainty.

In order to get the project on the right track as soon as possible, Xu Lei didn't want to continue to waste time arguing about this kind of thing, so he simply interrupted a few people and repeated his decision again.


"This matter is so settled, and it will be announced immediately."

Speaking of this, everyone still doesn't know that the matter has been settled. It is absolutely impossible for everyone to change their minds based on their understanding of Xu Lei's character.

For this reason, Zhang Xia had no choice but to nod in response: "I understand Mr. Xu."

At this point in the meeting, Xu Lei announced the end on the spot and walked outside.

He is going to the research center to set up the project team members first.

Although the number of personnel engaged in biopharmaceutical research in the research center is very limited, and there are not many people in total, but having a dedicated project team will greatly improve the efficiency.

The biggest problem is that Xu Lei doesn't have a lot of medical knowledge, even if he goes to study now, it will definitely be too late. You must know that the outside world does not ignore time like in a museum.

Faced with this embarrassing predicament, Xu Lei can only rely on Xingtong and Longfor Light Quantum Computer.

Since the birth of Xingtong, she has a strong learning ability. Now with the blessing of quantum computers, the level of knowledge she has mastered is far beyond that of humans. It can be said that she can conduct research on various advanced technologies by herself.

Anticancer drugs are even more so.

And relying on the efficiency of quantum computing, its research speed will far exceed that of ordinary pharmaceutical companies.

This is exactly what Xu Lei relies on.

If the museum does not give face, then relying on Xingtong and quantum computers can still realize the research and development of new anticancer drugs.

Spend more time at most.

And when Xu Lei's figure left the meeting room, Zhang Xia, Han Ge and others who were still here couldn't help but sigh, and were a little worried about the company's future development.

Instead, Liang Fuxing took the initiative to walk over to Lu Hongbo, and asked with a very serious expression: "Brother Lu, do you think Mr. Xu can really develop a new anti-cancer drug within half a year?"

"I don't know." Lu Hongbo shook his head.

After finishing speaking, he continued to add amidst Liang Fuxing's doubts: "No matter what the result will be, but now we only have one goal, and that is to do our best to let Mr. Xu fulfill this promise and teach those overseas guys a painful lesson. "

"Hongbo's speech is good, everyone should hurry up and complete the tasks assigned by Mr. Xu."

Perhaps awakened by Lu Hongbo's remarks, Zhang Xia immediately responded.

It made everyone regain their fighting spirit and get busy.

Since the Internet is still in a state of controlled comments, the emotions of netizens are continuously suppressed. In order to eliminate the impact and restore calm as soon as possible, Zhang Xia immediately arranged for personnel to draft the announcement after returning to her office.

When this announcement was officially released, netizens were surprised and shocked when they saw that Future Technology decided to develop domestic anti-cancer drugs and promised to produce results within six months. They never expected that Future Technology would choose This solution.

Originally, most people were supporting future technology, but now they make such a promise, and the trend of public opinion almost instantly becomes one-sided.

Both expressed strong support for the approach of future technology.

This left those patients completely speechless.

Even if a very few people expressed doubts that future technology will develop a new anti-cancer drug within a few months, it has successfully calmed down everyone's emotions.

After the major platforms and websites cancel the review control operation, you can see the real comments of netizens under the relevant content.

"Great, the entry of future technology into the field of biopharmaceuticals is definitely a blessing for thousands of patients."

"What about the future of science and technology to develop drugs? Can domestic anticancer drugs be eaten?"

"I suggest to some people that they should go and settle overseas as soon as possible. Since they don't like it, don't eat it in the future."

"This matter is inexplicable. The smart medical cabin is a product of other people's future technology. Why should it be donated for free to save your lives?"

"I have long hoped that future science and technology will develop anti-cancer drugs, and suddenly I feel that getting cancer will not be so terrible in the future."

"Six months? I hope I can live to that day."

"I advise everyone not to be stupid. This is just a delaying tactic for future technology. It is only a dream to come up with a new anticancer drug in such a short period of time."


(End of this chapter)

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