my tech museum

Chapter 431 There will be no problem

Chapter 431 There will be no problem

"It's okay to configure two plasma cannons and change the design of the hull, but will it seem a bit difficult?"

When Li Chengzhe learned of Xu Lei's thoughts, he didn't refute immediately. He thought for a while in his mind first, and then raised his own questions.

Under normal circumstances, considering the energy problem of the battleship, each Star Destroyer has only one plasma cannon as the main weapon, and slightly more neutral particle cannons as the secondary weapon. Now two plasma cannons are required to be equipped on the Shenwei Star Destroyer. There are indeed many problems.

It is not even possible to determine how the battleship actually performed on the battlefield.

The navigation defense and attack of the Star Destroyer all need to rely on its own power engine.

A big killer like a plasma cannon consumes a lot of energy every time it is launched. If multiple units are used at the same time, it may affect the defense of the hull.

Hit by the enemy's attack.

Finally, in exchange for a result of dying together.

This practice is not advocated.

What's more, the plasma cannon does not have a long cooling time like the neutral particle cannon, so even one can exert its maximum power.

Of course, Xu Lei also had his own considerations in making this decision.

The overall performance of the Star Destroyer built using Origin Star technology is superior to other Star Destroyers in the galaxy. Coupled with the effect of the particle neutralization shield and the energy shield booster, even two plasma cannons will affect The defensive energy of the hull and the safety of the entire battleship are still guaranteed.

The key is the main weapon with two plasma cannons, and its power is not just the effect of one plus one equals two.

but greater than two.

Only when this kind of star destroyer is manufactured can it be truly called the strongest large warship in the universe.

It can be called the big killer in Star Wars.

In addition, Xu Lei is also very aware of Li Chengzhe's worries. He is afraid that there will be a waste of time and materials due to the failure of the experiment.

Although this decision was temporarily born due to the powerful power of the plasma cannon, the certainty is not too small.

With the rapid thinking, Xu Lei repeated after thinking of this point: "Just follow my plan and implement it. If it succeeds, it will also significantly improve the combat effectiveness of our fleet."

Speaking of this, Li Chengzhe naturally would not have any objections.

As the saying goes, true knowledge comes from practice.

Whether it can work or not can only be known after actual experiments.

Anyway, for the resources in the solar system today, the loss of this material is really nothing.

After making some plans in his mind, Li Chengzhe quickly nodded and assured: "It's the dean, and I'll hold a meeting to adjust the plan as soon as I get back."

As soon as the voice fell, he seemed to think of something, hesitated and added in a low voice: "However, in this way, the time may be too late, and the shipyard may not be able to guarantee that our Shenwei Star Destroyer will be officially launched by the end of the year. service."

The news that Xu Lei moved into the Titan Shipyard to develop a Star Destroyer has already spread, and the three fleets of the Alliance are staring at it eagerly.

Just wait for the battleship to be built and then firstly pulled to serve in its own fleet.

Because although each fleet has a Star Destroyer, it was exchanged from Star Seitan after all.

It is not produced by human civilization itself.

In addition, after serving in batches with the Kamikaze battleships, they deeply realized the power of their own warships. Under such circumstances, how could they not use the Kamikaze Star Destroyer idea.

However, the shipyard previously released some news about the Shenwei Star Destroyer on the Internet, and it is expected to go online at the end of the year. For this reason, the leaders of the three fleets of the alliance have not known how many times they have approached Li Chengzhe in private.

However, Li Chengzhe prevaricated them all with Xu Lei.

Show that you don't have the right to decide.

The reason why Lei Zhan and others did not dare to look for Xu Lei was mainly because they were afraid of disturbing Xu Lei's research.

If it left a bad impression, wouldn't it be a priority to get this Shenwei Star Destroyer?

And if the launch of the Shenwei Star Destroyer is suddenly postponed at this time, the heads of the three fleets of the alliance will definitely ask Li Chengzhe to inquire about the situation.

Thinking of dealing with them is one head and two big ones.

For this reason, Li Chengzhe had no choice but to take the initiative to tell the matter.

I hope Xu Lei can come forward to solve it.

Although he didn't speak too bluntly, Xu Lei couldn't hear the meaning behind his words. You must know that he didn't meet Lei Zhan and other fleet commanders, but he also knew that they came to Titan Star a lot.

After figuring out the whole situation, Xu Lei organized his words in his mind, and then gave Li Chengzhe a reassurance.

"The quality of the battleship is the most important thing. It doesn't hurt to spend more time on it. As for the Alliance Fleet, I will ask them to prohibit the Titan Star Silver from affecting the development progress."

"Thank you Dean, I'm relieved now."

Hearing the sound, Xu Lei glanced at Li Chengzhe, who had a smile on his face inside the helmet, and couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

I didn't expect that Li Chengzhe, who is in his seventies and eighties, would still learn from young people.

But after thinking about it, with the solar system being certified as a second-level civilization, the research and development of genetic optimization fluids has continued to make breakthroughs, and the average human lifespan has reached about [-] years old, so taking Li Chengzhe's age as an example, he can still be called a young man. prime of life.

As long as you don't kill yourself, you can at least continue to contribute to human civilization for more than 100 years.

By that time, there may be new developments in the genetic optimization solution, and the average life expectancy of humans will rise further.

After all, take the pioneer civilization as an example. Although they are only a second-level civilization, relying on their own genetic advantages, their life expectancy is much longer than that of humans.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Xu Lei.

He has already condensed the eternal body and became a special active metal life in the Milky Way. It can be said that even he himself does not know how long he can survive.

But that doesn't mean he can die.

If it is attacked by plasma cannons in turn, or besieged by Zerg, the body will still become mutilated.

At that point, consciousness will dissipate due to the loss of the container.

Who made his current brain consciousness strong, but he still couldn't exist without his body.

He quickly considered that Li Chengzhe was still wearing a space suit, and staying outside for a long time in such a severe cold environment might cause hidden dangers to his body. Then he stopped delaying and ordered the staff to dismantle the plasma cannon and put it into the transport battleship Return to Titan Fortress.


The perspective came to the side of the Titan Shipyard.

The first thing Li Chengzhe did when he came back was to hold a collective meeting and introduce Xu Lei's idea of ​​dual plasma cannons to other top scientists.

Although everyone's opinion is not completely unanimous.

Some think that this scheme is feasible, and some think that it is impossible for the dual ion cannon.

However, due to the trust in Xu Lei, the goal was finally achieved, and it was decided to change the original hull plan and redesign a new plan that could carry two plasma cannons.

And try to be online by the end of the year.

Xu Lei really relaxed the time, so as not to let them have too much psychological burden on this matter.

But Li Chengzhe didn't want to disappoint Xu Lei's expectations, so he still set this goal.

In this way, even if it is not achieved in the end, at least the research progress will be rushed forward, even a few days in advance is very good.

As for the next time, everyone has naturally entered the working state, and they are all full of energy, which can only be described as fanatical.

The main thing is that they have been engaged in the research and development of warships for a long time. It is inevitable that they will feel a little boring and lose their freshness in the research and development of traditional warships. The dual plasma cannon star destroyer proposed by Xu Lei just perfectly solves this problem. .

After the real research and development started, everyone also wanted to create this special battleship and create a gap in the research and development of galactic civilization in the field of warships.

Even if you really want to succeed, you can extend your thinking and use it on the kamikaze battleship.

Maximize the combat capability of warships.

Under such circumstances, Xu Lei did not stay at the Titan Shipyard to participate in the design and development.

After exchanging feelings with Xing** who lives here, he returned directly to Earth by himself.

Enjoy family happiness with your family.

Anyway, the biggest difficulty of the Star Destroyer, the main weapon, the plasma cannon, has already been overcome by him. Li Chengzhe and the others only need to complete the final assembly of the hull, and there is no need for him to do everything by himself.

Li Chengzhe and the scientists in the shipyard, at any rate, represent the first sequence of the scientific research level of human civilization, and they have experience in the development and manufacture of small and medium-sized warships. If the hull of the Star Destroyer cannot be completed, then It also looks too stretched.

What's more, handing it all over to them is also a rare opportunity for promotion.

In the process of research and development, we can have a deeper understanding of this level of civilization and technology knowledge.

It is also worth mentioning that as time goes by, the closer to the New Year, the more topics about the Shenwei Star Destroyer will be discussed on various websites.

Everyone is looking forward to the birth of mankind's own Star Destroyer.

At the beginning, the solar system was threatened by the pioneer civilization fleet, which caused many company groups on the earth to close down, and the well-known website platforms were permanently shut down. In other galaxies, in addition to the alliance's official website, Azure, many entertainment-related things were naturally born.

Including all kinds of websites.

Interstellar virtual games and interstellar live broadcast platforms, etc.

In addition to having a large number of human users, even many individuals of alien civilizations will also register to use it.

Originally, when the Titan Shipyard first released information about the Shenwei Star Destroyer on various website platforms, almost everyone was very excited and had great trust in the Titan Shipyard.

It is believed that human beings will definitely be able to conquer large warships on their own.

Even if some alien civilization users expressed doubts about this, thinking that the Star Destroyer involves too many levels, it cannot be played by a second-level civilization, and they will soon be criticized by netizens.

After all, there is an example of the kamikaze battleship, so I can't help but not believe it.

But seeing that it was New Year's Eve, there was still no news released from the Titan Shipyard, which made everyone feel a little nervous.

Perhaps relying on the strength of the second-level human civilization, it is still a bit difficult to develop large-scale star destroyers.

However, because of this, the comment area below the relevant content is very messy, with several different viewpoints attacking each other.

In short, no one is convinced.

Now that human beings have entered the big stage of the Milky Way, under the impact of the influx of many alien civilizations and cultures, it is inevitable that some people will be affected to a certain extent.

And this is also impossible.

The cuisine and other cultures of the solar system can have a profound impact on other civilizations in the galaxy, and even create a large amount of galaxy currency income for human beings, but they cannot prevent the influx of other civilizations.

The most outrageous thing is that there are even a lot of advertisements mixed in the comments that smell of gunpowder.

People really don't know what to say.


"You don't need to worry too much. In short, you just have to trust the Titan Shipyard. The research and development of the Star Destroyer this time was chaired by Mr. Xu."

"The battleship was so powerful back then, didn't we develop it ourselves, and the comprehensive performance of the kamikaze battleship is still the strongest in the entire galaxy, no one can deny this."

"Anyway, I believe in Representative Xu."

"That's what I said, but the Star Destroyer is exclusive to the third-level civilization after all, and we are still too weak."

"At the beginning of the year, the Titan Shipyard said that the first Star Destroyer would be developed by the end of the year, but now it's New Year's Eve and no news has come out. Obviously, the progress of the research and development is not too smooth. How long."

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, it's no problem to live to be two hundred years old now, and I can definitely wait."

"Our Yamu civilization has been researching Star Destroyers for an unknown amount of time, and we haven't made much progress until now. Your situation is normal."

"Do you want to experience interstellar travel, one hundred Galaxy coins, and there are three seats left on the spaceship."

"Galaxy Live is recruiting anchors. No matter which civilization you are from, you can sign up to participate. The annual income is not less than two hundred Galaxy coins."

"Phantom Star Game's latest masterpiece Broken Starry Sky, the number of online players has exceeded 200 billion, it's brothers to fight together!"

"You solar system civilizations don't think that you can dominate the Milky Way with a patrol envoy. If you want to develop a star destroyer yourself, don't blame me for speaking badly. It will be very difficult to wait another 100 years."


Thursday, June 2061, 1.

New Year's Eve.

Earth star.

Longhu Manor in Binjiang City.

Xu Xuan, who has grown into a big girl, is accompanying her old father to set off fireworks in the yard. Because of the gradual upgrading of fireworks technology, even now it is still not prohibited to set off fireworks, basically achieving no pollution to the environment.

Looking up and watching the beautiful multicolored patterns explode in the night sky, it makes people feel warmer than ever before.

Speaking of it, it may be that she inherited Xu Lei's excellent genes. Xu Xuan also likes to do scientific research very much, and sometimes even sinks into it for a whole day without eating or drinking.

All supported by nutrient solution.

This point is much harder than Xu Lei's back then.

Naturally, Xu Lei would not change his daughter's hobbies, so he first asked Qin Xiaoman to conduct research on gene optimization fluids and medicines targeting Zerg genes.

It just so happened that Qin Xiaoman's scientific research department was established on the moon, which made Xu Xuan often away from home.

It can be regarded as meeting the needs of Xu Lei and Chen Shihe's two-person world.

At this moment, Chen Shihe came out of the living room, and the terminal in his hand was still turned on, as if he had just used it.

After walking straight to Xu Lei's side, he frowned slightly and asked: "There has been no follow-up news about the Shenwei Star Destroyer. Is it okay if you don't go to the Titan Shipyard to help Dean Li keep an eye on it? Everyone is talking about this matter, and the disturbance caused is not small."

Chen Shihe only knew that Xu Lei had carried out the Shenwei Star Destroyer project, but he didn't know about the temporary change to dual plasma cannons.

So after seeing everyone's discussion on this matter, I was somewhat worried.

The main thing is that others don't know, but she is very clear that Xu Lei has hardly stayed on Titan for many days in the past six months, and has been with her all the time. If she affects the progress of research and development, she will inevitably feel guilty.

Xu Lei temporarily stopped what he was doing when he heard the sound.

Of course he understood what Chen Shihe was worried about, but it was very hard for her to be in charge of such a large interstellar company as Future Technology, so he really didn't want Chen Shihe to get in touch with the shipyard.

So at home, I didn't mention the progress of the research and development of the Shenwei Star Destroyer.

Seeing that Chen Shihe took the initiative to care about this matter, he could only comfort him: "Don't worry, there won't be any problems with President Li around."

"I said, Mom, you don't know Dad's personality yet. Since you dare to stay at home with you, the situation must be under control. Don't look at the current disturbances on the Internet. When the Shenwei Star Destroyer comes out, everyone's attention will be kept. They were all transferred directly." Xu Xuan, who was squatting on the ground next to her, hurriedly got up to echo Xu Lei's words.

After being told by Xu Lei and his daughter, the worries in Chen Shihe's heart immediately dissipated.

Immediately, a loving smile appeared on his face, and he said to the two of them, "Hurry up and wash your hands first, go eat first, and I will accompany you later."


As a daughter, Xu Xuan immediately clapped her hands and walked towards the living room when she heard this.

But when Xu Lei was also preparing to spend New Year's Eve with his family, he saw a request for a call from the personal interstellar terminal on his wrist.

Immediately, he couldn't help frowning.

"You go in first, I'll come over later."

After explaining to Chen Shihe, he walked towards the open space next to him.

Seeing this, Chen Shihe didn't say much, just nodded and went back to the room first, obviously this was not the first time this kind of thing happened.

But Xu Lei frowned not because someone contacted him on New Year's Eve, but because the request for the call was unknown, and he didn't know who was behind it.

But for his personal terminal, Xu Lei didn't think anyone could hack into it, not to mention that it was too weird just to talk to him, so after a little hesitation, he finally chose to agree.

Soon, a projection appeared in front of his eyes.

After Xu Lei saw this figure, he was taken aback for a moment, then his face was full of shock, and he almost subconsciously said: "Director, why did you take the initiative to find me?"


Xu Lei is no stranger to the owner of this figure.

It is the super intelligent brain model of the Milky Way Civilization Administration.

The reason for expressing shock is that this has never happened before, and Uma has not mentioned it.

Even if there are special circumstances, at most a notice will be issued to carry out the order.

It is indeed a novel experience to directly establish a remote call with Xu Lei like this.

After all, the distance between the center of the Milky Way and the planet Earth is not so far.

It can only be said that only by imitating this kind of super intelligent brain can we easily establish a long-distance call connection with Xu Lei.

But at this moment Xu Lei was still full of doubts.

First of all, he has only been appointed as inspector for more than a year. For the inspector with a long life, it is no less than being called back as soon as he walks to the door.

And it also made him feel like he was on a thief ship.

The main thing is to allow the model to establish a call in person. There must be some important task. I just returned to the planet and set off again. No matter how I think about it, it feels like a big pit.

So much so that before Xu Lei could speak, his mind was already spinning.

"This old guy is looking for me at this time. Could it be that he really has some important task to send me to perform?"

"Or do you want to urge me to perform the duties of the inspector?"

Just as Xu Lei was secretly guessing in his heart, Mo's projection finally said: "Inspector Xu Lei, we meet again. This time I contact you urgently because I have something important to tell you."

"Important matter?"

Hearing this, Xu Lei's heart suddenly moved again.

Could it be that the specific location of the source star civilization fire has been calculated.

He didn't think about it just now because the time is too short, even if he is a super intelligent brain, it is difficult to do it.

After all, the fire of the Yuanxing civilization is in the Gavia space, and it is still a product before the last big bang of the universe. Whether it still exists or not is a question that needs to be considered.

But following Mo's words, people can't help but think about it.

But in the end, Xu Lei's excitement didn't last too long, and was quickly beaten back to his original form by the next words of the model.

"I found a huge Zerg group at the edge of the Milky Way, and it is currently migrating to the central area. According to calculations, your solar system is likely to be on the way of Zerg migration, but I also notified the nearest Uma and Lou. Inspector Rainbow, they will cooperate with you to completely wipe out these Zerg."

"Besides, you can also mobilize civilizations in the galaxy to provide support."

Hearing Mo's words into his heart, Xu Lei's expression immediately turned cold, because he knew very well that this was not a trivial matter.

It's not even just about the solar system.

Needless to say, the power of the Zerg Swarm is known to most civilizations in the Milky Way, not to mention that there is no life left, even the planets may be devoured by potholes, just like the locusts on the earth and stars.

The point is that if the solar system can't resist, then these Zergs will drive straight in, threatening other civilizations in the galaxy.

So even if Xu Lei doesn't use his rights as inspector, other civilizations will take the initiative to send forces to support, at most the difference is the amount of effort.

Although he didn't expect that there would be a Zerg swarm on the outskirts of the Milky Way, but as the director of the management bureau and a super intelligent brain, Mo would never make a mistake at this time.

Moreover, the solar system is already at the edge of the Milky Way, and the specific situation of the Zerg swarm is not yet known, and it may soon reach the range of the solar system, and the situation may become very complicated by then.

Therefore, in this case, the best way is to take the initiative to attack and prepare for it as soon as possible.

After thinking about this clearly, Xu Lei immediately replied with a calm expression: "I will start preparing for this matter as soon as possible, and I will definitely not let the Zerg threaten the solar system."

(End of this chapter)

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