Chapter 57 protect the short
"My lord, this is the evidence I found recently from the homes of Song Jue and Du Han, together with the case files formed from the confessions of those missing women, please have a look."

Lu Ming took out a thick file.

Zhou You took it over to check, and was surprised to see the number on it.

3708 taels!
"It's no wonder these two are so desperate, and the money is so easy to earn." Zhou You smiled.

"According to the missing woman's confession, the people on that big ship not only forced them to sell themselves, but also set up a casino to go there. Those people are good money owners, and the money they earn every day is astronomical." Lu Ming also sighed with emotion. .

When he saw the numbers on the ledger with his own eyes, he was taken aback.

Travel around and continue to look down.

This Lu Ming handles the case very meticulously, every clue and evidence is listed out, together with the confessions of those missing women, basically the heinous crime committed by Du Han and Song Jue can be firmly established.

But regarding Song Jue and Du Han's cause of death, the description was somewhat vague.

"The death of Du and Song, you just write that I killed them, and then handed them over directly to Qingzhou City."

Zhou You pondered.

This Song Du can be regarded as the No. [-] or No. [-] person in Linjiang Mansion. Even if he committed any serious crime, the cause of death must be explained clearly, otherwise he will be criticized and question the authenticity of the case file.

"Master Zhou, if the cause of death of these two people is written up, I'm afraid you will also be punished," Lu Ming said cautiously.

He is also aware of the hierarchy among exorcists.

Zhou You's identity is a low-level demon slayer, and he has no right to kill Song and Du directly.

"It's okay, you just write it truthfully, and I'll take care of the rest." Zhou You didn't care at all.

Seeing this, Lu Ming couldn't say anything, anyway, he would do what Zhou You told him to do.

"By the way, I received news that the deputy commander of the Black Xuan Army sent someone to deliver a letter to Qingzhou City two days ago." Lu Ming said suddenly.

"Do you still want to tell me that Du Guangyao, the commander of the Black Xuan Army, is Du Han's uncle?" Zhou You smiled lightly.

Lu Ming was stunned for a moment, and exclaimed: "Your Excellency, do you know?"

Zhou You shrugged: "Du Han told me before he died, he thought he could threaten me, and then he was directly killed by me."

After Lu Ming listened to it, his awe of Zhou You deepened.

This young demon slayer was ruthless enough. He knew he was the army commander's nephew, so he chopped him off without batting an eye.

It's really astonishing how courageous it is to still be chatting and laughing with myself here.

"Then I'll go back and revise this case file, and then send it to Qingzhou City." Lu Ming said goodbye and left.

Zhou You, on the other hand, had a pensive look in his eyes, and tapped his fingers on the table lightly.

Now, there are only two paths before him.

The first is to leave directly and return to the Exorcist Division.

With the protection of the Exorcist, even if Du Guangyao is the state shepherd, he may not be able to do anything to himself.

Because there has always been a fine tradition in the division of magic.

Then protect yourself!

The ultimate short guard.

Don't look at the exorcising department who is usually lifeless and doesn't even say hello when they meet.

But if they are bullied by outsiders, the demon slayers will unite as one, unanimously launch crazily revenge.

This kind of revenge is endless.

In Zhou You's memory, more than ten years ago, the widow of a demon slayer was spotted by the son of a high-ranking official in Qingzhou City, and she was looted back to the mansion to defile her.

After the people from the Exorcist Department found out, dozens of demon exterminations went directly to Qingzhou City that night.

The high-ranking official also knew that his son had caused a catastrophe, but he was his only son after all, so he couldn't leave him alone.

So he took his son and found an excuse to live in the state pastoral mansion.

The demon slayers who fell into anger didn't dare to do so much, maybe they suppressed too much emotion on weekdays, facing the bullying of their own widow, they broke out completely, and brazenly rushed into the state pastor's mansion.

That night, Zhoumu's flames shot up into the sky, and the sound of explosions could be heard endlessly.

Even the state shepherd was alarmed. Just as he was about to take action to suppress these demon slayers, he was stopped by the demon suppressor who rushed over.

The two sides launched an earth-shattering battle, which can be described as changing the color of the world and the sun and the moon.

In the end, Zhou Mu knew that if he continued to fight, he would start hurting innocent people.

Because these demon slayers simply won't back down.

It is completely immortal.

Forced to do so, Zhou Mu could only choose to give in.

In the end, the son of the senior official hanged himself directly at the city gate and was exposed to the sun for three days and three nights.

After the revenge this time, everyone also knew about the weakness of the Exorcist.

Offending one is tantamount to offending all of them.

It sounds a bit brutal and bloody, without any reason.

But this kind of bloody revenge will completely eliminate some people's luck

In fact, Zhou You can also understand this kind of behavior.

Because the demon slayer is a profession that dances on the death scythe, no demon slayer knows whether he will live until tomorrow.

If he couldn't even protect the widow who died in Paoze, who would protect his widow when he unfortunately died one day?

This seems to be a short-term protection, but it is actually an act of safeguarding one's own interests.

It's just that the method of the demon division is even more extreme.

What's more, Xu Ling died at the hands of Du Han instead of demons, which would arouse the wrath of the demon slayers.

As long as he hides in the Demon Eliminator, everything will be fine.

Zhou You really didn't believe that Du Guangyao had the guts to directly kill the Demon Division.

It's just that choosing this path will give people the feeling of absconding in fear of crime.

The second way is to wait for someone from the Qingzhou Mansion to have the matter judged by the State Shepherd Mansion.

Song and Du poisoned their master Xu Ling, and in their anger, they lost their minds and killed him directly.

This reason is aboveboard, and no one will criticize it.

After all, revenge for the master is justified, but this kind of behavior did violate the laws of the Dayin Dynasty, and it was the magistrate and the commander who killed him.

As for the verdict of the State Shepherd's Mansion, it depends on the game between the Exorcist and Du Guangyao.

Zhou You thought for a while, and took out a piece of yellow talisman paper.

This yellow talisman was an inspirational talisman, and it was specially given to him by the head of the Heavenly Star Hall when he set off in the Department of Demon Elimination.

How far away is useless, as long as you write the message and burn it, the other party will receive it.

Zhou You didn't know which way to choose between these two paths, so he simply asked the Demon Eliminator what he meant.

He took out the brush, wrote densely packed small characters on the yellow talisman, and roughly wrote down what happened to him in the past few days.

Light a candle, and the yellow talisman burns slowly.

Zhou You could clearly feel a wisp of wonderful fluctuations escaping.

The black ash that the yellow talisman turned into did not fall, but was pulled by some mysterious force and floated in the air.

After a while, the black ash showed a strange change, condensed into a ball, and finally turned into six characters.

"Bright and fair come back."

Seeing these words, Zhou You instantly understood the meaning above.

(End of this chapter)

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