Chapter 38

That's right, it's a monster!
At this time, Sean finally remembered that what Harry and the others had encountered was a troll, and it was because of this troll that Harry and Ron truly became lifelong friends with Hermione.

Sean looked at Quirrell who was lying on the ground. This guy's acting was so flamboyant, and he didn't know if Dumbledore saw anything. He must have discovered something. , Dumbledore, the Philosopher's Stone, really didn't move there. He could guarantee that without Harry, Quirrell, the two-faced monster, would probably have personally learned what the old headmaster's love was.


Sitting in front of the long table in Slytherin, Sean watched the first-year wizards cry out because of the word troll, while he sat quietly in his seat, reaching out and stroking out of his neckline. The Kurkan, who was touching, touched, and Sean suddenly stopped, and Kurkan, who was enjoying Sean's touch, smacked his head in Sean's face in dissatisfaction.

At this time, Sean suddenly thought that he had conquered Kurkan because of a duel with Kurkan, and used the power of the panel to subdue Kurkan. In other words, his dueling ability is not limited to human wizards, as long as he has even A magical creature with a trace of intelligence can fight.

Then the question arises, as long as it is a magical creature, then if you fight that giant monster, what ability will you get?
It can't be a low IQ, or something like an amazing body odor, right?

At this time, Dumbledore used a very loud voice to ask the prefects of each academy to bring everyone back to the common room. For this choice, Sean only thought that Dumbledore was deliberately stealing the Philosopher's Stone. There is a chance, otherwise Sean doesn't think Dumbledore made such a brainless decision.

You must know that at this moment, most of the students are in the auditorium. Teachers only need to guard the auditorium to ensure the safety of the vast majority of students. For the remaining students who are not in the auditorium, they can also find them in person. , or simply go to the troll to solve it. This kind of practice of clearly knowing that there are trolls outside and spreading the students apart, if there are no other considerations inside, then there is a ghost.

The students of the four major colleges followed their prefects and rushed outside. They were all eager to return to the common room of their own college. In the opinion of most students, the common room is a very safe place, as long as they can Go back to the common room, go back to your room, lie on the bed and cover the quilt, then you can avoid the threat of trolls.

The little wizards couldn't wait to leave the auditorium, which inevitably caused some confusion. Although the prefect was maintaining discipline, it was not difficult to slip away under this circumstance.

Sean looked at Gryffindor who left before Slytherin, and knew that Harry and Ron should be one step ahead of themselves. Now he just hopes that Harry and Ron don't go too fast, otherwise, when he gets there, the giant The blame has been solved, so it's a waste of time.

After all, he risked being deducted for this action. If he didn't gain anything, he would really lose a lot.

The auditorium was on the first floor, and the Slytherin common room was in the dungeon. Sean took two quick steps and slipped out of the team when the team turned into the dark underground stairs, running in the direction Harry and Ron left.

Sean remembered that both the troll and Hermione were in a girls' public bathroom, one of which was on the second floor.

Thinking of this, Sean immediately walked up the stairs, and before he got to the second floor, he smelled the fermenting smell of the cesspit in the dry toilet, which was amazing.

At this moment, Sean knew that he had found the right one, and quickened his pace again. When he saw the girls' bathroom in front of him, he immediately heard roars and screams from it.

Sean didn't care about anything else, he rushed in quickly, and immediately saw a tall, burly and extremely ugly monster, holding Harry's leg in one hand, and waving a huge stick in the other, and swung it down at Harry's body. .

As for Hermione and Ron, one collapsed to the ground and shouted loudly, while the other stood in the corner at a loss.

Maybe give Ron some time, he will still use magic to defeat the troll to save Harry, but Sean can't bet whether his butterfly will change the original plot in this matter, and the reason why he is here is for The only thing is to trigger the duel between himself and the troll, he must shoot before Ron can!

"Wingardim Leviosa!"

Acting according to the law, Sean wanted to use the floating spell to control the troll's stick, but the troll kept waving the stick, and Sean couldn't cast the spell accurately at all.

I really don't know how the original Ron aimed at that stick!
With a scolding, Sean used the petrification spell to immobilize the troll's arm, but beyond Sean's expectations, although the troll is not as good as the giant, its body's resistance to magic is really good. The effective effect on the troll can only make the troll's arm stop slightly, and the stick in its hand is still waving towards Harry.

"Ron! Sean! Find a way!"

Hearing this, Ron seemed to suddenly think of something, raised his wand and prepared to cast a spell on the troll, this scene in Sean's eyes immediately made him nervous.

Tsk, this guy, isn't he trying to steal people's heads?
"Wingardim Leviosa!"



Using the Levitation Spell continuously, this time Sean was not aiming at the stick in the troll's hand, but the large debris around the broken bathroom doors and walls. A large number of wooden structures flew up and smashed into the troll's body one after another. He finally made the troll furious, and threw Harry out with his backhand, waving his stick and strode towards Sean!
Looking at the troll rushing towards him, Sean immediately felt a sense of suffocation. This suffocation was not only a mental pressure, but also a physical attack. The stick, Sean took a step back and used the Iron Armor to block the stick's attack frontally!
Looking at the blue halo that resisted the stick in the troll's hand, Sean did not hesitate, and immediately cast the thorn spell. A large number of thorn vines grew from the ground under the troll's feet and wrapped around the troll's legs. This opportunity runs to the other side, attracting the pursuit of trolls.

Sure enough, the troll's not-so-smart brain made it immediately chase after Sean, ignoring the thorns and vines on his feet. Even though the trolls snapped a lot of thorns and vines, they still tripped over. land.

At this time, Sean cast a floating spell on the stick that was about to be released from the troll's hand, raised the stick high, and smashed it on the back of the troll's head!
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(End of this chapter)

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