The day of the duel at Hogwarts

Chapter 69 After the Exam, Before the Results

Chapter 69 After the Exam, Before the Results
Sean stood as quiet as a chicken in Snape's office.

Snape was sitting in his chair and flipping through Sean's papers.

He changed his thesis seven times in two days, and Xiao En's thesis was a bit numb. Now he only hopes to pass this time, and he doesn't want to write a thesis again in a short time.

"Okay, take the thesis back and copy it again, use better parchment, attach some letters, and then let the owl send both the thesis and the letter to this address. If the thesis is over, the Wizengamot will I will send you a proof of paper selection, a golden ticket, and a sample issue of "Golden Crucible", and if you are not selected, I will give you a receipt and the original copy of your paper."

"Is there any bonus for being selected?"

Glancing at Sean, Snape felt a little helpless towards Sean's attention. If it wasn't for Sean's recent revision of the thesis, Snape would have sprayed two mouthfuls of venom on him. "As long as your paper is published on the "Golden Crucible", the editorial department of "Golden Crucible" will give you a corresponding remuneration according to the importance of the paper. In the future, if someone quotes your paper, they will also pay you a certain amount of money, but you also Don't get too hopeful, this part of the money is not much, not comparable to your income from selling potions at Hogwarts."

Hearing this, Sean laughed a few times, and didn't give any unnecessary explanations. He never thought that he could hide the fact that he sold potions at Hogwarts from these professors, as long as he guaranteed that his magic potion The quality of the medicine should not cause any problems for people to drink, then there will be no trouble for the professor to come to him.

"Okay, mail the paper to this address and check the time. The latest issue of "Golden Crucible" should be finished soon. If you are fast enough, you should still be able to catch up with the latest issue. Can you do it? You will see results soon.”

"Okay, I'll go and mail the paper."


Seeing that Snape said less and less, Sean knew it was time to leave.

After a year of getting along, the two of them actually have such a tacit understanding.

Walking to the owl shack in the west tower, Sean found a robust looking owl, handed over his thesis to the owl, told it the address, and let it fly into the sky with the paper.

With the passage of time, the little wizards who were in a free state after the exam gradually fell into a situation of anticipation and fear. They looked forward to the time passing quickly and entered the holiday, and feared the unknown of the final results.

This is especially obvious, not those scumbags, but Hermione, one of the best students at her age.

With dark circles under her eyes, Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall with a restless look on her face.

"You said, what if I fail the transfiguration exam? I remember that I wrote a wrong question... I must have failed, and Professor McGonagall will definitely be disappointed with me...

And my Potions, Snape has always disliked Gryffindor, what if he failed me on purpose, it's over, I will definitely fail Potions..."

Harry and Ron sat beside Hermione, looking hopeless.

The two of them had told Hermione many times that her exam would be fine, but even though Harry and Ron assured her again and again, Hermione only settled down for three to five minutes before continuing to fall into infinite self-doubt. Harry and Ron, who were confident that they could pass the exam, now have some doubts about themselves.

Just when Harry didn't know how to protect Hermione, he suddenly saw Sean walking into the auditorium from outside. Without the slightest hesitation, Harry immediately got up and walked quickly towards Sean. Ever since he was captured by Voldemort that day The magic knocked him out, and Harry never had a proper conversation with Sean.

In addition, Sean has been writing papers since then, living in seclusion, and Harry can't go to the Slytherin common room to find someone, so Harry has no chance to talk to Sean for so many days.

"Sean, wait."

When Sean saw Harry walking towards him, he had already stood still. Now that he heard Harry's words, he immediately walked over and greeted him.

"Harry, what's the matter with you?"

Harry took Sean to the auditorium and said in a low voice, "Sean, if you hadn't saved me before, I might have been killed by... the mysterious man and Quirrell."

Although Dumbledore had said that Harry was protected by his mother's love and that Voldemort could not harm him, Harry still felt that if Sean hadn't appeared to help him before, he might have been killed by Voldemort.

"Harry, in fact, even without me, there is a high probability that the mysterious man can't hurt you, and I think it's impossible for Quirrell's little tricks in Hogwarts to be hidden from the headmaster's eyes, so I always feel that , The principal actually knows about Quirrell's little actions, he just wants to know the purpose of Quirrell, and the people behind him, even if there is no me, the principal will not let Quirrell, or even the mysterious person hurt you."

"You mean... Principal Dumbledore has been protecting me?" Harry's face was full of disbelief.

"At least that's how I feel."

Looking at Harry who had returned to the Gryffindor long table, Sean also returned to the Slytherin long table, sat opposite Blaise, and picked up a knife and fork to eat.

While eating, Sean suddenly saw Jason who was sitting not far away, and Jason was also looking at him at this time. In the past, when Jason saw Sean, he would deliberately turn his head away or avert his eyes. Sean didn't exist, but Jason didn't continue like this this time. Instead, he nodded slightly to Sean and said hello.

Looking at Jason's appearance, Sean also remembered the letter he received before. Gavin told him that from the end of this semester, Jason will be his entourage within six years. Now it seems that it should be true.

This is also a troublesome thing.

I don't know if I can refuse it or not.

But according to my understanding of this cheap grandfather, there is a high probability that I cannot refuse it.

Forget it, take it one step at a time.

After eating in twos and twos, Sean and Blaise returned to the common room together.

Recently, Sean and Blaise are both very tired. Sean is tired because he is writing a paper for the "Golden Crucible", while Blaise is mainly tired because of dating. Blaise has not been in a very good mood in the past two days. Gao, he and his girlfriend in the third grade have been quarreling over some trivial matters recently, and Blaise has become more and more impatient to deal with it, otherwise it would be impossible to go back to the common room with Sean today.

As soon as the two of them walked into the common room, they immediately saw a large group of people gathered on the notice board. They walked over and took a look, and found that two new prefects for next year had been selected. Specifically, Xiao En did not continue to read Going on, he didn't have much interest in it, but before Sean left, Samuel and Irina came to Sean together.

 Ask for collection, ask for tickets, ask for follow-up reading, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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