Chapter 453 Sister, I Was Wrong
Zhuang Ziqiang's live broadcast with goods started smoothly. He has watched Gu Jia and Lin Youyou's live broadcast with goods countless times.

Standing in the corner of the live broadcast room, Mr. Wu nodded frequently watching Zhuang Ziqiang's performance, and he really looked good.

The next step is to look at the results of live broadcast delivery of goods. After all, delivery of goods still has to rely on real money to speak.

Guava Media is currently focusing on Taobao, Zhuang Ziqiang has just started broadcasting, and there are not many people in the live broadcast room, but this situation has improved with the start of drainage.

The number of people in the live broadcast room increased from less than ten at the beginning, to dozens, and then to more than 200.

At the end of the three-hour live broadcast, Zhuang Ziqiang had the highest online audience of 316, 2652 viewers, 16 transactions, and a cumulative sales of 2384 yuan.

This data is not considered excellent anywhere, but considering that Zhuang Ziqiang is live broadcasting for the first time and has not accumulated any popularity on the Taobao platform before, such data is already very good.

In the next few days, the investment in Zhuang Ziqiang's live broadcast room has continued, and the number of online people in the live broadcast room has gradually increased.

The Taobao platform does not have content characteristics by nature, but focuses on traffic, so lack of popularity accumulation is not a big problem for anchors.

As long as the drainage is in place and the quality of the anchor is qualified, it is not difficult to make achievements.

In a week, according to the latest data, the number of online users in Zhuang Ziqiang's live broadcast room has exceeded 2000, the number of viewers has exceeded 1, the single-day transaction volume is 369 orders, and the sales volume is 54981 yuan.

Weizhilong ham is one of the few big-name partners that Guava Media has received. The price of 750 yuan for a single serving of 149 grams of ham is definitely not cheap. Nearly half of the anchors in the company are promoting it.

But like Zhuang Ziqiang, he is the first one who can achieve a single-day sales of more than 5 yuan in just one week.

"Intensify the drainage of Liang Shuang's live broadcast room, and arrange new product docking for her as soon as possible. The brand should be louder, try to focus on food."

At ten o'clock in the evening, Mr. Wu gave instructions to the secretary after reading the daily data reports.

"Okay, Mr. Wu."

When the secretary left the office, Mr. Wu rested his head on the back of the boss chair with a relaxed expression.

This Liang Shuang is really a potential stock!

While Zhuang Ziqiang was busy live broadcasting, Duan Jiabao experienced the saddest period of his life.

She is a soft, cute and kind-hearted little fat man. Although she is a rich second generation, she is always kind to others and has never even spoken loudly.

After staying in the brokerage company for a month, she still did not escape the fate of being laid off.

Seeing that it was almost New Year's Day, the other three people in the dormitory were busy, and she was the only one who was busy.

So she booked a hotel, and Luo Yan was taking the postgraduate entrance examination, so she rented a commercial vehicle and waited for Luo Yan outside the examination room.

"Shitou, how did you do in the exam?" Duan Jiabao asked concerned when Luo Yan came out.

"It's not bad, it's time for review." Luo Yan seemed to be in a good mood.

The two got into the commercial vehicle, and Luo Yan asked Jiang Xiaoguo again, "Where's Xiaoguo?"

"She works overtime, come here later."

"I've booked all the hotels, and their restaurant is delicious. The three of us will enjoy it together."


Duan Jiabao booked an executive suite, and Luo Yan couldn't hide her surprise after entering.

"Wow! Dabao, isn't this room really nice? Are the curtains electric?"

"The hotel is discounted during the new year, otherwise I wouldn't be able to book this kind of suite."

"Hey, hey, you're a bit of a fake!" Luo Yan teased.

The two waited until Jiang Xiaoguo got off work and met at the hotel. The three of them ran to the restaurant of the hotel and ordered a bunch of dishes. They were eating deliciously when Luo Yan's phone rang.

"Luo Yan, where is my dinner?" A cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

It was only then that Luo Yan realized that she forgot to order Liang Shuang's meal.

The two agreed before that Liang Shuang would help Luo Yan clarify the truth about the bus incident, and Luo Yan would settle Liang Shuang's food for one month.

But this woman is poor every day, and Luo Yan spends more than 100 every day just to order meals for her. Recently, the pressure on her wallet is very high!
At this time, Luo Yan caught a glimpse of the sumptuous dinner on the table and had an idea.

"Oh, I'm sure I haven't forgotten your dinner! Isn't it the New Year's Day soon, I specially booked a restaurant to reward you."

After speaking, Luo Yan immediately sent the hotel address to Liang Shuang, calming down the devil's anger.

Duan Jiabao and Jiang Xiaoguo heard the phone calls between the two.

Jiang Xiaoguo looked at Luo Yan with a look of disgust, "Shitou, the way you lick a dog right now is disgusting!"

Duan Jiabao nodded in agreement.

"What can I do? It's not like you don't know that female devil Liang Shuang. Last time she helped her so much. She's soft-spoken and short-handed!" Luo Yan pouted.

"Why are you afraid of her! Isn't it just good-looking, what's the matter. I have never seen anyone with a worse temper than her." Jiang Xiaoguo complained.

Duan Jiabao nodded in agreement again.

Jiang Xiaoguo asked: "Hey, by the way, what has she been doing recently?"

Duan Jiabao raised his hand, "I know."

She opened Taobao on her mobile phone, "Look, Liang Shuang is currently working as a delivery anchor, and it seems that he is doing well."

The three gathered together to watch Zhuang Ziqiang's recorded live broadcast, commenting from time to time.

"No, hasn't she been doing fashion and beauty before? Why is she still selling ham?" Jiang Xiaoguo asked suddenly.

"What's wrong with selling ham? This ham is very good, okay?"

When it came to food, Duan Jiabao instinctively refuted Jiang Xiaoguo.

"Can you find the key point? I'm not talking about the ham, but Liang Shuang."

Luo Yan said: "Do you feel that Liang Shuang has changed a bit recently?"

"Changes?" Jiang Xiaoguo was a little slow. She was usually busy with work and rarely paid attention to her roommate, Liang Shuang.

Duan Jiabao immediately said: "You can see the stone too, right?"

Luo Yan nodded, "Yes. Although my temper is still as bad as before, I always feel that it has changed a lot, but I can't tell what kind of change it is."

Jiang Xiaoguo was confused and said impatiently: "It's probably because she was dumped by her boyfriend. Let me tell you, she is just too naive, thinking that people can marry her."


Jiang Xiaoguo said bad things about Zhuang Ziqiang behind his back, Luo Yan and Duan Jiabao's expressions were unnatural, and their throats were itchy.

"Tell me about her, she hasn't graduated from university yet, and she doesn't even have any income, so why buy so many brand-name bags?"

"Stay stern all day, like someone owes her money."

"Dabao, you hate me|why..."

Jiang Xiaoguo's words came to an abrupt end, and under Duan Jiabao's relentless reminder, she finally turned around and found Zhuang Ziqiang standing behind her.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoguo was young, pitiful and helpless, her eyes full of horror.

Sister, I was wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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