Back to the end of the Ming Dynasty to engage in infrastructure construction

Chapter 204 Pay attention to farming and promote corn

Chapter 204 Pay attention to farming and promote corn
The ideological committee is not responsible for the specific military command, but only responsible for the ideological education of the soldiers, leading the troops to learn the ideology of the Xianxingshe, and educating the soldiers to be loyal to Marshal Zhao.

The current situation is that Zhao Chunfa of the Second Army stays in the strong ground, is responsible for the defense of the eastern front, and is responsible for training the [-] strong ground troops.

Liu Fei of the Ninth Army Corps is responsible for stationing the Dongcheng Coal Mine and is responsible for the defense of the strong western front.

Li Erdan of the Third Army was stationed in Guihua City.

These three legions were only formed by remote control appointments first, and they were theoretically established.

Beside Zhao Cheng, there are seven legions including the Guard Legion.

The other six legions are all composed of thousands of people.There is only the Guard Corps, which has the largest number of people and has no upper limit.

After the formation of the Legion, there will be a grand military parade.

The infantry took the lead, lined up neatly in units of legions, and walked in front of the martial arts arena.

The head of the legion is at the forefront of the legion.

When walking past the stands, he walked forward at the same time, raised his right arm high above his eyebrows, and performed a military salute. His eyes were piercing, and he stared at Zhao Cheng with admiration and fanaticism.

It was this man on the stage who led them to eat, put on warm clothes, and lead them to victory.

Soldiers are honored.

Even the rotten Ming army is unwilling to lose the battle from the bottom of their hearts.

And Marshal Zhao led them invincible, and in every battle, he completely defeated the enemy at a very small price.

In their hearts, Marshal Zhao is like a god.

"Hello, soldiers!"

Zhao Cheng's voice spread throughout the audience through the loudspeaker.

"Hello Dashuai Zhao!"

The soldiers roared in unison.

"The soldiers are invincible!"

Zhao Cheng's voice was sonorous.

"Marshal Zhao is invincible! All victories! All victories! All victories!"

The roar of the soldiers was like a thunderclap.

After the infantry, came the cavalry.

Thousands of cavalry, trampled by horseshoes, the ground trembled.

"Marshal Zhao is invincible! All victories! All victories! All victories!"

The cavalry soldiers held sabers in their hands and carried rifles on their backs, roaring loudly.

After the cavalry came the artillery.

Sharma pulled the Napoleon cannon, which is now called Dashuai Zhao's cannon, and the wheels drove by row by row.

Infantry, cavalry, artillery...

The Crusaders are definitely the most powerful army of this era.

The expeditionary army was officially formed, and thousands of militiamen were incorporated into the official army.

The infantry is uniformly equipped, all gray cloth uniforms, Lee-Enfield rifles, a revolver, a dagger, a row of wooden handle grenades, a chain of bullets wrapped around the body, water bottles, quilts, dry food...

Dry food includes both compressed biscuits and beef jerky.

The infantry also has horses, which are convenient and fast to maneuver.

In addition to the infantry equipment, the cavalry also has sabers, and they are all selected who are good at riding and shooting. With a little training, cavalry can charge.

After the military parade, Niu Dali of the First Army and Yu Hu of the Fourth Army set off directly to attack Tieling, Anle, and Kaiyuan.

The order they got was to keep the horse breeding land of Tieling firmly in their hands.

The Fifth and Sixth Army Corps set off to the south, aiming at the front lines of Liaoyang, Haizhou, Gaizhou, Fuzhou, and Jinzhou.

Liaoyang has been the stronghold of the Northeast of the Central Plains since ancient times, with a history of 2000 years.

During the Ming Dynasty, Liaoyang was also the command center of the entire Liaodong, with a strong city and strong soldiers and horses.

Before Jin Kingdom established its capital in Shengjing, Nurhachi once established its capital in Liaoyang.

Liaoyang is still in the hands of the Jurchens, so the pressure on Shengjing's defense will be very high, and it will be necessary to worry about the sneak attack of the Jurchen army all the time, so it will not be able to carry out production and construction properly.

Therefore, on the one hand, Zhao Cheng must focus on production and construction, and must have a solid rear to continuously provide productivity and create wealth.

Only when the base area is stable can we have staying power in war.

On the other hand, it is necessary to continue to fight around and win the entire Liaodong as soon as possible.

The seventh and eighth legions are going west, with the goal of mopping up the army of the Kingdom of Jin, ensuring the smooth flow of the road from Shengjing to Guihua City, and providing the infrastructure construction army between Shengjing and Guihua City. Stable working environment.

Zhao Cheng personally commands the pro-guard army and sits in Shengjing.

Shengjing must run well.

But Shengjing is not suitable as a political center.

The reason is simple, it is too safe here.

Moreover, the population is too small.

Compared with the hinterland of the Central Plains, Liaodong has a relatively small population.

After the Jiannu wild boar skin occupied Liaodong, they slaughtered wantonly, and the population fled... resulting in a smaller population in Liaodong.

Although Nurhaci and Huang Taiji have paid great attention to the population these years, and have brought many young and strong from other places, the population is still insufficient.

If you want to do a good job in infrastructure and develop a strong civilization, the population is the foundation.

Without a certain number of people, industrial civilization cannot develop.

For example, now, Zhao Cheng ordered to recruit people, but there are really not many refugees in the Liaodong area.

The conflict between land and population here was not so sharp, and the refugees were killed wave after wave by the Tartars...

Therefore, the effect is not ideal.

The surrounding satellite villages have not yet been built.

"If this is in Shanshan, or Henan... Tsk tsk!"

Zhao Cheng clicked his tongue.

In the present Shanshan and Shaanxi areas, there are years of natural disasters, and refugees are everywhere. As long as they are given food, they can attract a large number of refugees.

The only thing to worry about is that Lu Xiangsheng's Tianxiong Army is now destroying the bandits in the Shanshan area.

The Tianxiong Army is undoubtedly one of the most capable armies in the Chongzhen Dynasty.

And Lu Xiangsheng is loyal to the court.

When the conscript army marches into Shanshan, it will definitely have a head-on conflict with the Tianxiong army.

"Lu Xiangsheng is a rare talent! If there is a chance, it is best to gather him by your side."

There were not many people Zhao Cheng admired in the civil and military affairs of the Chongzhen Dynasty, and Lu Xiangsheng was definitely the number one among them.


Outside Shengjing City.

Groups of refugees are queuing up to receive resettlement.

"Less dichlorvos is less, more waste, and people are easy to be poisoned! The commander loves the people like a child, you should be sympathetic to the commander's painstaking efforts!

As long as you come, you can live in a house, grow the land, and have food and grain... Apart from the territory of our conquering army, where else in the world is there such a good thing?
You all have to remember, this is a favor from the Marshal!If you are grateful, future generations will remember the goodness of the handsome! "

Miao Xu took two clerks and several guards behind him, exhorting a group of refugees who had just gathered outside the city.

Now, he is the Civil Affairs Envoy of the Civil Affairs Department of the Marshal's Mansion.

The Marshal has set up seven departments under the Marshal's Mansion, namely the Security Department, the Civil Affairs Department, the Education Department, the Finance Department, the ICAC, the Judiciary Department and the Industrial Construction Department.

Miao Xu was appointed Director of Civil Affairs.

At the moment of receiving the appointment, he was so excited that he almost jumped up.

The name of the Grand Marshal's Mansion is very novel, but Miao Xu could tell at a glance that there was a connection to it.

If the commander-in-chief proclaims himself emperor in the future, wouldn't the seven departments under the commander-in-chief's mansion be equivalent to the six departments under the imperial court?
The Civil Affairs equivalent to the Ministry of Household Affairs!
Well, strictly speaking, the combination of the Civil Affairs Department and the Finance Department is equivalent to the Ministry of Household Affairs.

However, it is not the same.

Because the Civil Affairs Department also manages household registration, peace and happiness for the people, farming, etc.

Speaking of which, the power of the Civil Affairs Department is not less than that of the Ministry of Household Affairs!

Of course, if you can't manage money, it seems that you won't be so fat...

What does it matter?
Miao Xu went from a poor scholar to a small clerk who followed the soldiers to register at home, to a member of the Adversity Management Evaluation Committee, and now the director of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

In a short period of time, he has been promoted one after another, which can be regarded as reaching the sky step by step.

Miao Xu is simply too satisfied!

He is now focused on doing things well and satisfying the commander-in-chief. He has no thoughts of corruption at all, so he doesn't care whether the job is fat or not.

Following the commander in chief, he will become a marquis and a minister in the future, and his name will go down in the annals of history. This is the ultimate dream of a scholar.

Miao Xu's heart was warm.

In the past few days, he ran back and forth inside and outside the city, encouraging farming and resettling refugees...

Busy up and down, but very satisfied.

"The population must be registered, and their hometowns must be checked and verified by their fellow villagers. Especially those who come without family members, they must be verified carefully to prevent spies!"

Miao Xu exhorted specifically.

The first step for refugees who have just come to seek refuge is to wash clean, and they are all given clean clothes.

Of course it wasn't for nothing, it wasn't a free gift.

It was agreed in advance that this is on credit from the Marshal's Mansion.

After everyone settles down and earns money, they have to pay back the principal with interest.

"My lord, the commander-in-chief gave us fields, seeds on credit, oxen and plows on credit. We are all grateful! The commander-in-chief is really a living Bodhisattva! But, can you give us wheat seeds, or rice? .We don't want this called corn!
Even if this rent is raised, we will all agree.The tax is [-]%, the rent is [-]%, and the total is only [-]%, which is indeed a bit low.Rent increases to [-]%, [-]% in total, we can accept it..."

An old farmer was pushing a wheelbarrow, looking at Miao Xu pitifully, his tanned face was covered with wrinkles.

"You old man! You are so ignorant!"

Miao Xu raised his eyebrows.

"I gave you free credit, and you still pick and choose? This corn was personally selected by the marshal. The marshal said that as long as you cultivate it according to the method, each mu of land can produce a thousand catties."

"This maize can produce a thousand catties of grain?" Someone muttered in a low voice, obviously not convinced.

Corn was introduced to China in the early Ming Dynasty. After more than 200 years, although the planting area is not large, many people have seen this thing, and it is not a rare thing.

"The commander-in-chief said yes, then he can! Don't worry too much, the commander-in-chief will rent you fields, give you grain seeds on credit, give you cattle on credit, and give you food on credit... Do you think it's just a joke? If you lose money, the Marshal will not be able to recover his capital and interest!"

In fact, Miao Xu's heart trembled a little.

The yield of this maize is indeed higher than that of wheat.

But is it too exaggerated to say that a mu yields a thousand catties?

Moreover, the taste of corn is not very good!

But of course he wouldn't let anyone see what he was thinking.

Although those people were still a little apprehensive, they didn't quite believe that the corn could harvest so much food, but this was the order of Marshal Zhao, and there was nothing they could do about it.

I took the cattle, I took the seeds...

"The seeds of this corn are much bigger than the corn we have seen before! We don't expect to have as much as a thousand catties on an acre of land. If we can make more than three or five buckets, it is God's blessing!"

The old farmer was leading the ox, looking at a bag of corn seeds on the ox cart, it was golden, and his eyes couldn't help but gleam with hope again.

As for whether the corn is delicious or not, it doesn't matter.

These days, as long as you can fill your stomach, you are already thankful. Do you still dare to expect to eat white flour steamed buns every day?

"We need to encourage common people to open handicraft workshops, such as making beef jerky. That would be great! The Jurchens keep a large number of animals. In fact, we don't need that many animals. We can slaughter some of them and make them into beef jerky and horse meat."

In the Dazheng Palace, Zhao Cheng was having a meeting with the important officials of the Marshal's Mansion.

Now, he already has his own basic civil and military team.

Dozens of civil servants are all scholars in the Shengjing area.

Zhao Cheng's selection requirements are not high, regardless of whether they have fame or not, as long as they can read and write, they are eligible to apply for the Marshal's Mansion.

This naturally made some famous scholars feel dissatisfied.

If it is within the territory of Daming, it is conceivable that it will definitely be under tremendous pressure.

But in Shengjing, the blood on the conquest army's butcher's knife is not yet dry!

Those scholars naturally dare not make trouble.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng's policy went smoothly.

There are hundreds of scholars who come to apply for the job.

Zhao Cheng personally interviewed and selected these dozens of people.

There were few scholars in ancient times.

Only one can be selected from among ten scholars.

It can be said that it is the elite of the elite.

What Zhao Cheng has to do now is to bring them with him and let them see how he does things.

Learn by doing, gradually keep up with his pace, and understand his thoughts.

"Marshal, I have something to say."

A young man stood up.

Zhao Cheng took a look. This was his newly appointed Director of Finance, Ma Zhuguo.

Zhao Cheng has some memories of Ma Zhuguo, and he is also a great man in history.

In the Shunzhi Dynasty, after the Qing army entered the customs, Ma Zhuguo was the first governor of Liangjiang.

And, he's doing just fine.

When the Qing army entered the customs, because of some extreme measures when occupying Jiangnan, the relationship between the garrison troops and the local people has always been at odds.

Ma Zhuguo appeased the people, and soon made peace between the army and the people.

As a Han Chinese, Ma Zhuguo played an important role in the process of the Manchu Qing entering the customs.

But he himself was born in the Liaodong region under the rule of the Jurchen, so it is understandable to do that.

Zhao Cheng originally thought that people like Ma Zhuguo should run away with Fan Wencheng.

During the interview, I was pleasantly surprised to see Ma Zhuguo's name.

After asking, I found out that Ma Zhuguo was just 19 years old at this time, and he was working in a cultural department, which was considered a very clear department.

Moreover, he has not yet participated in the imperial examination organized by Huang Taiji, and has not yet won the exam.

His whole family is in Shengjing, with old parents, no food surplus, no money... People like him can't run away at all, and they will starve to death if they go out of the city, so they can only stay and resign themselves to fate.

Then, he was caught by Zhao Cheng.

(End of this chapter)

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