Chapter 208 Hunhe Military Academy
"That's it!"

Shed's gaze became affirmative.

"There is an ambush ahead."

As the shed said, she got off her horse, took out a map, used the horse's back as a cushion, and looked at the surrounding terrain.

"This is the narrowest place, so they chose to ambush us here. They really took us for fools!"

Shed snorted coldly.

He is Niu Dali's subordinate and belongs to the earliest members of the Qiangdi Army.

Within a few months, it can be regarded as having experienced hundreds of battles, and the combat experience is very rich.

The most important thing is that the military map given by the general is really very detailed, and I don't know how it was drawn.


The shed reached out and traced an arc along a path across the map.

"The first small flag, the second small flag. Follow this path, copy to the enemy's rear, and cut off their retreat.

This road is about ten miles long. I will give you half an hour, so I must make it there.In half an hour, I will launch an attack here.

Even if Ma is exhausted to death, you have to complete the task for Lao Tzu.Otherwise, let the tartars run away, don't blame me for being rude! "

"Yes, Captain!"

The two little flag officers agreed, first checked the time on their watches with the shed, and then immediately led the team to set off, backed away quietly, and set off along the path.

The shed looked ahead with the binoculars again, snorted coldly, and ordered loudly:
"Everyone, get off your horses! Light a bonfire and grill and cook."

"Yes, Captain!"

All the soldiers agreed with a bang, got off their horses one after another, lit piles of bonfires, and started to barbecue.


"There's a bonfire!"

Halaha let out a sigh of relief.

"It turned out that they were going to make food. That's fine, it means they didn't find us. After they finished eating and satiated with wine and food, they just started camp. It will be the time when people's spirits are the most relaxed. At that time, our ambush The effect will be better!"

Halaha was completely relieved.

"Everyone pay attention, and rest on the spot. After a while, Minggou will come, and everyone will shoot arrows together. One person can shoot two or three arrows at most, and Minggou will definitely collapse. At that time, we only need to rush to collect military achievements. Be careful not to grab people's heads!"

Halaha has fought many battles with the Ming army and has a lot of experience. He still reminds the clansmen not to fight over head-grabbing.

The clansmen agreed happily, and everyone relaxed.

They are also very convinced of Haraha.

Relying on his military merits, Halaha got the chance to staking the land.

Their village originally belonged to the Han people.

After they came, they killed all the Han people, leaving unclaimed land, and then ran around to enclose the land.

At that time, Halaha was the first horse racer in the village. Up to now, the villagers are still praising his bravery. He ran out of the horse, and ran back at the last moment when the incense burnt, and ran on the most fertile land. a big circle.

The girls in the village are all vying to be Halaha's wife.

Now, it's their turn to kill Minggou with Halaha!

The shed looked at the time on the watch, saw that it was more than 20 minutes, and gave an order.

"Everyone, get ready to fight. The artillerymen are ready. After a while, you will give me an order. You all aim at the front of me. The bird flies to the forest that dare not fall, and give me a hard bombardment!"

All the soldiers also shot me there.Five bullets per person! "

"Yes, Captain!"

The soldiers agreed and immediately got busy.

Two gun carriages pushed over, cleaned the barrel, filled gunpowder and shells, and adjusted the shooting angle.

After some busy work, half an hour is up.


The shed gave an order, and immediately, the artillery fired.


The artillery roared, and the shells flew out whistling, falling near the forest, and there was an explosion.

The flowering bomb used for the cannon this time, the shrapnel flew randomly after the explosion.

Ping Pong Pong!

The infantry also opened fire one after another, bullets whizzing past.

Halaha and the others are resting!

After imagining that the Ming army came over for a while, they made a sudden move and caught the Ming army by surprise.

Unexpectedly, the shells suddenly hit.

Although the two shells that fell in the first wave were a little far away from them, they were also taken aback.

"Flower bombs! The Ming army has Franco cannons! No... this is a bit powerful! It can't be Hongyi cannons!"

All the Jurchens suddenly panicked.

The Hongyi Cannon is a psychological shadow for them!

The old Khan Nurhachi died under the explosive bullets of the Hongyi cannon.

"Oops! We've been spotted! Quick! Get on the horse! Kill!"

Halaha is also a ruthless person, and at the command, he led the horse first and stepped on the horse.

He didn't have the slightest doubt.

The opponent has already started bombarding them, so they must have been spotted!

As for the shells being a little farther away... that's normal.

Whether it's Frangji or Hongyi Cannon, the accuracy is not very good.

After all, they were just villagers, not the regular Eight Banners Army, and they were chaotic for a while.

Just as some people got on their horses, a shell fell.

This time it was a coincidence that it happened to land in the crowd, and the explosive bomb exploded. Immediately, four or five people were shot and fell down, screaming again and again.

Halaha's face changed slightly.

Why are you so unlucky?

The Ming army was equipped with a large number of firearms, but the combat level was really poor.

It is actually very rare for a shell to land right in the crowd like this.

"Everyone, don't be afraid! Minggou is just this wave of firepower. As long as we rush over, they will be scared away immediately!"

Halaha yelled.


He couldn't wait, hit the horse first, and rushed forward with a shout.

Beep beep beep!

The sound of firecrackers kept ringing like firecrackers.

Halaha could hear gunshots whistling past his ears, with the sound of wind, like the sound of a whistle.

He felt something was wrong.

In his understanding, the firecrackers of the Ming army are similar to firecrackers, they are all used to scare people.

As long as they wear an extra layer of cotton armor and rush over with their shoulders, as long as their luck is not too bad, they will not be injured.

Why do you feel that the firecrackers of the Ming army are so powerful today?

Surrounded by screams, a member of the clan was unfortunately shot and fell off his horse.

Halaha's heart beat faster.

There are still two or three hundred steps away from the Ming army!

Can the firecracker hit this far?

"Warriors, follow me! As long as you rush over, Minggou will be gone!"

Halaha yelled.


Another two explosive bombs exploded in the crowd, and a group of people turned their backs.

Halaha is a little scared now.

How many Hongyi cannons did the Ming army have?
The speed of this shelling is too fast!

How far did they go?It has been bombarded several times!
As the distance got closer, the bullets became more and more accurate, and people kept getting shot and fell off their horses.

Halaha heard the whistling sound next to her ears.

He could even see bullets flying past like streamers, it was too scary!
With a quick glance, nearly half of the more than 50 people who rushed out after him had already been lost.

On the opposite side, the Ming army lined up neatly.

The two cannons in the middle, and the two groups of soldiers next to them, stood at attention, aimed and fired, as if waiting for them to die.


Halaha pulled the reins, the horse turned around and fled in embarrassment.

This battle is out of the question.

They couldn't rush to the Ming army at all!
"This is too unreasonable!"

Seeing the fleeing enemy army, Shed pulled the bolt of the gun, fired again, and curled his lips.

Haven't played enough yet!

Now, they can hold ten bullets in a gun, and they can shoot by pulling the bolt. The shooting speed has been greatly improved, and the firepower density on the battlefield has greatly increased.

"Blow the charge! Pursue the enemy!"

The shed gave an order.

A soldier stood up, held his head high, held a charge horn, and blew his head up:


The loud charge sounded.


Immediately, all the soldiers got on their horses and rushed out shouting.

Ping Pong Pong!

During the chase, gunshots continued.

Halaha's heart was so terrified that he didn't even dare to turn around, and just ran all the way.

Fortunately, he was familiar with the terrain, and gradually threw away the Ming army behind him, and he was about to escape.

Looking back, there were only a dozen people left.

When we came, there were more than 50 people in high spirits.

After one battle, only a dozen people remained.

The most important thing is that they didn't even get close to the camp of the Ming army. It seemed that they didn't kill even a single Ming army.

Halaha is really about to cry.

This is a great shame!
Then, he thought of a very serious problem.

When the order came from Tieling City to let them move away, because the time was too short, he was reluctant to throw away his things, so he disobeyed the order and did not move.

Now, the Ming army is really coming. Now, let alone the land, they don't even have time to take away the cattle, sheep and horses.

Whoosh whoosh!
Just when Halaha and the others were dejected, suddenly, small black lumps flew out of the nearby forest, like stones.

It just landed at the feet of their horses, still smoking and sizzling.

"Ming army! There is an ambush!"

Halaha roared.

More than a dozen Jurchens refused to sit still, and took up weapons one after another, ready to fight desperately.

Boom boom boom!
There was a sudden explosion.

It was those stone-like things that were still smoking...

A wave of grenades exploded, and more than half of the Jurchens were reimbursed.

Ping Pong Pong!

At the same time, a burst of gunshots rang out.

The few remaining Jurchens were shot and fell off their horses one after another.

The battle is over.

Two small-flag conscript soldiers came out with their guns in hand, looking vigilant, not daring to be careless at all, and stepped forward to check.

Seeing those who were suspected to be alive, they shot and killed them.

After making up more than a dozen Jurchens, they began to clean up the battlefield and collect the spoils.

An hour later, the assembled shed team entered Halaha's village after encountering slight resistance.

Herds of cattle and horses, as well as gold, silver and treasures, all became their trophies.

Things like this are happening all over Liaodong.

Several conquest armies are advancing rapidly.


"Every way played well!"

On the same day, Zhao Cheng received the battle reports for taking Tieling and Liaoyang.

Then, Zhao Cheng's first order was to expand the army by another [-].

A great country, during the reign of Chongzhen, Ming and Qing Dynasties, plus Mongolia, the population was almost [-] million.

However, it is impossible to fight with the momentum of a big country.

The Jurchen Eight Banners of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties only had a total of tens of thousands of people.

As for the Mongolian Eight Banners and the Han Eight Banners, the Manchu and Qing had always been wary of them and refused to expand their enrollment in large numbers.

Until the time of entering the customs, there were only 2 people in the Eight Banners of Mongolia, and less than 3 in the Eight Banners of Han Dynasty. In addition, there were King Sanshun and others...

The total is not much.

The national strength of the Ming army is claimed to be one million, but it is only a title.

Most of them are vacancies.

In real battles, the strength of the troops in the face-to-face battle is often less than that of the Qing army.

This is not just due to low productivity and the inability to support too many full-time soldiers.

It is also because of the poor mobilization ability of the government, corruption, and the corruption of the court... There are too many reasons for various reasons.

Relatively speaking, Soviet Russia during World War II had more than 1000 million troops at the end of the war.During the entire World War II, they mobilized as many as 4000 to [-] million troops.

Even taking into account the factors of low productivity in the late Ming Dynasty, Zhao Cheng felt that it was normal for the Ming Dynasty to be able to send out millions of troops at the critical moment of life and death.

This is exactly what Zhao Cheng is going to do.

In the process of unifying the Ming Dynasty, he must form at least several million troops.

The crusade army must not only be strong, but also large in number, to make the enemy despair!

A huge and invincible army is the capital to conquer the world.

Zhao Cheng attaches the most importance to army building.

The first army school of the Expeditionary Army was officially established.

The name of the school is called the Hunhe Military Academy, because the school was built on the bank of the Hunhe River outside Shengjing City.

Zhao Cheng personally served as the principal.

He has high hopes for this school.

The first batch of students enrolled a total of 1000 people, all of whom were teenagers in their [-]th or [-]th year.

Children at this age are easy to accept new things, and the most important thing is that their bodies have basically grown up.

As long as the training is completed, you can immediately join the Taoist army and become a grassroots officer.

A thousand teenagers gathered in the newly established military academy square.

They were all wearing camouflage pants and camouflage half-sleeved T-shirts, and they looked at Zhao Cheng on the stage with a bit of novelty and a bit of bewilderment on their faces.

" have to understand that your purpose of going to this military academy is not to become a high-ranking official and make a fortune. If any of you want to be a high-ranking official or make a fortune, you still have a chance now, stand up immediately and leave here."

Zhao Cheng stood on the stage and started an extremely influential speech.

His magnetic voice spreads to every corner through loudspeakers.

A thousand teenagers stood motionless.

They are all sons of good families, and they all have families.

Enrolling in the Hunhe Military Academy was basically a family decision.

Of course I won't quit casually.

"Well, don't blame me for not giving you a chance. The chance has been given to you. If you don't quit now, if you can't bear the hardships and hardships in the future, if you want to quit again, you will be a deserter!"

Zhao Cheng nodded in satisfaction.

"Our goal of opening the Hunhe Military Academy is to build a huge army, that is, our conscript army. Our conscript army is different from the Ming army, and even more different from the Jin army!

Our goal is not to serve as a soldier and dawdle, each of our soldiers, each soldier, must be a person of faith.We are here to save our nation. "

(End of this chapter)

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