Chapter 119 Bonfire
As night falls, the stars are dotted.

Students, tutors and visitors gathered in the open space of the Zowov Prototype Theater.

There is a huge pyre in the center of the field, and there are seven smaller pyres not far from it, symbolizing the seven grades.

Tullo wore the laurel wreath, held torches with the other five grade winners, and surrounded the largest pyre.

The seventh grade students are not eligible for the competition because there is a high probability that the students will not be able to gather together.

Among the crowd, you can see these seniors who will graduate in half a year, and many of them look dusty, as if they have just experienced some adventure.

Talo had been standing there for more than half an hour after being transferred here from the box by Professor Janisa, and he was a little unaccustomed to the feeling of being surrounded by a large group of people.

In the middle, he noticed that the fourth grader with a laurel crown beside him was the Black Flame Swordsman he had seen when he watched the magic duel for the first time, Langdon Longman.

Senior sister Wen Dexi did not win the championship, and the strength of the senior of the Academy of Fools seems to be much stronger than what she saw at the beginning.

"I've heard of you, Fedora's new star." Langdon seemed to realize Tulo's attention, turned his head and grinned.

"Wonderful praise." Tullow responded modestly, but he didn't expect that his words would reach the ears of the fourth graders.

"I heard you had a good time with Wen Dexi's sister?" Langdon asked carelessly, "Do you know what kind of things girls in the north like?"

"Girls in the north... I haven't really paid attention to this one. Senior Wen Dexi should like to read books." Tulo didn't think about whether Langdon had any other intentions for Wen Dexi, and replied after serious consideration.

"I also know this kind of thing. What I want to ask is the kind, you know, that's the kind." Langdon frowned, obviously not very satisfied with the answer.

"Uh... what kind?" Tulo scratched his head, unable to understand what the senior was talking about for a while.

"Forget it, you're not as smart as they say." Langdon shook his head disappointedly: "If you can find the answer and tell me, we might have a chance to cooperate in next year's competition."

In the Midsummer Competition, the first grade is a fully enclosed individual competition, but it is different after the second grade. Although the competition field will still be divided separately, the grades can pass each other in certain areas.

In addition to not being able to directly attack the lower grade students, the upper grade students can provide some other help to the lower grade students.

"Let me try it." Tulo said perfunctorily.

Even if they cooperate, the help that can be obtained will not be too much under the restrictions of the rules, and unless the rewards of next year's competition are enough to make their heart beat, they are likely to just touch the fish and pass.

"Very well, you are my best friend now, you can come to me anytime you have any difficulties in the future, and I will do my best for you." Langdon hammered his chest with his fist, his face full of sincerity.

"I'm honored..." Tulo replied in a daze, this person was the first existence that he couldn't understand at all except those old guys who had lived for a long time.

The conversation that left Tullow scratching his head didn't continue.

The headmaster appeared next to the pyre and floated around it three times. During this period, he briefly talked about the excellence of the champions of each grade and the meaning of the bonfire, and asked Tullow and the others to throw the torch into the tall pyre.

"Fire! Burn it!"

Tarlow and the other five champions shouted together, and all six torches were thrown on the pile of firewood.

In an instant, blazing flames and billowing smoke shot straight into the sky, and four bonfires not far away also ignited at the same time.

Looking down from the sky, the flames from all over the Fedora campus illuminated the ancient campus, and the smoke and dust swayed to the sky.

"Fire! Burn it!"

The people around the bonfire also let out deafening shouts, as if this could make the flames burn more violently.

The smell of the flame, the crackling sound of the firewood burning, the louder voices, and the ribbons flying high above the head all blend into the joy of the midsummer bonfire festival.

Professor Maeve and Professor Ella stood in the group of tutors, looking at the Grand Duke of Tails and Layla who were walking hand in hand to Tarlo, their eyes were extremely complicated.

"Coward!" Professor Ella yelled at Professor Maeve.

"Yeah! Coward!" Professor Maeve also bowed her head angrily and shouted at Professor Ella.

The shouts of the two of them were drowned in the noisy celebration.

After the task of lighting the bonfire was completed, Talo also turned and walked towards his parents.

When she was about to get close, Leila walked quickly in front of Tulo with her dress in hand, cupped his face and pressed a kiss on his forehead.

"Hahahaha! When I won the laurel crown! Your mother kissed me like this!" Grand Duke Tails held his cane and looked at this scene with a happy smile. He could have easily transmitted his voice to Talo directly with magic. In the ear, but in the festive atmosphere, he also started to shout regardless of his manners.

Just as Grand Duke Tails finished yelling, Leila turned around and pulled his head again, raised her toes and kissed him.

"It's Midsummer Bonfire Festival! It's not Valentine's Day!" Tullow complained about his parents' behavior of throwing dog food.

"We are together! Every day is Valentine's Day!" The Grand Duke of Talls smiled even more, he squatted down, and carefully combed the position of the shawl and collar for Talo: "Go! My tower The little champion of Erles! Your classmates are waiting for you!"

Tullow also noticed at this time that there were many students gathered around the bonfire in the first grade, waiting for him to pass by.

"Okay." Talo nodded, walked in the direction of the same graders, and waved at Grace and Wendini standing in the front row from a distance.

Grand Duke Tails took Leila by the hand, turned around and walked towards a group of out-of-school seniors who were going to find Tulo, and prepared to block the excess enthusiasm for his son and let him have a relaxing bonfire night.

not far away.

Miley stood beside her father, the Earl of Tford, staring straight at the figure of Tarlow walking against the firelight.

"Meeting someone too good when you were too young! This is indeed a great test!" Earl Tford saw through his daughter's mind at a glance, and stretched out his hand to gently rub her head.

"No! This is a kind of happiness!" Miley clenched her fists and waved her father high.

Earl Tford did see happiness on Miley's face. He had seen this expression on many people in love.

"Then go for it! The glory of Tford will be your most solid backing!" Earl Tford patted his daughter's back earnestly, showing the encouragement of a father.

"Then I'm going!" Miley happily ran to the bonfire exclusive to her grade, where she was going to wait for Tulo with everyone.

"Happiness will definitely shine on you! My daughter!" Earl Tford said to Miley who was running away, and then smiled and muttered to himself: "Edith in heaven will support you like this... ..."

On the way to the bonfire of the first grade, Talo, Senior Aiden rushed to his side in a hurry.

"Congratulations on winning the Midsummer laurel crown! I believe that our tarot card business will flourish in the future! It will be as prosperous as the bonfire tonight!" Aiden did not stop his swinging arms and feet while speaking to Talo. Keep walking in place.

"Stop! Edwin, you liar!"

Behind him, senior sister Sonia was running to kill her with a laurel crown on her head.

"Talk back!" Aiden turned his head to see that something was wrong, and immediately continued to run wildly on the field.

Then Sonia, who ran to Talo, nodded at him, shouted "Congratulations" and continued to chase and kill Aiden.

"I haven't even said congratulations..." Tulo couldn't reply to the two of them.

"This is youth." Seeing the two chasing and fighting, Tulo felt a burst of emotion.

After a while, he came in front of Grace and Wendini. Before he could say anything, a group of students from King's Academy surrounded him and lifted him up high.

"Tullo! Victory!"

"The Court of Kings! Wansheng!"

With cries of celebration, Talo was thrown high into the air again and again.

Grace covered her mouth and smiled lightly. She didn't expect that Talo would have such a helpless day. Wendini looked eager to try, trying to join the crowd holding Talo high, but Grace hurriedly stopped her. How could a girl do such an indecent thing.

The people from the other three houses showed no grudges, and raised their hands to applaud and applaud Tullow for winning the championship.

"Next time we will definitely win it back!" Aaron put his hands in front of his mouth in the shape of a trumpet, shouting to Tulo who was thrown into the air.

"Me too! I will definitely win you once!" Mansha was not to be outdone, expressing her determination.

Tulo couldn't hear what they were shouting at all, so he could only use his hands to stabilize the laurel crown above his head in embarrassment, fearing that it would fall from the top of his head with the next shake.

"Boys! And girls!" Professor Cruce came striding forward, holding a torch in one hand and a huge wine jar in the other.

After the tall figure stood still in front of the students, he held up the wine jar with one hand and poured it into his mouth. The belly under the professor's robe was visibly enlarged.Then he threw the wine jar aside, with the torch in front of his mouth.

The students seemed to realize something, and quickly started to scatter.

Wentini leaped into the air and firmly caught Talo who was falling.


With the help of wine and a torch, Professor Cruce, like a fire-breathing giant, rushed towards the bonfire of the first grade with a thick stream of fire, making its flames rise even higher.

"Hahahaha! Hiccup! Children! Happy Midsummer!" Professor Cruise wiped the wine from his beard, hiccupped a very loud wine, and then walked towards the bonfire of the second grade.

"Happy Midsummer!"

The students didn't care about the professor's recklessness, and sincerely blessed him in unison.

"Let's dance!" Wentini put down Tulo in his arms, took him with one hand, and took Grace with the other.

"I won't!" Tulo only felt that Wentini's grip was so tight that there was no possibility of letting go.

"The bonfire dance of holding hands is very simple! Just like this!" Wendini raised Talo and Grace's hands up and down together, and kicked up rhythmically with both feet as the hands were raised and lowered.

"Take a step back when counting one! Raise your hand and kick your legs when counting two! Come and try!"

Talo felt that it was really not difficult, and he and Grace nodded in agreement, and the two began to dance to Undini's slogan.

The other students watched the movements of the three of them, and followed suit with their friends, holding hands and kicking.

Spectators in the stands.

The principal floated to the side of Hercules and Eded who were sitting side by side.

"You can't even deal with the old thing that the three personalities are sealed now?" the principal teased Aidede.

"This guy is very difficult to kill." Aided was unaware of the ridicule, watching the laughter in the field: "We used to dance around the bonfire like this, and I remember that there was a little devil If you want to jump into the bonfire to perform some ceremony, it seems to be called Inomaai."

"It's Imanoe. At that time, he had just taken over the homeopathic school and was trying to complete the advanced trial ceremony." The principal couldn't help correcting.

"Give up the idea of ​​killing me, this is something you are destined to be unable to accomplish." Hercule leaned back in the chair, put the oak crutches aside, and clasped his hands in front of his stomach: "Now we, in this world You are the only one who still has a body, and I don’t know when you will be able to be like these children.”

"That's right, you still have an image, this old thing has been wiped out." Aided shook his head and sighed.

"You're not much younger than me." The principal scolded with a smile.

"In the future, I will definitely think of a way to send you away, let's have a drink together now." Aided conjured three glasses of ale in front of him, and he took one first.

Hercule took the wine glass into his hand, and glanced suspiciously at the wine in the glass.

"No poison!" Aided shouted unhappily.

"Hahahaha, I'll just take a look." Hercules sneered a few times, then raised his wine glass to the biggest bonfire in the field: "To this era that is about to end!"

Aided also raised his glass and said, "To this death that is about to bloom!"

The principal didn't say any bold words, the wine glass floated to the hood under the gray robe automatically, and the ale gradually decreased.

Seeing the gazes of Aidede and Hercules, the headmaster pretended to clear his throat: "Hey, then I respect this coming future."


When the festive atmosphere reaches its peak, many couples run and jump over the bonfire hand in hand.

Even those without a partner joined in the action, leaping over the bonfire one by one.

"The three of us, do you want to try it too!" Wendini, who was dancing happily, said to the two people around him.

"It's impossible for the three together! And I don't think I can jump over!" Grace replied with some hesitation.

"No problem!" Tonight's Wendini was extraordinarily cheerful and proactive. She let go of their hands, jumped in front of Tulo, and bent down.

Tulo understood her thoughts, and it was a time of celebration, and he didn't want to refuse the other party's kindness.

After carrying Talo on his back, Wendini picked up Grace skillfully, started and rushed to the center of the theater.

Under the witness of everyone, the three of them crossed the highest bonfire together.

(End of this chapter)

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